Executes a custom lexer action by calling Antlr4.Runtime.Recognizer{Symbol, ATNInterpreter}.Action(Antlr4.Runtime.RuleContext, int, int) with the rule and action indexes assigned to the custom action. The implementation of a custom action is added to the generated code for the lexer in an override of Antlr4.Runtime.Recognizer{Symbol, ATNInterpreter}.Action(Antlr4.Runtime.RuleContext, int, int) when the grammar is compiled.

This class may represent embedded actions created with the {...} syntax in ANTLR 4, as well as actions created for lexer commands where the command argument could not be evaluated when the grammar was compiled.

Наследование: ILexerAction
Пример #1
 public override bool Equals(object obj)
     if (obj == this)
         if (!(obj is Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.LexerCustomAction))
     Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.LexerCustomAction other = (Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.LexerCustomAction)obj;
     return(ruleIndex == other.ruleIndex && actionIndex == other.actionIndex);
Пример #2
 public override Handle Action(ActionAST action)
     int ruleIndex = currentRule.index;
     int actionIndex = g.lexerActions[action];
     LexerCustomAction lexerAction = new LexerCustomAction(ruleIndex, actionIndex);
     return Action(action, lexerAction);
Пример #3
        public virtual ATN Deserialize(char[] data)
            data = (char[])data.Clone();
            // don't adjust the first value since that's the version number
            for (int i = 1; i < data.Length; i++)
                data[i] = (char)(data[i] - 2);
            int p = 0;
            int version = ToInt(data[p++]);
            if (version != SerializedVersion)
                string reason = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Could not deserialize ATN with version {0} (expected {1}).", version, SerializedVersion);
                throw new NotSupportedException(reason);
            Guid uuid = ToUUID(data, p);
            p += 8;
            if (!SupportedUuids.Contains(uuid))
                string reason = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Could not deserialize ATN with UUID {0} (expected {1} or a legacy UUID).", uuid, SerializedUuid);
                throw new NotSupportedException(reason);
            bool supportsLexerActions = IsFeatureSupported(AddedLexerActions, uuid);
            ATNType grammarType = (ATNType)ToInt(data[p++]);
            int maxTokenType = ToInt(data[p++]);
            ATN atn = new ATN(grammarType, maxTokenType);
            // STATES
            IList<Tuple<LoopEndState, int>> loopBackStateNumbers = new List<Tuple<LoopEndState, int>>();
            IList<Tuple<BlockStartState, int>> endStateNumbers = new List<Tuple<BlockStartState, int>>();
            int nstates = ToInt(data[p++]);
            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < nstates; i_1++)
                StateType stype = (StateType)ToInt(data[p++]);
                // ignore bad type of states
                if (stype == StateType.InvalidType)
                int ruleIndex = ToInt(data[p++]);
                if (ruleIndex == char.MaxValue)
                    ruleIndex = -1;
                ATNState s = StateFactory(stype, ruleIndex);
                if (stype == StateType.LoopEnd)
                    // special case
                    int loopBackStateNumber = ToInt(data[p++]);
                    loopBackStateNumbers.Add(Tuple.Create((LoopEndState)s, loopBackStateNumber));
                    if (s is BlockStartState)
                        int endStateNumber = ToInt(data[p++]);
                        endStateNumbers.Add(Tuple.Create((BlockStartState)s, endStateNumber));
            // delay the assignment of loop back and end states until we know all the state instances have been initialized
            foreach (Tuple<LoopEndState, int> pair in loopBackStateNumbers)
                pair.Item1.loopBackState = atn.states[pair.Item2];
            foreach (Tuple<BlockStartState, int> pair_1 in endStateNumbers)
                pair_1.Item1.endState = (BlockEndState)atn.states[pair_1.Item2];
            int numNonGreedyStates = ToInt(data[p++]);
            for (int i_2 = 0; i_2 < numNonGreedyStates; i_2++)
                int stateNumber = ToInt(data[p++]);
                ((DecisionState)atn.states[stateNumber]).nonGreedy = true;
            int numSllDecisions = ToInt(data[p++]);
            for (int i_3 = 0; i_3 < numSllDecisions; i_3++)
