private void PopulateDataGridView(String cond) { My_SQL mysql = new My_SQL(); OdbcDataReader res; res = mysql.hazConsulta("select " + cam[0] + "," + cam[1] + "," + cam[2] + "," + cam[3] + " from clientes,acciones,detalle where clientes.curp=detalle.curp and acciones.clave=detalle.clave and clientes.curp='" + val[0] + "'"); int i; float acc, tot = 0; String[] row = new String[4]; if (res.HasRows) { while (res.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { row[i] = res.GetString(i); } acc = float.Parse(res.GetString(i)) * int.Parse(row[2]); tot += acc; row[3] = acc.ToString(); dgv.Rows.Add(row); } } total.Text = tot.ToString(); }
private void btnEliminar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sel >= 0) { My_SQL mysql; OdbcDataReader res; int nq; mysql = new My_SQL(); res = mysql.hazConsulta("select * from detalle where " + cam[0] + "='" + val[0] + "'"); if (res.HasRows) { MessageBox.Show("El registro esta vinculado a una transaccion"); } else { mysql = new My_SQL(); nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("delete from " + roll + " where " + cam[0] + " = '" + val[0] + "'"); dgv.Hide(); SetupDataGridView(); PopulateDataGridView(""); actualiza(); MessageBox.Show("Registro Borrado"); } } }
private void btnAgregar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txbCURP.Text != "" && txbNombre.Text != "" && txbSaldo.Text != "") { try { float saldo = float.Parse(txbSaldo.Text); My_SQL c = new My_SQL(); int nq = c.hazNoConsulta("insert into clientes values('" + txbCURP.Text.ToUpper() + "','" + txbNombre.Text + "','" + txbSaldo.Text + "')"); this.Close(); } catch (FormatException formato) { MessageBox.Show("El saldo debe ser de tipo flotante " + formato.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.ToString()); } } else { MessageBox.Show("No se admiten campos vacios"); } }
private void btnModificar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txbClave.Text != "" && txbStock.Text != "" && txbPrecio.Text != "") { try { int s = int.Parse(txbStock.Text); float p = float.Parse(txbPrecio.Text); My_SQL a = new My_SQL(); int nq = a.hazNoConsulta("update acciones set clave='" + txbClave.Text.ToUpper() + "',stock='" + txbStock.Text + "',precio='" + txbPrecio.Text + "',descripcion='" + txbDesc.Text + "' where clave='" + clave + "'"); this.Close(); } catch (FormatException formato) { MessageBox.Show("El saldo debe ser de tipo flotante " + formato.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.ToString()); } } else { MessageBox.Show("No se admiten campos vacios"); } }
private void dgv_RowsRemoved(object sender, DataGridViewRowsRemovedEventArgs e) { My_SQL mysql; OdbcDataReader res; int nq; mysql = new My_SQL(); res = mysql.hazConsulta("select * from detalle where " + cam[0] + "='" + val[0] + "'"); if (res.HasRows) { MessageBox.Show("El registro esta vinculado a una transaccion"); } else { mysql = new My_SQL(); nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("delete from " + roll + " where " + cam[0] + " = '" + val[0] + "'"); int row = e.RowIndex; if (row >= e.RowCount) { row = e.RowCount - 1; } if (row >= 0 && e.RowCount > 1) { DataGridView ob = (DataGridView)sender; for (int i = 0; i < colums; i++) { val[i] = (String)ob.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[i].Value; } sel = row; } MessageBox.Show("Registro Borrado"); } }
private void PopulateDataGridView(String cond) { My_SQL mysql = new My_SQL(); OdbcDataReader res; if (roll == "clientes" || roll == "acciones") { res = mysql.hazConsulta("select * from " + roll + "" + cond); } else { if (roll == "comprasClientes") { res = mysql.hazConsulta("select * from clientes" + cond); } else { if (roll == "comprasAcciones") { res = mysql.hazConsulta("select * from acciones" + cond); } else { res = mysql.hazConsulta("select " + cam[0] + "," + cam[1] + "," + cam[2] + "," + cam[3] + "," + cam[4] + " from clientes,acciones,detalle where clientes.curp=detalle.curp and acciones.clave=detalle.clave" + cond); } } } int i; String[] row = new String[colums]; if (res.HasRows) { while (res.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < colums; i++) { row[i] = res.GetString(i); } dgv.Rows.Add(row); } } }
