Пример #1
        public override StreamStatusBlock ConvertDataBuffer(int bytecount)
            StreamStatusBlock ssb = null;

            // NEXT: detect end of stream and build ssb

            // URGENT: this rework might mess end up the stream end check, and could blow here
            // The analyzer code uses the list lengths to know when to stop counting neutrons. The buffer may be n, but the last neutron is in n - k.
            if (channels.Length < neutronEventArray.Count)
                neutronEventArray.RemoveRange(channels.Length - 1, neutronEventArray.Count - channels.Length);
            else if (channels.Length > neutronEventArray.Count)
                neutronEventArray.AddRange(new uint[channels.Length - neutronEventArray.Count]);

            if (times.Length < timeArray.Count)
                timeArray.RemoveRange(times.Length - 1, timeArray.Count - times.Length);
            else if (times.Length > timeArray.Count)
                timeArray.AddRange(new ulong[channels.Length - neutronEventArray.Count]);

            //Array.Resize(ref neutronEventArray, channels.Length);
            //Array.Resize(ref timeArray, times.Length);
            string msg = PrepRawStreams(num: (ulong)bytecount, combineDuplicateHits: mergeDuplicatesTimeChannelHits);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  Tailored only for LMMM/NPOD!
        ///  this looks at the status block content and sets the cycle status; Rates, Assay Cancelled, Status, are the three I've seen in data so far
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sb"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="stat"></param>
        public void ParseStatusBlock(StreamStatusBlock sb, Cycle cycle)
            //'Assay Cancelled. ' == Cancelled,
            // Completed ==  status block found at end of file or at cycle finish time
            // 'Rates = 0,0,0,0,1,6,0,54,0,0,0,0,1071,546,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0' == Rates (see e.g. GDND/2010_10_20_155930_0.ncd)
            CycleDAQStatus stat = CycleDAQStatus.UnspecifiedTruncation;
            string         text = "";

            if (sb != null)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.msg))
                    if (text.StartsWith("Assay Cancelled."))  // dev note: string constants that should live in the LMMMLingo class.
                        stat = CycleDAQStatus.Cancelled;
                    else if (text.StartsWith("Rates ="))
                        stat = CycleDAQStatus.Rates;
                        stat = CycleDAQStatus.Completed;
                    stat = CycleDAQStatus.UnspecifiedTruncation;
            cycle.DaqStatus = stat;
            cycle.Message   = text;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a buffer of unprocessed tuples to time and hit streams, then send the converted streams to the counting task
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="idx"></param>
        /// <param name="bytecount"></param>
        /// <returns>A StatusBlock is returned at the end of a cycle File or DAQ</returns>
        public StreamStatusBlock PassBufferToTheCounters(byte[] buffer, int idx, int bytecount)
            // dev note: if reading from socket stream, consider if socket return is larger than max buffer in here, what to do?
            // dev note: this buff copy is pointless in the single-threaded model
            Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, idx, State.rawDataBuff, 0, bytecount);  // copy from the asynch socket caller
            StreamStatusBlock endofdata = null;

            if (state.NumValuesParsed >= (State.maxValuesInBuffer - (bytecount / 8))) // if limit will reach with this new data buffer of size bytecount, then must startnewbuffer here, AND must pass the "nearly full" stream buffers to the counters
                logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 644, state.NumValuesParsed + " >= " + (State.maxValuesInBuffer - (bytecount / 8)) + " starting new internal buffer");
                if (State.usingStreamRawAnalysis)
                    State.Sup.HandleAnArrayOfNeutronEvents(State.timeArray, State.neutronEventArray, (int)state.NumValuesParsed);
                StartNewBuffer(); // resets stream IO buffer indexing and moves accumulated data to cycle

            endofdata = State.ConvertDataBuffer(bytecount);
            if (NumProcessedRawDataBuffers > 0)
                logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 222, "{0}: Completed with {1} events", NumProcessedRawDataBuffers, state.NumValuesParsed);

            if (State.usingStreamRawAnalysis && (endofdata != null))
                State.Sup.HandleAnArrayOfNeutronEvents(State.timeArray, State.neutronEventArray, (int)State.NumValuesParsed);

            // logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 224, "{0}: Worked {1} bytes", NumProcessedRawDataBuffers, bytecount);
Пример #4
        public override StreamStatusBlock ConvertDataBuffer(int bytecount)
            StreamStatusBlock ssb = null;
            // NEXT: detect end of stream and build ssb
            string msg = PrepRawStreams((ulong)bytecount, chnbytes);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// file-based buffer processing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bytecount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public StreamStatusBlock PassBufferToTheCounters(int bytecount)
            StreamStatusBlock endofdata = null;

            logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 220, "{0}: Starting data conversion on file stream. . .", NumProcessedRawDataBuffers);

            endofdata = state.ConvertDataBuffer(bytecount);
            if (NumProcessedRawDataBuffers > 0)
                logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 222, "{0}: Completed with {1} events", NumProcessedRawDataBuffers, state.NumValuesParsed);

            if (State.usingStreamRawAnalysis)   // process by data blocks, e.g. buffered transfer underlying a stream.
                State.Sup.HandleAnArrayOfNeutronEvents(State.timeArray, State.neutronEventArray, (int)state.NumValuesParsed);

