Пример #1
        /// <summary> Path Planning for AGV navigation </summary>
        /// <param name="a_tRegionData">[IN] current region data 當前區域數據 </param>
        /// <param name="a_lWarehousIndex">[IN] current Warehouse index 當前櫃位數據 </param>
        /// <param name="a_atPathInfo">[INOUT] Path data 路徑數據 </param>
        /// <param name="a_tCarInfo">[IN] car data 車子數據 </param>
        /// <param name="a_atObstacle">[IN] Obstacle data 障礙數據 </param>
        public static void rtAGV_PathPlanning(
            RegionOfMap a_tRegionData, int a_lWarehousIndex,
            ref rtPath_Info[] a_atPathInfo, ref rtCarData a_tCarInfo, ROI[] a_atObstacle)
            NodeId tNodeId;
            int    lNodeNum = 0, lPathLength = 0;

            int[] alPathofRegion = new int[0];

            tNodeId = rtAGV_FindCurrentNode(a_tRegionData.atNode, a_tCarInfo);

            if (a_tDestData.tNodeId.lRegion == tNodeId.lRegion)
            {   // different region
                if (alPathofRegion.Length == 0)
                    // show error

                while (lRegionIndex < alPathofRegion.Length)
            // already in same region(確保在同一個區域)
            lNodeNum = a_tRegionData.lNodeNum;
                tNodeId.lIndex, a_lWarehousIndex,
                a_tRegionData.atNode, a_tRegionData.alPathTableNode, lNodeNum, ref lPathLength, ref a_atPathInfo);
Пример #2
 /// <summary> 搜尋最靠近車體位置的節點 </summary>
 /// <param name="a_atNodeLocal">[IN] node list </param>
 /// <param name="a_tCarInfo">[IN] car information </param>
 /// <returns> The closest node </returns>
 public static NodeId rtAGV_FindCurrentNode(rtAGV_MAP_node[] a_atNodeLocal, rtCarData a_tCarInfo)
     NodeId tNodeId = new NodeId();
     double MinDistance = EMPTY_DATA;
     for (int i = 0; i < a_atNodeLocal.Length; i++)
         double EachDistance = rtVectorOP_2D.GetDistance(a_atNodeLocal[i].tCoordinate, a_tCarInfo.tPosition);
         if (EachDistance <= MinDistance)
             MinDistance = EachDistance;
             tNodeId = a_atNodeLocal[i].tNodeId;
     return tNodeId;
Пример #3
        /// <summary> 搜尋最靠近車體位置的節點 </summary>
        /// <param name="a_atNode">[IN] node list 節點列表 </param>
        /// <param name="a_tCarInfo">[IN] car information 車子數據 </param>
        /// <returns> The closest node </returns>
        public static NodeId rtAGV_FindCurrentNode(rtNode[] a_atNode, rtCarData a_tCarInfo)
            NodeId tNodeId     = new NodeId();
            double MinDistance = EMPTY_DATA;

            for (int i = 0; i < a_atNode.Length; i++)
                double EachDistance = rtVectorOP_2D.GetDistance(a_atNode[i].tCoordinate, a_tCarInfo.tPosition);
                if (EachDistance <= MinDistance)
                    MinDistance    = EachDistance;
                    tNodeId.lIndex = i;
Пример #4
        /// <summary> Path Planning for AGV navigation </summary>
        /// <param name="a_tMap">[IN] map for navigation </param>
        /// <param name="a_atWarehousingInfo">[IN] Warehouse Information </param>
        /// <param name="a_atRegionCfg">[IN] region configure </param>
        /// <param name="a_atPathInfo">[INOUT] Path data </param>
        /// <param name="a_tCarInfo">[IN] car data </param>
        /// <param name="a_tDestData">[IN] Destination data </param>
        /// <param name="a_atObstacle">[IN] Obstacle data </param>
        public static void rtAGV_PathPlanning(
            rtAGV_MAP a_tMap, rtWarehousingInfo[][] a_atWarehousingInfo, ROI[] a_atRegionCfg, 
            ref rtPath_Info[] a_atPathInfo, ref rtCarData a_tCarInfo, rtWarehousingInfo a_tDestData, ROI[] a_atObstacle)
            NodeId tNodeId;
            int lNodeNum = 0, lPathLength = 0;
            int lRegionIndex = 0;

            int[] alPathofRegion = new int[0];

            tNodeId = rtAGV_FindCurrentNode(a_tMap.atNodeLocal[lRegionIndex], a_tCarInfo);

            if (a_tDestData.tNodeId.lRegion == tNodeId.lRegion)
            {   // different region
                if(alPathofRegion.Length == 0)
                    // show error

