public static void Main() { Cat[] cats = new Cat[] { new Cat("Pussi", 3, false), new Cat("Pesho", 6, true), new Cat("Ginka", 7, false), }; Dog[] dogs = new Dog[] { new Dog("Misho", 5, true, "Ovcharka"), new Dog("Bull", 6, true, "Buldog"), new Dog("Rocko", 7, true, "Sharpei"), }; Frog[] frogs = new Frog[] { new Frog("Furi", 2, true), new Frog("Mani", 3, false), new Frog("Perr", 2, false), }; Kitten[] kittens = new Kitten[] { new Kitten("Stupi", 1, "Persian"), new Kitten("Lili", 1, "Persian"), new Kitten("Plupi", 2, "Angora"), }; Tomcat[] tomcats = new Tomcat[] { new Tomcat("Gunko", 4), new Tomcat("Porfavor", 3), new Tomcat("Kalin", 5), }; double dogsAvAge = Animal.AverageAge(dogs); double catsAvAge = Animal.AverageAge(cats); double frogsAvAge = Animal.AverageAge(frogs); double kittensAvAge = Animal.AverageAge(kittens); double tomcatsAvAge = Animal.AverageAge(tomcats); Console.WriteLine("Average age: \nDogs: {0:F1};\nCats: {1:F1};\nFrogs: {2:F1};\nKittens: {3:F1};\nTomcats: {4:F1};", dogsAvAge, catsAvAge, frogsAvAge, kittensAvAge, tomcatsAvAge); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Different animals sounds:"); Console.Write("Cats: "); cats[0].ProduceSound(); Console.Write("Dogs: "); dogs[1].ProduceSound(); Console.Write("Frogs: "); frogs[2].ProduceSound(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Different animals character activities:"); Console.WriteLine(dogs[2].SpinTail()); Console.WriteLine(cats[1].Tease()); Console.WriteLine(frogs[2].Jump()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Frog[] frogs = new Frog[5]; frogs[0] = new Frog("Kermit", 5, 'M'); frogs[1] = new Frog("Piggy", 8, 'F'); frogs[2] = new Frog("Cookie Monster", 3, 'F'); frogs[3] = new Frog("Oscar the grouch", 15, 'M'); frogs[4] = new Frog("Kermit's double", 5, 'M'); Dog[] dogs = new Dog[5]; dogs[0] = new Dog("Rex", 1, 'M'); dogs[1] = new Dog("Sergeant Dirty", 6, 'F'); dogs[2] = new Dog("Lucky", 7, 'F'); dogs[3] = new Dog("Unlucky", 2, 'M'); dogs[4] = new Dog("Tramp", 4, 'M'); Cat[] cats = new Cat[5]; cats[0] = new Cat("Tom", 6, 'M'); cats[1] = new Kitten("Princess", 1); cats[2] = new Cat("Jerry", 2, 'F'); cats[3] = new Tomcat("Behemoth", 1); cats[4] = new Cat("Pluto", 7, 'M'); Console.WriteLine("The average age of the frogs is " + Animal.AverageAge(frogs)); Console.WriteLine("The average age of the dogs is " + Animal.AverageAge(dogs)); Console.WriteLine("The average age of the cats is " + Animal.AverageAge(cats)); }
static void Main() { var scooby = new Dog("Scooby", 2, 'm'); var frogy = new Frog("Frogy", 0.5, 'm'); var tommy = new Cat("Tommy", 1, 'm'); var kitty = new Kitten("Kitty", 0.8, 'f'); var speedy = new Tomcat("Speedy", 1.5, 'f'); var spark = new Dog("Spark", 3, 'm'); var carmit = new Frog("Carmit", 1, 'm'); var jenny = new Kitten("Jenny", 1.2, 'f'); var animals = new Animal[] { scooby, spark, frogy, tommy, kitty, speedy }; var differentAnimals = new Animal[] { tommy, kitty, carmit, jenny }; foreach (var animal in animals) { Console.Write(animal); animal.ProduceSound(); Console.WriteLine(); } var groupedAnimals = from anim in animals group anim by (anim is Cat) ? typeof (Cat) : anim.GetType() into g select new {GroupName = g.Key, AverageAge = g.ToList().Average(an => an.Age)}; foreach (var animal in groupedAnimals) { Console.WriteLine("{0} - average age: {1:N2}", animal.GroupName.Name, animal.AverageAge); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Dog Sharo = new Dog(10, "Sharo", Sex.Male, "bao lau"); Console.WriteLine(Sharo); Animal[] Animals = new Animal[] { new Tomcat(15, "Маци", "miau"), new Tomcat(11, "Котан", "miau miau"), new Tomcat(1, "Джери", "bau miau"), }; Cat[] cats = new Cat[] { new PussyCat(1, "Мац", "bau miau"), new Tomcat(2, "Тим", "bau miau"), }; Console.WriteLine("# Animals"); foreach (Animal animal in Animals) Console.WriteLine(animal); Console.WriteLine("# Average"); Console.WriteLine(Animals.Average(animal => animal.age)); Console.WriteLine(cats.Average(cat => cat.age)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //var animal = new Animal(); var dog = new Dog(); var cat = new Cat(); var snake = new Snake(); // animal.Name = "Pesho"; //Console.WriteLine(animal); //Console.WriteLine(animal.Greet()); //Console.WriteLine(dog.Greet()); //Console.WriteLine(cat.Greet()); //Console.WriteLine(snake.Greet()); var animals = new List<Animal>(); // animals.Add(animal); animals.Add(dog); animals.Add(cat); animals.Add(snake); animals.Add(new Dog()); animals.Add(new Dog()); animals.Add(new Dog()); var collectionOfDogs = animals.OfType<Dog>().Cast<Dog>(); foreach (var anima in animals) { Console.WriteLine(anima); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var jaba = new Frog("baba jaba", 1, Genders.Female); var kekerica = new Frog("kekerica", 3, Genders.Female); var sharo = new Dog("sharo", 3, Genders.Male); var sara = new Dog("sara", 2, Genders.Female); var oldy = new Dog("oldy", 12, Genders.Male); var puhi = new Kitten("puhi", 2); var tommy = new Tomcat("tommy", 4); var mouseKiller = new Cat("mousy", 5, Genders.Male); var animals = new List<Animal>() { jaba, kekerica, sharo, sara, puhi, tommy, mouseKiller, oldy }; var avredgeAgeOfKinds = from a in animals group a by a.GetType().Name into g select new { GroupName = g.Key, AverageAge = g.ToList().Average(an => an.Age) }; foreach (var animal in avredgeAgeOfKinds) { Console.WriteLine("{0} - average age: {1:N2}", animal.GroupName, animal.AverageAge); } }
static void Main() { Animal max = new Dog("Max", 3, Gender.Male); Animal duke = new Dog("Duke", 1, Gender.Male); Animal fluffy = new Dog("Fluffy", 6, Gender.Male); Animal wink = new Dog("Wink", 3, Gender.Male); Animal abby = new Frog("Abby", 1, Gender.Female); Animal boogy = new Frog("Boogy", 2, Gender.Male); Animal pookie = new Frog("Pookie", 6, Gender.Female); Animal hermit = new Frog("Hermit", 2, Gender.Male); Animal abbey = new Kitten("Abbey", 1, Gender.Female); Animal panda = new Kitten("Panda", 1, Gender.Female); Animal ravi = new Tomcat("Ravi", 3, Gender.Male); Animal lexus = new Tomcat("Lexus", 9, Gender.Male); Animal biggie = new Cat("Biggie", 7, Gender.Male); Animal fig = new Cat("Fig", 7, Gender.Male); Animal[] animals = new Animal[] { max, duke, fluffy, wink, abby, boogy, pookie, hermit, abbey, panda, ravi, lexus, biggie, fig }; var groupedAnimals = from an in animals group an by new { GroupName = an.GetType().Name } into grp select new { GroupName = grp.Key.GroupName, AverageAge = grp.Average(an => an.Age) }; foreach (var animal in groupedAnimals) { Console.WriteLine("Group: {0} | Average Age: {1:F2}", animal.GroupName, animal.AverageAge); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Animal cat1 = new Cat("Tom", 2, "male"); Animal dog1 = new Dog("Tom", 5, "male"); Animal cat2 = new Cat("Thomas", 18, "male"); Animal[] animals = { cat1, dog1, cat2 }; var avg = animals.Average(x => x.Age); Console.WriteLine(avg); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Cat cat = new Cat("Pesho",12, Gender.Male); Tomcat[] tomcats = new Tomcat[] { new Tomcat("Pesho",13), new Tomcat("Goshko",12), new Tomcat("Pencho",6), new Tomcat("Gencho",2) }; Console.WriteLine("The average age of our tomcats is:{0}",Tomcat.AverageAge(tomcats)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Pigeon pigeon = new Pigeon(); Dog dog1 = new Dog(); Cat cat1 = new Cat(); Dog dog2 = new Dog(); Chameleon cham = new Chameleon(); Marlin marl = new Marlin(); List<Animals> animals = new List<Animals>(); animals.Add((Animals)pigeon); animals.Add((Animals)dog1); animals.Add((Animals)dog2); animals.Add((Animals)cat1);animals.Add((Animals)cham); animals.Add((Animals)marl); foreach(Animals animal in animals) { animal.Eat(); animal.Greet(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var frog1 = new Frog(25, "jaba1", true); var frog2 = new Frog(20, "jaba2", false); var frog3 = new Frog(25, "jaba3", true); var frog4 = new Frog(20, "jaba4", false); var allFrogs=new Frog[]{frog1,frog2,frog3,frog4}; var dog1 = new Dog(30, "kuche1", true); var dog2 = new Dog(30, "kuche2", true); var dog3 = new Dog(30, "kuche3", true); var allDogs=new Dog[]{dog1,dog2,dog3}; var randomCat1 = new Cat(5, "random kotka1", false); var randomCat2 = new Cat(13, "random kotka2", false); var randomCat3 = new Cat(5, "random kotka3",true); var allCats=new Cat[]{randomCat1,randomCat2,randomCat3}; var femaleCat1 = new Kitten(5, "jenska kotka1"); var femaleCat2 = new Kitten(43, "jenska kotka2"); var femaleCat3 = new Kitten(56, "jenska kotka3"); var allFemaleCats=new Kitten[]{femaleCat1,femaleCat2,femaleCat3}; var maleCat1 = new TomCat(5, "mujka kotka1"); var maleCat2 = new TomCat(6, "mujka kotka2"); var maleCat3 = new TomCat(200, "mujka kotka3"); var allMaleCats=new TomCat[]{maleCat1,maleCat2,maleCat3}; var frogs = allFrogs.Average(x => x.Age); Console.WriteLine("The avergae age of frogs is: {0}",frogs); var dogs = allDogs.Average(x => x.Age); Console.WriteLine("The avergae age of dogs is: {0}", dogs); var cats = allCats.Average(x => x.Age); Console.WriteLine("The avergae age of random cats is: {0}", cats); var femaleCats = allFemaleCats.Average(x => x.Age); Console.WriteLine("The avergae age of female cats(Kittens) is: {0}", femaleCats); var maleCats = allMaleCats.Average(x => x.Age); Console.WriteLine("The avergae age of male cats(Tomcats) is: {0}", maleCats); Console.WriteLine(randomCat1.MakeSound()); }
static void Main() { Cat someCat = new Cat("Kotka", 10); Cat someCat1 = new Cat("Kotka1", 5); Tomcat tom = new Tomcat("Tom", 4, Gender.Male); Tomcat tom1 = new Tomcat("Tom1", 3, Gender.Male); Kitten maca = new Kitten("Maca",2,Gender.Female); Kitten maca1 = new Kitten("Maca1", 6, Gender.Female); Dog sharo = new Dog("Sharo", 3); Dog sharo1 = new Dog("Sharo1", 1); Frog frogy = new Frog("Frogy", 8); Frog frogy1 = new Frog("Frogy1", 2); Console.WriteLine(someCat); Console.WriteLine(tom); Console.WriteLine( maca); Console.WriteLine(sharo); Console.WriteLine(frogy); IList<Animal> allAnimal = new List<Animal>(); allAnimal.Add(someCat); allAnimal.Add(someCat1); allAnimal.Add(tom); allAnimal.Add(tom1); allAnimal.Add(maca); allAnimal.Add(maca1); allAnimal.Add(sharo); allAnimal.Add(sharo1); allAnimal.Add(frogy); allAnimal.Add(frogy1); foreach (var kind in allAnimal.GroupBy(x => x.GetType().Name)) { double averageAge = kind.Select(x => x.Age).Average(); Console.WriteLine("Animal : {0}, AverageAge: {1}", kind.Key, averageAge); } }
static void Main() { Random rand = new Random(); Dog[] dogs = new Dog[5]; Frog[] frogs = new Frog[5]; Cat[] cats = new Cat[5]; Kitten[] kittens = new Kitten[5]; Tomcat[] tomcats = new Tomcat[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int age=rand.Next(0,30); Dog dog = new Dog(age, Convert.ToString((char)(age + 65)), "male"); dogs[i] = dog; age = rand.Next(0, 30); Frog frog = new Frog(age, Convert.ToString((char)(age + 65)), "male"); frogs[i] = frog; age = rand.Next(0, 30); Kitten kiten = new Kitten(age, Convert.ToString((char)(age + 65)), "male"); kittens[i] = kiten; age = rand.Next(0, 30); Cat cat = new Cat(age, Convert.ToString((char)(age + 65)), "male"); cats[i] = cat; age = rand.Next(0, 30); Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(age, Convert.ToString((char)(age + 65)), "male"); tomcats[i] = tomcat; } Print(dogs); Print(cats); Print(kittens); Print(frogs); Print(tomcats); Console.WriteLine("The average age of the dogs is {0}", AverageAge(dogs)); Console.WriteLine("The average age of the cats is {0}", AverageAge(cats)); Console.WriteLine("The average age of the kittens is {0}", AverageAge(kittens)); Console.WriteLine("The average age of the frogs is {0}", AverageAge(frogs)); Console.WriteLine("The average age of the tomcats is {0}", AverageAge(tomcats)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Animal[] animals = new Animal[5]; animals[0]=new Cat("Mac",10,Gender.Male); animals[1]=new Kitten("Max",2); animals[2]=new Kitten("Missi",1); animals[3]=new Frog("Kermit",3,Gender.Male); animals[4]=new Frog("Tom",5,Gender.Male); animals.ToList(); foreach (var animal in animals) { Console.WriteLine(animal); animal.ProduceSoun(); } animals.GroupBy(t=>t.GetType().Name) .Select(group=>new {AnimalName=group.Key,AvarageAge=group.Average(a=>a.Age)}) .ToList() .ForEach(group=>Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}",group.AnimalName,group.AvarageAge)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Dog dog = new Dog(); Cat cat = new Cat(); Crocodile crocodile = new Crocodile(); Shark shark = new Shark(); Owl owl = new Owl(); List<Animal> animals = new List<Animal>(); animals.Add(dog); animals.Add(cat); animals.Add(crocodile); animals.Add(shark); animals.Add(owl); foreach (var animal in animals) { Console.WriteLine(animal.Eat()); } Console.WriteLine(dog.Greet()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Mammals m = new Mammals(); Console.WriteLine(m.Move()); Console.WriteLine(m.Greet()); m = new Cat(); Console.WriteLine(m.Move()); Console.WriteLine(m.Greet()); m = new Dog(); Console.WriteLine(m.Move()); Console.WriteLine(m.Greet()); Console.WriteLine(); Reptiles r = new