Пример #1
        private void CreateScene(bool useDXEngineHitTesting)

            if (_dxEventManager3D != null)
                _dxEventManager3D = null;

            if (_wpfEventManager != null)
                _wpfEventManager = null;

            if (_instancedMeshGeometryVisual3D != null)

            _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait;

            // Create InstancedGeometryVisual3D
            _instancedMeshGeometryVisual3D = new InstancedMeshGeometryVisual3D(_instanceMeshGeometry3D);

            _instancedMeshGeometryVisual3D.InstancesData = _instancedData;

            // Setup hit testing
            if (useDXEngineHitTesting)
                // Use DXEventManager3D from Ab3d.DXEngine - it has optimized hit testing for instanced objects
                _dxEventManager3D = new Ab3d.DirectX.Utilities.DXEventManager3D(MainDXViewportView);

                var visualEventSource3D = new Ab3d.DirectX.Utilities.VisualEventSource3D(_instancedMeshGeometryVisual3D);
                visualEventSource3D.MouseEnter += delegate(object sender, DirectX.Common.EventManager3D.Mouse3DEventArgs e)
                    var dxRayInstancedHitTestResult = e.RayHitResult as DXRayInstancedHitTestResult;
                    if (dxRayInstancedHitTestResult != null)

                visualEventSource3D.MouseMove += delegate(object sender, DirectX.Common.EventManager3D.Mouse3DEventArgs e)
                    var dxRayInstancedHitTestResult = e.RayHitResult as DXRayInstancedHitTestResult;
                    if (dxRayInstancedHitTestResult != null)

                visualEventSource3D.MouseLeave += delegate(object sender, DirectX.Common.EventManager3D.Mouse3DEventArgs e)

                // IMPORTANT:
                // To make WPF hit testing work (also used by EventManager3D), you need to set the IsWpfHitTestVisible to true.
                // This increases initialization time because WPF objects needs to be created for each instance, but this makes the WPF hit testing work.
                _instancedMeshGeometryVisual3D.IsWpfHitTestVisible = true;

                _wpfEventManager = new Ab3d.Utilities.EventManager3D(MainViewport);

                // Because Viewport3D is actually not shown, we need to specify different WPF's object for the source of mouse events - this could be MainDXViewportView or even better a parent Border
                _wpfEventManager.CustomEventsSourceElement = MainDXViewportView;

                var visualEventSource3D = new Ab3d.Utilities.VisualEventSource3D(_instancedMeshGeometryVisual3D);
                visualEventSource3D.MouseEnter += delegate(object sender, Mouse3DEventArgs e)
                    if (e.RayHitResult == null || e.RayHitResult.ModelHit == null)
                        return; // This should not happen, but it is safer to have this check anyway
                    // Get instance index of the hit object
                    int hitInstanceIndex = GetHitInstanceIndex(e.RayHitResult);


                visualEventSource3D.MouseMove += delegate(object sender, Mouse3DEventArgs e)
                    if (e.RayHitResult == null || e.RayHitResult.ModelHit == null)
                        return; // This should not happen, but it is safer to have this check anyway
                    // Get instance index of the hit object
                    int hitInstanceIndex = GetHitInstanceIndex(e.RayHitResult);


                visualEventSource3D.MouseLeave += delegate(object sender, Mouse3DEventArgs e)



            Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;

            // If we would only change the InstancedData we would need to call Update method (but here this is not needed because we have set the data for the first time)
Пример #2
        public ModelRotatorSample()

            _normalMaterial   = new DiffuseMaterial(Brushes.Silver);
            _selectedMaterial = new DiffuseMaterial(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 192, 192, 192))); // semi-transparent Silver

            _eventManager = new Ab3d.Utilities.EventManager3D(MainViewport);

            // Setup events on ModelRotatorVisual3D
            SelectedModelRotator.ModelRotateStarted += delegate(object sender, ModelRotatedEventArgs args)
                if (_selectedBoxModel == null)

                // When a new rotation is started, we create a new AxisAngleRotation3D with the used Axis or rotation
                // During the rotation we will adjust the angle (inside ModelRotated event handler)
                _axisAngleRotation3D = new AxisAngleRotation3D(args.RotationAxis, 0);

