Пример #1
        }                                                    // When the connection is suspended, we do nothing.

        public async void OnLocationChanged(Location location)
            // Whenever the location changes, log message.
            Log.Debug("LocationClient", "Location updated");
            // Update the address.
            address = await LocationInformation.ReverseGeocodeCurrentLocation(this, location);

            // Get the streetname from the address we received.
            streetName = address.GetAddressLine(0).ToString();
Пример #2
        public async void OnMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap)
            map = googleMap;

            // Get adress info
            Address address = await LocationInformation.ReverseGeocodeCurrentLocation(this, location);

            // Add marker for current location
            Map.CreateMarkerForCurrentLocation(this, location, address, map);

            // Set map options
            googleMap.MoveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.NewLatLngZoom(new LatLng(location.Latitude, location.Longitude), 13));
        public async void OnLocationChanged(Location location)
            // This method display changes in the user's location if they've been requested

            // You must implement this to implement the Android.Gms.Locations.ILocationListener Interface
            Log.Debug("LocationClient", "Location updated");

            this.location = location;

            Address address = await LocationInformation.ReverseGeocodeCurrentLocation(this, location);

            TextView locationName = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.LocationName);

            locationName.Text = address.GetAddressLine(0).ToString();
