private void initLocalization() { Loc.LoadResourceFile(); Utils.InitializeLocalizations(); }
/// <summary> /// Import exported file. Used by a fileWatcher. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"></param> private void ImportExportedAddIfPossible(string filePath) { bool alreadyExists = ExtractExportedFileInExtractor(filePath); bool added = false; bool copyNameToClipboard = Properties.Settings.Default.copyNameToClipboardOnImportWhenAutoNameApplied && (Properties.Settings.Default.applyNamePatternOnImportIfEmptyName || (!alreadyExists && Properties.Settings.Default.applyNamePatternOnAutoImportForNewCreatures)); Species species = speciesSelector1.SelectedSpecies; if (_extractor.uniqueResults || (alreadyExists && _extractor.validResults)) { AddCreatureToCollection(true, goToLibraryTab: false); SetMessageLabelText($"Successful {(alreadyExists ? "updated" : "added")} {creatureInfoInputExtractor.CreatureName} ({}) of the exported file\n" + filePath, MessageBoxIcon.Information); added = true; } bool topLevels = false; bool newTopLevels = false; // give feedback in overlay string infoText; Color textColor; const int colorSaturation = 200; if (added) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"{} \"{creatureInfoInputExtractor.CreatureName}\" {(alreadyExists ? "updated in " : "added to")} the library."); if (copyNameToClipboard) { sb.AppendLine("Name copied to clipboard."); } for (int s = 0; s < values.Values.STATS_COUNT; s++) { int statIndex = values.Values.statsDisplayOrder[s]; if (!species.UsesStat(statIndex)) { continue; } sb.Append($"{Utils.StatName(statIndex, true, species.IsGlowSpecies)}: {_statIOs[statIndex].LevelWild} ({_statIOs[statIndex].BreedingValue})"); if (_statIOs[statIndex].TopLevel == StatIOStatus.NewTopLevel) { sb.Append($" {Loc.S("newTopLevel")}"); newTopLevels = true; } else if (_statIOs[statIndex].TopLevel == StatIOStatus.TopLevel) { sb.Append($" {Loc.S("topLevel")}"); topLevels = true; } sb.AppendLine(); } infoText = sb.ToString(); textColor = Color.FromArgb(colorSaturation, 255, colorSaturation); } else { infoText = $"Creature \"{creatureInfoInputExtractor.CreatureName}\" couldn't be extracted uniquely, manual level selection is necessary."; textColor = Color.FromArgb(255, colorSaturation, colorSaturation); } _overlay?.SetInfoText(infoText, textColor); if (added) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.MoveAutoImportedFileToSubFolder) { string importedPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), "imported"); if (!FileService.TryCreateDirectory(importedPath, out string errorMessage)) { MessageBox.Show($"Subfolder\n{importedPath}\ncould not be created.\n{errorMessage}", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } FileService.TryMoveFile(filePath, Path.Combine(importedPath, Path.GetFileName(filePath))); } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteAutoImportedFile) { FileService.TryDeleteFile(filePath); } } else if (copyNameToClipboard) { // extraction failed, user might expect the name of the new creature in the clipboard Clipboard.SetText("Automatic extraction was not possible"); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.PlaySoundOnAutoImport) { if (added) { if (newTopLevels) { Utils.BeepSignal(3); } else if (topLevels) { Utils.BeepSignal(2); } else { Utils.BeepSignal(1); } } else { Utils.BeepSignal(0); } } }
private void setLocalizations(bool init = true) { if (init) { initLocalization(); } // menu Loc.ControlText(fileToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(newToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(loadToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(loadAndAddToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(saveToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(saveAsToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(importingFromSavegameToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(importingFromSavegameEmptyToolStripMenuItem); //Loc.ControlText(runDefaultExtractionAndImportFileToolStripMenuItem); //Loc.ControlText(runDefaultExtractionToolStripMenuItem); //Loc.ControlText(importCreatedJsonfileToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(importExportedCreaturesToolStripMenuItem); //Loc.ControlText(runDefaultExtractionAndImportFileToolStripMenuItem); //Loc.ControlText(runDefaultExtractionToolStripMenuItem); //Loc.ControlText(importCreatedJsonfileToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(modValueManagerToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(settingsToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(openSettingsToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(quitToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(editToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(exportValuesToClipboardToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(importValuesFromClipboardToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(setStatusToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(multiSetterToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(deleteSelectedToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(findDuplicatesToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(copyCreatureToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(pasteCreatureToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(libraryFilterToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(helpToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(aboutToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(onlinehelpToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(BreedingPlanHelpToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(extractionIssuesToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(checkForUpdatedStatsToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonCopy2Tester); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonCopy2Extractor); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonClear); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonAddNote); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonRemoveNote); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonDeleteExpiredIncubationTimers); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonSaveCreatureValuesTemp); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonDeleteTempCreature); Loc.ControlText(tsBtAddAsExtractionTest); Loc.ControlText(copyToMultiplierTesterToolStripButton); // top bar Loc.ControlText(cbGuessSpecies, _tt); Loc.ControlText(btReadValuesFromArk, _tt); Loc.ControlText(btImportLastExported, _tt); Loc.ControlText(cbToggleOverlay); // tester Loc.ControlText(tabPageStatTesting, "statTesting"); Loc.ControlText(rbWildTester, "wild"); Loc.ControlText(rbTamedTester, "tamed"); Loc.ControlText(rbBredTester, "bred"); Loc.ControlText(lbTesterWildLevel, "wildLvl"); Loc.ControlText(lbTesterDomLevel, "domLvl"); Loc.ControlText(lbCurrentValue, "currentValue"); Loc.ControlText(lbBreedingValueTester, "breedingValue"); Loc.ControlText(lbNotYetTamed); Loc.ControlText(gpPreviewEdit); Loc.ControlText(lbTestingInfo); Loc.ControlText(gbStatChart, "statChart"); Loc.ControlText(lbCurrentCreature, "CurrentCreature"); Loc.SetToolTip(lbImprintedCount, _tt); Loc.SetToolTip(lbTesterDomLevel, "domLevelExplanation", _tt); Loc.SetToolTip(lbTesterWildLevel, "wildLevelExplanation", _tt); // extractor Loc.ControlText(tabPageExtractor, "extractor"); Loc.ControlText(lbCurrentStatEx, "currentStatValue"); Loc.ControlText(lbExtractorWildLevel, "wildLvl"); Loc.ControlText(lbExtractorDomLevel, "domLvl"); Loc.ControlText(lbSum); Loc.ControlText(lbShouldBe); Loc.ControlText(lbImprintingFailInfo); Loc.ControlText(cbExactlyImprinting, _tt); Loc.ControlText(btExtractLevels); Loc.ControlText(cbQuickWildCheck, _tt); Loc.ControlText(rbWildExtractor, "wild"); Loc.ControlText(rbTamedExtractor, "tamed"); Loc.ControlText(rbBredExtractor, "bred"); Loc.SetToolTip(lbImprintingCuddleCountExtractor, _tt); Loc.SetToolTip(lbSumWild, _tt); Loc.SetToolTip(lbSumDom, _tt); Loc.SetToolTip(lbSumDomSB, _tt); Loc.SetToolTip(lbListening, _tt); Loc.SetToolTip(lbExtractorDomLevel, "domLevelExplanation", _tt); Loc.SetToolTip(lbExtractorWildLevel, "wildLevelExplanation", _tt); // library Loc.ControlText(tabPageLibrary, "library"); columnHeaderName.Text = Loc.S("Name"); columnHeaderOwner.Text = Loc.S("Owner"); columnHeaderTribe.Text = Loc.S("Tribe"); columnHeaderNote.Text = Loc.S("Note"); columnHeaderServer.Text = Loc.S("Server"); columnHeaderHP.Text = Utils.StatName(StatNames.Health, true); columnHeaderSt.Text = Utils.StatName(StatNames.Stamina, true); columnHeaderOx.Text = Utils.StatName(StatNames.Oxygen, true); columnHeaderFo.Text = Utils.StatName(StatNames.Food, true); columnHeaderWe.Text = Utils.StatName(StatNames.Weight, true); columnHeaderDm.Text = Utils.StatName(StatNames.MeleeDamageMultiplier, true); columnHeaderSp.Text = Utils.StatName(StatNames.SpeedMultiplier, true); columnHeaderTo.Text = Utils.StatName(StatNames.Torpidity, true); columnHeaderWa.Text = Utils.StatName(StatNames.CraftingSpeedMultiplier, true); columnHeaderTemp.Text = Utils.StatName(StatNames.Temperature, true); columnHeaderCr.Text = Utils.StatName(StatNames.Water, true); columnHeaderFr.Text = Utils.StatName(StatNames.TemperatureFortitude, true); columnHeaderTopStatsNr.Text = Loc.S("Top"); columnHeaderTopness.Text = Loc.S("topPercentage"); columnHeaderGen.Text = Loc.S("Generation_Abb"); columnHeaderLW.Text = Loc.S("LevelWild_Abb"); columnHeaderMutations.Text = Loc.S("Mutations_Abb"); columnHeaderAdded.Text = Loc.S("added"); columnHeaderCooldown.Text = Loc.S("cooldownGrowing"); columnHeaderColor0.Text = Loc.S("C0"); columnHeaderColor1.Text = Loc.S("C1"); columnHeaderColor2.Text = Loc.S("C2"); columnHeaderColor3.Text = Loc.S("C3"); columnHeaderColor4.Text = Loc.S("C4"); columnHeaderColor5.Text = Loc.S("C5"); // other tabs Loc.ControlText(tabPagePedigree, "pedigree"); Loc.ControlText(tabPageTaming, "Taming"); Loc.ControlText(tabPageBreedingPlan, "BreedingPlan"); Loc.ControlText(tabPageRaising, "Raising"); Loc.ControlText(tabPagePlayerTribes, "Player"); // other controls creatureInfoInputTester.SetLocalizations(); creatureInfoInputExtractor.SetLocalizations(); pedigree1.SetLocalizations(); tamingControl1.SetLocalizations(); breedingPlan1.SetLocalizations(); }
public void SetSpecies(Species species, bool forceRefresh = false) { if (species == null || (_selectedSpecies == species && !forceRefresh)) { return; } _selectedSpecies = species; if (species.taming == null) { NoTamingData(); return; } this.SuspendDrawing(); SuspendLayout(); string speciesName =; linkLabelWikiPage.Text = "Wiki: " + speciesName; linkLabelWikiPage.Tag = speciesName; _tt.SetToolTip(linkLabelWikiPage, ArkWiki.WikiUrl(speciesName)); // bone damage adjusters _boneDamageAdjustersImmobilization = Taming.BoneDamageAdjustersImmobilization(_selectedSpecies, out Dictionary <string, double> boneDamageAdjusters); int ib = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> bd in boneDamageAdjusters) { ib++; if (ib >= _rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count) { RadioButton rbBD = new RadioButton(); flcBodyDamageMultipliers.Controls.Add(rbBD); flcBodyDamageMultipliers.SetFlowBreak(rbBD, true); rbBD.AutoSize = true; _rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Add(rbBD); _rbBoneDamageAdjusterValues.Add(1); rbBD.CheckedChanged += rbBoneDamage_CheckedChanged; } _rbBoneDamageAdjusterValues[ib] = bd.Value; _rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Text = $"{Loc.S(bd.Key)} (× {bd.Value})"; _rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Visible = true; } for (int j = ib + 1; j < _rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count; j++) { _rbBoneDamageAdjusters[j].Visible = false; } _rbBoneDamageAdjusters[0].Checked = true; // bone damage adjusters adjusted _updateCalculation = false; TamingData td = species.taming; _kibbleRecipe = string.Empty; // list all recipes of kibbles that give a reasonable affinity (assuming that is larger or equal than 100) foreach (var k in Kibbles.K.kibble) { var kibbleName = $"{k.Key} Kibble"; var kibbleFood = Values.V.GetTamingFood(species, kibbleName); if (kibbleFood != null && kibbleFood.affinity >= 100) { _kibbleRecipe += $"\n\n{k.Key} Kibble:{k.Value.RecipeAsText()}"; } } _foodDepletion = td.foodConsumptionBase * td.foodConsumptionMult * _tamingFoodRateMultiplier; SetTamingFoodControls(species); _updateCalculation = true; UpdateFirstFeedingWaiting(); UpdateTamingData(); if (Properties.Settings.Default.TamingFoodOrderByTime) { SetOrderOfTamingFood(true, true); } ResumeLayout(); this.ResumeDrawing(); }
