Пример #1
        private Address LocalAddressForRemote(
            IDictionary<string, HashSet<ProtocolTransportAddressPair>> transportMapping, Address remote)
            HashSet<ProtocolTransportAddressPair> transports;

            if (transportMapping.TryGetValue(remote.Protocol, out transports))
                ProtocolTransportAddressPair[] responsibleTransports =
                    transports.Where(t => t.ProtocolTransport.Transport.IsResponsibleFor(remote)).ToArray();
                if (responsibleTransports.Length == 0)
                    throw new RemoteTransportException(
                        "No transport is responsible for address:[" + remote + "] although protocol [" + remote.Protocol +
                        "] is available." +
                        " Make sure at least one transport is configured to be responsible for the address.",
                if (responsibleTransports.Length == 1)
                    return responsibleTransports.First().Address;
                throw new RemoteTransportException(
                    "Multiple transports are available for [" + remote + ": " +
                    string.Join(",", responsibleTransports.Select(t => t.ToString())) + "] " +
                    "Remoting cannot decide which transport to use to reach the remote system. Change your configuration " +
                    "so that only one transport is responsible for the address.",

            throw new RemoteTransportException(
                "No transport is loaded for protocol: [" + remote.Protocol + "], available protocols: [" +
                string.Join(",", transportMapping.Keys.Select(t => t.ToString())) + "]", null);
Пример #2
        public RemoteMetricsSpec()
            : base(@"
            akka.actor.provider = ""Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRefProvider, Akka.Remote""
            akka.remote.log-frame-size-exceeding = 200 b
            akka.remote.helios.tcp = {
                port = 0
                hostname = localhost
            akka.loglevel = DEBUG
            _client = ActorSystem.Create("RemoteMetricsSpec-client", ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(@"
                akka.actor.provider =  ""Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRefProvider, Akka.Remote""
                 akka.remote.helios.tcp = {
                    port = 0
                    hostname = localhost

            _address = Sys.AsInstanceOf<ExtendedActorSystem>().Provider.DefaultAddress;
            _subject = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new Subject()).WithDeploy(Deploy.Local), "subject");
            var listener = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new InfoEventListener(TestActor)).WithDeploy(Deploy.Local),
            Sys.EventStream.Subscribe(listener, typeof (Info));
Пример #3
 public ConnectionAssociationHandle(IActorRef connection, Address localAddress, Address remoteAddress)
     : base(localAddress, remoteAddress)
     _connection = connection;
     ReadHandlerSource = new TaskCompletionSource<IHandleEventListener>();
            public Watcher(TestLatch exitingLatch, TestLatch removedLatch, Address secondAddress)
                _exitingLatch = exitingLatch;
                _removedLatch = removedLatch;
                _secondAddress = secondAddress;

                Receive<ClusterEvent.CurrentClusterState>(state =>
                    if (state.Members.Any(m => m.Address == _secondAddress && m.Status == MemberStatus.Exiting))
                Receive<ClusterEvent.MemberExited>(m =>
                    if (m.Member.Address == secondAddress)
                Receive<ClusterEvent.MemberRemoved>(m =>
                    if (m.Member.Address == secondAddress)
Пример #5
        public RemoteDeploySpec()
            : base(@"
            akka {
                loglevel = INFO 
                log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = false
              //  actor.provider = ""Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRefProvider, Akka.Remote""
                remote.helios.tcp = {
                    hostname = localhost
                    port = 0

                actor.deployment {
                  /router1 {
                    router = round-robin-pool
                    nr-of-instances = 3
                  /router2 {
                    router = round-robin-pool
                    nr-of-instances = 3
                  /router3 {
                    router = round-robin-pool
                    nr-of-instances = 0
            _remoteSystem = ActorSystem.Create("RemoteSystem", Sys.Settings.Config);
            _remoteAddress = _remoteSystem.AsInstanceOf<ExtendedActorSystem>().Provider.DefaultAddress;
            var remoteAddressUid = AddressUidExtension.Uid(_remoteSystem);