            //  logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 224, "{0}: Worked {1} bytes", NumProcessedRawDataBuffers, bytecount);//, state.stopWatch.ElapsedTicks);
Пример #6
        private StreamStatusBlock ExtractStatusBlock(ref int index, int bytecount)
            int statusindex = index + 4;

            UInt32[] messagelength = new UInt32[1];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(rawDataBuff, index, messagelength, 0, 4);  // get length bytes

            uint len = messagelength[0];

            len = ((0x000000FF) & (len >> 24)           //shift byte 1 to byte 4 and mask it
                   | (0x0000FF00) & (len >> 8)          //shift byte 2 to byte 3 and mask it
                   | (0x00FF0000) & (len << 8)          //shift byte 3 to byte 2 and mask it
                   | (0xFF000000) & (len << 24));       //shift byte 4 to byte 1 and mask it

            StreamStatusBlock res = new StreamStatusBlock();

            // this sets up the SB for decoding later
            res.msglen = (int)len;
            res.index  = statusindex;

            index = (int)bytecount;  // set index to length of buffer, so loop will exit.
Пример #7
 public void PlaceStatusTextOnCurrentCycle(StreamStatusBlock sb)
     ParseStatusBlock(sb, Cycle);
Пример #8
        // non-null StatusBlock returned when end of data encountered during processing
        public override StreamStatusBlock ConvertDataBuffer(int bytecount)
            UInt32[]          uintHolder1 = new UInt32[1];
            UInt32[]          uintHolder2 = new UInt32[1];
            int               index       = 0; //index into the active buffer of bytes from the last read
            StreamStatusBlock res         = null;

            // logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 221, "{0}: Processing {1} bytes", numbuff, bytecount);

             *  case 0: UInt32 /= 0 is time, then next uint is channel hits
             *  case 1: UInt32 == 0 means end of data file, next uint is length of subsequent terminating ASCII message
             *  case 2: UInt32 == 0 means veto, following uint is skipped
             *  case 3: if gen2 flag is set we do an expensive examination for "trigger" because the null byte tests for gen3 do not work
             * */
            while (index < bytecount)
                //if ((index % (16 * 8192)) == 0) // dev note: could, maybe even should, flush log here based on some configurable modulus
                //    NC.App.Loggers.Flush();

                // dev note: review this code to move all un-needed steps, even copies
                Buffer.BlockCopy(rawDataBuff, index, uintHolder1, 0, 4);
                index += 4;
                Buffer.BlockCopy(rawDataBuff, index, uintHolder2, 0, 4); //get time of event from array
                index += 4;

                if (uintHolder1[0] == 0)
                    if (uintHolder2[0] == 0)  // 8 null bytes means end of the cycle
                        res = ExtractStatusBlock(ref index, bytecount);
                        //logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 8888, "{0}: END-OF-CYCLE BLOCK!", state.NumValuesParsed);
                    else  // it is a veto, and TDB set flag to find its pair
                        // dev note: do something with the veto time in uintHolder2[0]
                        //logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Info, 8888, "{0}: Veto!", state.NumValuesParsed);
                else if (includingGen2 &&                                                    // unsure of best way to find these older files, so I look for the word "triggers", for a three step logical check
                         ((uintHolder1[0] == 0x67697274) && (uintHolder2[0] == 0x73726567))) // girt sreg
                    res       = new StreamStatusBlock();
                    res.index = index - 8;
                    uint messagelength = (uint)(bytecount - res.index);
                    res.msglen = (int)((0x000000FF) & (messagelength >> 24)       //shift byte 1 to byte 4 and mask it
                                       | (0x0000FF00) & (messagelength >> 8)      //shift byte 2 to byte 3 and mask it
                                       | (0x00FF0000) & (messagelength << 8)      //shift byte 3 to byte 2 and mask it
                                       | (0xFF000000) & (messagelength << 24));   //shift byte 4 to byte 1 and mask it
                    logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 219, "todo gen2: for gen 2 we improperly parsed the preceding 8 bytes 0x0002 0x000+ or 0x0002 0x000-, so need to back it out of the counts, and moreover there may be other end patterns I haven't seen yet for gen 2 files.");
                else  //should have a valid pair of UInt32s.  Swap byte order for first value, and read and swap bytes for next value.
                    UInt32 aValue, swapped;

