internal static string GetFinalPathNameByHandleCore(SafeFileHandle handle, FinalPathFormats finalPath)

            var buffer = new StringBuilder(NativeMethods.MaxPathUnicode);

            using (new NativeMethods.ChangeErrorMode(NativeMethods.ErrorMode.FailCriticalErrors))
                if (NativeMethods.IsAtLeastWindowsVista)
                    // MSDN: GetFinalPathNameByHandle(): If the function fails for any other reason, the return value is zero.

                    var success = NativeMethods.GetFinalPathNameByHandle(handle, buffer, (uint)buffer.Capacity, finalPath) == Win32Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS;

                    var lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    if (!success && lastError != Win32Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS)


            // Older OperatingSystem

            // Obtaining a File Name From a File Handle

            // Be careful when using GetFileSizeEx to check the size of hFile handle of an unknown "File" type object.
            // This is more towards returning a filename from a file handle. If the handle is a named pipe handle it seems to hang the thread.
            // Check for: FileTypes.DiskFile

            // Can't map a 0 byte file.
            long fileSizeHi;

            if (!NativeMethods.GetFileSizeEx(handle, out fileSizeHi))
                if (fileSizeHi == 0)

            // PAGE_READONLY
            // Allows views to be mapped for read-only or copy-on-write access. An attempt to write to a specific region results in an access violation.
            // The file handle that the hFile parameter specifies must be created with the GENERIC_READ access right.
            // PageReadOnly = 0x02,
            using (var handle2 = NativeMethods.CreateFileMapping(handle, null, 2, 0, 1, null))
                NativeMethods.IsValidHandle(handle, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());

                // FILE_MAP_READ
                // Read = 4
                using (var pMem = NativeMethods.MapViewOfFile(handle2, 4, 0, 0, (UIntPtr)1))
                    if (NativeMethods.IsValidHandle(pMem, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()))
                        if (NativeMethods.GetMappedFileName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, pMem, buffer, (uint)buffer.Capacity))

            // Default output from GetMappedFileName(): "\Device\HarddiskVolumeX\path\filename.ext"
            var dosDevice = buffer.Length > 0 ? buffer.ToString() : string.Empty;

            // Select output format.
            switch (finalPath)
            // As-is: "\Device\HarddiskVolumeX\path\filename.ext"
            case FinalPathFormats.VolumeNameNT:

            // To: "\path\filename.ext"
            case FinalPathFormats.VolumeNameNone:
                return(DosDeviceToDosPath(dosDevice, string.Empty));

            // To: "\\?\Volume{GUID}\path\filename.ext"
            case FinalPathFormats.VolumeNameGuid:
                var dosPath = DosDeviceToDosPath(dosDevice, null);

                if (!Utils.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dosPath))
                    var driveLetter = RemoveTrailingDirectorySeparator(GetPathRoot(dosPath, false));
                    var file        = GetFileName(dosPath, true);

                    if (!Utils.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
                        foreach (var drive in Directory.EnumerateLogicalDrivesCore(false, false).Select(drv => drv.Name).Where(drv => driveLetter.Equals(RemoveTrailingDirectorySeparator(drv), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                            return(CombineCore(false, Volume.GetUniqueVolumeNameForPath(drive), GetSuffixedDirectoryNameWithoutRootCore(null, dosPath), file));


            // To: "\\?\C:\path\filename.ext"
            return(!Utils.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dosDevice) ? LongPathPrefix + DosDeviceToDosPath(dosDevice, null) : string.Empty);