public MapInfo(string map_id) { try { var client = new RestClient(""); var request = new RestRequest($"get_beatmaps?b={map_id}&k={Data.ApiKey}"); request.Timeout = 5000; client.Timeout = 5000; var response = client.Execute(request); string result = response.Content; if (result.Length > 2) { var btm = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Beatmaps>(result.Substring(1, result.Length - 2)); od = Convert.ToDouble(btm.diff_overall.Replace('.', ',')); obj = Convert.ToDouble(Osu.Combo(map_id)); stars = Convert.ToDouble(btm.difficultyrating.Replace('.', ',')); mode = btm.mode; artist = btm.artist; title = btm.title; version = btm.version; keys = Convert.ToInt16(btm.diff_approach); } else { mode = "-1"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write($"ERROR: {ex}"); } }
public static void OnQueryMessage(object sender, IrcEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Data.Nick + ":" + e.Data.Message); Log.Write(e.Data.RawMessage); if (!users.Contains(e.Data.Nick)) { users.Add(e.Data.Nick); last_map.Add("1023965"); if (_announce != null) { irc.SendReply(e.Data, _announce); } } if (e.Data.Message.StartsWith("!")) { var command = e.Data.Message.ToLower().Split(' '); if (command[0] == "!r") { if (command.Length > 1 && command[1] == "4") { var list = Osu.GetPP(e.Data.Nick); Log.Write($"{list[0]} | {list[1]}"); if (list[0] == -1) { irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Request failed. Time for a break, maybe? :) Possible problems: You don't have enough scores in mania mode; Connection failed for some reason."); } else { var get_map = Data.GetMap(e.Data.Nick, list, "4"); Log.Write(get_map); irc.SendReply(e.Data, get_map); Console.WriteLine("~Reply sent."); } } else if (command.Length > 1 && command[1] == "7") { var pp = Osu.GetPP(e.Data.Nick); Log.Write($"{pp[0]}"); if (pp[0] == -1) { irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Request failed. Time for a break, maybe? :) Possible problems: You don't have enough scores in mania mode; Connection failed for some reason."); } else { var get_map = Data.GetMap(e.Data.Nick, pp, "7"); Log.Write(get_map); irc.SendReply(e.Data, get_map); Console.WriteLine("~Reply sent."); } } else if (command.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Too few arguments."); Log.Write("Too few arguments."); irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Too few aruments. Command usage: !r [keys]. Example: !r 4"); } else { Log.Write("4 or 7 keys required."); irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Due to lack of maps I can only work with 4 and 7 keys right now."); } } else if (command[0] == "!acc") { if (command.Length == 3) { string map_id = null; for (int i = 0; i < users.Count; i++) { if (users[i] == e.Data.Nick) { try { map_id = last_map[i]; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { Log.Write("" + ex); Console.WriteLine("Error (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)"); irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Send /np first. (map must be ranked)"); } } } Double acc; Double score; try { acc = Convert.ToDouble(command[1].Replace('.', ',')); Log.Write($"{acc}"); score = Convert.ToDouble(command[2]); Log.Write($"{score}"); if (acc < 0 || acc > 100) { acc = -1; } if (score < 0 || score > 1000000) { acc = -1; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write("Error: " + ex); Console.WriteLine(ex); acc = -1; score = -1; } if (acc == -1 || score == -1) { Log.Write("Wrong input."); irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Wrong input. Usage: !acc [acc] [score]"); } else { MapInfo m = new MapInfo(map_id); if (m.mode == "3") { string output = $"{m.artist} - {m.title} [{m.version}] | {Data.Calculate(m.od, m.stars, m.obj, acc, score)}pp for {acc}%"; Log.Write(output); irc.SendReply(e.Data, output); } else if (m.mode == "0" || m.mode == "1" || m.mode == "2") { irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Mania mode required."); Log.Write("Error: (166) Wrong mode."); } else { irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Please, listen to mania song then do /np."); Log.Write("Error: 171 m.mode is \"" + m.mode + "\""); Console.WriteLine("Please, listen to mania song then do /np."); } } } else { Log.Write("Too few arguments."); Console.WriteLine("Too few arguments."); irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Too few arguments. Usage: !acc [accuracy] [score]. Example: !acc 96.04 842098"); } } else if (command[0] == "!dif" || command[0] == "!diff") { if (command.Length < 3) { Log.Write(e.Data.Nick + "// Too few arguments."); Console.WriteLine("Too few arguments."); irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Too few arguments. Usage: !diff [keys] [difficulty]. Example: !diff 4 3.55"); } else if (command.Length >= 3) { try { var diff = Convert.ToDouble(command[2].Replace('.', ',')); var keys = command[1]; if (command[1] == "4" || command[1] == "7") { string get_map; if (command.Length == 3) { get_map = Data.GetMapDiff(e.Data.Nick, diff, keys); } else { var diff2 = Convert.ToDouble(command[3].Replace('.', ',')); get_map = Data.GetMapMinMaxDiff(e.Data.Nick, diff, diff2, command[1]); } Log.Write(get_map); irc.SendReply(e.Data, get_map); Console.WriteLine("~Reply sent."); } else { irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Works for 4 and 7 keys for now."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write($"ex"); Console.WriteLine(ex); irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Error occuried. Wrong input?"); } } } else if (command[0] == "!help" || command[0] == "!info") { irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Hello, I'm Amatsu! And I can do some cute things for you. Forum thread can be found [ here], commands are listed [ here]"); } else if (command[0] == "!coffee") { irc.SendReply(e.Data, "[ Держи^^]"); } else if (command[0] == "!dt") { if (command.Length < 2) { } else if (command[1] == "4" || command[1] == "7") { var pp = Osu.GetPP(e.Data.Nick)[0]; Log.Write($"{pp}"); if (pp == -1) { irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Request failed. Time for a break, maybe? :) Possible problems: You don't have enough scores in mania mode; Connection failed for some reason."); } else { string get_map; if (command[1] == "4") { get_map = Data.GetDoubleTimeMap(e.Data.Nick, pp, "4"); } else { get_map = Data.GetDoubleTimeMap(e.Data.Nick, pp, "7"); } Log.Write(get_map); irc.SendReply(e.Data, get_map); Console.WriteLine("~Reply sent."); } } } else if (command[0] == "!sendreport") { if (command.Length > 1) { irc.SendMessage(SendType.Message, username, $"(REPORT) {e.Data.Nick}: {command[1]}"); Log.Report($"{e.Data.Nick}: {command[1]}"); irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Report sent!"); } else { irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Too few arguments. Usage: !report [report message]."); } } else { irc.SendReply(e.Data, "Unknown command. All available commands are listed [ here]."); } } }