                    //swap endianness of neutron event, already parsed from array...
                    aValue  = uintHolder1[0];
                    swapped = ((0x000000FF) & (aValue >> 24)     //shift byte 1 to byte 4 and mask it
                               | (0x0000FF00) & (aValue >> 8)    //shift byte 2 to byte 3 and mask it
                               | (0x00FF0000) & (aValue << 8)    //shift byte 3 to byte 2 and mask it
                               | (0xFF000000) & (aValue << 24)); //shift byte 4 to byte 1 and mask it

                    neutronEventArray[(int)NumValuesParsed] = swapped;

                    for (short i = 0; i < NC.ChannelCount; i++)  // count channel hits here
                        if ((swapped & chnmask[i]) != 0)
                    //swap endianness of time of event, note: times are cumulative ticks, not deltas
                    aValue  = uintHolder2[0];
                    swapped = ((0x000000FF) & (aValue >> 24)     //shift byte 1 to byte 4 and mask it
                               | (0x0000FF00) & (aValue >> 8)    //shift byte 2 to byte 3 and mask it
                               | (0x00FF0000) & (aValue << 8)    //shift byte 3 to byte 2 and mask it
                               | (0xFF000000) & (aValue << 24)); //shift byte 4 to byte 1 and mask it
                    if (swapped < lastValue)                     //then we have wrapped around, so increment the wraparoundoffset by 33 bits
                        wraparoundOffset += 0x100000000;         // max clock
                    lastValue = swapped;

                    //store the time in the array, adding the wraparoundOffset in case the UInt32 has overflowed (which it will every 429.4967... seconds)
                    timeArray[(int)NumValuesParsed] = wraparoundOffset + ((UInt64)swapped);

                    if (!usingStreamRawAnalysis) // drop them in, one by one
                        Sup.HandleANeutronEvent(timeArray[(int)NumValuesParsed], neutronEventArray[(int)NumValuesParsed]);

Пример #9
 public void PlaceStatusTextOnCurrentCycle(StreamStatusBlock sb)
     ParseStatusBlock(sb, Cycle);
Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 ///  Tailored only for LMMM/NPOD! 
 ///  this looks at the status block content and sets the cycle status; Rates, Assay Cancelled, Status, are the three I've seen in data so far
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sb"></param>
 /// <param name="text"></param>
 /// <param name="stat"></param>
 public void ParseStatusBlock(StreamStatusBlock sb, Cycle cycle)
     //'Assay Cancelled. ' == Cancelled,
     // Completed ==  status block found at end of file or at cycle finish time
     // 'Rates = 0,0,0,0,1,6,0,54,0,0,0,0,1071,546,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0' == Rates (see e.g. GDND/2010_10_20_155930_0.ncd)
     CycleDAQStatus stat = CycleDAQStatus.UnspecifiedTruncation;
     string text = "";
     if (sb != null)
         if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.msg))  // dev note: this needs expansion to support other data stream end conditions, not just the orignal LMMM
             if (text.StartsWith("Assay Cancelled."))  // dev note: string constants that should live in the LMMMLingo class.
                 stat = CycleDAQStatus.Cancelled;
             else if (text.StartsWith("Rates ="))
                 stat = CycleDAQStatus.Rates;
                 stat = CycleDAQStatus.Completed;
             stat = CycleDAQStatus.UnspecifiedTruncation;
     cycle.DaqStatus = stat;
     cycle.Message = text;
Пример #11
        private StreamStatusBlock ExtractStatusBlock(ref int index, int bytecount)
            int statusindex = index + 4;
            UInt32[] messagelength = new UInt32[1];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(rawDataBuff, index, messagelength, 0, 4);  // get length bytes

            uint len = messagelength[0];
            len = ((0x000000FF) & (len >> 24)           //shift byte 1 to byte 4 and mask it
                        | (0x0000FF00) & (len >> 8)     //shift byte 2 to byte 3 and mask it
                        | (0x00FF0000) & (len << 8)     //shift byte 3 to byte 2 and mask it
                        | (0xFF000000) & (len << 24));  //shift byte 4 to byte 1 and mask it

            StreamStatusBlock res = new StreamStatusBlock();
            // this sets up the SB for decoding later
            res.msglen = (int)len;
            res.index = statusindex;

            index = (int)bytecount;  // set index to length of buffer, so loop will exit.
            return res;
Пример #12
        // non-null StatusBlock returned when end of data encountered during processing
        public override StreamStatusBlock ConvertDataBuffer(int bytecount)
            UInt32[] uintHolder1 = new UInt32[1];
            UInt32[] uintHolder2 = new UInt32[1];
            int index = 0;  //index into the active buffer of bytes from the last read
            StreamStatusBlock res = null;

            // logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 221, "{0}: Processing {1} bytes", numbuff, bytecount);
             *  case 0: UInt32 /= 0 is time, then next uint is channel hits
             *  case 1: UInt32 == 0 means end of data file, next uint is length of subsequent terminating ASCII message
             *  case 2: UInt32 == 0 means veto, following uint is skipped
             *  case 3: if gen2 flag is set we do an expensive examination for "trigger" because the null byte tests for gen3 do not work
             * */
            while (index < bytecount)
                //if ((index % (16 * 8192)) == 0) // dev note: could, maybe even should, flush log here based on some configurable modulus
                //    NC.App.Loggers.Flush();

                // dev note: review this code to remove all un-needed steps, even copies
                Buffer.BlockCopy(rawDataBuff, index, uintHolder1, 0, 4);
                index += 4;
                Buffer.BlockCopy(rawDataBuff, index, uintHolder2, 0, 4); //get time of event from array
                index += 4;

                if (uintHolder1[0] == 0)
                    if (uintHolder2[0] == 0)  // 8 null bytes means end of the cycle
                        res = ExtractStatusBlock(ref index, bytecount);
                        //logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 8888, "{0}: END-OF-CYCLE BLOCK!", state.NumValuesParsed);
                    else  // it is a veto, and TDB set flag to find its pair
                        // dev note: do something with the veto time in uintHolder2[0]
                        //logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Info, 8888, "{0}: Veto!", state.NumValuesParsed);
                else if (includingGen2 && // unsure of best way to find these older files, so I look for the word "triggers", for a three step logical check
                    ((uintHolder1[0] == 0x67697274) && (uintHolder2[0] == 0x73726567))) // girt sreg
                    res = new StreamStatusBlock();
                    res.index = index - 8;
                    uint messagelength = (uint)(bytecount - res.index);
                    res.msglen = (int)((0x000000FF) & (messagelength >> 24)           //shift byte 1 to byte 4 and mask it
                                        | (0x0000FF00) & (messagelength >> 8)     //shift byte 2 to byte 3 and mask it
                                        | (0x00FF0000) & (messagelength << 8)     //shift byte 3 to byte 2 and mask it
                                        | (0xFF000000) & (messagelength << 24));  //shift byte 4 to byte 1 and mask it
                    logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 219, "todo gen2: for gen 2 we improperly parsed the preceding 8 bytes 0x0002 0x000+ or 0x0002 0x000-, so need to back it out of the counts, and moreover there may be other end patterns I haven't seen yet for gen 2 files.");
                else  //should have a valid pair of UInt32s.  Swap byte order for first value, and read and swap bytes for next value.
                    UInt32 aValue, swapped;

                    //swap endianness of neutron event, already parsed from array...
                    aValue = uintHolder1[0];
                    swapped = ((0x000000FF) & (aValue >> 24)   //shift byte 1 to byte 4 and mask it
                               | (0x0000FF00) & (aValue >> 8)    //shift byte 2 to byte 3 and mask it
                               | (0x00FF0000) & (aValue << 8)    //shift byte 3 to byte 2 and mask it
                               | (0xFF000000) & (aValue << 24)); //shift byte 4 to byte 1 and mask it

                    neutronEventArray[(int)NumValuesParsed] = swapped;

                    for (short i = 0; i < NC.ChannelCount; i++)  // count channel hits here
                        if ((swapped & chnmask[i]) != 0)
                    //swap endianness of time of event, note: times are cumulative ticks, not deltas
                    aValue = uintHolder2[0];
                    swapped = ((0x000000FF) & (aValue >> 24)   //shift byte 1 to byte 4 and mask it
                               | (0x0000FF00) & (aValue >> 8)    //shift byte 2 to byte 3 and mask it
                               | (0x00FF0000) & (aValue << 8)    //shift byte 3 to byte 2 and mask it
                               | (0xFF000000) & (aValue << 24)); //shift byte 4 to byte 1 and mask it
                    if (swapped < lastValue)  //then we have wrapped around, so increment the wraparoundoffset by 33 bits
                        wraparoundOffset += 0x100000000;  // max clock
                    lastValue = swapped;

                    //store the time in the array, adding the wraparoundOffset in case the UInt32 has overflowed (which it will every 429.4967... seconds)
                    timeArray[(int)NumValuesParsed] = wraparoundOffset + ((UInt64)swapped);

                    if (!usingStreamRawAnalysis) // drop them in, one by one
                        Sup.HandleANeutronEvent(timeArray[(int)NumValuesParsed], neutronEventArray[(int)NumValuesParsed]);

            return res;