Пример #1
        public static List <GeoWaypoint> Load(string filePath, TimeSpan utcOffset)
            var   waypoints = new List <GeoWaypoint>();
            Datum fileDatum = null;

            var content = from line in File.ReadAllLines(filePath, Encoding.ASCII)
                          where line.Length > 0
                          select line;

            foreach (var line in content)
                switch (line[0])
                case 'G':
                    var strdatum = line.Substring(2).Trim();
                    if (strdatum == "WGS 84")     //TODO: Dirty hack! Find a proper solution
                        strdatum = "WGS84";
                    fileDatum = Datum.GetInstance(strdatum);

                case 'W':
                    //Track point
                    var p = ParseWaypoint(line, fileDatum, utcOffset);
                    if (p != null)

Пример #2
        public override GeoPoint[] GetTrackLog()
            var utm   = false;
            var track = new List <GeoPoint>();

            foreach (var line in TrackLogLines.Where(l => l.Length > 0))
                switch (line[0])
                case 'G':
                    var strFileDatum = line.Substring(2).Trim();
                    if (strFileDatum == "WGS 84")         //Dirty hack!!!
                        strFileDatum = "WGS84";
                    loggerDatum = Datum.GetInstance(strFileDatum);

                //case 'L':
                //    //Timezone
                //    var tz = TimeZoneInfo.CreateCustomTimeZone("x", -TimeSpan.Parse(fields[1]), "", "");
                //    break;
                case 'T':
                    //Track point
                    var fields = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    DateTime time = DateTime.MinValue;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(fields[4] + " " + fields[5], out time)) // if datetime is invalid, time is 0000/00/00 00:00:00
                        time += utcOffset;                                        // utc to local
                    var      altitude = double.Parse(fields[7], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                    GeoPoint p;

                    if (utm)
                        //file with utm coordinates
                        p = new GeoPoint(
                            time: time,
                            datum: loggerDatum,
                            zone: fields[1],
                            easting: double.Parse(fields[2], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo),
                            northing: double.Parse(fields[3], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo),
                            altitude: altitude);
                        //file with latlon coordinates
                        // WARNING: 'º' is out of ASCII table: don't use split
                        var strLatitude  = fields[2].Substring(0, fields[2].Length - 2);
                        var ns           = fields[2][fields[2].Length - 1];
                        var strLongitude = fields[3].Substring(0, fields[3].Length - 2);
                        var ew           = fields[3][fields[3].Length - 1];

                        var lat = double.Parse(strLatitude, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) * (ns == 'S' ? -1 : 1);
                        var lon = double.Parse(strLongitude, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) * (ew == 'W' ? -1 : 1);

                        p = new GeoPoint(
                            time: time,
                            datum: loggerDatum,
                            latitude: lat,
                            longitude: lon,
                            altitude: altitude


                case 'U':
                    //file coordinate units
                    var fields = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    utm = (fields[1] == "0");

Пример #3
        private int vSpOffset  = int.MinValue; //offset of the variometer vertical speed relative to position data origin

        public IGCFile(string logFilePath, TimeSpan utcOffset, string altitudeCorrectionsFilePath = null)
            : base(logFilePath, utcOffset)
            IsAltitudeBarometric = true;
            LogFileExtension     = ".igc";

            //get signature info
            var v = new Verifier()
                AcceptOldKey = true

            if (v.Verify(logFilePath))
                SignatureStatus = SignatureStatus.Genuine;
                SignatureStatus = SignatureStatus.Counterfeit;

            //get logger info
                var loggerInfo = TrackLogLines.First(l => l.StartsWith("AXXX"));
                LoggerModel        = loggerInfo.Substring(7);
                LoggerSerialNumber = loggerInfo.Substring(4, 3);
            catch (InvalidOperationException) { }

            //get pilot info
                var pilotInfo = TrackLogLines.First(l => l.StartsWith("HFPID"));
                PilotId = int.Parse(pilotInfo.Substring(5));
            catch (InvalidOperationException) { }