Пример #6
        public void CreateCorrectToStringWithAddress()
            var local = new Address("akka.tcp", "mysys");
            var a = new Address("akka.tcp", "mysys", "aaa", 2552);
            var b = new Address("akka.tcp", "mysys", "bb", 2552);
            var c = new Address("akka.tcp", "mysys", "cccc" , 2552);
            var root = new RootActorPath(local);
            (root / "user").ToStringWithAddress(a).ShouldBe("akka.tcp://mysys@aaa:2552/user");
            (root / "user" / "foo").ToStringWithAddress(a).ShouldBe("akka.tcp://mysys@aaa:2552/user/foo");

            (root / "user").ToStringWithAddress(b).ShouldBe("akka.tcp://mysys@bb:2552/user");
            (root / "user" / "foo").ToStringWithAddress(b).ShouldBe("akka.tcp://mysys@bb:2552/user/foo");

            (root / "user").ToStringWithAddress(c).ShouldBe("akka.tcp://mysys@cccc:2552/user");
            (root / "user" / "foo").ToStringWithAddress(c).ShouldBe("akka.tcp://mysys@cccc:2552/user/foo");

            var rootA = new RootActorPath(a);
            (rootA / "user").ToStringWithAddress(b).ShouldBe("akka.tcp://mysys@aaa:2552/user");
            (rootA / "user" / "foo").ToStringWithAddress(b).ShouldBe("akka.tcp://mysys@aaa:2552/user/foo");

Пример #7
 private void Ready()
     Receive<SendState>(msg =>
     Receive<ClusterEvent.CurrentClusterState>(state =>
         //_hub.ClusterState(state, _cluster.SelfAddress);
     Receive<RemoveMe>(msg => {
         _logger.Warning("[l] Monitor stopping; Issuing a Cluster.Leave() command for following address: {0}", _cluster.SelfAddress);
     Receive<MemberLeave>(msg => {
         Address add = new Address(msg.Protocol, msg.System, msg.Host, msg.Port);
         _logger.Warning("[l] Forcing Member to leave cluster: {0}", add.ToString());
     Receive<MemberDown>(msg => {
         Address add = new Address(msg.Protocol, msg.System, msg.Host, msg.Port);
         _logger.Warning("[l] Forcing the Member down: {0}", add.ToString());
Пример #8
 public DisassociatedEvent(Address localAddress, Address remoteAddress, bool inbound)
     LocalAddress = localAddress;
     RemoteAddress = remoteAddress;
     IsInbound = inbound;
     EventName = "Disassociated";
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes the specified message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="system">The system.</param>
        /// <param name="address"></param>
        /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
        /// <returns>SerializedMessage.</returns>
        public static SerializedMessage Serialize(ActorSystem system, Address address, object message)
            Serializer serializer = system.Serialization.FindSerializerFor(message);

            SerializedMessage.Builder messageBuilder = new SerializedMessage.Builder()
                .SetMessage(ByteString.Unsafe.FromBytes(serializer.ToBinaryWithAddress(address, message)))

            var serializer2 = serializer as SerializerWithStringManifest;
            if (serializer2 != null)
                var manifest = serializer2.Manifest(message);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(manifest))
                if (serializer.IncludeManifest)