                while (lRegionIndex < alPathofRegion.Length)
            // already in same region
            lRegionIndex = a_tDestData.tNodeId.lRegion;
            lNodeNum = a_tMap.alNodeNumLocal[lRegionIndex];
                tNodeId.lIndex, a_tDestData.tNodeId.lIndex,
                a_tMap.atNodeLocal[lRegionIndex], a_tMap.alPathTableLocal[lRegionIndex], lNodeNum, ref lPathLength, ref a_atPathInfo);
Пример #5
        /// <summary> calculate Car Center Speed  </summary>
        /// <param name="a_tCarData">[IN] data for car </param>
        /// <returns> Car Center Speed </returns>
        public static double CarCenterSpeedCal(rtCarData a_tCarData)
            double eSpeed = 0, eTheta = 0, eT = 0;
            double eLength_C2M = 0; // 兩輪中心到後馬達的距離 
            double eLength_C2O = 0; // 兩輪中心到旋轉中心的距離 = 旋轉半徑
            double eLength_R2O = 0; // 右輪中心到旋轉中心的距離 
            double eLength_L2O = 0; // 右輪中心到旋轉中心的距離
            rtVector tV_Car, tVlaw, tRotateCenter;

            eTheta = Math.Abs(a_tCarData.eWheelAngle);
            eLength_C2M = rtVectorOP_2D.GetDistance(a_tCarData.tPosition, a_tCarData.tMotorPosition);
            eLength_C2O = Math.Tan((90 - eTheta) * Math.PI / 180) * eLength_C2M;

            tV_Car.eX = Math.Cos(a_tCarData.eAngle * Math.PI / 180);
            tV_Car.eY = Math.Sin(a_tCarData.eAngle * Math.PI / 180);

            // 取右側的法向量
            tVlaw.eX = tV_Car.eY;
            tVlaw.eY = -tV_Car.eX;

            eT = Math.Sqrt(eLength_C2O * eLength_C2O / (tVlaw.eX * tVlaw.eX + tVlaw.eY * tVlaw.eY));
            if (a_tCarData.eWheelAngle >= 0)
                eT = -eT;

            tRotateCenter.eX = a_tCarData.tPosition.eX + tVlaw.eX * eT;
            tRotateCenter.eY = a_tCarData.tPosition.eY + tVlaw.eY * eT;

            eLength_R2O = rtVectorOP_2D.GetDistance(a_tCarData.tCarTirepositionR, tRotateCenter);
            eLength_L2O = rtVectorOP_2D.GetDistance(a_tCarData.tCarTirepositionL, tRotateCenter);

            if (eTheta > ANGLE_TH_MOTION_PREDICT)
                if (a_tCarData.eWheelAngle < 0)
                { // 車子往右轉 輪子角度為負
                    eSpeed = Math.Abs(a_tCarData.eCarTireSpeedLeft) * eLength_C2O / eLength_L2O;
                { // 車子往左轉 輪子角度為正
                    eSpeed = Math.Abs(a_tCarData.eCarTireSpeedRight) * eLength_C2O / eLength_R2O;
            {   // 當作直行
                eSpeed = (a_tCarData.eCarTireSpeedLeft + a_tCarData.eCarTireSpeedRight) / 2;

            return eSpeed;
Пример #6
        /// <summary> power control during Straight mode </summary>
        /// <param name="a_atPathInfo">[IN] path data for navigate </param>
        /// <param name="a_tCarData">[IN] data of car </param>
        public void MotorPower_CtrlNavigateStraight(rtPath_Info[] a_atPathInfo, rtCarData a_tCarData)
        {   // 直走狀態
            double eErrorCurrent = 0, eDistanceMotor2Dest = 0, eDistanceTurn = 0;

            tMotorData.bFinishFlag = false;
            tMotorData.bOverDest = false;
            tMotorData.bBackWard = BackWardVerify(a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex], a_tCarData.eAngle );
            tMotorData.bOverDest = OverDestination(a_atPathInfo, a_tCarData.tPosition, tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex);
            if (tMotorData.bOverDest == true)
            {   // 判斷超過終點
                if (a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex].ucTurnType == (byte)rtPath_Info.rtTurnType.ARRIVE)
                {   // 到達最終目的地 >> 停車
                    a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex].ucStatus = (byte)rtPath_Info.rtStatus.DONE;
                    tMotorData.bFinishFlag = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("到達最終目的地 >> 停車");
                else if (a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex].ucTurnType == (byte)rtPath_Info.rtTurnType.PARK)
                {   // 到達最終目的地 >> 停車
                    a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex].ucStatus = (byte)rtPath_Info.rtStatus.DONE;
                    tMotorData.bFinishFlag = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("到達最終目的地 >> 停進車位");
                { // 趕快進入下一段 (要不要先轉正再說)
                    a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex].ucStatus = (byte)rtPath_Info.rtStatus.DONE;

