Пример #1
        internal TheScheduledLambdaStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            // DynamoDB Table
            _dynamoDbTable = new DynamoDB.Table(this, "RequestTable", new DynamoDB.TableProps
                PartitionKey = new DynamoDB.Attribute
                    Name = "requestid", Type = DynamoDB.AttributeType.STRING
                RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY

            // Create the Lambda function we want to run on a schedule
            _functionScheduled = new Lambda.Function(this, "ScheduledLambda", new Lambda.FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,          // execution environment
                Handler     = "index.handler",                     // file is "index", function is "handler"
                Code        = Lambda.Code.FromAsset("lambda_fns"), // code loaded from the "lambda_fns" directory,
                Environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "TABLE_NAME", _dynamoDbTable.TableName }

            // Allow our lambda fn to write to the table

            // Create EventBridge rule that will execute our Lambda every 2 minutes
            _ruleScheduled = new Events.Rule(this, "scheduledLambda-schedule", new Events.RuleProps
                Schedule = Events.Schedule.Expression("rate(2 minutes)")

            // Set the target of our EventBridge rule to our Lambda function
            _ruleScheduled.AddTarget(new EventsTarget.LambdaFunction(_functionScheduled));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Starting point: define stack in this method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope"></param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="props"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal AirQualityCdkStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            // Metadata to be used by internal construct methods - might need a bit of refactoring and better design
            // this holds keyvaluePairs which can be used to configure environmentVariables
            var metadata = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

            // The code that defines your stack goes here
            // SNS Topics
            new Topic(this, "EmailNotificationPublisher");

            // SQS queues
            var cityFeedSqs = AirQualitySQS("CityFeedQueue");
            // SNS Topics
            var twitterPubSNS = new Topic(this, $"twitterPub-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0,10)}");
            var generalPubSNS = new Topic(this, $"generalPub-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0,10)}");

            // Dynamo DB table
            var tableProps = new Dynamo.TableProps();

            tableProps.TableName = Constants.DbAirQualityTableName;
            var primaryKey = new Dynamo.Attribute {
                Name = Constants.DbPartitionKeyName, Type = Dynamo.AttributeType.STRING

            tableProps.BillingMode  = Dynamo.BillingMode.PAY_PER_REQUEST; // on-demand pricing
            tableProps.PartitionKey = primaryKey;
            tableProps.Stream       = Dynamo.StreamViewType.NEW_IMAGE;
            var airqualityTable = new Dynamo.Table(this, Constants.DbAirQualityTableName, tableProps);

            //Environment value metadata for lambda creation
            metadata[Constants.EnvCityFeedSqsUrl]     = KeyValuePair.Create(Constants.EnvCityFeedSqsUrl, cityFeedSqs.QueueUrl);
            metadata[Constants.EnvTwitterSNS]         = KeyValuePair.Create(Constants.EnvTwitterSNS, twitterPubSNS.TopicArn);
            metadata[Constants.EnvTwitterAPIKey]      = KeyValuePair.Create(Constants.EnvTwitterAPIKey, System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.EnvTwitterAPIKey));
            metadata[Constants.EnvTwitterAPISecret]   = KeyValuePair.Create(Constants.EnvTwitterAPISecret, System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.EnvTwitterAPISecret));
            metadata[Constants.EnvTwitterAccessToken] = KeyValuePair.Create(Constants.EnvTwitterAccessToken, System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.EnvTwitterAccessToken));
            metadata[Constants.EnvTwitterTokenSecret] = KeyValuePair.Create(Constants.EnvTwitterTokenSecret, System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.EnvTwitterTokenSecret));
            metadata[Constants.EnvAirQualityTable]    = KeyValuePair.Create(Constants.EnvAirQualityTable, airqualityTable.TableName);
            metadata[Constants.EnvGeneralSNSTopic]    = KeyValuePair.Create(Constants.EnvGeneralSNSTopic, generalPubSNS.TopicArn);
            // AWS lambdas
            // TODO: Lambda generation logic to be done using environment values. Config might also be pulled from S3
            // GetCityFeed lambda
            var functionsByName = ConstructLambdas(metadata);