Reptiles(); Console.WriteLine(r.Move()); Console.WriteLine(r.Temperature()); r = new Crocodile(); Console.WriteLine(r.Move()); Console.WriteLine(r.Temperature()); Console.WriteLine(); Birds b = new Birds(); Console.WriteLine(b.Move()); Console.WriteLine(b.MakeNest()); b = new Owl(); Console.WriteLine(b.Move()); Console.WriteLine(b.MakeNest()); Console.WriteLine(); Fish f = new Fish(); Console.WriteLine(f.Move()); f = new Shark(); Console.WriteLine(f.Move()); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //test Cat cat = new Cat(3, "Catty1", Sex.female); Console.WriteLine(cat.Name + " : " + cat.Age + " : " + cat.Sex); cat.MakeSound(); Console.WriteLine(); //make array of different kinds of animals Animal[] animals = { new Kitten(2,"Kitty1"), new Kitten(3,"Kitty2"), new Tomcat(5,"Tommy1"), new Tomcat(4,"Tommy2"), new Frog(1,"Frog1",Sex.female), new Frog(2,"Frog2",Sex.male), new Frog(1,"Frog3",Sex.female), new Cat(2,"",Sex.male), cat, new Cat(2,"Catty2",Sex.male), new Dog(4,"Doggy1",Sex.male), new Dog(6,"Doggy2",Sex.male)}; // using LINQ to calculate the average age of each // kind of animal in the array var averageAge = animals.GroupBy(x => x.GetType().Name) .Select(x => new { Name = x.Key, Average = x.Average(a => a.Age) }) .ToList(); foreach (var item in averageAge) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-10}{1,2:0.0}",item.Name + " : ", item.Average)); } }
public static void Main() { Animal jaba = new Frog("baba jaba", 1, Genders.Female); Animal kekerica = new Frog("kekerica", 3, Genders.Female); Animal sharo = new Dog("sharo", 3, Genders.Male); Animal sara = new Dog("sara", 2, Genders.Female); Animal oldy = new Dog("oldy", 12, Genders.Male); Animal puhi = new Kitten("puhi", 2); Animal tommy = new Tomcat("tommy", 4); Animal mouseKiller = new Cat("mousy", 5, Genders.Male); List<Animal> animals = new List<Animal>() { jaba, kekerica, sharo, sara, puhi, tommy, mouseKiller, oldy }; var groupedAnimals = from animal in animals group animal by (animal is Cat) ? typeof(Cat) : animal.GetType() into g select new { GroupName = g.Key, AverageAge = g.ToList().Average(an => an.Age) }; foreach (var animal in groupedAnimals) { Console.WriteLine("{0} - average age: {1:N2}", animal.GroupName.Name, animal.AverageAge); } puhi.ProduceSound(); oldy.ProduceSound(); jaba.ProduceSound(); }
public static void Main() { string inputLine = Console.ReadLine(); Dictionary <string, Dog> dogsList = new Dictionary <string, Dog>(); Dictionary <string, Cat> catsList = new Dictionary <string, Cat>(); Dictionary <string, Snake> snakesList = new Dictionary <string, Snake>(); while (!inputLine.Equals("I'm your Huckleberry")) { string[] inputTokens = inputLine.Split().ToArray(); if (inputTokens.Length > 2) { string animalType = inputTokens[0]; string name = inputTokens[1]; int age = int.Parse(inputTokens[2]); int parameter = int.Parse(inputTokens[3]); switch (animalType) { case "Dog": Dog newDog = new Dog { name = name, age = age, numberOfLegs = parameter }; dogsList.Add(, newDog); break; case "Cat": Cat newCat = new Cat { name = name, age = age, intelligenceQuotient = parameter }; catsList.Add(, newCat); break; case "Snake": Snake newSnake = new Snake { name = name, age = age, crueltyCoefficient = parameter }; snakesList.Add(, newSnake); break; } } else { string name = inputTokens[1]; if (dogsList.ContainsKey(name)) { Console.WriteLine(dogsList[name].produceSound()); } else if (catsList.ContainsKey(name)) { Console.WriteLine(catsList[name].produceSound()); } else if (snakesList.ContainsKey(name)) { Console.WriteLine(snakesList[name].produceSound()); } } inputLine = Console.ReadLine(); } foreach (var kvp in dogsList) { string name = kvp.Key; Dog currentDog = kvp.Value; Console.WriteLine("Dog: {0}, Age: {1}, Number Of Legs: {2}",, currentDog.age, currentDog.numberOfLegs); } foreach (var kvp in catsList) { string name = kvp.Key; Cat currentCat = kvp.Value; Console.WriteLine("Cat: {0}, Age: {1}, IQ: {2}",, currentCat.age, currentCat.intelligenceQuotient); } foreach (var kvp in snakesList) { string name = kvp.Key; Snake currentSnake = kvp.Value; Console.WriteLine("Snake: {0}, Age: {1}, Cruelty: {2}",, currentSnake.age, currentSnake.crueltyCoefficient); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string input = Console.ReadLine(); string[] animalArgs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); List <Animal> animals = new List <Animal>(); while (input != "Beast!") { string name = animalArgs[0]; int age = int.Parse(animalArgs[1]); string gender = animalArgs[2]; try { switch (input) { case "Cat": Cat cat = new Cat(name, age, gender); animals.Add(cat); break; case "Dog": Dog dog = new Dog(name, age, gender); animals.Add(dog); break; case "Frog": Frog frog = new Frog(name, age, gender); animals.Add(frog); break; case "Kitten": Kitten kitten = new Kitten(name, age); animals.Add(kitten); break; case "Tomcat": Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(name, age); animals.Add(tomcat); break; } } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input != "Beast!") { animalArgs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); } } foreach (var Animal in animals) { Console.WriteLine(Animal); } }
static void Main() { var animal = Console.ReadLine(); while (!animal.Equals("Beast!")) { try { var animalInfo = Console.ReadLine() .Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var animalName = animalInfo[0]; var animalAge = int.Parse(animalInfo[1]); var animalGender = animalInfo[2]; switch (animal) { case "Dog": var dog = new Dog(animalName, animalAge, animalGender); Console.Write(dog); dog.ProduceSound(); break; case "Frog": var frog = new Frog(animalName, animalAge, animalGender); Console.Write(frog); frog.ProduceSound(); break; case "Cat": var cat = new Cat(animalName, animalAge, animalGender); Console.Write(cat); cat.ProduceSound(); break; case "Kitten": var kitten = new Kitten(animalName, animalAge, "Female"); Console.Write(kitten); kitten.ProduceSound(); break; case "Tomcat": var tomcat = new Tomcat(animalName, animalAge, "Male"); Console.Write(tomcat); tomcat.ProduceSound(); break; case "Animal": Console.WriteLine("Not implemented!"); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); } animal = Console.ReadLine(); } }
