Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a 2D filter kernel matrix populated in accordance with
        /// filterKernelFun, with size (SX, SY) = (2 * radius + 1,
        /// 2 * radius + 1) and anchor in the center at index (0, 0).
        /// Functions to use as filterKernelFun are available in FilterKernelFun.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="radius"></param>
        /// <param name="filterKernelFun">Function is evaluated at integer coordinates from (-radius,-radius) to (+radius,+radius).</param>
        public static Matrix <float> Create2DKernel(
            long radius, Func <float, float, float> filterKernelFun)
            var kernel = new Matrix <float>(2 * radius + 1, 2 * radius + 1)
                FX = -radius, FY = -radius

            kernel.SetByCoord((long x, long y) => filterKernelFun((float)x, (float)y));

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes an undistorted Grid with (count.X + 1, count.Y + 1) vertices
        /// the coordinates are roughly in the range [0..imageSize.X, 0..imageSize.Y].
        /// These can be used for a piecewise linear undistortion using the graphics
        /// card. If count is not given, it is set to iamgeSize / 8, for one grid
        /// point each 8 pixels.
        /// </summary>
        Matrix <V2f> ComputeUndistortedGrid(V2i imageSize, V2i count = default(V2i))
            if (count == default(V2i))
                count = imageSize / 8;
            var grid  = new Matrix <V2f>(count + V2i.II);
            var delta = imageSize.ToV2d() / count.ToV2d();
            var self  = this;

            grid.SetByCoord((x, y) => self.UndistortPixel(new V2d(x * delta.X, y * delta.Y), imageSize).ToV2f());