                int stateNumber = ToInt(data[p++]);
                ((DecisionState)atn.states[stateNumber]).sll = true;
            int numPrecedenceStates = ToInt(data[p++]);
            for (int i_4 = 0; i_4 < numPrecedenceStates; i_4++)
                int stateNumber = ToInt(data[p++]);
                ((RuleStartState)atn.states[stateNumber]).isPrecedenceRule = true;
            // RULES
            int nrules = ToInt(data[p++]);
            if (atn.grammarType == ATNType.Lexer)
                atn.ruleToTokenType = new int[nrules];
            atn.ruleToStartState = new RuleStartState[nrules];
            for (int i_5 = 0; i_5 < nrules; i_5++)
                int s = ToInt(data[p++]);
                RuleStartState startState = (RuleStartState)atn.states[s];
                startState.leftFactored = ToInt(data[p++]) != 0;
                atn.ruleToStartState[i_5] = startState;
                if (atn.grammarType == ATNType.Lexer)
                    int tokenType = ToInt(data[p++]);
                    if (tokenType == unchecked((int)(0xFFFF)))
                        tokenType = TokenConstants.Eof;
                    atn.ruleToTokenType[i_5] = tokenType;
                    if (!IsFeatureSupported(AddedLexerActions, uuid))
                        // this piece of unused metadata was serialized prior to the
                        // addition of LexerAction
                        int actionIndexIgnored = ToInt(data[p++]);
                        if (actionIndexIgnored == unchecked((int)(0xFFFF)))
                            actionIndexIgnored = -1;
            atn.ruleToStopState = new RuleStopState[nrules];
            foreach (ATNState state in atn.states)
                if (!(state is RuleStopState))
                RuleStopState stopState = (RuleStopState)state;
                atn.ruleToStopState[state.ruleIndex] = stopState;
                atn.ruleToStartState[state.ruleIndex].stopState = stopState;
            // MODES
            int nmodes = ToInt(data[p++]);
            for (int i_6 = 0; i_6 < nmodes; i_6++)
                int s = ToInt(data[p++]);
            atn.modeToDFA = new DFA[nmodes];
            for (int i_7 = 0; i_7 < nmodes; i_7++)
                atn.modeToDFA[i_7] = new DFA(atn.modeToStartState[i_7]);
            // SETS
            IList<IntervalSet> sets = new List<IntervalSet>();
            int nsets = ToInt(data[p++]);
            for (int i_8 = 0; i_8 < nsets; i_8++)
                int nintervals = ToInt(data[p]);
                IntervalSet set = new IntervalSet();
                bool containsEof = ToInt(data[p++]) != 0;
                if (containsEof)
                for (int j = 0; j < nintervals; j++)
                    set.Add(ToInt(data[p]), ToInt(data[p + 1]));
                    p += 2;
            // EDGES
            int nedges = ToInt(data[p++]);
            for (int i_9 = 0; i_9 < nedges; i_9++)
                int src = ToInt(data[p]);
                int trg = ToInt(data[p + 1]);
                TransitionType ttype = (TransitionType)ToInt(data[p + 2]);
                int arg1 = ToInt(data[p + 3]);
                int arg2 = ToInt(data[p + 4]);
                int arg3 = ToInt(data[p + 5]);
                Transition trans = EdgeFactory(atn, ttype, src, trg, arg1, arg2, arg3, sets);
                //			System.out.println("EDGE "+trans.getClass().getSimpleName()+" "+
                //							   src+"->"+trg+
                //					   " "+Transition.serializationNames[ttype]+
                //					   " "+arg1+","+arg2+","+arg3);
                ATNState srcState = atn.states[src];
                p += 6;
            // edges for rule stop states can be derived, so they aren't serialized
            // Map rule stop state -> return state -> outermost precedence return
            HashSet<Tuple<int, int, int>> returnTransitionsSet = new HashSet<Tuple<int, int, int>>();
            List<Tuple<int, int, int>> returnTransitions = new List<Tuple<int, int, int>>();
            foreach (ATNState state_1 in atn.states)
                bool returningToLeftFactored = state_1.ruleIndex >= 0 && atn.ruleToStartState[state_1.ruleIndex].leftFactored;
                for (int i_10 = 0; i_10 < state_1.NumberOfTransitions; i_10++)
                    Transition t = state_1.Transition(i_10);
                    if (!(t is RuleTransition))
                    RuleTransition ruleTransition = (RuleTransition)t;
                    bool returningFromLeftFactored = atn.ruleToStartState[ruleTransition.target.ruleIndex].leftFactored;
