private bool EditMovie() { if ((MessageBox.Show("Add new Movie with current information?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)) { try { String title = TitleBox.Text; String genre = GenreComboBox.Text; int copies = int.Parse(CopyAmountBox.Text); float fees = float.Parse(FeesBox.Text); Movie newMovie = new Movie(title, genre, fees, copies, copies, 0); newMovie.Id = movie.Id; DBEnvironment.Edit(newMovie); Starred starred = new Starred(this.movieActors.ToArray(), deletedActors.ToArray(), newMovie); DBEnvironment.Edit(starred); } catch (Exception e) { } } return(true); }
private bool EditMovie() { Movie edittedMovie = movie; if (TitleBox.Text != movie.Name) { Console.WriteLine("CHANGE TITLE"); edittedMovie.Name = TitleBox.Text; } if (GenreBox.Text != movie.Genre) { edittedMovie.Genre = GenreBox.Text; } if (float.Parse(FeesBox.Text) != movie.Fees) { edittedMovie.Fees = (float.Parse(FeesBox.Text)); } if (int.Parse(CopyAmountBox.Text) != movie.Num_copies) { edittedMovie.Num_copies = int.Parse(CopyAmountBox.Text); } if (DBEnvironment.Edit(edittedMovie)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private bool InsertMovie() { if ((MessageBox.Show("Add new Movie with current information?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)) { try { String title = TitleBox.Text; String genre = GenreComboBox.Text; int copies = int.Parse(CopyAmountBox.Text); float fees = float.Parse(FeesBox.Text); Movie newMovie = new Movie(title, genre, fees, copies, copies, 0); newMovie.Id = -1; DBEnvironment.Add(newMovie); movie = newMovie; return(true); } catch (Exception Ex) { return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
private bool InsertUser() { if ((MessageBox.Show("Add new Customer with current information?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)) { try { Customer newCustomer = CreateCustomer(); DBEnvironment.Add(newCustomer); MessageBox.Show("Customer successfully added!"); parent.Refresh(); return(true); } catch (Exception Ex) { HandleException(Ex); return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
public MovieViewForm(Movie selectedMovie, Customer CurrentUser, bool canRate, CustomerForm parent) { this.parent = parent; this.canRate = canRate; movie = selectedMovie; user = CurrentUser; InitializeComponent(); NameLabel.Text = movie.Name; GenreLabel.Text = movie.Genre; RatingLabel.Text = movie.Rating.ToString(); CopyLabel.Text = movie.Num_copies.ToString(); BindingList <Actor> actors = DBEnvironment.RetrieveActors(); Starred starred = new Starred(actors.ToArray(), null, movie); actorsInMovie = DBEnvironment.GetStarred(movie); MovieCastLabel.Text = CreateStarredText(); RatingSlider.Hide(); RatingButton.Hide(); if (!canRate) { return; } RatingSlider.Show(); RatingButton.Show(); RentButton.Hide(); }
public void Reload() { DBEnvironment.SetActors(); actors = DBEnvironment.GetActors(); ActorList.DataSource = actors; this.Refresh(); }
public AddMovieForm(ManagerForm manager, Movie selectedMovie) { parent = manager; InitializeComponent(); DBEnvironment.SetActors(); actors = DBEnvironment.GetActors(); movieActors = new BindingList <Actor>(); deletedActors = new BindingList <Actor>(); movie = selectedMovie; ActorList.DataSource = actors; MovieActorList.DataSource = movieActors; ActorList.AutoGenerateColumns = true; MovieActorList.Columns["Id"].Visible = false; MovieActorList.Columns["Sex"].Visible = false; MovieActorList.Columns["DateOfBirth"].Visible = false; MovieActorList.Columns["Age"].Visible = false; MovieActorList.Columns["Rating"].Visible = false; if (selectedMovie == null) { return; } movieActors = DBEnvironment.GetActors(selectedMovie); MovieActorList.DataSource = movieActors; fillForm(); }
static void Main() { DBEnvironment.ConnectToDB(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new LoginForm()); }
private void FufillOrderButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DBEnvironment.FulfillOrder(order.Id, parent.User.Id)) { // update parent table parent.FillTable(); } Close(); }
private void myMoviesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChangeFormType(); userQueue = DBEnvironment.RetrieveCustomerQueue(user); fillMovies(); currentType = CustomerFormType.myMovies; Console.WriteLine("Showing Movies"); myMoviesPanel.Visible = true; }
