Пример #1
        private void AddAnimal()
            Console.WriteLine("Which Animal it is?");
            var animalName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine($"What is the question that differentate {Value} and {animalName}");
            var questionName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine($"Is the answer to this question is yes or no for new animal: type y or n");
            var answer   = Console.ReadLine();
            var question = new QuestionNode(questionName);
            var animal   = new AnimalLeaf(animalName);

            if (answer.Equals("y", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                question.YesQuestion = animal;
                question.NoQuestion  = this;
                question.YesQuestion = this;
                question.NoQuestion  = animal;
            animal.Parent = question;
            if (this == Parent.YesQuestion)
                Parent.YesQuestion = question;
                Parent.NoQuestion = question;
            Parent = question;
Пример #2
        public QuestionNode GetNode()
            var questionNode  = new QuestionNode("Has a trunk, trumpets and is grey?");
            var questionNode2 = new QuestionNode("Has a mane, roars and is yellow?");
            var elephent      = new AnimalLeaf("Elephent");
            var lion          = new AnimalLeaf("Lion");
            var cat           = new AnimalLeaf("Cat");

            questionNode.YesQuestion = elephent;
            questionNode.NoQuestion  = questionNode2;
            elephent.Parent          = questionNode;
            questionNode2.Parent     = questionNode;
            lion.Parent = questionNode2;
            cat.Parent  = questionNode2;

            questionNode2.YesQuestion = lion;
            questionNode2.NoQuestion  = cat;
