Пример #1
         * Name:         protected void SearchButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * Description:  Functionality when search button is clicked. Saves search into                    history and redirects to results page with search word.
         * Arguments:    sender: Object being sent. Not currently used.
         *               e:      Any events being sent. Not currently used.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Duncan Reitboeck
         * Date:         09/04/2015
         * */
        public void SearchButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SearchEntities db     = new SearchEntities();
            string         phrase = searchTextBox.Text;

            /*Save information from search into database for future use.*/
            history saveHistory = new history();

            saveHistory.phrase    = phrase;
            saveHistory.frequency = 1;

            var found = (from h in db.histories where h.phrase == phrase select h).FirstOrDefault();

            if (found == null)



            Session["HeadOffice"] = headOfficeTextBox.Text;
            Session["BusinessIn"] = businessInTextBox.Text;
            Session["Industry"]   = industryDropDown.Text;

            Response.Redirect("~/Results.aspx?phrase=" + phrase);
Пример #2
        public static string[] SearchAutoComplete(string prefixText, int count)
            SearchEntities db = new SearchEntities();

            /*Change to quantity of search not most recent.*/
            return((from h in db.histories
                    where h.phrase.StartsWith(prefixText)
                    orderby h.frequency descending
                    select h.phrase).Take(count).ToArray());
Пример #3
         * Name:         protected void Page_load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * Description:  Does all functionality necessary when page is first loaded.
         * Arguments:    sender: Object being sent. Not currently used.
         *              e:      Any events being sent. Not currently used.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Duncan Reitboeck
         * Date:         09/04/2015
         * */
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                SearchEntities db = new SearchEntities();

                /*Get all industries from website.*/
                List <string> industryNames = (from i in db.industries select i.name).ToList();

                /*Populate industry drop down with database entries.*/
                if (industryNames.Count != 0)
                    industryDropDown.DataSource = industryNames;
         * Name:         protected void Page_load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * Description:  Does all functionality necessary when page is first loaded.
         * Arguments:    sender: Object being sent. Not currently used.
         *              e:      Any events being sent. Not currently used.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Duncan Reitboeck
         * Date:         09/04/2015
         * */
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SearchEntities db = new SearchEntities();

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                if (Request["phrase"] != null)
                    /*Input searched word in to results.*/
                    string searchedWord = Request["phrase"];
                    searchforLabel.Text = searchedWord;

                    /*Head office label.*/
                    if (Session["HeadOffice"] != null)
                        officeLabel.Text    = Convert.ToString(Session["HeadOffice"]);
                        officeLabel.Visible = true;

                    /*Business label.*/
                    if (Session["BusinessIn"] != null)
                        businessInLabel.Text    = Convert.ToString(Session["BusinessIn"]);
                        businessInLabel.Visible = true;

                    /*Industry label.*/
                    if (Session["Industry"] != null)
                        industryLabel.Text    = Convert.ToString(Session["Industry"]);
                        industryLabel.Visible = true;

                    /*List of each website for display.*/
                    List <website> websiteList = new List <website>();

                    /*Variable containing the page the user is on.*/
                    int pageNum = 0;

                    Session["Websites"] = websiteList;
                    Session["Pages"]    = pageNum;
         * Name:         protected List<website> AdvancedSearch(List<website> websiteList)
         * Description:  Ranks websites based on cost, industry and countries that match information stored in the database
         *               and input from the user.
         * Arguments:    websiteList: List of websites matching the users search. Currently only matching words entered by user
         *               and not ordered.
         * Return:       Returns a list of websites
         * Author:       Duncan Reitboeck
         * Date:         09/04/2015
        protected List <website> AdvancedSearch(List <website> websiteList)
            SearchEntities db = new SearchEntities();

            /*Search each website in list.*/
            foreach (website currentSite in websiteList)
                currentSite.rank = 0;

                /*Compare session information for head office and country of website in database.*/
                /*Session information stored from search credentials.*/
                if (Convert.ToString(Session["HeadOffice"]) != null)
                    string tempCountry = Convert.ToString(Session["HeadOffice"]);
                    var    countryId   = (from c in db.countries where (c.name == tempCountry) select c.id).FirstOrDefault();

                    foreach (link_country_website country in db.link_country_website)
                        if ((country.website_id == currentSite.id) && (country.country_id == countryId))

                /*Compare session information for business in and country of website in database.*/
                /*Session information stored from search credentials.*/
                if (Convert.ToString(Session["BusinessIn"]) != null)
                    string tempCountry = Convert.ToString(Session["BusinessIn"]);
                    var    countryId   = (from c in db.countries where (c.name == tempCountry) select c.id).FirstOrDefault();

                    foreach (link_country_website country in db.link_country_website)
                        if ((country.website_id == currentSite.id) && (country.country_id == countryId))