            // subscribe and configure
            // find twitter publisher lambda

            twitterPubSNS.AddSubscription(new LambdaSubscription(functionsByName
                                                                 .Where(pair => pair.Key.Contains(Constants.DefaultAirQualityTwitterPublisherLambdaName))

            // trigger feed processor lambda only on dynamo db stream change by coutry-city feed
            .Where(pair => pair.Key.Contains(Constants.DefaultAirQualityFeedProcessorLambdaName))
            .Single().Value.AddEventSource(new DynamoEventSource(airqualityTable, new DynamoEventSourceProps()));

            // Event schedule every 15 mins - // architecture targets 5, change when tested and working
            var waqiLambda = functionsByName
                             .Where(pair => pair.Key.Contains(Constants.DefaultWaqiGetCityFeedLambdaName))
            var targetWaqiLambda = new LambdaFunction(waqiLambda);

            new Rule(this, "Waqi5min", new RuleProps {
                Schedule = Schedule.Rate(Duration.Minutes(5))
Пример #3
        internal TheScalableWebhookStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
             * DynamoDB Table
             * This is standing in for what is RDS on the diagram due to simpler/cheaper setup
            _dynamoDbTable = new DynamoDB.Table(this, "Messages", new DynamoDB.TableProps
                PartitionKey = new DynamoDB.Attribute {
                    Name = "id", Type = DynamoDB.AttributeType.STRING

             * Queue Setup
            _queueRds = new SQS.Queue(this, "RDSPublishQueue", new SQS.QueueProps
                VisibilityTimeout = Duration.Seconds(300)

             * Lambdas
             * Both publisher and subscriber from pattern

             * defines an AWS  Lambda resource to publish to our sqs_queue
            _functionPublish = new Lambda.Function(this, "SQSPublishLambdaHandler", new Lambda.FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,                  // execution environment
                Handler     = "lambda.handler",                            // file is "lambda", function is "handler"
                Code        = Lambda.Code.FromAsset("lambda_fns/publish"), // code loaded from the "lambda_fns/publish" directory
                Environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "queueURL", _queueRds.QueueUrl }


             * defines an AWS  Lambda resource to pull from our sqs_queue
            _functionSubscribe = new Lambda.Function(this, "SQSSubscribeLambdaHandler", new Lambda.FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,                    // execution environment
                Handler     = "lambda.handler",                              // file is "lambda", function is "handler"
                Code        = Lambda.Code.FromAsset("lambda_fns/subscribe"), // code loaded from the "lambda_fns/subscribe" directory
                Environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "queueURL", _queueRds.QueueUrl },
                    { "tableName", _dynamoDbTable.TableName }
                ReservedConcurrentExecutions = 2 // throttle lambda to 2 concurrent invocations

            _functionSubscribe.AddEventSource(new LambdaEvents.SqsEventSource(_queueRds));

             * API Gateway Proxy
             * Used to expose the webhook through a URL
             * defines an API Gateway REST API resource backed by our "sqs_publish_lambda" function.
            new APIG.LambdaRestApi(this, "Endpoint", new APIG.LambdaRestApiProps
                Handler = _functionPublish
Пример #4
        internal ApiGatewayCDKStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            var api = new RestApi(this, "MyApi2", new RestApiProps
                RestApiName   = "my-api2",
                Deploy        = true,
                DeployOptions = new StageOptions
                    StageName = "preprod",
                    Variables = new Dictionary <string, string>
                        { "lambdaAlias", "preprod" }
                    TracingEnabled = true

            //var deployment = new Deployment(this, "preprd", new DeploymentProps
            //    Api = api,
            //    Description = "Initial Deployment",
            //    RetainDeployments


            var ddbTable = new DynamoDB.Table(this, "SampleTable", new DynamoDB.TableProps
                TableName    = "SampleTable",
                PartitionKey = new DynamoDB.Attribute
                    Name = "PartitionKey",
                    Type = DynamoDB.AttributeType.STRING
                SortKey = new DynamoDB.Attribute
                    Name = "SortKey",
                    Type = DynamoDB.AttributeType.STRING

