Пример #1
        // The SaveTabData helper method is used to persist the
        // current tab settings to the database.

        private void SaveTabData()
            // Construct Authorized User Roles String
            String authorizedRoles = "";

            foreach (ListItem item in authRoles.Items)
                if (item.Selected == true)
                    authorizedRoles = authorizedRoles + item.Text + ";";

            // Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
            PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings)Context.Items["PortalSettings"];

            // update Tab info in the database
            AdminDB admin = new AdminDB();

            admin.UpdateTab(portalSettings.PortalId, tabId, tabName.Text, portalSettings.ActiveTab.TabOrder, authorizedRoles, mobileTabName.Text, showMobile.Checked);