                /*Compare session information for industry and industry of website in database.*/
                /*Session information stored from search credentials.*/
                if (Convert.ToString(Session["Industry"]) != null)
                    string tempIndustry = Convert.ToString(Session["Industry"]);
                    var    indId        = (from i in db.industries where (i.name == tempIndustry) select i.id).FirstOrDefault();

                    foreach (link_industry_website industryTemp in db.link_industry_website)
                        if ((industryTemp.website_id == currentSite.id) && (industryTemp.industry_id == indId))

                /*Increase rank of non profit websites to a higher value to ensure they display first in list.*/
                if (currentSite.cost != null)
                    if (currentSite.cost == false)
                        currentSite.rank += 10;

            /*Order list by the amount of search credentials found. List is then ordered by the word ranking.*/
            websiteList = (from w in websiteList orderby w.rank descending, w.word_rank descending select w).ToList();
         * Name:         protected void getResults(List<string> searchWords)
         * Description:  This function makes a list of results then saves the list to session data.
         * Arguments:    searchWords: A list of all words entered by the user.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Duncan Reitboeck
         * Date:         09/04/2015
         * */
        protected void getResults(List <string> searchWords)
            /*Flag to determine if web list is already created or not.*/
            Boolean loopFlag = false;

            /*Flag to determine if web page contains word during loop.*/
            Boolean foundWord = false;

            SearchEntities db      = new SearchEntities();
            List <website> webList = (List <website>)Session["Websites"];

            foreach (string searchWord in searchWords)
                /*First word in search. Add websites that contain the word to website list.*/
                if (loopFlag == false)
                    /*Get all websites that with matching keyword to phrase.*/
                    var webIds = (from web
                                  in db.link_website_words
                                  where web.word_id ==
                                  (from w in db.words
                                   where (w.phrase.Equals(searchWord))
                                   select w.id).FirstOrDefault()
                                  select web);

                    /*Take the ID of each website fitting credentials.*/
                    foreach (link_website_words id in webIds)
                        website tempSite = (from w in db.websites where (w.id == id.website_id) select w).FirstOrDefault();

                        /*Fix nulls in database before trying to capture words.*/
                        /*If there is nothing in info enter the anchor again.*/
                        if (tempSite.title == null)
                            tempSite.title = tempSite.anchor;

                        /*If there is nothing in info enter the anchor again.*/
                        if (tempSite.info == null)
                            tempSite.info = tempSite.title;

                        /*If the stored information from tags contains the searched word.*/
                        if (tempSite.info.Contains(searchWord))
                            /*If there is enough room before and after take the predetermined 150 starting 50 prior to the found word.*/
                            if (tempSite.info.IndexOf(searchWord) > 50 &&
                                (tempSite.info.IndexOf(searchWord) + 100 < (tempSite.info.Length)))
                                tempSite.info = tempSite.info.Substring((tempSite.info.IndexOf(searchWord) - 50), (150));

                            /*If there is enough room before but not after take before the word and stop at the end of the string.*/
                            else if (tempSite.info.IndexOf(searchWord) > 50)
                                tempSite.info = tempSite.info.Substring((tempSite.info.IndexOf(searchWord) - 50));

                            /*If there is enough room after but not before take from the word until 150 is up.*/
                            else if (tempSite.info.IndexOf(searchWord) + 150 < (tempSite.info.Length))
                                tempSite.info = tempSite.info.Substring(0, (150));

                        /*If searched word is found but not in the text of the web page.*/
                            /*Check to make sure there are at least enough characters to make up the result string.*/
                            if (tempSite.info.Length > 150)
                                tempSite.info = tempSite.info.Substring(0, 150);
                        /*Add website to website list.*/
                        tempSite.rank      = 1;
                        tempSite.word_rank = id.rank;
                    loopFlag = true;

                /*Second or higher word in search. Remove websites from website list that don't match.*/
                    /*Get all websites that with matching keyword to phrase.*/
                    var webIds = (from web
                                  in db.link_website_words
                                  where web.word_id ==
                                  (from w in db.words
                                   where (w.phrase.Equals(searchWord))
                                   select w.id).FirstOrDefault()
                                  select web);

                    /*Check each website in current list for non-matching websites.*/
                    foreach (website currentWebsite in webList)
                        /*Reset flag for next website in list.*/
                        foundWord = false;

                        /*Check each website id in new list.*/
                        foreach (link_website_words id in webIds)
                            /*If website in new list is found in old website list set flag and exit loop.*/
                            if (id.website_id == currentWebsite.id)
                                currentWebsite.word_rank += id.rank;
                                foundWord = true;

                        /*If found stop loop.*/
                        if (foundWord == true)

                /*If no results are found show message.*/
                if (webList.Count() == 0)
                    notFoundLabel.Text = "No results matching your search.";
            Session["Websites"] = webList;