            var lambda = new Lambda.Function(this, "MyLambda", new Lambda.FunctionProps
                FunctionName          = "DemoProxyLambda",
                Code                  = Lambda.Code.FromAsset("./LambdaSource"),
                Handler               = "WebAppLambda::WebAppLambda.LambdaEntryPoint::FunctionHandlerAsync",
                Runtime               = Lambda.Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                MemorySize            = 1536,
                Timeout               = Duration.Seconds(30),
                CurrentVersionOptions = new Lambda.VersionOptions
                    RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.RETAIN,
                    RetryAttempts = 1,
                Tracing     = Lambda.Tracing.ACTIVE,
                Environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "CodeVersionString", "0.0.13" }

            lambda.Role.AttachInlinePolicy(new IAM.Policy(this, "lambdaiam", new IAM.PolicyProps
                PolicyName = "DynamoDbAccess",
                Document   = new IAM.PolicyDocument(new IAM.PolicyDocumentProps
                    Statements = new[]
                        new IAM.PolicyStatement(new IAM.PolicyStatementProps
                            Effect  = IAM.Effect.ALLOW,
                            Actions = new []
                            Resources = new []


            var awsIntegration = StageSpecificLambda(lambda);

            api.Root.AddProxy(new ProxyResourceOptions
                DefaultIntegration = awsIntegration

            api.Root.AddMethod("GET", awsIntegration);

            new RouteToS3(this, "s3route", new RouteToS3Props
                Api = api,
                PathInApiGateway = "content",
                S3Bucket         = "test-rfsship-content",
                S3Prefix         = "content",
        public SrcStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props) : base(scope, id, props)
            #region VPC, Subnets and Security Groups
            IVpc batchVpc = new Vpc(this, Constants.VPC_ID, new VpcProps {
                Cidr   = Constants.CIDR_RANGE,
                MaxAzs = 4

            var privateSubnetIds = new List <string>();
            foreach (Subnet subnet in batchVpc.PrivateSubnets)

            var batchSecurityGroup = new SecurityGroup(this, Constants.BATCH_SECURITY_GROUP_ID,
                                                       new SecurityGroupProps {
                Vpc = batchVpc,
                SecurityGroupName = Constants.BATCH_SECURITY_GROUP_NAME,
                Description       = Constants.BATCH_SECURITY_GROUP_DESCRIPTION,

            var batchSecurityGroupIds = new List <string>()


            #region S3, DynamoDB, Lambda (to trigger the batch on file drop)
            s3.Bucket bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, Constants.S3_BUCKET_ID, new s3.BucketProps {
                BucketName = Constants.S3_BUCKET_NAME + this.Account
            var bucketName = bucket.BucketName;

            var gsi = new dynamo.GlobalSecondaryIndexProps()
                IndexName    = "GSI",
                PartitionKey = new dynamo.Attribute {
                    Name = "CreatedTime", Type = dynamo.AttributeType.STRING
                ProjectionType = dynamo.ProjectionType.KEYS_ONLY

            dynamo.Table table = new dynamo.Table(this, Constants.DynamoDB_TABLE_ID, new dynamo.TableProps {
                TableName    = Constants.DynamoDB_TABLE_ID,
                PartitionKey = new dynamo.Attribute {
                    Name = "ProductId", Type = dynamo.AttributeType.STRING
                BillingMode = dynamo.BillingMode.PAY_PER_REQUEST

            var lambdaBatchExecutionRoleProvider = new LambdaBatchExecutionRole(this, Constants.LAMBDA_BATCH_EXECUTION_ROLE_ID);

            DockerImageAsset imageAsset = new DockerImageAsset(this, "BatchProcessorImage", new DockerImageAssetProps {
                Directory      = Constants.BATCH_PROCESSOR_PYTHON_CODE_PATH,
                RepositoryName = Constants.ECR_REPOSITORY_NAME

            #region Batch - ComputeEnvironment - Job Queue - Job Definition
            var batchServiceRole     = new BatchServiceRole(this, Constants.BATCH_SERVICE_ROLE_ID);
            var ecsInstanceRole      = new EcsInstanceRole(this, Constants.ECS_INSTANCE_ROLE_ID);
            var batchInstanceProfile = new InstanceProfile(this, Constants.BATCH_INSTANCE_PROFILE_ID, ecsInstanceRole);