                // Insert the new rotate transform before the last translate transform that positions the box
                var rotateTransform3D = new RotateTransform3D(_axisAngleRotation3D);

                AddTransform(_selectedBoxModel, rotateTransform3D);

            SelectedModelRotator.ModelRotated += delegate(object sender, ModelRotatedEventArgs args)
                if (_selectedBoxModel == null)

                _axisAngleRotation3D.Angle = args.RotationAngle;

            SelectedModelRotator.ModelRotateEnded += delegate(object sender, ModelRotatedEventArgs args)
                // Nothing to do here in this sample
                // The event handler is here only for description purposes

            // To create custom circle 3D model, use the CreateCustomCircleModelCallback.
            // The following commented code shows how the default circle 3D model is created
            //SelectedModelRotator.CreateCustomCircleModelCallback = delegate (Vector3D normalVector3D, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, Brush circleBrush)
            //    int segmentsCount = 30;
            //    double circleHeight = outerRadius * 0.05; // Height is 20 times smaller than outer radius

            //    var tubeMesh3D = new Ab3d.Meshes.TubeMesh3D(new Point3D(0, 0, 0), normalVector3D, outerRadius, innerRadius, circleHeight, segmentsCount);

            //    var geometryModel3D = new GeometryModel3D(tubeMesh3D.Geometry, new DiffuseMaterial(circleBrush));

            //    return geometryModel3D;

Пример #3
        private void CreateSceneObjects()
            for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++)
                    var boxVisual3D = new Ab3d.Visuals.BoxVisual3D()
                        CenterPosition = new Point3D(40 * x - 100, 6, y * 40 - 80),
                        Size           = new Size3D(10, 10, 10),
                        Material       = _standardMaterial


            // Use EventManager3D to handle clicking on selected boxes
            var eventManager3D = new Ab3d.Utilities.EventManager3D(MainViewport);

            var multiVisualEventSource3D = new MultiVisualEventSource3D(SelectionRootModelVisual3D.Children);

            multiVisualEventSource3D.MouseEnter += delegate(object sender, Mouse3DEventArgs e)
                Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Hand;

                var hitBoxVisual3D = e.HitObject as Ab3d.Visuals.BoxVisual3D;
                if (hitBoxVisual3D != null)
                    _wireBoxVisual3D.CenterPosition = hitBoxVisual3D.CenterPosition;
                    _wireBoxVisual3D.Size           = hitBoxVisual3D.Size;


            multiVisualEventSource3D.MouseLeave += delegate(object sender, Mouse3DEventArgs e)
                Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;

                if (_wireBoxVisual3D != null)

            multiVisualEventSource3D.MouseClick += delegate(object sender, MouseButton3DEventArgs e)
                if (_selectedBoxVisual3D != null)
                    _selectedBoxVisual3D.Material = _standardMaterial;

                var hitBoxVisual3D = e.HitObject as Ab3d.Visuals.BoxVisual3D;
                if (hitBoxVisual3D != null)
                    hitBoxVisual3D.Material = _selectedMaterial;
                    _selectedBoxVisual3D    = hitBoxVisual3D;

                    if (_wireBoxVisual3D != null)

                    _selectedBoxVisual3D = null;


            // Exclude _wireBoxVisual3D from receiving mouse events
        public void ShowData(List <SphereData> originalData, Rect3D displayedDataBounds, Rect xyDataRange)
            // Now use original data to create our data view objects

            // All data will be displayed in a 3D box defined below:
            //var displayedDataBounds = new Rect3D(AxesBox.CenterPosition.X - AxesBox.Size.X * 0.5,
            //                                     AxesBox.CenterPosition.Y - AxesBox.Size.Y * 0.5,
            //                                     AxesBox.CenterPosition.Z - AxesBox.Size.Z * 0.5,
            //                                     AxesBox.Size.X,
            //                                     AxesBox.Size.Y,
            //                                     AxesBox.Size.Z);

