Пример #1
        private void readFile(string filePath)
            // Clear the property index for the map
            propertyIndex = 0;
            // Create streamreader
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath);
            // Set numAttributes (for property) to 11
            int numAttributes = 11;

            //Create array of districts as empty
            lstDistricts = new District[1];
            // Set first districts index
            int districtIndex = 0;

            // While not the end of the file
            while (sr.EndOfStream == false)
                // Stores the value of the first line to check if it's empty
                string firstline = sr.ReadLine();
                // If firstline isn't blank
                if (firstline != "")
                    // Assign district name to readline
                    string districtName = firstline;
                    // Assign numNeighbourhoods to readline
                    int numNeighbourhoods = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine());
                    // Create neighbourhood array with length numNeighbourhoods
                    Neighbourhood[] lstNeighbourhoods = new Neighbourhood[numNeighbourhoods];
                    // For numNeighbourhoods with variable neighbourhood as the increment
                    for (int neighbourhood = 0; neighbourhood < numNeighbourhoods; neighbourhood++)
                        // Create array propAttributes with length numAttributes
                        string[] propAttributes = new string[numAttributes];
                        // Set neighbourhood name as readline
                        string neighbourhoodName = sr.ReadLine();
                        // Set numProperties as readline
                        int numProperties = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine());
                        // Create property array with length numProperties
                        Property[] lstProperties = new Property[numProperties];
                        // For numProperties with variable property as the increment
                        for (int property = 0; property < numProperties; property++)
                            // For numAttributes with variable attribute as the increment
                            for (int attribute = 0; attribute < numAttributes; attribute++)
                                // set propAttributes[attribute] to readline
                                propAttributes[attribute] = sr.ReadLine();
                                // Next attribute
                            // Create property object using the propAttributes array and add to property array
                            lstProperties[property] = new Property(propAttributes[0], propAttributes[1], propAttributes[2], propAttributes[3],
                                                                   propAttributes[4], propAttributes[5], propAttributes[6], propAttributes[7], propAttributes[8], propAttributes[9],
                            // Next property
                        // Create neighbourhood object using name, numProperties and the property array
                        // And add it to the neighbourhood array
                        lstNeighbourhoods[neighbourhood] = new Neighbourhood(neighbourhoodName, lstProperties);
                        // Next neighbourhood
                    // Create district object using district name, numNeighbourhoods and the neighbourhood array
                    // And add to the district array
                    lstDistricts[districtIndex] = new District(districtName, lstNeighbourhoods);
                    // Resize array to current size plus 1
                    Array.Resize(ref lstDistricts, lstDistricts.Length + 1);
                    //increment the districts index
                    districtIndex += 1;
                    //End if
                // End while