            var computeEnvironment = new batch.CfnComputeEnvironment(this, Constants.BATCH_COMPUTE_ENVIRONMENT_ID,
                                                                     new batch.CfnComputeEnvironmentProps {
                ComputeEnvironmentName = Constants.BATCH_COMPUTE_ENVIRONMENT_NAME,
                Type             = Constants.BATCH_COMPUTE_TYPE,
                ServiceRole      = batchServiceRole.Role.RoleName,
                ComputeResources = new batch.CfnComputeEnvironment.ComputeResourcesProperty {
                    Type          = Constants.BATCH_COMPUTE_RESOURCE_TYPE,
                    MinvCpus      = 0,
                    MaxvCpus      = 32,
                    DesiredvCpus  = 0,
                    InstanceRole  = ecsInstanceRole.Role.RoleName,
                    InstanceTypes = new string[] {
                    SecurityGroupIds = batchSecurityGroupIds.ToArray(),
                    Subnets          = privateSubnetIds.ToArray()

            var computeEnvironmentOrders = new List <batch.CfnJobQueue.ComputeEnvironmentOrderProperty>();
            var computeEnvironmentOrder  = new batch.CfnJobQueue.ComputeEnvironmentOrderProperty()
                Order = 1,
                ComputeEnvironment = computeEnvironment.Ref

            var batchProcessingJobQueue = new batch.CfnJobQueue(this, Constants.BATCH_JOB_QUEUE_ID, new batch.CfnJobQueueProps {
                JobQueueName            = Constants.BATCH_PROCESSING_JOB_QUEUE,
                Priority                = 1,
                ComputeEnvironmentOrder = computeEnvironmentOrders.ToArray()

            var batchProcessingJobDefinition = new batch.CfnJobDefinition(this, Constants.BATCH_JOB_DEFINITION_ID, new batch.CfnJobDefinitionProps {
                Type = Constants.CONTAINER,
                JobDefinitionName   = Constants.BATCH_JOB_DEFINITION_NAME,
                ContainerProperties = new batch.CfnJobDefinition.ContainerPropertiesProperty()
                    Image   = imageAsset.ImageUri,
                    Vcpus   = Constants.BATCH_JOB_DEFINITION_VCPU,
                    Memory  = Constants.BATCH_JOB_DEFINITION_MemoryLimitMiB,
                    Command = new string[] {

            #region lambda s3 event trigger

            BatchTriggerLambdaInput batchTriggerLambdaInput = new BatchTriggerLambdaInput {
                BucketName         = bucketName,
                FileName           = "sample.csv",
                Region             = "us-east-1",
                BatchJobDefinition = batchProcessingJobDefinition.JobDefinitionName,
                BatchJobName       = Constants.BATCH_JOB_NAME,
                BatchJobQueue      = batchProcessingJobQueue.JobQueueName,
                DBTable            = table.TableName

            lambda.Function lambda = BatchTriggerLambda.BatchTriggerLambdaFunction(this, Constants.LAMBDA_NAME,
                                                                                   batchTriggerLambdaInput, lambdaBatchExecutionRoleProvider);

            var batchLambdaFunction = new LambdaFunction(

            var eventPutSource = new eventsources.S3EventSource(bucket, new eventsources.S3EventSourceProps {
                Events = new s3.EventType[] {



            #region OUTPUTS
            var cfnComputeOutput = new CfnOutput(this, Constants.BATCH_COMPUTE_ENVIRONMENT_NAME_OUTPUT_ID,
                                                 new CfnOutputProps {
                Value = computeEnvironment.Ref

            var cfnS3Output = new CfnOutput(this, Constants.S3_BUCKET_OUTPUT_ID,
                                            new CfnOutputProps {
                Value = bucket.BucketName

            var cfnEcrRepositoryOutput = new CfnOutput(this, Constants.ECR_REPOSITORY_OUTPUT_ID,
                                                       new CfnOutputProps {
                Value = imageAsset.Repository.RepositoryArn

            var cfnDynamoTableOutput = new CfnOutput(this, Constants.DYNAMO_TABLE_OUTPUT_ID,
                                                     new CfnOutputProps {
                Value = table.TableName

            var cfnLambdaRepositoryOutput = new CfnOutput(this, Constants.LAMBDA_OUTPUT_ID,
                                                          new CfnOutputProps {
                Value = lambda.FunctionArn


            Tag.Add(this, "Name", Constants.APP_NAME);