private void PopulateDataGridView(String cond) { My_SQL mysql = new My_SQL(); OdbcDataReader res = mysql.hazConsulta("select * from clientes" + cond); int i; String[] row = new String[3]; if (res.HasRows) { while (res.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { row[i] = res.GetString(i); } dgv.Rows.Add(row); p++; } } }
private void dgv_RowsRemoved(object sender, DataGridViewRowsRemovedEventArgs e) { My_SQL mysql = new My_SQL(); int nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("delete from clientes where curp = '" + curp + "'"); int row = e.RowIndex; if (row >= e.RowCount) { row = e.RowCount - 1; } if (row >= 0 && e.RowCount > 1) { DataGridView ob = (DataGridView)sender; curp = (String)ob.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value; nombre = (String)ob.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value; saldo = (String)ob.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].Value; sel = row; } MessageBox.Show("Registro Borrado"); }
private void btnEliminar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sel >= 0) { My_SQL mysql = new My_SQL(); int nq = mysql.hazNoConsulta("delete from clientes where curp = '" + curp + "'"); dgv.Hide(); SetupDataGridView(); PopulateDataGridView(""); if (dgv.Rows.Count > 0) { sel = dgv.SelectedRows[0].Index; curp = (String)dgv.Rows[sel].Cells[0].Value; nombre = (String)dgv.Rows[sel].Cells[1].Value; saldo = (String)dgv.Rows[sel].Cells[2].Value; } else { sel = -1; } MessageBox.Show("Registro Borrado"); } }
private void movimiento(int cant, String c, String a) { int i, nq; My_SQL buy; OdbcDataReader res; buy = new My_SQL(); res = buy.hazConsulta(c); String[] cliente = new String[3]; if (res.HasRows) { while (res.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cliente[i] = res.GetString(i); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("El cliente" + val[0] + " dejo de existir"); return; } buy = new My_SQL(); res = buy.hazConsulta(a); String[] accion = new String[4]; if (res.HasRows) { while (res.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { accion[i] = res.GetString(i); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Las acciones" + val[2] + " dejaron de existir"); return; } float saldo = float.Parse(cliente[2]); float precio = float.Parse(accion[2]); int stock = int.Parse(accion[1]); if (uso == "Comprar") { if (cant * precio > saldo) { MessageBox.Show(cliente[1] + " no tiene saldo Suficiente"); } else { if (stock < cant) { MessageBox.Show(accion[0] + " no tiene acciones suficientes"); } else { buy = new My_SQL(); nq = buy.hazNoConsulta("update clientes set saldo='" + (saldo - (precio * cant)).ToString() + "' where curp='" + cliente[0] + "'"); buy = new My_SQL(); nq = buy.hazNoConsulta("update acciones set stock='" + (stock - cant).ToString() + "' where clave='" + accion[0] + "'"); buy = new My_SQL(); res = buy.hazConsulta("select * from detalle where curp='" + cliente[0] + "' and clave='" + accion[0] + "'"); String[] detalle = new String[3]; if (res.HasRows) { while (res.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { detalle[i] = res.GetString(i); } } buy = new My_SQL(); nq = int.Parse(detalle[0]); nq = buy.hazNoConsulta("update detalle set cant='" + (nq + cant).ToString() + "' where curp='" + cliente[0] + "' && clave='" + accion[0] + "'"); } else { buy = new My_SQL(); nq = buy.hazNoConsulta("insert into detalle values('" + cant.ToString() + "','" + cliente[0] + "','" + accion[0] + "')"); } frmGrafica reporte = new frmGrafica("Reporte", 5); reporte.Show(); this.Close(); } } } else { nq = int.Parse(val[4]); if (cant > nq) { MessageBox.Show(cliente[1] + " no tiene Acciones Suficientes"); } else { buy = new My_SQL(); nq = buy.hazNoConsulta("update clientes set saldo='" + (saldo + (precio * cant)).ToString() + "' where curp='" + cliente[0] + "'"); buy = new My_SQL(); nq = buy.hazNoConsulta("update acciones set stock='" + (stock + cant).ToString() + "' where clave='" + accion[0] + "'"); nq = int.Parse(val[4]); nq -= cant; if (nq > 0) { buy = new My_SQL(); nq = buy.hazNoConsulta("update detalle set cant='" + nq.ToString() + "' where curp='" + cliente[0] + "' and clave='" + accion[0] + "'"); } else { buy = new My_SQL(); nq = buy.hazNoConsulta("delete from detalle where curp='" + val[0] + "' and clave='" + val[2] + "'"); } this.Close(); } } }