                    // 將旋轉半徑、中心等資料清空
            {   // 尚未超過終點
                // 算出跟終點距離
                eErrorCurrent = Distance2PathDestCal(a_atPathInfo, a_tCarData.tPosition, tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex);

                eDistanceMotor2Dest = rtVectorOP_2D.GetDistance(a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex].tDest, a_tCarData.tMotorPosition);

                // Motor power = function(Error)
                tMotorData.lMotorPower = (int)(tMotorCfg.tPID_PowerCoe.eKp * eErrorCurrent) + MIN_POWER;

                if (tMotorData.bBackWard)
                {   // 反向走
                    tMotorData.lMotorPower = -tMotorData.lMotorPower;

                eDistanceTurn = (tMotorData.bBackWard) ? eDistanceMotor2Dest : eErrorCurrent;
                switch (a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex].ucTurnType)
                    case (byte)rtPath_Info.rtTurnType.SIMPLE:
                        if (eErrorCurrent < DISTANCE_ERROR_SIMPLE)
                            a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex].ucStatus = (byte)rtPath_Info.rtStatus.TURN;
                    case (byte)rtPath_Info.rtTurnType.SMOOTH:
                        if (eDistanceTurn < rtMotor_Cfg.RADIUS_SMOOTH)
                            // 算出旋轉半徑 & 中心座標
                            RotationCenterAndRadiusCal(a_atPathInfo, tMotorCfg.lRotationDistance, ref tMotorData);

                            a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex].ucStatus = (byte)rtPath_Info.rtStatus.TURN;
                    case (byte)rtPath_Info.rtTurnType.ARRIVE:
                        if (eErrorCurrent < DISTANCE_ERROR_SIMPLE)
                        { // 到達最終目的地
                            a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex].ucStatus = (byte)rtPath_Info.rtStatus.DONE;
                            tMotorData.bFinishFlag = true;
                    case (byte)rtPath_Info.rtTurnType.PARK:
                        if (eErrorCurrent < DISTANCE_ERROR_SIMPLE)
                        { // 到達最終目的地
                            a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex].ucStatus = (byte)rtPath_Info.rtStatus.DONE;
                            tMotorData.bFinishFlag = true;
                        // show error msg
            tMotorData.eDistance2Dest = eErrorCurrent;
Пример #7
        /// <summary> power control during Smooth Turn mode </summary>
        /// <param name="a_atPathInfo">[IN] path data for navigate </param>
        /// <param name="a_tCarData">[IN] data of car </param>
        public void MotorPower_CtrlNavigateSmoothTurn(rtPath_Info[] a_atPathInfo, rtCarData a_tCarData)
        {   // 轉彎狀態
            bool bOutFlag = false;
            double eErrorCurrent = 0;

            tMotorData.bBackWard = BackWardVerify(a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex+1], a_tCarData.eAngle);

            // 用車身與下一段路徑的夾角當power誤差
            eErrorCurrent = MotorPower_TurnErrorCal(a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex + 1], a_tCarData.eAngle);
            tMotorData.lMotorPower = TURN_POWER;

            if (tMotorData.bBackWard)
            {   // 反向走 >> 所以車身向量會差180度 & power會取負號
                eErrorCurrent = 180 - eErrorCurrent;
                tMotorData.lMotorPower = -tMotorData.lMotorPower;

            // 判斷是否已經走完轉彎的扇形區
            if (tMotorData.bBackWard)
                bOutFlag = FinishSmoothTurnCheck(
                    tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex, tMotorCfg.lRotationDistance,
                    a_atPathInfo, a_tCarData.tMotorPosition, tMotorData.tTurnCenter);
                bOutFlag = FinishSmoothTurnCheck(
                    tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex, tMotorCfg.lRotationDistance,
                    a_atPathInfo, a_tCarData.tPosition, tMotorData.tTurnCenter);
            if (eErrorCurrent < THETA_ERROR_TURN || bOutFlag == true)
                a_atPathInfo[tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex].ucStatus = (byte)rtPath_Info.rtStatus.DONE;
Пример #8
        /// <summary> Motion Predict by coordinate rotation on 2D plan  </summary>
        /// <param name="a_CurrentPos">[IN] data for car </param>
        /// <param name="a_tCarData">[IN] car data </param>
        /// <param name="a_CMotorInfo">[IN] motor control class </param>
        /// <param name="a_eDeltaTime">[IN] the time interval </param>
        /// <returns> predicted coordinate </returns>
        public static rtVector Coordinate_Predict(rtVector a_CurrentPos, rtCarData a_tCarData, rtMotorCtrl a_CMotorInfo, double a_eDeltaTime)
            double eDistance = 0, eAngle = 0, eTheta = 0, eSpeed = 0, eT = 0, ePhi = 0, ePhiRad = 0;
            double eLength_C2M = 0; // 兩輪中心到後馬達的距離 
            double eLength_C2O = 0; // 兩輪中心到旋轉中心的距離 = 旋轉半徑
            double eLength_R2O = 0; // 右輪中心到旋轉中心的距離 
            double eLength_L2O = 0; // 右輪中心到旋轉中心的距離
            rtVector tNextPosition = new rtVector();
            rtVector tV_Car, tVlaw, tRotateCenter;

