private static void HandleMessagesQueue() { lock (messages) { while (messages.Count > 0) { // Parse string to extract data with format: "[COMMAND KEY] [JSON DATA]" string message = messages.Pop(); int separator = message.IndexOf(' '); string command = message.Substring(0, separator); string jsonString = message.Substring(separator + 1); JSONNode node = JSON.Parse(jsonString); switch (command.ToUpper()) { case "SET_MATERIAL_PARAMS": MaterialsManipulation.SetMaterialParamsCommand(node); UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); break; case "OPENED_PROJECT_INFO": TryConnectToProject(node); break; default: Debug.LogError(string.Format("Unknown command {0}", command)); break; } } } }
private static void SendAssetToSP() { // Get the currently selected mesh game object MeshInfo[] meshesInfo = MaterialsManipulation.GetSelectedMeshesInfo(); switch (meshesInfo.Length) { case 0: EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Substance Painter", "You need to select one compatible mesh game object in the scene hierarchy respecting prerequisites:\n" + "- the mesh must be an fbx file imported in project assets\n" + "- materials must use the 'Standard' shader\n" + "- materials names must be the default ones (as defined in the mesh)", "OK"); break; case 1: SendMeshToSP(meshesInfo[0]); break; default: ItemSelectorWindow.ShowSelect( "Send to Substance Painter", "Select the mesh to send to Substance Painter", meshesInfo.ToList().Select(info => info.AssetPath).ToArray(), index => SendMeshToSP(meshesInfo[index])); break; } }
private static void TryConnectToProject(JSONNode jsonData) { JSONClass projectInfo = jsonData as JSONClass; string projectUrl = new System.Uri(projectInfo["projectUrl"].Value).AbsoluteUri; int instanceId = projectInfo["linkIdentifier"].AsInt; GameObject gameObject = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceId) as GameObject; // Check if the game object exists if (!gameObject) { return; } MeshInfo[] meshesInfo = MaterialsManipulation.MeshesInfoFromGameObject(gameObject); // Check the game object only matches one mesh info if (meshesInfo.Length != 1) { return; } MeshInfo meshInfo = meshesInfo[0]; // Check that the project url matches string substancePainterProjectPath = GetSpProjectPath(meshInfo); string gameObjectProjectUrl = new System.Uri(substancePainterProjectPath).AbsoluteUri; if (projectUrl != gameObjectProjectUrl) { return; } // If it matches; link both applications SendMeshToSP(meshInfo); }
private static JSONNode GetSpDataLinkToSend(MeshInfo meshInfo, string substancePainterProjectPath) { // Prepare data to send to SP string workspacePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.dataPath); string meshPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(workspacePath, meshInfo.AssetPath).ToString()); string exportPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine("Assets", "SP_Textures"), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(meshInfo.AssetPath)).ToString(); string meshUri = new System.Uri(meshPath).AbsoluteUri; JSONClass materialsLink = new JSONClass(); foreach (Material material in meshInfo.Materials) { ShaderInfos shaderInfos = ShadersInfos.GetShaderInfos(material.shader); JSONClass propertiesAssociation = new JSONClass(); foreach (string propertyName in shaderInfos.PropertiesAssociation.Keys) { propertiesAssociation.Add(propertyName, new JSONData(shaderInfos.PropertiesAssociation[propertyName])); } JSONClass materialLink = new JSONClass(); materialLink.Add("assetPath", AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(material)); materialLink.Add("exportPreset", shaderInfos.ExportPreset); materialLink.Add("resourceShader", shaderInfos.ResourceShader); materialLink.Add("spToLiveLinkProperties", propertiesAssociation); // HACK: Sanitize the name the same way SP internally do it string sanitizedName = MaterialsManipulation.SanitizeMaterialName(; materialsLink.Add(sanitizedName, materialLink); } JSONClass project = new JSONClass(); project.Add("meshUrl", new JSONData(meshUri)); project.Add("normal", new JSONData("OpenGL")); project.Add("template", new JSONData("")); project.Add("url", new JSONData(new System.Uri(substancePainterProjectPath).AbsoluteUri)); JSONClass jsonData = new JSONClass(); jsonData.Add("applicationName", new JSONData("Unity")); jsonData.Add("exportPath", new JSONData(exportPath)); jsonData.Add("workspacePath", new JSONData(workspacePath)); jsonData.Add("materials", materialsLink); jsonData.Add("project", project); jsonData.Add("linkIdentifier", new JSONData(meshInfo.Identifier)); return(jsonData); }
// Disable the verification for GameObject menu entry as it doesn't work // on game objects contextual menu // Instead, pop a dialog to alert on prerequisites to follow // [MenuItem(SendGameObjectMenuPath, true)] private static bool ValidateSendAssetToSP() { return(MaterialsManipulation.GetSelectedMeshesInfo().Length > 0); }