            _allSpheresData = new List <SphereDataView>(originalData.Count);

            foreach (var originalSphereData in originalData)
                // Set color of the sphere based on its y position
                // We choose the color from the gradient defined in EnsureGradientColorsArray
                double relativeY = (originalSphereData.Location.Y - xyDataRange.Y) / xyDataRange.Height;

                int   colorArrayIndex = (int)(relativeY * (_gradientColorsArray.Length - 1));
                Color color           = _gradientColorsArray[colorArrayIndex];

                var sphereDataView = SphereDataView.Create(originalSphereData, displayedDataBounds, originalData.Count, xyDataRange, color);

                sphereDataView.IsSelectedChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    var changedPositionDataView = (SphereDataView)sender;
                    if (changedPositionDataView.IsSelected)



            // Bind positions data to ListBox
            DataListBox.ItemsSource = _allSpheresData;

            // Create curve through all positions
            // This is done by first creating all points that define the curve (10 points between each position that define the curve)
            List <Point3D> allPositions = new List <Point3D>();

            foreach (var positionData in _allSpheresData)

            BezierCurve       bezierCurve = Ab3d.Utilities.BezierCurve.CreateFromCurvePositions(allPositions);
            Point3DCollection curvePoints = bezierCurve.CreateBezierCurve(positionsPerSegment: 10); // How many points between each defined position in the curve

            // Create 3D Polyline from curvePoints
            Model3D curveModel = Ab3d.Models.Line3DFactory.CreatePolyLine3D(curvePoints, thickness: 2, color: Colors.Blue, isClosed: false, startLineCap: LineCap.Flat, endLineCap: LineCap.Flat, parentViewport3D: MainViewport);

            CurveModelVisual.Content = curveModel;

            // Now create 3D sphere objects for each position

            // Each sphere will also need MouseEnter, MouseLeave and MouseClick event handlers
            // We use EventManager3D for that
            var eventManager3D = new Ab3d.Utilities.EventManager3D(MainViewport);

            // Add 3D sphere for each position
            foreach (var positionData in _allSpheresData)
                SpheresModelVisual.Children.Add(positionData.ModelVisual3D); // Sphere Visual3D is created in SphereDataView object

                // Add event handlers (sphere Visual3D will be the source of the events)
                var visualEventSource3D = new VisualEventSource3D(positionData.ModelVisual3D);

                visualEventSource3D.MouseEnter += delegate(object sender, Mouse3DEventArgs e)
                    if (_isSelecting)

                    // Use hand cursor
                    Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Hand;

                    // Find selected position data
                    var selectedPositionData = _allSpheresData.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ModelVisual3D == e.HitObject);

                    SelectData(selectedPositionData, e.CurrentMousePosition);

                visualEventSource3D.MouseLeave += delegate(object sender, Mouse3DEventArgs e)
                    if (_isSelecting)

                    Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;

                    DataToolTipBorder.Visibility  = Visibility.Collapsed;
                    DataToolTipBorder.DataContext = null;


                visualEventSource3D.MouseClick += delegate(object sender, MouseButton3DEventArgs e)
                    // Select / deselect on mouse click
                    var clickedPositionData = _allSpheresData.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ModelVisual3D == e.HitObject);

                    if (clickedPositionData != null)
                        positionData.IsSelected = !clickedPositionData.IsSelected;

                // Register the event source
        public ModelMoverOverlaySample()

            // We need to synchronize the Camera and Lights in OverlayViewport with the camera in the MainViewport
            Camera1.CameraChanged += delegate(object s, CameraChangedRoutedEventArgs args)
                OverlayViewport.Camera         = MainViewport.Camera;
                OverlayViewportLight.Direction = ((DirectionalLight)Camera1.CameraLight).Direction;

            // NOTE:
            // To define custom axes directions for ModelMoverVisual3D, define it in code and specify the axes direction it the constructor - for example:
            // ModelMover = new ModelMoverVisual3D(new Vector3D(-1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, -1, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, -1));
            // You can even define angles that are not aligned with coordinate axes:
            // ModelMover = new ModelMoverVisual3D(new Vector3D(-1, -1, 0), new Vector3D(-1, 1, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, -1));

            // Setup event handlers on ModelMoverVisual3D
            ModelMover.ModelMoveStarted += delegate(object o, EventArgs eventArgs)
                if (_selectedBoxModel == null)