public void Run() { string animalType = Console.ReadLine(); while (animalType != "Beast!") { try { string[] animalArgs = Console.ReadLine() .Split() .ToArray(); string name = animalArgs[0]; int age = int.Parse(animalArgs[1]); string gender = animalArgs[2]; switch (animalType) { case "Cat": Cat cat = new Cat(name, age, gender); animals.Add(cat); break; case "Dog": Dog dog = new Dog(name, age, gender); animals.Add(dog); break; case "Frog": Frog frog = new Frog(name, age, gender); animals.Add(frog); break; case "Kitten": Kitten kitten = new Kitten(name, age); animals.Add(kitten); break; case "Tomcat": Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(name, age); animals.Add(tomcat); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); break; } } catch (InvalidInputException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); } animalType = Console.ReadLine(); } foreach (var animal in animals) { Console.WriteLine(animal.ToString()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Cat siam = new Cat(); siam.SetName("Miisu"); siam.SetAge(13); siam.SetName(""); siam.Name = "Miisu"; siam.Age = 13; Console.WriteLine("Kassi nimi on: " + siam.Age); Console.WriteLine("Kassi nimi on: " + siam.Name); Console.WriteLine("Kassi nimi on: " + siam.GetName()); Console.WriteLine("Kassi vanus on: " + siam.GetAge()); siam.Eat(); siam.Drink(); // siam.age = 2; Cat angora = new Cat(); // = "Liisu"; // angora.age = -270; angora.Drink(); Dog buldog = new Dog(); buldog.Name = "Pauk"; buldog.Age = 4; buldog.Eat(); buldog.Drink(); Toy toy = new Toy(); Manufacture manufacture = new Manufacture(); manufacture.Name = "Disney"; manufacture.Adress = "Kabi 2, Tartu"; toy.Color = "blue"; toy.Manufacture = manufacture; toy.Model = "hiir"; toy.Name = "Mikey"; angora.FavoriteToy = toy; siam.FavoriteToy = toy; siam.FavoriteToy = new Toy(); siam.FavoriteToy.Manufacture = new Manufacture(); siam.FavoriteToy.Model = "Some model"; siam.FavoriteToy.Name = "Minni"; siam.FavoriteToy.Manufacture.Name = "Disney"; siam.FavoriteToy.Manufacture.Adress = "Kabi 2, Tallinn, 12352"; Cat persian = new Cat { Name = "kity", Age = 4, FavoriteToy = new Toy() { Model = "Some model", Name = "Minni", Manufacture = new Manufacture() { Adress = "Kabi 2, Tallinn, 12352", Name = "Disney" } } }; //persian.FavoriteToy.Manufacture = new Manufacture(); //persian.FavoriteToy.Model = "Some model"; //persian.FavoriteToy.Name = "Minni"; //persian.FavoriteToy.Manufacture.Name = "Disney"; //persian.FavoriteToy.Manufacture.Adress = "Kabi 2, Tallinn, 12352"; Console.WriteLine("Kassi nimega {0}, lemmik manguasi on toodetud {1} poot ja selle manguasi nimi on {2}", persian.Name, persian.FavoriteToy.Manufacture.Name, persian.FavoriteToy.Name); buldog.LastSwimmingTime = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("Koer kais ujumas:{0}", buldog.LastSwimmingTime); DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(2017, 9, 7, 9, 17, 34); Console.WriteLine(dateTime); dateTime = dateTime.AddDays(2); dateTime = dateTime.AddHours(3); dateTime = dateTime.AddMinutes(5); Console.WriteLine(dateTime); Dog tax = new Dog(); Console.WriteLine(tax.LastSwimmingTime); Dog dogi = new Dog("Naki", 4); Console.WriteLine(dogi.Name + " " + dogi.Age + " aastane"); Dog retriver = new Dog(6, "Retriver"); Console.WriteLine(retriver.Age + " " + retriver.Breed); retriver.Eat(); Console.WriteLine(); retriver.Eat(10); retriver.Eat(3, "fish"); retriver.Eat(3, "Meat"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void SetDeadAndKiller(Cat killer) { this.weight = 0; this.killer = killer; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string typeOfAnimal = Console.ReadLine(); List <Animal> animals = new List <Animal>(); while (typeOfAnimal != "Beast!") { try { string[] information = Console.ReadLine() .Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .ToArray(); var name = information[0]; var age = int.Parse(information[1]); var gender = string.Empty; if (information.Length == 3) { gender = information[2]; } if (typeOfAnimal == "Cat") { var cat = new Cat(name, age, gender); animals.Add(cat); } else if (typeOfAnimal == "Dog") { var dog = new Dog(name, age, gender); animals.Add(dog); } else if (typeOfAnimal == "Frog") { var frog = new Frog(name, age, gender); animals.Add(frog); } else if (typeOfAnimal == "Kitten") { var kitten = new Kitten(name, age); animals.Add(kitten); } else if (typeOfAnimal == "Tomcat") { var tomcat = new Tomcat(name, age); animals.Add(tomcat); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid input!"); } } catch (Exception exeption) { Console.WriteLine(exeption.Message); } typeOfAnimal = Console.ReadLine(); } foreach (var aimal in animals) { Console.WriteLine(aimal); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { while (true) { try { var animal = Console.ReadLine(); if (animal == "Beast!") { break; } var animaInfo = Console.ReadLine().Split(" "); var name = animaInfo[0]; int age; if (!int.TryParse(animaInfo[1], out age)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid input!"); } var gender = animaInfo[2]; if (animal == "Cat") { Console.WriteLine(animal); Cat cat = new Cat(name, age, gender); Console.WriteLine(cat); cat.ProduceSound(); } else if (animal == "Dog") { Console.WriteLine(animal); Dog dog = new Dog(name, age, gender); Console.WriteLine($"{dog}"); dog.ProduceSound(); } else if (animal == "Frog") { Console.WriteLine(animal); Frog frog = new Frog(name, age, gender); Console.WriteLine(frog); frog.ProduceSound(); } else if (animal == "Kitten") { Console.WriteLine(animal); Kitten kitten = new Kitten(name, age); Console.WriteLine($"{kitten}"); kitten.ProduceSound(); } else if (animal == "Tomcat") { Console.WriteLine(animal); Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(name, age); Console.WriteLine($"{tomcat}"); tomcat.ProduceSound(); } } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }
public void Start() { /*Console.WriteLine(""); * Console.WriteLine("Hello and welcome to our magnificent menagerie!"); * Console.WriteLine(""); * Console.WriteLine("May we introduce a fine bunch of animals for you?"); * Console.WriteLine("y = Yes, please! n = Not right now, thank you!"); * string input = Console.ReadLine(); * while (!(input == "y") && !(input == "n")) * { * Console.WriteLine("Please choose yes (y) or no (n)"); * input = Console.ReadLine(); * } * if (input == "n") * { * Console.WriteLine(""); * Console.WriteLine("You're welcome to visit us at a more convenient time!"); * System.Environment.Exit(0); * } * else if (input == "y") * { * Console.WriteLine(""); * Console.WriteLine("Splendid! We have for you some tame animals (bird, dog, cat, pig and rat)"); * Console.WriteLine("... as well as some wild ones (bear, tiger and wolf)."); * Console.WriteLine(""); * } * * Console.WriteLine("Which animal would you like to meet?"); * Console.WriteLine("1 = bird 2 = dog 3 = cat 4 = pig 5 = rat 6 = bear 7 = tiger 8 = wolf"); * string input3 = Console.ReadLine(); * Regex regex = new Regex("^(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8)$"); * * while (true) * { * if (regex.IsMatch(input3)) * { * Console.WriteLine(""); * Console.WriteLine("An excellent choice!"); * Console.WriteLine(""); * break; * } * else * { * Console.WriteLine("Unfortunately that option isn't available. Please choose one of the following: 1 = bird 2 = dog 3 = cat 4 = pig 5 = rat 6 = bear 7 = tiger 8 = wolf"); * input3 = Console.ReadLine(); * } * } * * if (input3 == "1") * { * ITame bird = new Bird(); * } * * while (true) * { * Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); * Regex regex2 = new Regex("^(0|1|2|3|4)$"); // if user chooses a tame animal * if (regex2.IsMatch(input3)) * { * Console.WriteLine("0 = Quit"); * Console.WriteLine("1 = Give the animal some food."); * Console.WriteLine("2 = Give a name to the animal."); * Console.WriteLine("3 = Call the animal to you."); * Console.WriteLine("4 = Talk to the animal."); * * } * Regex regex3 = new Regex("^(5|6|7)$"); // if user chooses a wild animal * if (regex3.IsMatch(input3)) * { * Console.WriteLine("0 = Quit"); * Console.WriteLine("1 = See the animal hunt."); * Console.WriteLine("2 = Hear what the animal sounds like."); * * } * * string input4 = Console.ReadLine(); * * if (input4 == "0") * { * Console.WriteLine("We're sorry to see you go! Please do stop by another time!"); * break; * } * * Regex regex4 = new Regex("^(1|2|3|4|)$"); * * if (!regex4.IsMatch(input4)) * { * Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the options above!"); * } * * else if (regex4.IsMatch(input4)) * { * if (Convert.ToInt32(input4) == 1) * { * * } * if (Convert.ToInt32(input4) == 2) * { * * } * if (Convert.ToInt32(input4) == 3) * { * * } * if (Convert.ToInt32(input4) == 4) * { * * } * if (Convert.ToInt32(input4) == 5) * { * * } * }*/ Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Hello and welcome to our magnificent menagerie!"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("May we introduce a fine bunch of animals for you?"); Console.WriteLine("y = Yes, please! n = Not right now, thank you!"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); while (!(input == "y") && !(input == "n")) { Console.WriteLine("Please choose yes (y) or no (n)"); input = Console.ReadLine(); } if (input == "n") { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("You're welcome to visit us at a more convenient time!"); System.Environment.Exit(0); } if (input == "y") { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Splendid! We have for you some tame animals (bird, dog, cat, pig and rat)"); Console.WriteLine("... as well as some wild ones (bear, tiger and wolf)."); Console.WriteLine(""); } while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Which animal would you like to meet?"); Console.WriteLine(); // added an empty line Console.WriteLine("0 = quit\n1 = Bird\n2 = Cat\n3 = Dog\n4 = Pig\n5 = Rat\n6 = Bear\n7 = Tiger\n8 = Wolf"); // changed Quit to quit string whichAnimal = Console.ReadLine(); Regex regexAnimal = new Regex("^(0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|)$"); if (!regexAnimal.IsMatch(whichAnimal)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the options above!"); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); continue; } if (whichAnimal == "0") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("We're sorry to see you go! Please do stop by another time!"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); break; } if (whichAnimal == "1") { Bird bird = new Bird(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine(); // added an empty line to all Console.WriteLine("1 = Go back."); Console.WriteLine("2 = Give the animal some food."); Console.WriteLine("3 = Give a name to the animal."); Console.WriteLine("4 = Call the animal to you."); Console.WriteLine("5 = Talk to the animal."); string toDo = Console.ReadLine(); if (toDo != "1" && toDo != "2" && toDo != "3" && toDo != "4" && toDo != "5") { Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the options above!"); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "1") { break; } if (toDo == "2") { Console.WriteLine(); bird.Eat(); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "3") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to call the animal?"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); bird.GiveName(name); Console.WriteLine(); } if (toDo == "4") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(bird.ComeHere()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "5") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What do you want to say to the animal?"); string something = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(bird.MakeSound()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } } } if (whichAnimal == "2") { Cat cat = new Cat(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("1 = Go back."); Console.WriteLine("2 = Give the animal some food."); Console.WriteLine("3 = Give a name to the animal."); Console.WriteLine("4 = Call the animal to you."); Console.WriteLine("5 = Talk to the animal."); string toDo = Console.ReadLine(); if (toDo != "1" && toDo != "2" && toDo != "3" && toDo != "4" && toDo != "5") { Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the options above!"); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "1") { break; } if (toDo == "2") { Console.WriteLine(); cat.Eat(); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "3") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to call the animal?"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); cat.GiveName(name); Console.WriteLine(); } if (toDo == "4") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(cat.ComeHere()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "5") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What do you want to say to the animal?"); string something = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(cat.MakeSound()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } } } if (whichAnimal == "3") { Dog dog = new Dog(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("1 = Go back."); Console.WriteLine("2 = Give the animal some food."); Console.WriteLine("3 = Give a name to the animal."); Console.WriteLine("4 = Call the animal to you."); Console.WriteLine("5 = Talk to the animal."); string toDo = Console.ReadLine(); if (toDo != "1" && toDo != "2" && toDo != "3" && toDo != "4" && toDo != "5") { Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the options above!"); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "1") { break; } if (toDo == "2") { Console.WriteLine(); dog.Eat(); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "3") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to call the animal?"