            //get date
                var dateInfo = TrackLogLines.First(l => l.StartsWith("HFDTE"));
                loggerDate = ParseDateAt(dateInfo, 9);
            catch (InvalidOperationException) { }
                var dateInfo = TrackLogLines.Last(l => l.StartsWith("K"));
                loggerDate = ParseDateAt(dateInfo, 11);
            catch (InvalidOperationException) { }

            //get IGC B record format
                var format         = TrackLogLines.Last(l => l.StartsWith("I"));
                var BRecordVersion = int.Parse(format.Substring(1, 2));
                if (BRecordVersion >= 5)
                    var latInfoPos = format.IndexOf("LAD");
                    dLatOffset = int.Parse(format.Substring(latInfoPos - 4, 2)) - 1 - 7; //7 is the offset to position data origin

                    var lonInfoPos = format.IndexOf("LOD");
                    dLonOffset = int.Parse(format.Substring(lonInfoPos - 4, 2)) - 1 - 7;

                    var vspInfoPos = format.IndexOf("VAR");
                    vSpOffset = int.Parse(format.Substring(vspInfoPos - 4, 2)) - 1 - 7;
            catch (InvalidOperationException) { }

            //check datum
                var datumInfo = TrackLogLines.Last(l => l.StartsWith("HFDTM"));
                loggerDatum = Datum.GetInstance(datumInfo.Substring(8));
                if (loggerDatum.Name != "WGS84")
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("IGC file datum must be WGS84");
            catch (InvalidOperationException) { }

            //load altitude correction
            altitudeCorrection = 0;
                var strCorrection = File.ReadAllLines(altitudeCorrectionsFilePath).First(l => l.Trim().StartsWith(LoggerSerialNumber)).Split(new char[] { '=' })[1];
                altitudeCorrection = double.Parse(strCorrection) / 10; //altitude correction in file is in dm, convert to m
            catch { }
            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Logger altitude correction={0}", altitudeCorrection));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Geodetic curve between two points on a specified reference ellipsoid.
        /// This is the solution to the inverse geodetic problem.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">starting coordinates</param>
        /// <param name="end">ending coordinates </param>
        /// <param name="referenceDatum">reference datum to use, default="WGS84"</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GeodeticCurve(LatLonCoordinates start, LatLonCoordinates end, string referenceDatum = "WGS84")
            // All equation numbers refer back to Vincenty's publication:
            // See http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/inverse.pdf

            // get constants
            var    datum = Datum.GetInstance(referenceDatum);
            double a     = datum.a;
            double b     = datum.a * Math.Sqrt(1 - datum.e2);
            double f     = (a - b) / a;

            // get parameters as radians
            double phi1    = start.Latitude.Radians;
            double lambda1 = start.Longitude.Radians;
            double phi2    = end.Latitude.Radians;
            double lambda2 = end.Longitude.Radians;

            // calculations
            double a2     = a * a;
            double b2     = b * b;
            double a2b2b2 = (a2 - b2) / b2;

            double omega = lambda2 - lambda1;

            double tanphi1 = Math.Tan(phi1);
            double tanU1   = (1.0 - f) * tanphi1;
            double U1      = Math.Atan(tanU1);
            double sinU1   = Math.Sin(U1);
            double cosU1   = Math.Cos(U1);

            double tanphi2 = Math.Tan(phi2);
            double tanU2   = (1.0 - f) * tanphi2;
            double U2      = Math.Atan(tanU2);
            double sinU2   = Math.Sin(U2);
            double cosU2   = Math.Cos(U2);

            double sinU1sinU2 = sinU1 * sinU2;
            double cosU1sinU2 = cosU1 * sinU2;
            double sinU1cosU2 = sinU1 * cosU2;
            double cosU1cosU2 = cosU1 * cosU2;