                _startMovePosition = _selectedBoxModel.CenterPosition;

            ModelMover.ModelMoved += delegate(object o, Ab3d.Common.ModelMovedEventArgs e)
                if (_selectedBoxModel == null)

                var newCenterPosition = _startMovePosition + e.MoveVector3D;

                if (Math.Abs(newCenterPosition.X) > 2000 ||
                    Math.Abs(newCenterPosition.Y) > 2000 ||
                    Math.Abs(newCenterPosition.Z) > 2000)
                    InfoTextBlock.Text = "Move out of range";

                _selectedBoxModel.CenterPosition = newCenterPosition;
                ModelMover.Position = GetSelectedModelWorldPosition(); // GetSelectedModelPosition gets the _selectedBoxModel.CenterPosition and transforms it with the transformations of parent ModelVisual3D objects

                InfoTextBlock.Text = string.Format("MoveVector3D: {0:0}", e.MoveVector3D);

            ModelMover.ModelMoveEnded += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args)
                InfoTextBlock.Text = "";

            _normalMaterial = new DiffuseMaterial(Brushes.Silver);
            _eventManager   = new Ab3d.Utilities.EventManager3D(MainViewport);

Пример #6
        public DucksLakeDemo()

            MouseCameraControllerInfo1.AddCustomInfoLine(0, MouseCameraController.MouseAndKeyboardConditions.LeftMouseButtonPressed, "Select duck");

            _duckModel3D = LoadDuckModel();

            _eventManager3D = new Ab3d.Utilities.EventManager3D(MainViewport);
            _eventManager3D.CustomEventsSourceElement = ViewportBorder;

            MainDXViewportView.DXSceneInitialized += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args)
                if (MainDXViewportView.DXScene == null)
                    return; // Probably WPF 3D rendering
                // Setup shadow rendering
                _varianceShadowRenderingProvider = new VarianceShadowRenderingProvider();

                // Because we have a big green plane, we need to increase the shadow map size (increase this more to get a more detailed shadow).
                _varianceShadowRenderingProvider.ShadowMapSize = 1024;


                // Specify the light that cases shadow(note that point light is not supported - only DirectionalLight and SpotLight are supported).
                MainSceneLight.SetDXAttribute(DXAttributeType.IsCastingShadow, true);

            this.Focusable       = true; // by default Page is not focusable and therefore does not receive keyDown event
            this.PreviewKeyDown += OnPreviewKeyDown;

            // We need to synchronize the Camera in OverlayViewport with the camera in the MainViewport
            Camera1.CameraChanged += delegate(object s, CameraChangedRoutedEventArgs args)
                OverlayViewport.Camera = MainViewport.Camera;

            this.Loaded += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)


            // IMPORTANT:
            // It is very important to call Dispose method on DXSceneView after the control is not used any more (see help file for more info)
            this.Unloaded += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
                if (_varianceShadowRenderingProvider != null)

Пример #7
        private void SubscribeEvents()
            // Create an instance of EventManager3D for out Viewport3D

            // Important:
            // It is highly recommended not to have more than one EventManager3D object per Viewport3D.
            // Having multiple EventManager3D object can greatly reduce the performance because each time the Viewport3D camera is changed,
            // each EventManager3D must perform a full 3D hit testing from the current mouse position.
            // This operation is very CPU intensive and can affect performance when there are many 3D objects in the scene.
            // When multiple EventManager3D object are defined, then the 3D hit testing is performed multiple times.
            // Therefore it is recommended to have only one EventManager3D object per Viewport3D.
            // It is also recommended to remove registered event sources after they are not used any more.
            // This can be done with RemoveEventSource3D method.