            eAngle = a_tCarData.eAngle;
            tV_Car.eX = Math.Cos(eAngle * Math.PI / 180);
            tV_Car.eY = Math.Sin(eAngle * Math.PI / 180);

            // 取右側的法向量
            tVlaw.eX = tV_Car.eY;
            tVlaw.eY = -tV_Car.eX;

            eTheta = Math.Abs(a_tCarData.eWheelAngle);

            eLength_C2M = rtVectorOP_2D.GetDistance(a_tCarData.tPosition, a_tCarData.tMotorPosition);
            eLength_C2O = Math.Tan((90 - eTheta) * Math.PI / 180) * eLength_C2M;

            if (eTheta > ANGLE_TH_MOTION_PREDICT)
            { // 用車模型預測 (對圓心旋轉)
                eT = Math.Sqrt(eLength_C2O * eLength_C2O / (tVlaw.eX * tVlaw.eX + tVlaw.eY * tVlaw.eY));
                if (a_tCarData.eWheelAngle >= 0)
                    eT = -eT;

                tRotateCenter.eX = a_tCarData.tPosition.eX + tVlaw.eX * eT;
                tRotateCenter.eY = a_tCarData.tPosition.eY + tVlaw.eY * eT;

                a_CMotorInfo.tMotorData.tPredictRotationCenter.eX = tRotateCenter.eX;
                a_CMotorInfo.tMotorData.tPredictRotationCenter.eY = tRotateCenter.eY;

                eLength_R2O = rtVectorOP_2D.GetDistance(a_tCarData.tCarTirepositionR, tRotateCenter);
                eLength_L2O = rtVectorOP_2D.GetDistance(a_tCarData.tCarTirepositionL, tRotateCenter);

                if (a_tCarData.eCarTireSpeedLeft > a_tCarData.eCarTireSpeedRight || a_tCarData.eWheelAngle < 0)
                { // 往右轉
                    eSpeed = Math.Abs(a_tCarData.eCarTireSpeedLeft) * eLength_C2O / eLength_L2O;
                { // 往左轉
                    eSpeed = Math.Abs(a_tCarData.eCarTireSpeedRight) * eLength_C2O / eLength_R2O;

                eDistance = eSpeed * a_eDeltaTime; // distance = V x T = 所旋轉的弧長

                ePhi = eDistance / eLength_C2O; // 這裡單位是徑度 >> 旋轉角度 = 弧長 / 旋轉半徑

                if (eT >= 0)
                { // 旋轉中心在右邊 >> 旋轉角度要取負值
                    ePhi = -ePhi;

                if (a_CMotorInfo.tMotorData.lMotorPower < 0)
                { // 馬達反轉 角度也要取負號
                    ePhi = -ePhi;
                ePhiRad = ePhi * 180 / Math.PI;

                tNextPosition = rtVectorOP_2D.Rotate(a_CurrentPos, tRotateCenter, ePhi);
            { // 直行模式
                ePhi = 0;
                ePhiRad = ePhi * 180 / Math.PI;

                eSpeed = (a_tCarData.eCarTireSpeedLeft + a_tCarData.eCarTireSpeedRight) / 2;
                eDistance = eSpeed * (1 / FREQUENCY); // distance = V x T
                if (a_CMotorInfo.tMotorData.lMotorPower >= 0)
                    tNextPosition.eX = a_CurrentPos.eX + eDistance * tV_Car.eX;
                    tNextPosition.eY = a_CurrentPos.eY + eDistance * tV_Car.eY;
                    tNextPosition.eX = a_CurrentPos.eX - eDistance * tV_Car.eX;
                    tNextPosition.eY = a_CurrentPos.eY - eDistance * tV_Car.eY;

            a_CMotorInfo.tMotorData.eDeltaAngle = ePhiRad;