public void fillMovies() { DBEnvironment.SetMovies(); movies = DBEnvironment.GetMovies(); userQueue = DBEnvironment.RetrieveCustomerQueue(user); pending = DBEnvironment.RetrieveCustomerPending(user); currentlyRented = DBEnvironment.GetCurrentlyRentedMovies(user); pastRented = DBEnvironment.GetRentedInPast(user); recommendedMovies = DBEnvironment.GetRecommendedMovies(user); MovieGridView.DataSource = movies; MoviesQueuedGridView.DataSource = userQueue; RentedMoviesGridView.DataSource = currentlyRented; MoviesRentedThisMonth.DataSource = pastRented; MoviesPendingDataGridView.DataSource = pending; personalSuggestionsDataGridView.DataSource = recommendedMovies; personalSuggestionsDataGridView.Columns["Id"].Visible = false; personalSuggestionsDataGridView.Columns["Num_copies"].Visible = false; personalSuggestionsDataGridView.Columns["Copies_available"].Visible = false; personalSuggestionsDataGridView.Columns["customerRating"].Visible = false; personalSuggestionsDataGridView.Columns["Fees"].Visible = false; MovieGridView.Columns["Id"].Visible = false; MovieGridView.Columns["Num_copies"].Visible = false; MovieGridView.Columns["Copies_available"].Visible = false; MovieGridView.Columns["CustomerRating"].Visible = false; MovieGridView.Columns["Fees"].Visible = false; MoviesQueuedGridView.Columns["Id"].Visible = false; MoviesQueuedGridView.Columns["Num_copies"].Visible = false; MoviesQueuedGridView.Columns["Copies_available"].Visible = false; MoviesQueuedGridView.Columns["CustomerRating"].Visible = false; MoviesQueuedGridView.Columns["Fees"].Visible = false; RentedMoviesGridView.Columns["Id"].Visible = false; RentedMoviesGridView.Columns["Num_copies"].Visible = false; RentedMoviesGridView.Columns["Copies_available"].Visible = false; RentedMoviesGridView.Columns["CustomerRating"].Visible = false; RentedMoviesGridView.Columns["Fees"].Visible = false; MoviesRentedThisMonth.Columns["Id"].Visible = false; MoviesRentedThisMonth.Columns["Num_copies"].Visible = false; MoviesRentedThisMonth.Columns["Copies_available"].Visible = false; MoviesRentedThisMonth.Columns["CustomerRating"].HeaderText = "Your Rating"; MoviesRentedThisMonth.Columns["Fees"].Visible = false; MoviesPendingDataGridView.Columns["Id"].Visible = false; MoviesPendingDataGridView.Columns["Num_copies"].Visible = false; MoviesPendingDataGridView.Columns["Copies_available"].Visible = false; MoviesPendingDataGridView.Columns["CustomerRating"].Visible = false; MoviesPendingDataGridView.Columns["Fees"].Visible = false; }
private bool InsertActors(Movie movie) { Starred s = new Starred(movieActors.ToArray(), null, movie); if (!DBEnvironment.Add(s)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public void FillUserInfo() { user = DBEnvironment.GetCustomerByID(user.Id); NameLabel.Text = "Name:" + user.Name.FirstName + " " + user.Name.LastName; AddressLabel.Text = "Address: " + user.Address.HouseNumber + " " + user.Address.StreetNumber; PhoneLabel.Text = "Phone number: " + user.ContactInformation.CleanNumberForOutput(); CityLabel.Text = "City: " + user.Address.City; ProvinceLabel.Text = "Province: " + user.Address.Province; EmailLabel.Text = "Email: " + user.ContactInformation.Email; NumberLabel.Text = "Number: " + user.CreditCard; }
private bool ValidUsernamePassword() { if (UsernameTextBox.Text == "" || PasswordTextBox.Text == "") { return(false); } if (!DBEnvironment.EmployeeUsernameAvailablility(UsernameTextBox.Text)) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void RatingButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DBEnvironment.AddMovieRating(movie, user, int.Parse(RatingLabel.Text))) { Debug.Print("Adding movie rating!"); parent.fillMovies(); } else { Debug.Print("Updating movie rating"); DBEnvironment.EditMovieRating(movie, user, int.Parse(RatingLabel.Text)); parent.fillMovies(); } Close(); }