            // eq. 13
            double lambda = omega;

            // intermediates we'll need to compute 's'
            double A          = 0.0;
            double B          = 0.0;
            double sigma      = 0.0;
            double deltasigma = 0.0;
            double lambda0;
            bool   converged = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                lambda0 = lambda;

                double sinlambda = Math.Sin(lambda);
                double coslambda = Math.Cos(lambda);

                // eq. 14
                double sin2sigma = (cosU2 * sinlambda * cosU2 * sinlambda) + Math.Pow(cosU1sinU2 - sinU1cosU2 * coslambda, 2.0);
                double sinsigma  = Math.Sqrt(sin2sigma);

                // eq. 15
                double cossigma = sinU1sinU2 + (cosU1cosU2 * coslambda);

                // eq. 16
                sigma = Math.Atan2(sinsigma, cossigma);

                // eq. 17    Careful!  sin2sigma might be almost 0!
                double sinalpha  = (sin2sigma == 0) ? 0.0 : cosU1cosU2 * sinlambda / sinsigma;
                double alpha     = Math.Asin(sinalpha);
                double cosalpha  = Math.Cos(alpha);
                double cos2alpha = cosalpha * cosalpha;

                // eq. 18    Careful!  cos2alpha might be almost 0!
                double cos2sigmam = cos2alpha == 0.0 ? 0.0 : cossigma - 2 * sinU1sinU2 / cos2alpha;
                double u2         = cos2alpha * a2b2b2;

                double cos2sigmam2 = cos2sigmam * cos2sigmam;

                // eq. 3
                A = 1.0 + u2 / 16384 * (4096 + u2 * (-768 + u2 * (320 - 175 * u2)));

                // eq. 4
                B = u2 / 1024 * (256 + u2 * (-128 + u2 * (74 - 47 * u2)));

                // eq. 6
                deltasigma = B * sinsigma * (cos2sigmam + B / 4 * (cossigma * (-1 + 2 * cos2sigmam2) - B / 6 * cos2sigmam * (-3 + 4 * sin2sigma) * (-3 + 4 * cos2sigmam2)));

                // eq. 10
                double C = f / 16 * cos2alpha * (4 + f * (4 - 3 * cos2alpha));

                // eq. 11 (modified)
                lambda = omega + (1 - C) * f * sinalpha * (sigma + C * sinsigma * (cos2sigmam + C * cossigma * (-1 + 2 * cos2sigmam2)));

                // see how much improvement we got
                double change = Math.Abs((lambda - lambda0) / lambda);

                if ((i > 1) && (change < 0.0000000000001))
                    converged = true;

            // eq. 19
            double s = b * A * (sigma - deltasigma);
            Angle  alpha1;
            Angle  alpha2;

            // didn't converge?  must be N/S
            if (!converged)
                if (phi1 > phi2)
                    alpha1 = Angle.Angle180;
                    alpha2 = Angle.Angle0;
                else if (phi1 < phi2)
                    alpha1 = Angle.Angle0;
                    alpha2 = Angle.Angle180;
                    alpha1 = Angle.NaA;
                    alpha2 = Angle.NaA;

            // else, it converged, so do the math
                double radians;

                // eq. 20
                radians = Math.Atan2(cosU2 * Math.Sin(lambda), (cosU1sinU2 - sinU1cosU2 * Math.Cos(lambda)));
                if (radians < 0.0)
                    radians += Angle.TWOPI;
                alpha1 = new Angle()
                    Radians = radians

                // eq. 21
                radians = Math.Atan2(cosU1 * Math.Sin(lambda), (-sinU1cosU2 + cosU1sinU2 * Math.Cos(lambda))) + Math.PI;
                if (radians < 0.0)
                    radians += Angle.TWOPI;
                alpha2 = new Angle()
                    Radians = radians

            distance       = s;
            azimuth        = alpha1;
            reverseAzimuth = alpha2;