Пример #1
        }// HeartBeat()

        // *******************************************************************
        // ****                     ConnectData()                         ****
        // *******************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called for each cell with an RTD link. It's called only the first time they
        /// are entered into the cell (or at startup).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TopicID">Excel's id# for this RTD link.</param>
        /// <param name="strings">Arguments in RTD command passed by excel</param>
        /// <param name="GetNewValues"></param>
        /// <returns>Object to be displayed in cell now.</returns>
        object IRtdServer.ConnectData(int TopicID, ref Array strings, ref bool GetNewValues)
            object returnObject = string.Empty;

            if (strings.Length > 0)
                string[] arguments = new string[strings.Length];                // Read arguments provided by Excel user:
                strings.CopyTo(arguments, 0);
                TopicBase topic = new TopicBase(TopicID, arguments);
                m_Topics.TryAdd(topic.TopicID, topic);
                string response = OnRtdConnectData(ref topic);                     // create topic, add to list.
                double x;
                if (Double.TryParse(response, out x))
                    returnObject = x;
                    returnObject = response;
                GetNewValues = true;                                            // tells Excel it will have to call back to get new values.
                GetNewValues = false;                                        // tells Excel it will have to call back to get new values.
            if ((!m_Topics.IsEmpty) && (!m_Timer.Enabled))                   // Make sure timer for message throttleing is running.
                m_Timer.Interval = ThrottleTime;
        }// ConnectData()
Пример #2
        } // OnRtdServerTerminate()

        /// <summary>
        /// When a new topic is created (in the base class), we separate these topics into
        /// "UserTopics" (intended for client on other end of the socket) and those we keep as private "ServerTopics."
        /// The private "ServerTopics" allow the Excel user to control the behavior of this object and its services.
        /// The base class created a new TopicBase object to hold info requested from excel.
        /// This new TopicBase is analyzed and stored here as a "UserTopic" or "ServerTopic".
        /// ServerTopics are forwarded to ProcessNewServerTopic(), UserTopics are serialized and sent to socket client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>a value immediately displayed by excel.</returns>
        protected override string OnRtdConnectData(ref TopicBase newTopic)
            string responseString = string.Empty;                           // default

            string topicName = newTopic.Arguments[0].Trim().ToLower();      // first element must always exist!

            if (topicName.StartsWith(TopicKey_Base))
            {                                                               // this is a server topic.  Store it.
                if (!m_ServerTopics.ContainsKey(topicName))                 // if this topicName is the first, create place for them.
                    m_ServerTopics.TryAdd(topicName, new ConcurrentDictionary <int, TopicBase>());
                ConcurrentDictionary <int, TopicBase> topicList;
                if (m_ServerTopics.TryGetValue(topicName, out topicList))   // get all topics with this same name.
                    topicList.TryAdd(newTopic.TopicID, newTopic);
                responseString = ProcessNewServerTopic(topicName, ref newTopic);// initial processing of this server topic.
                m_UserTopics.TryAdd(newTopic.TopicID, newTopic);            // This is a user topic.
                if (m_Socket.IsConversing)
                    m_Socket.Send(newTopic.Serialize());                    // Send new topic to socket.
            // Exit
            return(responseString);                                          // what appears in cell immediately.
        }// OnRtdConnectData()
Пример #3
        }// ConnectData()

        // *******************************************************************
        // ****                     DisconnectData()                      ****
        // *******************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Excel user no longer wants to follow this topic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TopicID">id of topic to drop.</param>
        void IRtdServer.DisconnectData(int TopicID)
            TopicBase topicToRemove = null;

            if (m_Topics.TryRemove(TopicID, out topicToRemove))
            if (m_Topics.IsEmpty && m_Timer != null && m_Timer.Enabled)
                m_Timer.Stop();                                             // last RTD link on sheet is removed.  Shut off timer.
        }// DisconnectData()
Пример #4
        }// OnRtdConnectData()

        protected override void OnRtdDisconnect(TopicBase topicToRemove)
            // See if topic is a ServerTopic
            TopicBase topic = null;

            foreach (string topicName in m_ServerTopics.Keys)
                ConcurrentDictionary <int, TopicBase> topicList;
                if (m_ServerTopics.TryGetValue(topicName, out topicList) && topicList.ContainsKey(topicToRemove.TopicID))
                    topicList.TryRemove(topicToRemove.TopicID, out topic);
            if (topic == null) // if topic is not null, it was a server topic.
            {                  // We did not find this topic in ServerTopics.  Check UserTopics.
                if (m_UserTopics.ContainsKey(topicToRemove.TopicID))
                    m_UserTopics.TryRemove(topicToRemove.TopicID, out topic);
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when a excel rtd link is deleted thereby removing the need to
 /// continue updating this topic.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="topicToRemove"></param>
 protected virtual void OnRtdDisconnect(TopicBase topicToRemove)
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// After startup, when excel detects a new RTD link in a cell, this event is fired
 /// by excel thread.
 /// This method must create a new topic and add it to the list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="arguments"></param>
 /// <returns>value to be displayed immediately in excel cell.</returns>
 protected virtual string OnRtdConnectData(ref TopicBase newTopic)
     return(string.Empty);                            // what appears in cell immediately.
Пример #7

        #region Private Methods
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                    Private Methods                      ****
        // *****************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called whenever a new topic arrives from the RtdServerBase that's
        /// determined to be a "server topic".  Its then passed to this method by the excel thread.
        /// This is only called once (upon new topic creation), so is useful for initialization.
        /// Threading:  Called by excel thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>immediate string response</returns>
        private string ProcessNewServerTopic(string topicName, ref TopicBase newTopic)
            string responseString = string.Empty;

            switch (topicName)
            case TopicKey_Status:
                // Parameters are passed in key/value pairs:  RTD("bre.talker","","bret_connect"
                string ipAddress    = string.Empty;
                int    portID       = 6012;
                int    throttleTime = base.ThrottleTime;            // msec default throttle time.
                for (int i = 1; i < newTopic.Arguments.Length; ++i)
                    string[] parts = newTopic.Arguments[i].Split(DelimiterKeyValues);       // keeping empty args here.
                    if (parts.Length == 2)
                        switch (parts[0].ToLower())
                        case "port":
                            int.TryParse(parts[1], out portID);

                        case "throttle":
                            int.TryParse(parts[1], out throttleTime);
                            throttleTime = Math.Max(200, throttleTime);
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(m_Timer.Interval)) != throttleTime)
                                base.ThrottleTime = throttleTime;
                                m_Timer.Interval = base.ThrottleTime;

                        case "ipaddress":
                            ipAddress = parts[1];

                        }    //switch
                if (m_Socket.IsServing)
                {                                                   // After stopping, we can restart server to listen on another port, etc.
                    m_Socket.StopServer();                          // Disconnect any conversations.  Stop listener, and restart it on another port.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipAddress))           // Start server
                        m_Socket.StartServer(portID, ipAddress);
                    if (m_Socket.IsServing)
                        responseString = "Listening";               // report that server is successfully listening now...
                        responseString = "Not listening";           // report that server failed to start listener.
                        ReportWarning("ProcessNewServerTopic code=1: Failed to start listener.");
                catch (Exception)
                    responseString = "Listen Exception";


            case TopicKey_ConnectionTime:
                responseString = "0";

            case TopicKey_UpdateCounter:
                responseString = "0";

            case TopicKey_LastWarning:
                responseString = "None";

            case TopicKey_LastWarningTime:
                responseString = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();

            } //switch
        }     // ProcessNewServerTopic()