            return messageBuilder.Build();
 public void RemoteActorRefProvider_should_create_RemoteActorRef_for_nonlocaladdress()
     var nonLocalAddress = new Address("akka.trttl.gremlin.tcp", Sys.Name, "localhost", RARP.For(Sys).Provider.DefaultAddress.Port);
     var nonLocalActorPath = new RootActorPath(nonLocalAddress) / "user" / "foo";
     var resolved = RARP.For(Sys).Provider.ResolveActorRefWithLocalAddress(nonLocalActorPath.ToSerializationFormat(), nonLocalAddress);
     Assert.IsType<RemoteActorRef>(resolved); // should be a remote actorref
Пример #11
 public Message(IInternalActorRef recipient, Address recipientAddress, SerializedMessage serializedMessage, IActorRef senderOptional = null, SeqNo seq = null)
     Seq = seq;
     SenderOptional = senderOptional;
     SerializedMessage = serializedMessage;
     RecipientAddress = recipientAddress;
     Recipient = recipient;
Пример #12
 public void Setup(BenchmarkContext context)
     _actorSystem = ActorSystem.Create("MessageDispatcher" + Counter.GetAndIncrement(), RemoteHocon);
     _systemAddress = RARP.For(_actorSystem).Provider.DefaultAddress;
     _inboundMessageDispatcherCounter = context.GetCounter(MessageDispatcherThroughputCounterName);
     _message = SerializedMessage.CreateBuilder().SetSerializerId(0).SetMessage(ByteString.CopyFromUtf8("foo")).Build();
     _dispatcher = new DefaultMessageDispatcher(_actorSystem, RARP.For(_actorSystem).Provider, _actorSystem.Log);
     _targetActorRef = new BenchmarkActorRef(_inboundMessageDispatcherCounter, RARP.For(_actorSystem).Provider);
Пример #13
 public IActorRef ReadOnlyEndpointFor(Address address)
     IActorRef tmp;
     if (addressToReadonly.TryGetValue(address, out tmp))
         return tmp;
     return null;
Пример #14
 public void CreateCorrectToStringWithoutAddress()
     var a = new Address("akka.tcp", "mysys");
     //TODO: there must be a / after system name
     new RootActorPath(a).ToStringWithoutAddress().ShouldBe("/");
     (new RootActorPath(a) / "user").ToStringWithoutAddress().ShouldBe("/user");
     (new RootActorPath(a) / "user" / "foo").ToStringWithoutAddress().ShouldBe("/user/foo");
     (new RootActorPath(a) / "user" / "foo" / "bar").ToStringWithoutAddress().ShouldBe("/user/foo/bar");
 public AssociationErrorEvent(Exception cause, Address localAddress, Address remoteAddress, bool inbound, LogLevel level)
     LocalAddress = localAddress;
     RemoteAddress = remoteAddress;
     IsInbound = inbound;
     EventName = "AssociationError";
     _level = level;
     Cause = cause;
        public Task <Akka.Actor.Address> GetAddress(Akka.Actor.Address address)
            var requestMessage = new RequestMessage {
                InvokePayload = new ISurrogate_PayloadTable.GetAddress_Invoke {
                    address = address

            return(SendRequestAndReceive <Akka.Actor.Address>(requestMessage));
        void ISurrogate_NoReply.GetAddress(Akka.Actor.Address address)
            var requestMessage = new RequestMessage {
                InvokePayload = new ISurrogate_PayloadTable.GetAddress_Invoke {
                    address = address

Пример #18
 public TcpTransport(ActorSystem system, Config config) : base(system, config)
     string protocol = "akka." + config.GetString("transport-protocol");
     SchemeIdentifier = protocol;
     string host = config.GetString("hostname");
     int port = config.GetInt("port");
     Address = new Address(protocol, system.Name, host, port);
     log = Logging.GetLogger(system, this);
     server = new TcpServer(system, Address);
Пример #19
 public void MemoryFootprint(BenchmarkContext context)
     var actorPaths = new Address[100000];
     for (var i = 0; i < 100000;)
         actorPaths[i] = new Address("akka", "foo", "localhost", 9091);
Пример #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a <see cref="ByteString"/> structure into a Helios <see cref="NetworkData"/> structure
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="byteString">The data to send over the network</param>
 /// <param name="address">The address that we received data from / are sending data to</param>
 /// <returns>a new <see cref="NetworkData"/> struct</returns>
 public static NetworkData ToData(ByteString byteString, Address address)
     var data = new NetworkData()
         Buffer = byteString.ToByteArray(),
         RemoteHost = HeliosTransport.AddressToNode(address)
     data.Length = data.Buffer.Length;
     return data;
Пример #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RemoteActorRef"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="remote">The remote.</param>
 /// <param name="localAddressToUse">The local address to use.</param>
 /// <param name="path">The path.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param>
 /// <param name="props">The props.</param>
 /// <param name="deploy">The deploy.</param>
 internal RemoteActorRef(RemoteTransport remote, Address localAddressToUse, ActorPath path, InternalActorRef parent,
     Props props, Deploy deploy)
     Remote = remote;
     LocalAddressToUse = localAddressToUse;
     Path = path;
     _parent = parent;
     _props = props;
     _deploy = deploy;
Пример #22
 public override void Down(Address node)
     if (_leader)
         _probe.Tell(new DownCalled(node));
         _probe.Tell("down must only be done by leader");
Пример #23
 public ActorRef RegisterWritableEndpoint(Address address, ActorRef endpoint, int? uid = null)
     EndpointManager.EndpointPolicy existing;
     if (addressToWritable.TryGetValue(address, out existing))
         throw new ArgumentException("Attempting to overwrite existing endpoint " + existing + " with " + endpoint);
     addressToWritable.Add(address, new EndpointManager.Pass(endpoint, uid));
     writableToAddress.Add(endpoint, address);
     return endpoint;
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes the specified message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="system">The system.</param>
        /// <param name="address"></param>
        /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
        /// <returns>SerializedMessage.</returns>
        public static SerializedMessage Serialize(ActorSystem system,Address address, object message)
            Serializer serializer = system.Serialization.FindSerializerFor(message);
            byte[] messageBytes = serializer.ToBinaryWithAddress(address,message);
            SerializedMessage.Builder messageBuilder = new SerializedMessage.Builder()
            if (serializer.IncludeManifest)