public void SetLocalizations() { Loc.ControlText(lbPedigreeEmpty); }
private void UpdateTamingData() { if (!_updateCalculation || _selectedSpecies == null) { return; } if (_selectedSpecies.taming == null) { NoTamingData(); return; } Enabled = true; UpdateKOCounting(); TimeSpan duration = new TimeSpan(); int narcoBerries = 0, ascerbicMushrooms = 0, narcotics = 0, bioToxines = 0, bonusLevel = 0; double te = 0; _neededHunger = 0; bool enoughFood = false; var usedFood = new List <string>(); var foodAmount = new List <int>(); var foodAmountUsed = new List <int>(); quickTamingInfos = "n/a"; int level = (int)nudLevel.Value; bool tameable = _selectedSpecies.taming.nonViolent || _selectedSpecies.taming.violent; if (tameable && _selectedSpecies.taming.eats != null) { int foodCounter = _selectedSpecies.taming.eats.Length; foreach (TamingFoodControl tfc in _foodControls) { if (foodCounter == 0) { break; } foodCounter--; usedFood.Add(tfc.FoodName); foodAmount.Add(tfc.amount); tfc.maxFood = Taming.FoodAmountNeeded(_selectedSpecies, level, _tamingSpeedMultiplier, tfc.FoodName, _selectedSpecies.taming.nonViolent); tfc.tamingDuration = Taming.TamingDuration(_selectedSpecies, tfc.maxFood, tfc.FoodName, _tamingFoodRateMultiplier, _selectedSpecies.taming.nonViolent); } Taming.TamingTimes(_selectedSpecies, level, _tamingSpeedMultiplier, _tamingFoodRateMultiplier, usedFood, foodAmount, out foodAmountUsed, out duration, out narcoBerries, out ascerbicMushrooms, out narcotics, out bioToxines, out te, out _neededHunger, out bonusLevel, out enoughFood); for (int f = 0; f < foodAmountUsed.Count; f++) { _foodControls[f].foodUsed = foodAmountUsed[f]; } } labelResult.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; if (!tameable) { labelResult.Text = Loc.S("speciesNotTameable"); labelResult.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else if (enoughFood) { labelResult.Text = $"It takes {Utils.DurationUntil(duration)} to tame the {}.\n\n" + $"Taming Effectiveness: {Math.Round(100 * te, 1)} %\n" + $"Bonus-Level: +{bonusLevel} (total level after Taming: {(nudLevel.Value + bonusLevel)})\n\n" + $"Food has to drop by {_neededHunger:F1} units.\n\n" + $"{narcoBerries} Narcoberries or\n" + $"{ascerbicMushrooms} Ascerbic Mushrooms or\n" + $"{narcotics} Narcotics or\n" + $"{bioToxines} Bio Toxines are needed{_firstFeedingWaiting}"; labelResult.Text += _kibbleRecipe; } else if (foodAmountUsed.Count == 0) { labelResult.Text = Loc.S("noTamingData"); } else { labelResult.Text = Loc.S("notEnoughFoodToTame"); } numericUpDownCurrentTorpor.ValueSave = (decimal)(_selectedSpecies.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].BaseValue * (1 + _selectedSpecies.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].IncPerWildLevel * (level - 1))); nudTotalFood.Value = (decimal)(_selectedSpecies.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].BaseValue * (1 + _selectedSpecies.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].IncPerWildLevel * (level / 7))); // approximating the food level nudCurrentFood.Value = nudTotalFood.Value; UpdateTimeToFeedAll(enoughFood); //// quickTame infos if (foodAmountUsed.Any()) { quickTamingInfos = Taming.QuickInfoOneFood(_selectedSpecies, level, _tamingSpeedMultiplier, _tamingFoodRateMultiplier, _foodControls[0].FoodName, _foodControls[0].maxFood, _foodControls[0].foodNameDisplay); // show raw meat or mejoberries as alternative (often used) for (int i = 1; i < usedFood.Count; i++) { if (usedFood[i] == "Raw Meat" || usedFood[i] == "Mejoberry") { quickTamingInfos += "\n\n" + Taming.QuickInfoOneFood(_selectedSpecies, level, _tamingSpeedMultiplier, _tamingFoodRateMultiplier, _foodControls[i].FoodName, _foodControls[i].maxFood, _foodControls[i].foodNameDisplay); break; } } quickTamingInfos += "\n\n" + _koNumbers + "\n\n" + _boneDamageAdjustersImmobilization + _firstFeedingWaiting + _kibbleRecipe; } }