            return tNextPosition;
Пример #9
        /// <summary> test function for coordinate predict </summary>
        /// <param name="a_tCarData">[IN] car data information </param>
        /// <param name="a_CMotorInfo">[IN] motor control class </param>
        public static void Test_Predict(rtCarData a_tCarData, ref rtMotorCtrl a_CMotorInfo)
            if (a_CMotorInfo.lCntTest > 0)
                a_CMotorInfo.ePredictErrorTest = rtVectorOP_2D.GetDistance(a_tCarData.tPosition, a_CMotorInfo.tNextPositionTest);
                a_CMotorInfo.ePredictErrorTest = 0;
            a_CMotorInfo.tNextPositionTest = Coordinate_Predict(a_tCarData.tPosition, a_tCarData, a_CMotorInfo, (1 / FREQUENCY));

Пример #10
        /// <summary> Determine Motor Angle By Path Error  </summary>
        /// <param name="a_tPathVector">[IN] Path Vector </param>
        /// <param name="a_tCarData">[IN] car data </param>
        /// <returns> Motor Angle </returns>
        public double DedtermineMotorAngleByPathError(rtVector a_tPathVector, rtCarData a_tCarData)
            double eMototAngle = 0, eTargetCarAngleOffset = 0, eCarCenterSpeed = 0, eDeltaCarAngle = 0, eCarAngle = 0;
            rtVector tTargetCarVector = new rtVector();

            eCarAngle = a_tCarData.eAngle;
            if (tMotorData.bBackWard)
            {   // 倒退走 >> 在某些情況下 要用車尾方向來計算
                eCarAngle = (eCarAngle > 180) ? eCarAngle - 180 : eCarAngle + 180;
            // 算出要跟路徑的夾角
            eTargetCarAngleOffset = PathAngleOffsetCal(tMotorData.ePathError, tMotorCfg.tPID_ThetaOffsetCoe);

            tMotorData.Debug_TargetAngleOffset1 = eTargetCarAngleOffset;

            // 算出兩輪中心的速度 (以考慮正走反走的狀況: 車速的正負號)
            eCarCenterSpeed = CarCenterSpeedCal(a_tCarData);
            tMotorData.Debug_CenterSpeed = eCarCenterSpeed;

            // 根據車速調整跟路徑的夾角
            eTargetCarAngleOffset = TargetAngleOffsetModify(tMotorData.ePathError, eCarCenterSpeed, eTargetCarAngleOffset);
            tMotorData.Debug_TargetAngleOffset2 = eTargetCarAngleOffset;

            // 算出目標車身角度 (vector format)
            tTargetCarVector = rtVectorOP_2D.Rotate(a_tPathVector, new rtVector(0, 0), eTargetCarAngleOffset * Math.PI / 180);

            // 算出目標車身角度與當下車身角度的差距
            eDeltaCarAngle = rtAngleDiff.GetAngleDiff(tTargetCarVector, eCarAngle);
            if (tMotorData.bBackWard)
            {   // 倒退走 >> 同樣角度差距下 正走跟反走 車輪要打的方向相反
                eDeltaCarAngle = -eDeltaCarAngle;
            tMotorData.Debug_eDeltaCarAngle = eDeltaCarAngle;

            // 用角度差距算出 適當的車輪馬達轉角
            eMototAngle = MotorAngleCal(eDeltaCarAngle, 0, tMotorCfg.tPID_MotorAngleCoe);

            // 加上之前的角度 offset
            eMototAngle = eMototAngle + tMotorData.lTargetAngle;

            return eMototAngle;
Пример #11
        /// <summary> Determine Motor Angle Straight mode  </summary>
        /// <param name="a_atPathInfo">[IN] information of path </param>
        /// <param name="a_tCarData">[IN] car data </param>
        public void MotorAngle_CtrlNavigateStraight(rtPath_Info[] a_atPathInfo, rtCarData a_tCarData)
            double eDistance = 0, eThetaError = 0, eCarAngle = 0, eMotorAngleOffset = 0, eMototAngleTmp = 0;
            int lPathIndex = 0;
            rtVector tPathVector = new rtVector();
            rtVector tPostion = new rtVector();

            // 倒退走: 以驅動車輪為路徑偏差基準    往前走: 以兩導輪中心為路徑偏差基準
            tPostion = (tMotorData.bBackWard) ? a_tCarData.tMotorPosition : a_tCarData.tPosition;

            lPathIndex = tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex;
            eCarAngle = a_tCarData.eAngle;
            if (tMotorData.bBackWard)
            {   // 倒退走 >> 在某些情況下 要用車尾方向來計算
                eCarAngle = (eCarAngle > 180) ? eCarAngle - 180 : eCarAngle + 180;
            tPathVector = rtVectorOP_2D.GetVector(a_atPathInfo[lPathIndex].tSrc, a_atPathInfo[lPathIndex].tDest);
            eDistance = PathErrorCal_Straight(a_atPathInfo[lPathIndex], tPostion);
            tMotorData.lTargetAngle = eMotorAngleOffset;