private void btnAceptar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (uso == "Agregar" || uso == "Modificar") { if (txbCampo[0].Text != "" && txbCampo[1].Text != "" && txbCampo[2].Text != "") { if (roll == "clientes") { try { float sa = float.Parse(txbCampo[2].Text); My_SQL c = new My_SQL(); int nq; if (uso == "Agregar") { nq = c.hazNoConsulta("insert into clientes values('" + txbCampo[0].Text.ToUpper() + "','" + txbCampo[1].Text + "','" + txbCampo[2].Text + "')"); } if (uso == "Modificar") { nq = c.hazNoConsulta("update clientes set curp='" + txbCampo[0].Text.ToUpper() + "',nom='" + txbCampo[1].Text + "',saldo='" + txbCampo[2].Text + "' where curp='" + val[0] + "'"); } this.Close(); } catch (FormatException formato1) { MessageBox.Show("El saldo debe ser de tipo flotante " + formato1.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc1) { MessageBox.Show(exc1.ToString()); } } if (roll == "acciones") { try { int st = int.Parse(txbCampo[1].Text); float p = float.Parse(txbCampo[2].Text); My_SQL a = new My_SQL(); int nq; if (uso == "Agregar") { nq = a.hazNoConsulta("insert into acciones values('" + txbCampo[0].Text.ToUpper() + "','" + txbCampo[1].Text + "','" + txbCampo[2].Text + "','" + txbCampo[3].Text + "')"); } if (uso == "Modificar") { nq = a.hazNoConsulta("update acciones set clave='" + txbCampo[0].Text.ToUpper() + "',stock='" + txbCampo[1].Text + "',precio='" + txbCampo[2].Text + "',descripcion='" + txbCampo[3].Text + "' where clave='" + val[0] + "'"); } this.Close(); } catch (FormatException formato2) { MessageBox.Show("Uno de los campos contiene datos inválidos " + formato2.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc2) { MessageBox.Show(exc2.ToString()); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("No se admiten campos vacios"); } } if (uso == "Buscar") { if (txbCampo[0].Text != "") { Sval[0] = txbCampo[0].Text.ToUpper(); } if (roll == "clientes" || roll == "comprasClientes") { if (txbCampo[1].Text != "") { Sval[1] = txbCampo[1].Text; } if (txbCampo[2].Text != "") { try { float s1 = float.Parse(txbCampo[2].Text); Sval[2] = s1.ToString(); } catch (FormatException formato31) { MessageBox.Show("El saldo debe ser de tipo flotante " + formato31.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc31) { MessageBox.Show(exc31.ToString()); } } } if (roll == "acciones") { if (txbCampo[1].Text != "") { try { int s1 = int.Parse(txbCampo[1].Text); Sval[1] = s1.ToString(); } catch (FormatException formato11) { MessageBox.Show("El stock debe ser de tipo entero " + formato11.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc11) { MessageBox.Show(exc11.ToString()); } } if (txbCampo[2].Text != "") { try { float p1 = float.Parse(txbCampo[2].Text); Sval[2] = p1.ToString(); } catch (FormatException formato21) { MessageBox.Show("El precio debe ser de tipo flotante " + formato21.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc21) { MessageBox.Show(exc21.ToString()); } } } if (roll == "Reporte" || roll == "ventasReporte") { if (txbCampo[1].Text != "") { Sval[1] = txbCampo[1].Text; } if (txbCampo[2].Text != "") { Sval[2] = txbCampo[2].Text; } if (txbCampo[3].Text != "") { try { int s11 = int.Parse(txbCampo[3].Text); Sval[3] = s11.ToString(); } catch (FormatException formato61) { MessageBox.Show("La cantidad debe ser de tipo entero " + formato61.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc61) { MessageBox.Show(exc61.ToString()); } } } this.Close(); } if (uso == "Comprar" || uso == "Vender") { if (txbCampo[0].Text != "") { try { if (uso == "Comprar") { movimiento(int.Parse(txbCampo[0].Text), "select * from clientes where curp='" + Scurp + "'", "select * from acciones where clave='" + val[0] + "'"); } else { movimiento(int.Parse(txbCampo[0].Text), "select * from clientes where curp='" + val[0] + "'", "select * from acciones where clave='" + val[2] + "'"); } } catch (FormatException formato41) { MessageBox.Show("La cantidad debe ser de tipo entero " + formato41.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc41) { MessageBox.Show(exc41.ToString()); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Debe introducir una Cantidad"); } } }
public frmPrincipal() { My_SQL mys = new My_SQL(); InitializeComponent(); }