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); dog.GiveName(name); Console.WriteLine(); } if (toDo == "4") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(dog.ComeHere()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "5") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What do you want to say to the animal?"); string something = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(dog.MakeSound()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } } } if (whichAnimal == "4") { Pig pig = new Pig(); //CHANGE EVERYTHING FROM DOG TO PIG HERE (NOT CHANGE ALL OCCURRENCES) while (true) { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("1 = Go back."); Console.WriteLine("2 = Give the animal some food."); Console.WriteLine("3 = Give a name to the animal."); Console.WriteLine("4 = Call the animal to you."); Console.WriteLine("5 = Talk to the animal."); string toDo = Console.ReadLine(); if (toDo != "1" && toDo != "2" && toDo != "3" && toDo != "4" && toDo != "5") { Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the options above!"); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "1") { break; } if (toDo == "2") { Console.WriteLine(); pig.Eat(); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "3") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to call the animal?"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); pig.GiveName(name); Console.WriteLine(); } if (toDo == "4") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(pig.ComeHere()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "5") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What do you want to say to the animal?"); string something = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(pig.MakeSound()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } } } if (whichAnimal == "5") { Rat rat = new Rat(); //CHANGE EVERYTHING FROM DOG TO RAT HERE (NOT CHANGE ALL OCCURRENCES) while (true) { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("1 = Go back."); Console.WriteLine("2 = Give the animal some food."); Console.WriteLine("3 = Give a name to the animal."); Console.WriteLine("4 = Call the animal to you."); Console.WriteLine("5 = Talk to the animal."); string toDo = Console.ReadLine(); if (toDo != "1" && toDo != "2" && toDo != "3" && toDo != "4" && toDo != "5") { Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the options above!"); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "1") { break; } if (toDo == "2") { Console.WriteLine(); rat.Eat(); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "3") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to call the animal?"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); rat.GiveName(name); Console.WriteLine(); } if (toDo == "4") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(rat.ComeHere()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "5") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What do you want to say to the animal?"); string something = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(rat.MakeSound()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } } } if (whichAnimal == "6") { Bear bear = new Bear(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("1 = Go back."); Console.WriteLine("2 = Watch the animal hunt"); Console.WriteLine("3 = Hear the sound of the animal"); string toDo = Console.ReadLine(); if (toDo != "1" && toDo != "2" && toDo != "3") { Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the options above!"); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "1") { break; } if (toDo == "2") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(bear.Hunt()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "3") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(bear.MakeSound()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } } } if (whichAnimal == "7") { Tiger tiger = new Tiger(); //CHANGE EVERYTHING FROM BEAR TO TIGER HERE (NOT CHANGE ALL OCCURRENCES) while (true) { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("1 = Go back."); Console.WriteLine("2 = Watch the animal hunt"); Console.WriteLine("3 = Hear the sound of the animal"); string toDo = Console.ReadLine(); if (toDo != "1" && toDo != "2" && toDo != "3") { Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the options above!"); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "1") { break; } if (toDo == "2") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(tiger.Hunt()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "3") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(tiger.MakeSound()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } } } if (whichAnimal == "8") { Wolf wolf = new Wolf(); //CHANGE EVERYTHING FROM BEAR TO WOLF HERE (NOT CHANGE ALL OCCURRENCES) while (true) { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("1 = Go back."); Console.WriteLine("2 = Watch the animal hunt."); Console.WriteLine("3 = Hear the sound of the animal."); string toDo = Console.ReadLine(); if (toDo != "1" && toDo != "2" && toDo != "3") { Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the options above!"); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "1") { break; } if (toDo == "2") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(wolf.Hunt()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (toDo == "3") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(wolf.MakeSound()); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } } } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var listOfAnimals = new List <Animal>(); var animalType = Console.ReadLine(); var animalTokens = Console.ReadLine() .Split(";", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); while (true) { var name = animalTokens[0]; var food = animalTokens[1]; string gender; switch (animalType) { case "Dog": try { if (animalTokens.Length > 2) { gender = animalTokens[2]; Dog dog = new Dog(name, food, gender); Console.WriteLine(dog.ExplainMyselft()); } else { Animal dog = new Dog(name, food); Console.WriteLine(dog.ExplainMyselft()); } Console.WriteLine("Animal added."); } catch (InvalidInputException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } break; case "Cat": try { Animal cat = new Cat(name, food); Console.WriteLine(cat.ExplainMyselft()); Console.WriteLine("Animal added."); } catch (InvalidInputException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } break; case "Fish": try { Animal fish = new Fish(name, food); Console.WriteLine(fish.ExplainMyselft()); Console.WriteLine("Animal added."); } catch (InvalidInputException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } break; } animalType = Console.ReadLine(); if (animalType == "End") { break; } animalTokens = Console.ReadLine() .Split(";", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string input = Console.ReadLine(); List <Animal> animals = new List <Animal>(); while (input != "Beast!") { string animalType = input; string[] animalProperties = Console.ReadLine().Split(); string animalName = animalProperties[0]; int animalAge = int.Parse(animalProperties[1]); string animalGender = animalProperties[2]; try { switch (animalType.ToLower()) { case "dog": Dog dog = new Dog(animalName, animalAge, animalGender); animals.Add(dog); break; case "cat": Cat cat = new Cat(animalName, animalAge, animalGender); animals.Add(cat); break; case "frog": Frog frog = new Frog(animalName, animalAge, animalGender); animals.Add(frog); break; case "kitten": Kitten kitten = new Kitten(animalName, animalAge); animals.Add(kitten); break; case "tomcat": Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(animalName, animalAge); animals.Add(tomcat); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid input!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } input = Console.ReadLine(); } foreach (var animal in animals) { Console.WriteLine(animal.GetType().Name); Console.WriteLine($"{animal.Name} {animal.Age} {animal.Gender}"); animal.ProduceSound(); } }
public static void Main() { var animals = new List <Animal>(); string command = String.Empty; while ((command = Console.ReadLine()) != "Beast!") { string[] animalInfo = Console.ReadLine() .Split(' '); try { string name = String.Empty; if (animalInfo.Length > 0) { name = animalInfo[0]; } if (!int.TryParse(animalInfo[1], out int age)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid input!"); } string gender = string.Empty; if (animalInfo.Length == 3) { gender = animalInfo[2]; } command = command.ToLower(); if (command == "dog") { var animal = new Dog(name, age, gender); animals.Add(animal); } else if (command == "cat") { var animal = new Cat(name, age, gender); animals.Add(animal); } else if (command == "frog") { var animal = new Frog(name, age, gender); animals.Add(animal); } else if (command == "kitten") { var animal = new Kitten(name, age); animals.Add(animal); } else if (command == "tomcat") { var animal = new Tomcat(name, age); animals.Add(animal); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } foreach (var animal in animals) { Console.WriteLine(animal); Console.WriteLine($"{animal.ProduceSound()}"); } }
public static void Main() { var animalType = String.Empty; while ((animalType = Console.ReadLine()) != "Beast!") { var args = Console.ReadLine() .Split(' '); try { switch (animalType) { case "Dog": { Animal animal = new Dog(args[0], int.Parse(args[1]), args[2]); Console.WriteLine(animalType); Console.WriteLine(animal); break; } case "Frog": { Animal animal = new Frog(args[0], int.Parse(args[1]), args[2]); Console.WriteLine(animalType); Console.WriteLine(animal); break; } case "Cat": { Animal animal = new Cat(args[0], int.Parse(args[1]), args[2]); Console.WriteLine(animalType); Console.WriteLine(animal); break; } case "Kitten": { Animal animal = new Kitten(args[0], int.Parse(args[1]), args[2]); Console.WriteLine(animalType); Console.WriteLine(animal); break; } case "Tomcat": { Animal animal = new Tomcat(args[0], int.Parse(args[1]), args[2]); Console.WriteLine(animalType); Console.WriteLine(animal); break; } default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid input!"); } } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Console.WriteLine(ae.Message); } } }
public static void Main() { List <Animal> animalCollection = new List <Animal>(); string input = Console.ReadLine(); while (input != "Beast!") { string[] tokens = Console.ReadLine().Split(); try { if (input == "Cat") { string name = tokens[0]; int age = int.Parse(tokens[1]); string gender = tokens[2]; Cat cat = new Cat(name, age, gender); animalCollection.Add(cat); } else if (input == "Dog") { string name = tokens[0]; int age = int.Parse(tokens[1]); string gender = tokens[2]; Dog dog = new Dog(name, age, gender); animalCollection.Add(dog); } else if (input == "Frog") { string name = tokens[0]; int age = int.Parse(tokens[1]); string gender = tokens[2]; Frog frog = new Frog(name, age, gender); animalCollection.Add(frog); } else if (input == "Kitten") { string name = tokens[0]; int age = int.Parse(tokens[1]); Kitten kittens = new Kitten(name, age); animalCollection.Add(kittens); } else if (input == "Tomcat") { string name = tokens[0]; int age = int.Parse(tokens[1]); Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(name, age); animalCollection.Add(tomcat); } } catch (ArgumentException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } input = Console.ReadLine(); } foreach (var animal in animalCollection) { Console.WriteLine(animal); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { List <Animal> animals = new List <Animal>(); while (true) { string animalCommand = Console.ReadLine(); if (animalCommand == "Beast!") { break; } string[] animalData = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string name = animalData[0]; int age = int.Parse(animalData[1]); string gender = animalData[2]; Animal animal; switch (animalCommand) { case "Dog": try { animal = new Dog(name, age, gender); animals.Add(animal); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } break; case "Cat": try { animal = new Cat(name, age, gender); animals.Add(animal); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } break; case "Frog": try { animal = new Frog(name, age, gender); animals.Add(animal); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } break; case "Kitten": try { animal = new Kitten(name, age); animals.Add(animal); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } break; case "Tomcat": try { animal = new Tomcat(name, age); animals.Add(animal); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } break; default: continue; } } foreach (Animal animal in animals) { Console.WriteLine(animal); } }