            // 算出車身角度和路徑角度偏差多少 (這裡目前僅為了 LOG)
            eThetaError = rtAngleDiff.GetAngleDiff(tPathVector, eCarAngle);
            tMotorData.Debug_ePathThetaError = eThetaError;

            // 考慮靠左 or 靠右的 offset
            tMotorData.ePathError = eDistance + tMotorData.lNavigateOffset;

            eMototAngleTmp = DedtermineMotorAngleByPathError(tPathVector, a_tCarData);
            tMotorData.lMotorAngle = (int)(Math.Round(eMototAngleTmp));

            // boundary
            if (Math.Abs(tMotorData.lMotorAngle) > MAX_ANGLE_OFFSET_MOTOR)
                tMotorData.lMotorAngle = (tMotorData.lMotorAngle < 0) ? -MAX_ANGLE_OFFSET_MOTOR : MAX_ANGLE_OFFSET_MOTOR;
Пример #12
        /// <summary> Determine Motor Angle during Smooth Turn  </summary>
        /// <param name="a_atPathInfo">[IN] information of path </param>
        /// <param name="a_tCarData">[IN] car data </param>
        public void MotorAngle_CtrlNavigateSmoothTurn(rtPath_Info[] a_atPathInfo, rtCarData a_tCarData)
            double eDistance = 0, eThetaError = 0, eCarAngle = 0, eMotorAngleOffset = 0, eMototAngleTmp = 0;
            int lPathIndex = 0;
            rtVector tPathVector = new rtVector();
            rtVector tPostion = new rtVector();

            // 倒退走: 以驅動車輪為路徑偏差基準    往前走: 以兩導輪中心為路徑偏差基準
            tPostion = (tMotorData.bBackWard) ? a_tCarData.tMotorPosition : a_tCarData.tPosition;

            lPathIndex = tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex;
            eCarAngle = a_tCarData.eAngle;
            if (tMotorData.bBackWard)
            {   // 倒退走 >> 在某些情況下 要用車尾方向來計算
                eCarAngle = (eCarAngle > 180) ? eCarAngle - 180 : eCarAngle + 180;
            tPathVector = rtVectorOP_2D.GetVector(a_atPathInfo[lPathIndex].tSrc, a_atPathInfo[lPathIndex].tDest);

            //  算出車子要往左轉還是右轉
            tMotorData.lTurnDirection = TurnDirectionCal(a_atPathInfo, tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex);

            eDistance = PathErrorCal_Turn(a_atPathInfo[lPathIndex], tPostion, tMotorData.tTurnCenter, tMotorData.lTurnRadius);
            tPathVector = PathVectorDetermine_TurnMode(tPostion, tMotorData.tTurnCenter, tMotorData.lTurnDirection);

            // 用算出的旋轉半徑得知車輪至少要轉幾度 >> 目前僅在正走時才需要 Offset 所以不需考慮反走的種種情況
            if (tMotorData.bBackWard == false)
                eMotorAngleOffset = TargetAngle_Cal(a_tCarData, tMotorData.lTurnRadius);
                eMotorAngleOffset = eMotorAngleOffset * tMotorData.lTurnDirection;
            tMotorData.lTargetAngle = eMotorAngleOffset;

            // 算出車身角度和路徑角度偏差多少 (這裡目前僅為了 LOG)
            eThetaError = rtAngleDiff.GetAngleDiff(tPathVector, eCarAngle);
            tMotorData.Debug_ePathThetaError = eThetaError;

            // 考慮靠左 or 靠右的 offset
            tMotorData.ePathError = eDistance + tMotorData.lNavigateOffset;

            eMototAngleTmp = DedtermineMotorAngleByPathError(tPathVector, a_tCarData);
            tMotorData.lMotorAngle = (int)(Math.Round(eMototAngleTmp));