                    if (!returningFromLeftFactored && returningToLeftFactored)
                    int outermostPrecedenceReturn = -1;
                    if (atn.ruleToStartState[ruleTransition.target.ruleIndex].isPrecedenceRule)
                        if (ruleTransition.precedence == 0)
                            outermostPrecedenceReturn = ruleTransition.target.ruleIndex;

                    var returnTransition = Tuple.Create(ruleTransition.target.ruleIndex, ruleTransition.followState.stateNumber, outermostPrecedenceReturn);
                    if (returnTransitionsSet.Add(returnTransition))
            // Add all elements from returnTransitions to the ATN
            foreach (Tuple<int, int, int> returnTransition in returnTransitions)
                EpsilonTransition transition = new EpsilonTransition(atn.states[returnTransition.Item2], returnTransition.Item3);
            foreach (ATNState state_2 in atn.states)
                if (state_2 is BlockStartState)
                    // we need to know the end state to set its start state
                    if (((BlockStartState)state_2).endState == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException();
                    // block end states can only be associated to a single block start state
                    if (((BlockStartState)state_2).endState.startState != null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException();
                    ((BlockStartState)state_2).endState.startState = (BlockStartState)state_2;
                if (state_2 is PlusLoopbackState)
                    PlusLoopbackState loopbackState = (PlusLoopbackState)state_2;
                    for (int i_10 = 0; i_10 < loopbackState.NumberOfTransitions; i_10++)
                        ATNState target = loopbackState.Transition(i_10).target;
                        if (target is PlusBlockStartState)
                            ((PlusBlockStartState)target).loopBackState = loopbackState;
                    if (state_2 is StarLoopbackState)
                        StarLoopbackState loopbackState = (StarLoopbackState)state_2;
                        for (int i_10 = 0; i_10 < loopbackState.NumberOfTransitions; i_10++)
                            ATNState target = loopbackState.Transition(i_10).target;
                            if (target is StarLoopEntryState)
                                ((StarLoopEntryState)target).loopBackState = loopbackState;
            // DECISIONS
            int ndecisions = ToInt(data[p++]);
            for (int i_11 = 1; i_11 <= ndecisions; i_11++)
                int s = ToInt(data[p++]);
                DecisionState decState = (DecisionState)atn.states[s];
                decState.decision = i_11 - 1;
            // LEXER ACTIONS
            if (atn.grammarType == ATNType.Lexer)
                if (supportsLexerActions)
                    atn.lexerActions = new ILexerAction[ToInt(data[p++])];
                    for (int i_10 = 0; i_10 < atn.lexerActions.Length; i_10++)
                        LexerActionType actionType = (LexerActionType)ToInt(data[p++]);
                        int data1 = ToInt(data[p++]);
                        if (data1 == unchecked((int)(0xFFFF)))
                            data1 = -1;
                        int data2 = ToInt(data[p++]);
                        if (data2 == unchecked((int)(0xFFFF)))
                            data2 = -1;
                        ILexerAction lexerAction = LexerActionFactory(actionType, data1, data2);
                        atn.lexerActions[i_10] = lexerAction;
                    // for compatibility with older serialized ATNs, convert the old
                    // serialized action index for action transitions to the new
                    // form, which is the index of a LexerCustomAction
                    List<ILexerAction> legacyLexerActions = new List<ILexerAction>();
                    foreach (ATNState state_3 in atn.states)
                        for (int i_10 = 0; i_10 < state_3.NumberOfTransitions; i_10++)
                            Transition transition = state_3.Transition(i_10);
                            if (!(transition is ActionTransition))
                            int ruleIndex = ((ActionTransition)transition).ruleIndex;
                            int actionIndex = ((ActionTransition)transition).actionIndex;
                            LexerCustomAction lexerAction = new LexerCustomAction(ruleIndex, actionIndex);