            _eventManager = new Ab3d.Utilities.EventManager3D(MainViewport);

            // Create a NamedObjects dictionary and set it to eventManager.
            // This way we can use names on EventSource objects to identify Model3D or Visual3D.
            // This is very usefull if we read the 3d objects with Reader3ds or ReaderObj and already have the NamedObjects dictionry.
            // When names are used in EventSource objects, we get the HitModelName or HitVisualName property set so we can know which object was hit.
            var namedObjects = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            namedObjects.Add("Landscape", _landscapeModel);
            namedObjects.Add("Base", _windGenarator.BaseModel);
            namedObjects.Add("Blades", _windGenarator.BladesModel);
            namedObjects.Add("Turbine", _windGenarator.TurbineModel);

            _eventManager.NamedObjects = namedObjects;

            // subscribe the Landscape as the drag surface
            var modelEventSource = new Ab3d.Utilities.ModelEventSource3D();

            // Instead of using TargetModelName and NamedObjects, we could also specify the model with TargetModel3D
            //modelEventSource.TargetModel3D = _landscapeModel;

            modelEventSource.TargetModelName = "Landscape";
            modelEventSource.IsDragSurface   = true;


            // subscribe other objects
            var multiModelEventSource = new Ab3d.Utilities.MultiModelEventSource3D();

            // Instead of using TargetModelNames and NamedObjects, we could specify the models with model instances
            //multiModelEventSource.TargetModels3D = new Model3D[] { _windGenarator.BaseModel,
            //                                                       _windGenarator.BladesModel,
            //                                                       _windGenarator.TurbineModel };

            // Because we have set the NamedObjects dictionary to _eventManager we can simply specify the models by their names:
            multiModelEventSource.TargetModelNames = "Base, Blades, Turbine";
            multiModelEventSource.IsDragSurface    = false;

            // Subscribe to all events
            multiModelEventSource.MouseEnter       += eventSource_MouseEnter;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseLeave       += eventSource_MouseLeave;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseMove        += eventSource_MouseMove;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseUp          += eventSource_MouseUp;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseDown        += eventSource_MouseDown;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseClick       += eventSource_MouseClick;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseWheel       += multiModelEventSource_MouseWheel;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseDoubleClick += eventSource_MouseDoubleClick;
            multiModelEventSource.BeginMouseDrag   += eventSource_BeginMouseDrag;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseDrag        += eventSource_MouseDrag;
            multiModelEventSource.EndMouseDrag     += eventSource_EndMouseDrag;

            multiModelEventSource.TouchEnter += eventSource_TouchEnter;
            multiModelEventSource.TouchDown  += eventSource_TouchDown;
            multiModelEventSource.TouchMove  += eventSource_TouchMove;
            multiModelEventSource.TouchUp    += eventSource_TouchUp;
            multiModelEventSource.TouchLeave += eventSource_TouchLeave;

            // NOTE:
            // It is also possible to subscribe to touch manipulations events (pinch scale and rotate)
            // But this requires to set IsManipulationEnabled to true and that disables some other events
            // See the TouchManipulationsSample for more information

Пример #8
        public ModelMoverOverlaySample()

            // We need to synchronize the Camera and Lights in OverlayViewport with the camera in the MainViewport
            Camera1.CameraChanged += delegate(object s, CameraChangedRoutedEventArgs args)
                OverlayViewport.Camera         = MainViewport.Camera;
                OverlayViewportLight.Direction = ((DirectionalLight)Camera1.CameraLight).Direction;

            // NOTE:
            // To define custom axes directions for ModelMoverVisual3D, define it in code and specify the axes direction it the constructor - for example:
            // ModelMover = new ModelMoverVisual3D(new Vector3D(-1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, -1, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, -1));
            // You can even define angles that are not aligned with coordinate axes:
            // ModelMover = new ModelMoverVisual3D(new Vector3D(-1, -1, 0), new Vector3D(-1, 1, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, -1));

            // Setup event handlers on ModelMoverVisual3D
            ModelMover.ModelMoveStarted += delegate(object o, EventArgs eventArgs)
                if (_selectedBoxModel == null)

                _startMovePosition = _selectedBoxModel.CenterPosition;

            ModelMover.ModelMoved += delegate(object o, Ab3d.Common.ModelMovedEventArgs e)
                if (_selectedBoxModel == null)

                var newCenterPosition = _startMovePosition + e.MoveVector3D;

                if (Math.Abs(newCenterPosition.X) > 2000 ||
                    Math.Abs(newCenterPosition.Y) > 2000 ||
                    Math.Abs(newCenterPosition.Z) > 2000)
                    InfoTextBlock.Text = "Move out of range";