            // boundary
            if (Math.Abs(tMotorData.lMotorAngle) > MAX_ANGLE_OFFSET_MOTOR)
                tMotorData.lMotorAngle = (tMotorData.lMotorAngle < 0) ? -MAX_ANGLE_OFFSET_MOTOR : MAX_ANGLE_OFFSET_MOTOR;
Пример #13
        /// <summary> Car direction Alignment  </summary>
        /// <param name="a_eTargetAngle">[IN] Target Angle of car </param>
        /// <param name="a_tCarData">[IN] car data </param>
        /// <returns> true: finish false: not yet </returns>
        public bool CarAngleAlignment(double a_eTargetAngle, rtCarData a_tCarData)
            bool bMatched = false;
            double eAngleError = 0;
            double eAngleDelay = 0; // 確認輪胎有轉到90度

            eAngleError = rtAngleDiff.GetAngleDiff(a_eTargetAngle, a_tCarData.eAngle);
            if (Math.Abs(eAngleError) <= ANGLE_MATCH_TH || bAlignmentCarAngleMatch)
                bAlignmentCarAngleMatch = true; // 代表已轉正 >>正在迴正輪胎
                tMotorData.lMotorPower = 0;
                tMotorData.lMotorAngle = 0;

                // 車輪轉回0度才結束
                if (Math.Abs(a_tCarData.eWheelAngle) < ANGLE_MATCH_TH)
                    bAlignmentCarAngleMatch = false;    // 結束時要復原這個旗標 or not
                    bMatched = true;
                    bMatched = false;
                if(eAngleError > 0)
                    tMotorData.lMotorAngle = ANGLE_ROTATION;
                    tMotorData.lMotorAngle = -ANGLE_ROTATION;
                eAngleDelay = tMotorData.lMotorAngle - a_tCarData.eWheelAngle;
                if(Math.Abs(eAngleDelay) < ANGLE_MATCH_TH)
                    if (Math.Abs(eAngleError) > ALIGNMENT_SPEED_ANGLE_TH)
                        tMotorData.lMotorPower = TURN_POWER;
                        tMotorData.lMotorPower = MIN_POWER;
                    tMotorData.lMotorPower = 0;
                bMatched = false;
            return bMatched;
Пример #14
        /// <summary> Target Angle Calculation  </summary>
        /// <param name="a_tCarData">[IN] car data </param>
        /// <param name="a_lTurnRadius">[IN] Turn Radius </param>
        /// <returns> Target Angle of car </returns>
        public static double TargetAngle_Cal(rtCarData a_tCarData, int a_lTurnRadius)
            double eTargetAngle = 0, eLengthM2C = 0, eTanTheta = 0;

            eLengthM2C = rtVectorOP_2D.GetDistance(a_tCarData.tMotorPosition, a_tCarData.tPosition);
            eTanTheta = a_lTurnRadius / eLengthM2C;
            eTargetAngle = Math.Atan(eTanTheta);
            eTargetAngle = 90 - (eTargetAngle * 180 / Math.PI);

            return eTargetAngle;
Пример #15
        /// <summary> control during car direction aligment </summary>
        /// <param name="a_atPathInfo">[IN] path data for navigate </param>
        /// <param name="a_tCarData">[IN] data of car </param>
        public void Motor_CtrlNavigateAligment(rtPath_Info[] a_atPathInfo, rtCarData a_tCarData)
            bool bAlignment = false;
            double eErrorCurrent = 0, eTargetAngle = 0;
            int lPathNodeIndex = 0;
            rtVector tV_S2D_Next = new rtVector();
            rtVector tV_Aligment = new rtVector();
            rtPath_Info.rtTurnType tTurnTypeNext;

            lPathNodeIndex = tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex;
            tTurnTypeNext = (rtPath_Info.rtTurnType)a_atPathInfo[lPathNodeIndex + 1].ucTurnType;
            tV_S2D_Next = rtVectorOP_2D.GetVector(a_atPathInfo[lPathNodeIndex+1].tSrc, a_atPathInfo[lPathNodeIndex+1].tDest);
            tMotorData.bBackWard = BackWardVerify(a_atPathInfo[lPathNodeIndex+1], a_tCarData.eAngle);

            if(tTurnTypeNext == rtPath_Info.rtTurnType.ARRIVE)
            {   // 下段是要取放貨 >> 一定要正走
                tV_Aligment = tV_S2D_Next;
            else if(tTurnTypeNext == rtPath_Info.rtTurnType.PARK)
            {   // 下段是要停車 >> 一定要反走走
                tV_Aligment = rtVectorOP_2D.VectorMultiple(tV_S2D_Next, -1);
            {   // 下段非停車或取放貨 >> 依照方便度自行決定正反走
                tV_Aligment = (tMotorData.bBackWard) ? rtVectorOP_2D.VectorMultiple(tV_S2D_Next, -1) : tV_S2D_Next;
            eTargetAngle = rtVectorOP_2D.Vector2Angle(tV_Aligment);