                            state_3.SetTransition(i_10, new ActionTransition(transition.target, ruleIndex, legacyLexerActions.Count, false));
                    atn.lexerActions = legacyLexerActions.ToArray();
            atn.decisionToDFA = new DFA[ndecisions];
            for (int i_12 = 0; i_12 < ndecisions; i_12++)
                atn.decisionToDFA[i_12] = new DFA(atn.decisionToState[i_12], i_12);
            if (deserializationOptions.VerifyAtn)
            if (deserializationOptions.GenerateRuleBypassTransitions && atn.grammarType == ATNType.Parser)
                atn.ruleToTokenType = new int[atn.ruleToStartState.Length];
                for (int i_10 = 0; i_10 < atn.ruleToStartState.Length; i_10++)
                    atn.ruleToTokenType[i_10] = atn.maxTokenType + i_10 + 1;
                for (int i_13 = 0; i_13 < atn.ruleToStartState.Length; i_13++)
                    BasicBlockStartState bypassStart = new BasicBlockStartState();
                    bypassStart.ruleIndex = i_13;
                    BlockEndState bypassStop = new BlockEndState();
                    bypassStop.ruleIndex = i_13;
                    bypassStart.endState = bypassStop;
                    bypassStop.startState = bypassStart;
                    ATNState endState;
                    Transition excludeTransition = null;
                    if (atn.ruleToStartState[i_13].isPrecedenceRule)
                        // wrap from the beginning of the rule to the StarLoopEntryState
                        endState = null;
                        foreach (ATNState state_3 in atn.states)
                            if (state_3.ruleIndex != i_13)
                            if (!(state_3 is StarLoopEntryState))
                            ATNState maybeLoopEndState = state_3.Transition(state_3.NumberOfTransitions - 1).target;
                            if (!(maybeLoopEndState is LoopEndState))
                            if (maybeLoopEndState.epsilonOnlyTransitions && maybeLoopEndState.Transition(0).target is RuleStopState)
                                endState = state_3;
                        if (endState == null)
                            throw new NotSupportedException("Couldn't identify final state of the precedence rule prefix section.");
                        excludeTransition = ((StarLoopEntryState)endState).loopBackState.Transition(0);
                        endState = atn.ruleToStopState[i_13];
                    // all non-excluded transitions that currently target end state need to target blockEnd instead
                    foreach (ATNState state_4 in atn.states)
                        foreach (Transition transition in state_4.transitions)
                            if (transition == excludeTransition)
                            if (transition.target == endState)
                                transition.target = bypassStop;
                    // all transitions leaving the rule start state need to leave blockStart instead
                    while (atn.ruleToStartState[i_13].NumberOfTransitions > 0)
                        Transition transition = atn.ruleToStartState[i_13].Transition(atn.ruleToStartState[i_13].NumberOfTransitions - 1);
                        atn.ruleToStartState[i_13].RemoveTransition(atn.ruleToStartState[i_13].NumberOfTransitions - 1);
                    // link the new states
                    atn.ruleToStartState[i_13].AddTransition(new EpsilonTransition(bypassStart));
                    bypassStop.AddTransition(new EpsilonTransition(endState));
                    ATNState matchState = new BasicState();
                    matchState.AddTransition(new AtomTransition(bypassStop, atn.ruleToTokenType[i_13]));
                    bypassStart.AddTransition(new EpsilonTransition(matchState));
                if (deserializationOptions.VerifyAtn)
                    // reverify after modification
            if (deserializationOptions.Optimize)
                while (true)
                    int optimizationCount = 0;
                    optimizationCount += InlineSetRules(atn);
                    optimizationCount += CombineChainedEpsilons(atn);
                    bool preserveOrder = atn.grammarType == ATNType.Lexer;
                    optimizationCount += OptimizeSets(atn, preserveOrder);
                    if (optimizationCount == 0)
                if (deserializationOptions.VerifyAtn)
                    // reverify after modification
            return atn;