            return messageBuilder.Build();
Пример #25
        public EndpointActor(Address localAddress, Address remoteAddress, Transport.Transport transport,
            RemoteSettings settings)
            this.localAddress = localAddress;
            this.remoteAddress = remoteAddress;
            this.transport = transport;
            this.settings = settings;

            client = new TcpClient();
            client.Connect(remoteAddress.Host, remoteAddress.Port.Value);
            stream = client.GetStream();
Пример #26
            public static SurrogateForAddress Convert(Address value)
                if (value == null)
                    return null;

                return new SurrogateForAddress
                    Protocol = value.Protocol,
                    System = value.System,
                    Host = value.Host,
                    Port = value.Port,
Пример #27
 public CurrentClusterState(
     ImmutableSortedSet<Member> members,
     ImmutableHashSet<Member> unreachable,
     ImmutableHashSet<Address> seenBy,
     Address leader,
     ImmutableDictionary<string, Address> roleLeaderMap)
     _members = members;
     _unreachable = unreachable;
     _seenBy = seenBy;
     _leader = leader;
     _roleLeaderMap = roleLeaderMap;
Пример #28
 public static Address ParseAddress(EndPoint ep)
     bool isIp = ep is IPEndPoint;
     IPEndPoint ip = ep as IPEndPoint;
     DnsEndPoint dns = ep as DnsEndPoint;
     var addr = new Address("akka.tcp", "foo", isIp
         ? (ip.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6
             ? // have to explicitly check for IPV6 and bracket it
             "[" + ip.Address + "]"
             : ip.Address.ToString())
         : dns.Host, isIp ? ip.Port : dns.Port);
     return addr;
Пример #29
 public IActorRef RegisterWritableEndpoint(Address address, IActorRef endpoint, int? uid = null)
     EndpointManager.EndpointPolicy existing;
     if (addressToWritable.TryGetValue(address, out existing))
         var gated = existing as EndpointManager.Gated;
         if(gated != null && !gated.TimeOfRelease.IsOverdue) //don't throw if the prune timer didn't get a chance to run first
             throw new ArgumentException("Attempting to overwrite existing endpoint " + existing + " with " + endpoint);
     addressToWritable.AddOrSet(address, new EndpointManager.Pass(endpoint, uid));
     writableToAddress.AddOrSet(endpoint, address);
     return endpoint;
Пример #30
        public static Proto.Msg.Address AddressToProto(Address address)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address.Host) || !address.Port.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                          $"Address [{address}] could not be serialized: host or port missing.");

            return(new Proto.Msg.Address()
                Hostname = address.Host, Port = address.Port.Value
Пример #31
 public void RegisterWritableEndpointUid(Address remoteAddress, int uid)
     EndpointManager.EndpointPolicy existing;
     if (_addressToWritable.TryGetValue(remoteAddress, out existing))
         var pass = existing as EndpointManager.Pass;
         if (pass != null)
             _addressToWritable[remoteAddress] = new EndpointManager.Pass(pass.Endpoint, uid, pass.RefuseUid);
         // if the policy is not Pass, then the GotUid might have lost the race with some failure
        public void ClusterMessages_must_be_serializable()
            var address = new Address("akka.tcp", "system", "some.host.org", 4711);
            var uniqueAddress = new UniqueAddress(address, 17);
            var address2 = new Address("akka.tcp", "system", "other.host.org", 4711);
            var uniqueAddress2 = new UniqueAddress(address2, 18);
            CheckSerialization(new InternalClusterAction.Join(uniqueAddress, ImmutableHashSet.Create("foo","bar")));
            CheckSerialization(new ClusterUserAction.Leave(address));
            CheckSerialization(new ClusterUserAction.Down(address));
            CheckSerialization(new InternalClusterAction.InitJoin());
            CheckSerialization(new InternalClusterAction.InitJoinAck(address));
            CheckSerialization(new InternalClusterAction.InitJoinNack(address));
            CheckSerialization(new ClusterHeartbeatSender.Heartbeat(address));
            CheckSerialization(new ClusterHeartbeatSender.HeartbeatRsp(uniqueAddress));