public bool MovieInQueue() { BindingList <Movie> userQueue; userQueue = DBEnvironment.RetrieveCustomerQueue(user); foreach (Movie queueMovie in userQueue) { if (queueMovie.Id == movie.Id) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private Employee ValidateEmployee() { string name = NameTextBox.Text; string pass = PasswordTextBox.Text; Employee employee; if (name == "admin" && pass == "pass") { employee = DBEnvironment.ValidateEmployee(name, pass); return(employee); } employee = DBEnvironment.ValidateEmployee(name, DBEnvironment.HashPassword(pass)); return(employee); }
private Employee ValidateManager() { string name = NameTextBox.Text; string pass = PasswordTextBox.Text; Employee manager; if (name == "admin" && pass == "pass") { manager = DBEnvironment.ValidateManager(name, pass); return(manager); } manager = DBEnvironment.ValidateManager(name, DBEnvironment.HashPassword(pass)); return(manager); }
private void DeleteActor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (selectedActor == null) { return; } if ((MessageBox.Show("are you sure you want to delete" + selectedActor.Name.FirstName + "?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)) { DBEnvironment.Delete(selectedActor); this.Reload(); } }
private Customer ValidateCustomer() { string name = NameTextBox.Text; string pass = PasswordTextBox.Text; Customer customer; if (name == "admin" && pass == "pass") { customer = DBEnvironment.ValidateCustomer(name, pass); return(customer); } customer = DBEnvironment.ValidateCustomer(name, DBEnvironment.HashPassword(pass)); return(customer); }
public SearchMovieForm(CustomerForm manager) { parent = manager; InitializeComponent(); DBEnvironment.SetActors(); actors = DBEnvironment.GetActors(); movieActors = new BindingList <Actor>(); deletedActors = new BindingList <Actor>(); ActorList.DataSource = actors; MovieActorList.DataSource = movieActors; ActorList.AutoGenerateColumns = true; MovieActorList.Columns["Id"].Visible = false; MovieActorList.Columns["Sex"].Visible = false; MovieActorList.Columns["DateOfBirth"].Visible = false; MovieActorList.Columns["Age"].Visible = false; MovieActorList.Columns["Rating"].Visible = false; }
private void FillForm() { Customer customer = DBEnvironment.GetCustomerByID(order.CustomerID); // get customer CustomerNameLabel.Text = "Name: " + customer.FirstName + " " + customer.LastName; StreetAddressLabel.Text = "Street Address: " + customer.StreetNumber; CityLabel.Text = "City: " + customer.City; ProvenceLabel.Text = "Province: " + customer.Province; PostalCodeLabel.Text = "Postal Code: " + customer.PostalCode; PhoneLabel.Text = "Phone Number: " + customer.ContactInformation.PhoneNumber; EmailLabel.Text = "Email: " + customer.ContactInformation.Email; Movie movie = DBEnvironment.GetMovieByID(order.MovieID); // get movie MovieTitleLabel.Text = "Title: " + movie.Name; MovieIDLabel.Text = "Movie ID: " + movie.Id; }
private void SearchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormInputHandler inputcleaner = new FormInputHandler(); List <String> queryList = new List <String>(); if (!inputcleaner.doesNotContainSemiColonOrSingleQuote(TitleBox.Text)) { return; } String q = "Select * from movie where [name] like '%" + TitleBox.Text + "%' "; if (!inputcleaner.doesNotContainSemiColonOrSingleQuote(GenreComboBox.Text)) { return; } if (GenreComboBox.Text != "") { queryList.Add("genre like '" + GenreComboBox.Text + "'"); } if (movieActors.Count != 0) { string actors = ""; foreach (Actor actor in movieActors) { actors += actor.Id.ToString() + ", "; } //remove the last 2 characters actors = actors.Remove(actors.Length - 2); queryList.Add("mid in (select mid from starred where aid in (" + actors + "))"); } foreach (string s in queryList) { q += "and " + s; } parent.fillSearch(DBEnvironment.searchForMovies(q)); }
private void RentButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AddToQueue adder = new AddToQueue(movie, user); if (adder.MovieInQueue()) { MessageBox.Show("Movie is already in your queue"); this.Close(); return; } if (DBEnvironment.AddToQueue(adder)) { MessageBox.Show("Movie has been added to your queue!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Movie could not be added"); } this.Close(); }
