static void ExecuteHumanTurn(Player activePlayer, ref Gameboard board, string prompt) { bool isMoveCompleted = false; do { int move = -1; do { move = ParseInput(prompt); } while (move < 0); int x_coord = GetXCoord(move); int y_coord = GetYCoord(move); if (move < 1 || move > 9) { Console.WriteLine($"The number {move} is not a valid entry. Please select a number 1-9 or type '/help' to see a helpful diagram."); } else if (board.tile[x_coord, y_coord].content == Symbol.X || board.tile[x_coord, y_coord].content == Symbol.O) { Console.WriteLine($"Position {move.ToString()} is occupied. Please select another tile. Type '/help' to see a helpful diagram."); } else if (board.tile[x_coord, y_coord].content == Symbol.empty) { isMoveCompleted = true; board.tile[x_coord, y_coord].content = activePlayer.PlayersSymbol; Console.WriteLine($"You Mark an {activePlayer.PlayersSymbol.ToString()} down on position {move.ToString()}."); activePlayer.SetLastPlay(x_coord, y_coord); } } while (isMoveCompleted == false); }
public static string GetPlayerInput(string prompt) { Console.WriteLine(prompt); string input = ""; do { input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input == "/help") { Gameboard.PrintHelpKey(); Thread.Sleep(500); Console.WriteLine("\nNow, " + prompt); } else { return(input); } } while (input == "" || input == "/help"); ThrowError(3, "Escaped GetPlayerInput Method Loop"); return(input); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var player1 = new Player(); var player2 = new Player(); var activePlayer = new Player(); var board = new Gameboard(); bool GameOver; bool playAgain; int turnCount = 0; do { GameOver = false; turnCount = 0; board = Setup(ref board, ref player1, ref player2); // Create a gameboard! activePlayer = SetActivePlayer(ref activePlayer, player1, player2); do { Console.Clear(); board.Print(); TakeTurn(activePlayer, ref board); GameOver = CheckForVictory(ref activePlayer, board); SwapActivePlayer(ref activePlayer, ref player1, ref player2); ++turnCount; } while (!GameOver && turnCount < 9); Console.WriteLine("\n*** Final Result ***"); board.Print(); OutputGameResult(player1, player2, turnCount); playAgain = PlayAgainOffer(); } while (playAgain); }
static void TakeTurn(Player activePlayer, ref Gameboard board) { // Player's Turn if (activePlayer.PlayerType == Player.Type.human) { string prompt = $"Your move {}!"; ExecuteHumanTurn(activePlayer, ref board, prompt); } else if (activePlayer.PlayerType == Player.Type.AI) { ExecuteAITurn(activePlayer, ref board); } }
static int CountEmptyTiles(Gameboard board) { int count = 0; for (int row = 0; row < Gameboard.BOARD_LENGTH; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < Gameboard.BOARD_WIDTH; col++) { count = board.tile[col, row].content == Symbol.empty ? ++count : count; } } return(count); }
static bool CheckForVerticalVictory(Player activePlayer, Gameboard board) { int activeTile = activePlayer.lastPlay; int x_coord = GetXCoord(activeTile); int y_coord = GetYCoord(activeTile); if (y_coord == 0) { if (board.tile[x_coord, y_coord + 1].content == activePlayer.PlayersSymbol && board.tile[x_coord, y_coord + 2].content == activePlayer.PlayersSymbol) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else if (y_coord == 1) { if (board.tile[x_coord, y_coord + 1].content == activePlayer.PlayersSymbol && board.tile[x_coord, y_coord - 1].content == activePlayer.PlayersSymbol) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else if (y_coord == 2) { if (board.tile[x_coord, y_coord - 1].content == activePlayer.PlayersSymbol && board.tile[x_coord, y_coord - 2].content == activePlayer.PlayersSymbol) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
static bool CheckForHorizontalVictory(Player activePlayer, Gameboard board) { int activeTile = activePlayer.lastPlay; int x_coord = GetXCoord(activeTile); int y_coord = GetYCoord(activeTile); if (x_coord == 0) // Left Column { if (board.tile[x_coord + 1, y_coord].content == activePlayer.PlayersSymbol && board.tile[x_coord + 2, y_coord].content == activePlayer.PlayersSymbol) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else if (x_coord == 1) // Middle Column { if (board.tile[x_coord - 1, y_coord].content == activePlayer.PlayersSymbol && board.tile[x_coord + 1, y_coord].content == activePlayer.PlayersSymbol) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else if (x_coord == 2) // Right Column { if (board.tile[x_coord - 1, y_coord].content == activePlayer.PlayersSymbol && board.tile[x_coord - 2, y_coord].content == activePlayer.PlayersSymbol) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
static void ExecuteAITurn(Player activePlayer, ref Gameboard board) { int tile_x; int tile_y; DisplayAIThinkingMessage(board); do { var randomRnd_x = new Random(); var randomRnd_y = new Random(); tile_x = randomRnd_x.Next(3); tile_y = randomRnd_y.Next(3); } while (board.tile[tile_x, tile_y].content != Symbol.empty); board.tile[tile_x, tile_y].content = activePlayer.PlayersSymbol; Console.Clear(); board.Print(); Console.WriteLine($"The AI opts to take position {GetTileID(tile_x, tile_y)} for its turn."); activePlayer.SetLastPlay(tile_x, tile_y); Thread.Sleep(2000); }
static Gameboard Setup(ref Gameboard board, ref Player player1, ref Player player2) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!" + "\n"); if (player1.score == 0 && player2.score == 0) { Thread.Sleep(1000); Gameboard.PrintHelpKey(); } else { PrintScoreboard(player1, player2); board.WipeBoard(); } player1.UpdatePlayerVictoryStatus(false); player2.UpdatePlayerVictoryStatus(false); AssignPlayerTypes(ref player1, ref player2); AssignPlayerSymbolsAndTurn(ref player1, ref player2); return(board); }
static void DisplayAIThinkingMessage(Gameboard board) { int emptyTileCount = 0; var randomizer = new Random(); int randomThinkTime = 25 * randomizer.Next(21); emptyTileCount = CountEmptyTiles(board); int totalThinkTime = randomThinkTime * emptyTileCount; Console.WriteLine($"It is the AI's Turn. \n"); Thread.Sleep(500); if (totalThinkTime < 1200) { Thread.Sleep(totalThinkTime); } else { Thread.Sleep(700); Console.WriteLine("The AI is thinking... \n"); Thread.Sleep(totalThinkTime); } }
static bool CheckForVictory(ref Player activePlayer, Gameboard board) { bool victoryTestResult = false; // IF LAST PLAY WAS ON A "MIDDLE" SQUARE, ONLY HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL VICTORIES ARE POSSIBLE if (activePlayer.lastPlay % 2 == 0) { victoryTestResult = CheckForHorizontalVictory(activePlayer, board); if (!victoryTestResult) { victoryTestResult = CheckForVerticalVictory(activePlayer, board); } } //IF LAST PLAY WAS ON A "CORNER" SQUARE, OR IN THE CENTER, ALL THREE VICTORY TYPES ARE POSSIBLE else if (activePlayer.lastPlay % 2 == 1) { victoryTestResult = CheckForHorizontalVictory(activePlayer, board); if (!victoryTestResult) { victoryTestResult = CheckForVerticalVictory(activePlayer, board); if (!victoryTestResult) { victoryTestResult = CheckForDiagonalVictory(activePlayer, board); } } } if (victoryTestResult) { activePlayer.UpdatePlayerScore(); activePlayer.UpdatePlayerVictoryStatus(true); } return(victoryTestResult); }