public FuncTreeNode AddNodes(string xpath) { string[] paths = xpath.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (paths.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to add the root node"); } int index = 0; FuncTreeNode tmp = this; while (index < paths.Length) { string tmpNodeName = paths[index]; if (!tmp.Nodes.ContainsKey(tmpNodeName)) { tmp = tmp.AddNode(tmpNodeName); } else { tmp = tmp.Nodes[tmpNodeName]; } index++; } return(tmp); }
public FuncTreeNode(string name) { this._name = name; this._parent = null; this._funcs = new Dictionary <string, CustomShellType.FuncCode>(); this._nodes = new Dictionary <string, FuncTreeNode>(); }
public CustomShellType(Basic basicSetting, MainCode mainCodeSetting) { _shellTypeName = basicSetting.ShellTypeName; _basicSetting = basicSetting; _mainCodeSetting = mainCodeSetting; //初始化方法树 _funcTreeRoot = new FuncTreeNode(_shellTypeName); }
public FuncTreeNode AddFuncTreeNode(string nodeXpath) { FuncTreeNode tmp = _funcTreeRoot.FindNodes(nodeXpath); //如果节点不存在 if (tmp == null) { return(_funcTreeRoot.AddNodes(nodeXpath)); } return(tmp); }
public FuncTreeNode AddNode(string nodeName) { if (!this.Nodes.ContainsKey(nodeName)) { FuncTreeNode newNode = new FuncTreeNode(nodeName); newNode._parent = this; this.Nodes.Add(newNode.Name, newNode); return(newNode); } return(this.Nodes[nodeName]); }
public FuncCode GetFuncCode(string nodeXpath, string funcCodeName) { FuncTreeNode tmp = _funcTreeRoot.FindNodes(nodeXpath); //如果节点存在 if (tmp != null) { //如果funcCode已经注册 if (tmp.Funcs.ContainsKey(funcCodeName)) { return(tmp.Funcs[funcCodeName]); } } //其他情况均为未注册 throw new Exception(string.Format("FuncCode:[{0}/{1}/{2}] hasn't been registered", _shellTypeName, nodeXpath, funcCodeName)); }
public void AddFuncCode(string nodeXpath, FuncCode funcCode) { FuncTreeNode tmp = _funcTreeRoot.FindNodes(nodeXpath); //如果节点不存在 if (tmp == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("FuncTreeNode:[{0}/{1}] has't been defined", _shellTypeName, nodeXpath)); } //如果funcCode已经注册 if (tmp.Funcs.ContainsKey(funcCode.Name)) { throw new Exception(string.Format("FuncCode:[{0}/{1}/{2}] has been registered", _shellTypeName, nodeXpath, funcCode.Name)); } else { tmp.Funcs.Add(funcCode.Name, funcCode); } }
public FuncTreeNode FindNodes(string xpath) { string[] paths = xpath.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (paths.Length == 0) { return(this); } int index = 0; FuncTreeNode tmp = this; while (index < paths.Length) { tmp = tmp.FindNode(paths[index]); if (tmp != null) { index++; } else { break; } } return(tmp); }
private static readonly string SettingXmlPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/";//const是编译时常数(默认是静态),readonly是运行时常数(默认不是静态) /// <summary> /// 注册CustomShellType /// </summary> public static void RegisterCustomShellType() { //清空CustomShellTypeProvider CustomShellTypeProvider.Clear(); //读取shelltype列表(.type) List <string> typeList = XmlHelper.LoadXMlList(CustomShellTypePath, "type"); //1.注册CustomShellType foreach (string c in typeList) { var basicSetting = new CustomShellType.Basic(); var mainCodeSetting = new CustomShellType.MainCode(); //读取basicSetting,mainCodeSetting CustomShellTypeXmlHandle.ReadXml(c, CustomShellTypePath, ref basicSetting, ref mainCodeSetting); //生成customShellType var customShellType = new CustomShellType(basicSetting, mainCodeSetting); //将CustomShellType注册到全局 CustomShellTypeProvider.AddShellType(customShellType); } //读取funcTree定义列表(.tree) List <string> funcTreeList = XmlHelper.LoadXMlList(CustomShellTypePath, "tree"); //2.初始化funcTree方法树 foreach (string c in funcTreeList) { var treeInfoList = new List <CustomShellType.TreeInfo>(); //读取funcCodeList CustomShellTypeXmlHandle.ReadXml(c, CustomShellTypePath, ref treeInfoList); //将func注册到CustomShellType foreach (CustomShellType.TreeInfo info in treeInfoList) { /*** * 获取节点的类型 * 允许多个类型,以英文逗号分隔,如"aspx,aspx1" */ string[] types = info.Type.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string type in types) { CustomShellType shellType = CustomShellTypeProvider.GetShellType(type); FuncTreeNode node = shellType.AddFuncTreeNode(info.Path); node.Info = info.Info; } } } //读取funcCode列表(.func) List <string> funcList = XmlHelper.LoadXMlList(CustomShellTypePath, "func"); //3.注册funcCode到functree foreach (string c in funcList) { var funcCodeList = new List <CustomShellType.FuncCode>(); //读取funcCodeList CustomShellTypeXmlHandle.ReadXml(c, CustomShellTypePath, ref funcCodeList); //将func注册到CustomShellType foreach (CustomShellType.FuncCode func in funcCodeList) { /*** * 获取func的类型 * type允许多个类型,以英文逗号分隔,如"aspx,aspx1" */ string[] types = func.Type.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string type in types) { CustomShellType shellType = CustomShellTypeProvider.GetShellType(type); //获取映射节点 //path为xpath形式,如"/cmder", //允许多个,以英文逗号分隔,如"/cmder,/cmder1" string[] xpaths = func.Path.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string xpath in xpaths) { shellType.AddFuncCode(xpath, func); } } } } }