public bool ReadNewSettings(XmlReader xml)
            string s;
            bool t = true;
            GVSpec.Text = xml["NewGVValue"];
            useEOF.IsChecked = xml["MayUseEOF"] == "True";

            //From Event
            t &= Window2.SelectByValue(Event1,xml.ReadElementString("Name"));
            Offset1.Text = xml.ReadElementString("Offset");
            GV1.SelectedIndex = 0; //assume *None*
            if (xml.Name == "GVCriterium")
                s = xml.ReadElementString(/* GVCriterium */);
                if (s != "*None*") //if None, skip lookup
                {   //parse criteria string
                    int opPosition = s.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '=', '<', '>', '!' });
                    int opLength = s.Substring(opPosition, 1) == "!" ? 2 : 1;
                    string value = s.Substring(opPosition + opLength);
                    t &= Window2.SelectByValue(GV1, s.Substring(0, opPosition));
                    t &= Window2.SelectByValue(Comp1, s.Substring(opPosition, opLength));
                    if (GVValue1CB.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) //=> ComboBox of GVValues
                        t &= Window2.SelectByValue(GVValue1CB, value);
                    else //=> TextBox
                        GVValue1TB.Text = value;
            xml.ReadEndElement(/* FromEvent */);

            //To Event
            t &= Window2.SelectByValue(Event2, xml.ReadElementString("Name"));
            Offset2.Text = xml.ReadElementString("Offset");
            GV2.SelectedIndex = 0; //assume *None*
            if (xml.Name == "GVCriterium")
                s = xml.ReadElementString(/* GVCriterium */);
                if (s != "*None*") //if None, skip lookup
                {   //parse criteria string
                    int opPosition = s.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '=', '<', '>', '!' });
                    string GVname = s.Substring(0, opPosition);
                    int opLength = s.Substring(opPosition, 1) == "!" ? 2 : 1;
                    string op = s.Substring(opPosition, opLength);
                    string value = s.Substring(opPosition + opLength);
                    t &= Window2.SelectByValue(GV2, s.Substring(0, opPosition));
                    t &= Window2.SelectByValue(Comp2, s.Substring(opPosition, opLength));
                    if (GVValue2CB.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) //=> ComboBox of GVValues
                        t &= Window2.SelectByValue(GVValue2CB, value);
                    else //=> TextBox
                        GVValue2TB.Text = value;
            xml.ReadEndElement(/* FromEvent */);

            //Exclude Event
            Event3.SelectedIndex = 0; //None by default
            Event4.SelectedIndex = 0;
            if (xml.Name == "ExcludeRegion")
                xml.ReadStartElement(/* ExcludeRegion */);
                s = xml.ReadElementString("From");
                if (s != "None") //if None, skip entry
                    t &= Window2.SelectByValue(Event3, s);
                s = xml.ReadElementString("To");
                if (s != "Same Event") //if Same Event, skip entry
                    t &= Window2.SelectByValue(Event4,s);
                xml.ReadEndElement(/* ExcludeRegion */);

            if (xml.Name == "PKDetectorCounter")
                PKDetectorEventCounter pkd = new PKDetectorEventCounter(hdr, this);
                if (pkd.ReadNewSettings(xml))
                    EpisodeDescriptionPanel.Items.Insert(1, pkd);
                    AddCounterEvent.IsEnabled = false;

            xml.ReadEndElement(/* EpisodeDescription */);
            return t;