Пример #1
        public void AnimalPropsTest()
            //if chip is longer than 5 digits, just add the first 5;
            cat = new Cat("123456", simpleDate, "testAnimal", "badHabits");
            Assert.AreEqual("12345", cat.ChipRegistrationNumber, "Chip failed when more than 5 digits are inserted");

            //if chip is shorter than 5, add zeros before the chip until the chip has 5 digits
            cat = new Cat("1234", simpleDate, "testAnimal", "badHabits");
            Assert.AreEqual("01234", cat.ChipRegistrationNumber, "Chip failed when less than 5 digits were inserted");

            //Check rest of properties;
            Assert.AreEqual(simpleDate, cat.DateOfBirth, "Incorrect DateOfBirth");
            Assert.AreEqual("testAnimal", cat.Name, "Incorrect Name");
            Assert.AreEqual("01234, 06-11-1996, testAnimal, not reserved, badhabits: badHabits", cat.ToString());

            //test null birthdate for cat
            cat = new Cat("1234", null, "testAnimal", "badHabits");
            Assert.AreEqual("01234, 00-00-0000, testAnimal, not reserved, badhabits: badHabits", cat.ToString());
            //test "" badhabits
            cat = new Cat("1234", null, "testAnimal", "");
            Assert.AreEqual("01234, 00-00-0000, testAnimal, not reserved, badhabits: none", cat.ToString());

            //special dog test
            Assert.AreEqual("12345, 06-11-1996, testdog, not reserved, lastWalkDate: 06-11-1996", dog.ToString());
            dog = new Dog("12345", null, null, null);
            dog.IsReserved = true;
            Assert.AreEqual("12345, 00-00-0000, noname, reserved, lastWalkDate: 00-00-0000", dog.ToString());
Пример #2
        public void TestToString()
            Dog dog = new Dog("51000", new SimpleDate(01, 05, 1997), "Peter", new SimpleDate(02, 06, 2011));
            string dogstring = dog.ToString();
            Assert.AreEqual("51000, 01-05-1997, Peter, not reserved, 350, 02-06-2011", dogstring);

            dog.IsReserved = true;
            dogstring = dog.ToString();
            Assert.AreEqual("51000, 01-05-1997, Peter, reserved, 350, 02-06-2011", dogstring);

            dog = new Dog("51000", new SimpleDate(01, 05, 1997), "", new SimpleDate(02, 06, 2011));
            dogstring = dog.ToString();
            Assert.AreEqual("51000, 01-05-1997, noname, not reserved, 350, 02-06-2011", dogstring);

            dog = new Dog("51000", new SimpleDate(01, 05, 1997), null, new SimpleDate(02, 06, 2011));
            dogstring = dog.ToString();
            Assert.AreEqual("51000, 01-05-1997, noname, not reserved, 350, 02-06-2011", dogstring);
Пример #3
 public void TestDogNoValuesToString()
     Dog dog3 = new Dog("12334", null, null, "Reserved", new SimpleDate(6, 10, 2015));
     string s = "12334"
         + ", " + "00-00-0000"
         + ", " + "noname"
         + ", " + "Reserved"
         + ", " + "€ " + "0,00"
         + ", " + "06-10-2015";
     Assert.AreEqual(s, dog3.ToString());