                _selectedBoxModel.CenterPosition = newCenterPosition;
                ModelMover.Position = _selectedBoxModel.CenterPosition;

                InfoTextBlock.Text = string.Format("MoveVector3D: {0:0}", e.MoveVector3D);

            ModelMover.ModelMoveEnded += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args)
                InfoTextBlock.Text = "";

            _normalMaterial = new DiffuseMaterial(Brushes.Silver);
            _eventManager   = new Ab3d.Utilities.EventManager3D(MainViewport);


            // IMPORTANT:
            // It is very important to call Dispose method on DXSceneView after the control is not used any more (see help file for more info)
            this.Unloaded += (sender, args) => MainDXViewportView.Dispose();
        public void ShowData(List <SphereData> originalData)
            // Now use original data to create our data view objects

            // All data will be displayed in a 3D box defined below:
            var displayedDataBounds = new Rect3D(-40, -20, -40, 80, 40, 80);

            _allPositionsData = new List <SphereDataView>(originalData.Count);

            foreach (var originalSphereData in originalData)
                var sphereDataView = SphereDataView.Create(originalSphereData, displayedDataBounds, originalData.Count, _locationSize, _maxSize);

                sphereDataView.IsSelectedChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    var changedPositionDataView = (SphereDataView)sender;
                    if (changedPositionDataView.IsSelected)



            // Setup axis limits and shown values
            AxisWireBox.MinYValue = 0;
            AxisWireBox.MaxYValue = 10;

            AxisWireBox.YAxisValues = new double[] { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 };

            // Bind positions data to ListBox
            DataListBox.ItemsSource = _allPositionsData;

            // Create curve through all positions
            // This is done by first creating all points that define the curve (10 points between each position that define the curve)
            List <Point3D> allPositions = new List <Point3D>();

            foreach (var positionData in _allPositionsData)

            BezierCurve       bezierCurve = Ab3d.Utilities.BezierCurve.CreateFromCurvePositions(allPositions);
            Point3DCollection curvePoints = bezierCurve.CreateBezierCurve(positionsPerSegment: 10); // How many points between each defined position in the curve

            // Create 3D Polyline from curvePoints
            Model3D curveModel = Ab3d.Models.Line3DFactory.CreatePolyLine3D(curvePoints, thickness: 2, color: Colors.Blue, isClosed: false, startLineCap: LineCap.Flat, endLineCap: LineCap.Flat, parentViewport3D: MainViewport);

            CurveModelVisual.Content = curveModel;

            // Now create 3D sphere objects for each position

            // Each sphere will also need MouseEnter, MouseLeave and MouseClick event handlers
            // We use EventManager3D for that
            var eventManager3D = new Ab3d.Utilities.EventManager3D(MainViewport);

            // Add 3D sphere for each position
            foreach (var positionData in _allPositionsData)
                SpheresModelVisual.Children.Add(positionData.ModelVisual3D); // Sphere Visual3D is created in SphereDataView object

                // Add event handlers (sphere Visual3D will be the source of the events)
                var visualEventSource3D = new VisualEventSource3D(positionData.ModelVisual3D);

                visualEventSource3D.MouseEnter += delegate(object sender, Mouse3DEventArgs e)
                    if (_isSelecting)

                    // Use hand cursor
                    Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Hand;

                    // Find selected position data
                    var selectedPositionData = _allPositionsData.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ModelVisual3D == e.HitObject);

                    SelectData(selectedPositionData, e.CurrentMousePosition);

                visualEventSource3D.MouseLeave += delegate(object sender, Mouse3DEventArgs e)
                    if (_isSelecting)

                    Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;

                    DataToolTipBorder.Visibility  = Visibility.Collapsed;
                    DataToolTipBorder.DataContext = null;


                visualEventSource3D.MouseClick += delegate(object sender, MouseButton3DEventArgs e)
                    // Select / deselect on mouse click
                    var clickedPositionData = _allPositionsData.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ModelVisual3D == e.HitObject);

                    if (clickedPositionData != null)
                        positionData.IsSelected = !clickedPositionData.IsSelected;

                // Register the event source