            var node1 = new VectorClock.Node("node1");
            var node2 = new VectorClock.Node("node2");
            var node3 = new VectorClock.Node("node3");
            var node4 = new VectorClock.Node("node4");
            var g1 =
                new Gossip(ImmutableSortedSet.Create(a1, b1, c1, d1)).Increment(node1)
            var g2 = g1.Increment(node3).Increment(node4).Seen(a1.UniqueAddress).Seen(c1.UniqueAddress);
            var reachability3 =
                Reachability.Empty.Unreachable(a1.UniqueAddress, e1.UniqueAddress)
                    .Unreachable(b1.UniqueAddress, e1.UniqueAddress);
            var g3 = g2.Copy(members: ImmutableSortedSet.Create(a1, b1, c1, d1, e1),
                overview: g2.Overview.Copy(reachability: reachability3));
            CheckSerialization(new GossipEnvelope(a1.UniqueAddress, uniqueAddress2, g1));
            CheckSerialization(new GossipEnvelope(a1.UniqueAddress, uniqueAddress2, g2));
            CheckSerialization(new GossipEnvelope(a1.UniqueAddress, uniqueAddress2, g3));

            CheckSerialization(new GossipStatus(a1.UniqueAddress, g1.Version));
            CheckSerialization(new GossipStatus(a1.UniqueAddress, g2.Version));
            CheckSerialization(new GossipStatus(a1.UniqueAddress, g3.Version));

            CheckSerialization(new InternalClusterAction.Welcome(uniqueAddress, g2));

            var mg = new MetricsGossip(ImmutableHashSet.Create<NodeMetrics>(new[]
                new NodeMetrics(a1.Address, 4711, ImmutableHashSet.Create<Metric>(new Metric("foo", 1.2, null))),
                new NodeMetrics(b1.Address, 4712,
                    ImmutableHashSet.Create<Metric>(new Metric("foo", 2.1, new EWMA(100.0, 0.18))
                        , new Metric("bar1", Double.MinValue, null), new Metric("bar2", float.MaxValue, null),
                        new Metric("bar3", int.MaxValue, null), new Metric("bar4", long.MaxValue, null), 
                        new Metric("bar5", double.MaxValue, null)))
            CheckSerialization(new MetricsGossipEnvelope(a1.Address, mg, true));
Пример #33
        public static void ChangeLeader(Akka.Actor.Address address)
            foreach (var member in MemberInfos.Values)
                member.ClusterLeader = false;

            var addressStr = address.ToString();

            if (MemberInfos.ContainsKey(addressStr))
                MemberInfos[addressStr].ClusterLeader = true;
Пример #34
        public void RemoveClusterMember(Address address)
            using (var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(@"DELETE FROM cluster_nodes WHERE member_address = @addr", _connectionFactory()))
            using (var tx = cmd.Connection.BeginTransaction())
                cmd.Transaction = tx;
                var addr = address.ToString();
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@addr", DbType.String);
                cmd.Parameters["@addr"].Value = addr;

 public Reply(Address address)
     Address = address;
Пример #36
 /// <summary>
 /// TBD
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="address">TBD</param>
 /// <returns>TBD</returns>
 public IActorRef RootGuardianAt(Address address)
     return(address == _rootPath.Address ? _rootGuardian : _deadLetters);
Пример #37
 /// <summary>
 /// TBD
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="address">TBD</param>
 /// <returns>TBD</returns>
 public Address GetExternalAddressFor(Address address)
     return(address == _rootPath.Address ? address : null);
Пример #38
 public DefaultCollector(Address address)
     _address  = address;
     _cpuWatch = new Stopwatch();
Пример #39
 public AddressTerminated(Address address)
     Address = address;