public static void Main() { var inputLine = Console.ReadLine(); List <Dog> dogs = new List <Dog>(); List <Cat> cats = new List <Cat>(); List <Snake> snakes = new List <Snake>(); while (inputLine != "I'm your Huckleberry") { var tokens = inputLine.Split(); if (tokens[0] != "talk") { var animal = tokens[0]; var name = tokens[1]; var age = int.Parse(tokens[2]); var param = int.Parse(tokens[3]); switch (animal) { case "Dog": var dog = new Dog(name, age, param); dogs.Add(dog); break; case "Cat": var cat = new Cat(name, age, param); cats.Add(cat); break; case "Snake": var snake = new Snake(name, age, param); snakes.Add(snake); break; } } else { var currectName = tokens[1]; foreach (var dog in dogs) { if (dog.Name == currectName) { dog.ProduceSound(); } } foreach (var cat in cats) { if (cat.Name == currectName) { cat.ProduceSound(); } } foreach (var snake in snakes) { if (snake.Name == currectName) { snake.ProduceSound(); } } } inputLine = Console.ReadLine(); } foreach (var dog in dogs) { Console.WriteLine($"Dog: {dog.Name}, Age: {dog.Age}, Number Of Legs: {dog.NumberOfLegs}"); } foreach (var cat in cats) { Console.WriteLine($"Cat: {cat.Name}, Age: {cat.Age}, IQ: {cat.IntelligenceQuotient}"); } foreach (var snake in snakes) { Console.WriteLine($"Snake: {snake.Name}, Age: {snake.Age}, Cruelty: {snake.CrueltyCoefficient}"); } }
public static void Main() { var dogs = new Dictionary <string, Dog>(); var cats = new Dictionary <string, Cat>(); var snakes = new Dictionary <string, Snake>(); string input = Console.ReadLine(); while (input != "I'm your Huckleberry") { string[] tokens = input.Split(' '); if (tokens.Length > 2) { string animalClass = tokens[0]; string name = tokens[1]; int age = int.Parse(tokens[2]); int parameter = int.Parse(tokens[3]); switch (animalClass) { case "Dog": var newDog = new Dog() { Name = name, Age = age, NumberOfLegs = parameter }; dogs.Add(newDog.Name, newDog); break; case "Cat": var newCat = new Cat() { Name = name, Age = age, IQ = parameter }; cats.Add(newCat.Name, newCat); break; case "Snake": var newSnake = new Snake() { Name = name, Age = age, Cruelty = parameter }; snakes.Add(newSnake.Name, newSnake); break; } } else { string animalName = tokens[1]; if (dogs.ContainsKey(animalName)) { dogs[animalName].ProduceSound(); } else if (cats.ContainsKey(animalName)) { cats[animalName].ProduceSound(); } else { snakes[animalName].ProduceSound(); } } input = Console.ReadLine(); } foreach (var dog in dogs) { Console.WriteLine("Dog: {0}, Age: {1}, Number of legs: {2}", dog.Key, dog.Value.Age, dog.Value.NumberOfLegs); } foreach (var cat in cats) { Console.WriteLine("Cat: {0}, Age: {1}, IQ: {2}", cat.Key, cat.Value.Age, cat.Value.IQ); } foreach (var snake in snakes) { Console.WriteLine("Snake: {0}, Age: {1}, Cruelty: {2}", snake.Key, snake.Value.Age, snake.Value.Cruelty); } }
public static void Main() { var dogs = new Dictionary <string, Dog>(); var cats = new Dictionary <string, Cat>(); var snakes = new Dictionary <string, Snake>(); string input = Console.ReadLine(); while (input != "I'm your Huckleberry") { string[] parts = input.Split(' '); if (parts.Length > 2) { string type = parts[0]; string name = parts[1]; int age = int.Parse(parts[2]); int parameter = int.Parse(parts[3]); switch (type) { case "Dog": Dog newDog = new Dog { Name = name, Age = age, NumberOfLegs = parameter }; dogs.Add(newDog.Name, newDog); break; case "Cat": Cat newCat = new Cat { Name = name, Age = age, IntelligenceQuotient = parameter }; cats.Add(newCat.Name, newCat); break; case "Snake": Snake newSnake = new Snake { Name = name, Age = age, CrueltyCoefficient = parameter }; snakes.Add(newSnake.Name, newSnake); break; } } else { string animalName = parts[1]; if (dogs.ContainsKey(animalName)) { dogs[animalName].ProduceSound(); } else if (cats.ContainsKey(animalName)) { cats[animalName].ProduceSound(); } else if (snakes.ContainsKey(animalName)) { snakes[animalName].ProduceSound(); } } input = Console.ReadLine(); } foreach (var dog in dogs.Values) { Console.WriteLine("Dog: {0}, Age: {1}, Number Of Legs: {2}", dog.Name, dog.Age, dog.NumberOfLegs); } foreach (var cat in cats.Values) { Console.WriteLine("Cat: {0}, Age: {1}, IQ: {2}", cat.Name, cat.Age, cat.IntelligenceQuotient); } foreach (var snake in snakes.Values) { Console.WriteLine("Snake: {0}, Age: {1}, Cruelty: {2}", snake.Name, snake.Age, snake.CrueltyCoefficient); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { List <Animal> animals = new List <Animal>(); while (true) { var command = Console.ReadLine(); if (command == "Beast!") { break; } var input = Console.ReadLine().Split(); try { switch (command) { case "Dog": Dog dog = new Dog(input[0], int.Parse(input[1]), input[2]); animals.Add(dog); break; case "Cat": Cat cat = new Cat(input[0], int.Parse(input[1]), input[2]); animals.Add(cat); break; case "Frog": Frog frog = new Frog(input[0], int.Parse(input[1]), input[2]); animals.Add(frog); break; case "Kitten": Kitten kitten = new Kitten(input[0], int.Parse(input[1])); animals.Add(kitten); break; case "Tomcat": Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(input[0], int.Parse(input[1])); animals.Add(tomcat); break; } } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Console.WriteLine(ae.Message); } } foreach (var animal in animals) { Console.WriteLine(animal.ToString()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string command = Console.ReadLine(); while (command != "Beast!") { try { string[] input = Console.ReadLine().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string name = input[0]; int age = 0; if (!int.TryParse(input[1], out age)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); command = Console.ReadLine(); continue; } string gender = input[2]; switch (command.ToLower()) { case "cat": Cat cat = new Cat(name, age, gender); Console.WriteLine(command); Console.WriteLine(cat); break; case "dog": Dog dog = new Dog(name, age, gender); Console.WriteLine(command); Console.WriteLine(dog); break; case "frog": Frog frog = new Frog(name, age, gender); Console.WriteLine(command); Console.WriteLine(frog); break; case "kitten": Kitten kitten = new Kitten(name, age); Console.WriteLine(command); Console.WriteLine(kitten); break; case "tomcat": Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(name, age); Console.WriteLine(command); Console.WriteLine(tomcat); break; default: //Animal animal = new Animal(name, age, gender); //Console.WriteLine(command); Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); break; } } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Console.WriteLine(ae.Message); } command = Console.ReadLine(); } }