            // 用車身方向與目標方向的夾角當誤差
            eErrorCurrent = Math.Abs(rtAngleDiff.GetAngleDiff(tV_Aligment, a_tCarData.eAngle));
            bAlignment = CarAngleAlignment(eTargetAngle, a_tCarData);

            if (bAlignment)
                a_atPathInfo[lPathNodeIndex].ucStatus = (byte)rtPath_Info.rtStatus.DONE;
            tMotorData.ePathError = 0;
            tMotorData.eDistance2Dest = eErrorCurrent;
Пример #16
        public void Log()
            if (GlobalVar.isLog)
                int TempPathIndex = 0;
                byte TempPathucStatus = 0;
                byte TempPathTurnType = 0;
                rtVector TempPathSrc = new rtVector();
                rtVector TempPathDst = new rtVector();

                if (DeliverData.tAGV_Data.atPathInfo != null)
                    if (DeliverData.tAGV_Data.atPathInfo.Length > 0)
                        TempPathIndex = DeliverData.tAGV_Data.CMotor.tMotorData.lPathNodeIndex;
                        TempPathucStatus = DeliverData.tAGV_Data.atPathInfo[TempPathIndex].ucStatus;
                        TempPathSrc = DeliverData.tAGV_Data.atPathInfo[TempPathIndex].tSrc;
                        TempPathDst = DeliverData.tAGV_Data.atPathInfo[TempPathIndex].tDest;
                        TempPathTurnType = DeliverData.tAGV_Data.atPathInfo[TempPathIndex].ucTurnType;

                LocateData = new rtCarData();
                rtMotorCtrl PIDAns = new rtMotorCtrl();
                LocateData = DeliverData.tAGV_Data.tCarInfo;
                PIDAns = DeliverData.tAGV_Data.CMotor;

                LogCarInfo.Add(LocateData.eAngle + "," + LocateData.eWheelAngle + "," + Math.Round(LocateData.tPosition.eX, 2) + "," + Math.Round(LocateData.tPosition.eY, 2) + "," + Math.Round(LocateData.tCarTirepositionR.eX, 2) + "," +
                    Math.Round(LocateData.tCarTirepositionR.eY, 2) + "," + Math.Round(LocateData.tCarTirepositionL.eX, 2) + "," + Math.Round(LocateData.tCarTirepositionL.eY, 2) + "," + Math.Round(LocateData.tMotorPosition.eX, 2) + "," +
                    Math.Round(LocateData.tMotorPosition.eY, 2) + "," + LocateData.eCarTireSpeedLeft + "," + LocateData.eCarTireSpeedRight);

                LogMainData.Add(DeliverData.tAGV_Data.ucAGV_Status + "," + DeliverData.tAGV_Data.CFork.tForkData.ucStatus + "," + PIDAns.tMotorData.ePathError + "," + PIDAns.tMotorData.eDistance2Dest + "," + PIDAns.tMotorData.lMotorAngle + "," +
                    PIDAns.tMotorData.lMotorPower + "," + PIDAns.tMotorData.bFinishFlag + "," + TempPathIndex + "," + TempPathucStatus + "," + TempPathSrc.eX + "/" + TempPathSrc.eY + "," + TempPathDst.eX + "/" + TempPathDst.eY +
                    "," + "0" + "," + TempPathTurnType.ToString());

                LogDetailData.Add(Math.Round(PIDAns.tMotorData.Debug_ePathThetaError, 2) + "," + Math.Round(PIDAns.tMotorData.Debug_TargetAngleOffset1, 2) + "," + Math.Round(PIDAns.tMotorData.Debug_TargetAngleOffset2, 2) +
                    "," + PIDAns.tMotorData.Debug_CenterSpeed + "," + Math.Round(PIDAns.tMotorData.Debug_eDeltaCarAngle, 2) + "," + PIDAns.tMotorData.bOverDest + "," + PIDAns.tMotorData.bBackWard + "," + PIDAns.tMotorData.lNavigateOffset);
Пример #17
 /// <summary> Motion Predict of coordinate  </summary>
 /// <param name="a_tCarData">[IN] data for car </param>
 /// <param name="a_CMotorInfo">[IN] motor control class </param>
 /// <param name="a_eDeltaTime">[IN] the time interval </param>
 /// <param name="a_tCarCoordinate">[OUT] predicted coordinate </param>
 /// <param name="a_eCarAngle">[IN] car direction </param>
 public static void Motion_Predict(rtCarData a_tCarData, rtMotorCtrl a_CMotorInfo, double a_eDeltaTime, out rtVector a_tCarCoordinate, out double a_eCarAngle)
     a_eCarAngle = 0;
     a_tCarCoordinate = new rtVector();
     a_tCarCoordinate = Coordinate_Predict(a_tCarData.tPosition, a_tCarData, a_CMotorInfo, a_eDeltaTime);
     a_eCarAngle = a_tCarData.eAngle + a_CMotorInfo.tMotorData.eDeltaAngle;