Пример #1
        // font-descriptor: font-family-desc
        //                | font-style-desc
        //                | font-weight-desc
        //                | font-stretch-desc
        //                | font-src-desc
        //                | unicode-range-desc
        // All font-*-desc productions follow the pattern
        //    IDENT ':' value ';'
        // On entry to this function, mToken is the IDENT.
        internal bool ParseFontDescriptor(nsCSSFontFaceRule aRule)
            if (nsCSSTokenType.Ident != mToken.mType) {
            { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PEFontDescExpected", mToken); };
            return false;

              string descName = mToken.mIdentStr;
              if (!ExpectSymbol(':', true)) {
            { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PEParseDeclarationNoColon", mToken); };
            return false;

              nsCSSFontDesc descID = nsCSSProps.LookupFontDesc(descName);
              var value = new nsCSSValue();

              if (descID == nsCSSFontDesc.UNKNOWN) {
            if (NonMozillaVendorIdentifier(descName)) {
              // silently skip other vendors' extensions
              return true;
            } else {
              { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PEUnknownFontDesc", descName); };
              return false;

              if (!ParseFontDescriptorValue(descID, ref value)) {
            { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PEValueParsingError", descName); };
            return false;

              if (!ExpectEndProperty())
            return false;

              aRule.SetDesc(descID, value);
              return true;