private void ReturnMovieButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (indexCurrentlyRented >= currentlyRented.Count) { return; } Movie movie = currentlyRented[indexCurrentlyRented]; if (DBEnvironment.ReturnMovie(movie, user)) { //if not in past update past if (pastRented.SingleOrDefault(_ => _.Id == movie.Id) == null) { pastRented = DBEnvironment.GetRentedInPast(user); MoviesRentedThisMonth.DataSource = pastRented; } currentlyRented.RemoveAt(indexCurrentlyRented); } }
private bool InsertUser() { if ((MessageBox.Show("Add new Employee with current information?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)) { try { Employee newEmployee = CreateEmployee(); DBEnvironment.Add(newEmployee); MessageBox.Show("Customer successfully added!"); return(true); } catch (Exception Ex) { return(false); } } return(false); }
public static BindingList <Actor> GetStarred(Movie movie) { int mid = movie.Id; BindingList <Actor> actors = new BindingList <Actor>(); BindingList <Actor> allActors = DBEnvironment.GetActors(); String query = "SELECT aid FROM starred WHERE mid = " + mid; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); DataTable table = new DataTable(); adapter.Fill(table); foreach (DataRow actorID in table.Rows) { int aid = int.Parse(actorID["aid"].ToString()); Actor movieActor = DBEnvironment.RetreiveActorByID(aid); Debug.WriteLine("ACTOR " + movieActor.Name.FirstName + " " + movieActor.Name.LastName); actors.Add(movieActor); } return(actors); }
private void AddEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Validate()) { return; } UserName name = new UserName(this.FirstNameBox.Text, this.LastNameBox.Text); Actor newActor; if (FemaleRadio.Checked) { //Need to fix on database, reinit constraint from G to F newActor = new Actor(name, "F", validator.getDBReadyDate(DateOfBirthBox.Text), "", "", ""); } else if (MaleRadio.Checked) { newActor = new Actor(name, "M", validator.getDBReadyDate(DateOfBirthBox.Text), "", "", ""); } else { return; } if (actor == null) { DBEnvironment.Add(newActor); } else { newActor.Id = actor.Id; DBEnvironment.Edit(newActor); } parent.Reload(); this.Close(); }
private bool InputsValid() { string msg = ""; if (FirstNameBox.Text == "") { msg += "First name cannot be blank.\n"; } if (LastNameBox.Text == "") { msg += "Last name cannot be blank.\n"; } if (UsernameTextBox.Text == "") { msg += "Username cannot be blank.\n"; } else if (!DBEnvironment.CustomerUsernameAvailablility(UsernameTextBox.Text)) { msg += "Username unavailable.\n"; } if (PasswordTextBox.Text == "") { msg += "Password cannot be blank.\n"; } if (msg != "") { MessageBox.Show(msg); return(false); } return(true); }
private void EditUser() { Customer updatedCustomer = customer; if (customer.Name.FirstName != FirstNameBox.Text) { updatedCustomer.Name.FirstName = FirstNameBox.Text; } if (customer.Name.LastName != LastNameBox.Text) { updatedCustomer.Name.LastName = LastNameBox.Text; } if (customer.Address.City != CityBox.Text) { updatedCustomer.Address.City = CityBox.Text; } if (customer.Address.HouseNumber != HouseBox.Text) { updatedCustomer.Address.HouseNumber = HouseBox.Text; } if (customer.Address.PostalCode != PostalBox.Text) { if (PostalBox.Text == "") { updatedCustomer.Address.PostalCode = ""; } else { updatedCustomer.Address.PostalCode = PostalBox.Text; } } if (customer.Address.Province != ProvinceBox.Text) { updatedCustomer.Address.Province = ProvinceBox.Text; } if (customer.Address.StreetNumber != StreetBox.Text) { updatedCustomer.Address.StreetNumber = StreetBox.Text; } if (customer.Address.SuiteNumber != SuiteBox.Text) { updatedCustomer.Address.SuiteNumber = SuiteBox.Text; } if (customer.ContactInformation.Email != EmailBox.Text) { if (EmailBox.Text == "") { updatedCustomer.ContactInformation.Email = ""; } else { updatedCustomer.ContactInformation.Email = EmailBox.Text; } } if (customer.ContactInformation.PhoneNumber != PhoneBox.Text) { if (PhoneBox.Text == "") { updatedCustomer.ContactInformation.PhoneNumber = ""; } else { updatedCustomer.ContactInformation.PhoneNumber = PhoneBox.Text; } } if (customer.Type.ToString() != TypeBox.SelectedItem.ToString()) { updatedCustomer.Type = GetAccountType(); } DBEnvironment.Edit(updatedCustomer); MessageBox.Show("Customer edit complete!"); }