/// <summary> /// Update the info when all food can be fed at once. /// </summary> private void UpdateTimeToFeedAll(bool enoughFood = true) { double hunger = (double)(nudTotalFood.Value - nudCurrentFood.Value); if (hunger < 0) { hunger = 0; } if (hunger > _neededHunger) { hunger = _neededHunger; } var durationStarving = new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)((_neededHunger - hunger) / _foodDepletion)); lbTimeUntilStarving.Text = (enoughFood ? $"{Loc.S("TimeUntilFeedingAllFood")}: {Utils.Duration(durationStarving)}" : string.Empty); if ((double)nudTotalFood.Value < _neededHunger) { lbTimeUntilStarving.Text += (lbTimeUntilStarving.Text.Length > 0 ? "\n" : string.Empty) + $"{Loc.S("WarningMoreStarvingThanFood")}"; lbTimeUntilStarving.ForeColor = Color.DarkRed; } else { lbTimeUntilStarving.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; } _starvingTime = DateTime.Now.Add(durationStarving); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the given creature collection file. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">File that contains the collection</param> /// <param name="keepCurrentCreatures">add the creatures of the loaded file to the current ones</param> /// <param name="keepCurrentSelections">don't change the species selection or tab</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool LoadCollectionFile(string filePath, bool keepCurrentCreatures = false, bool keepCurrentSelections = false) { Species selectedSpecies = speciesSelector1.SelectedSpecies; Species selectedlibrarySpecies = listBoxSpeciesLib.SelectedItem as Species; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) || !File.Exists(filePath)) { MessageBox.Show($"Save file with name \"{filePath}\" does not exist!", $"File not found - {Utils.ApplicationNameVersion}", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } CreatureCollection previouslyLoadedCreatureCollection = _creatureCollection; // Wait until the file is readable const int numberOfRetries = 5; const int delayOnRetry = 1000; FileStream fileStream = null; for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfRetries; ++i) { // sometimes a synchronized file has only 0 bytes, i.e. it's not yet synchronized fully. In this case wait a bit and try again if (Properties.Settings.Default.syncCollection && new FileInfo(filePath).Length == 0) { Thread.Sleep(delayOnRetry); continue; } try { if (Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToLower() == ".xml") { // old format for backwards compatibility using (fileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { // use xml-serializer for old library-format XmlSerializer reader = new XmlSerializer(typeof(oldLibraryFormat.CreatureCollectionOld)); var creatureCollectionOld = (oldLibraryFormat.CreatureCollectionOld)reader.Deserialize(fileStream); List <Mod> mods = null; // first check if additional values are used, and if the according values-file is already available. // if not, abort conversion and first make sure the file is available, e.g. downloaded if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(creatureCollectionOld.additionalValues)) { // usually the old filename is equal to the mod-tag bool modFound = false; string modTag = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(creatureCollectionOld.additionalValues).Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Replace("gaiamod", "gaia"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ModInfo> tmi in Values.V.modsManifest.modsByTag) { if (tmi.Key.ToLower() == modTag) { modFound = true; MessageBox.Show("The library contains creatures of modded species. For a correct file-conversion the correct mod-values file is needed.\n\n" + "If the mod-value file is not loaded, the conversion may assign wrong species to your creatures.\n" + "If the mod-value file is not available locally, it will be tried to download it.", $"Mod values needed - {Utils.ApplicationNameVersion}", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (Values.V.loadedModsHash != CreatureCollection.CalculateModListHash(new List <Mod>())) { LoadStatAndKibbleValues(false); // reset values to default } LoadModValueFiles(new List <string> { tmi.Value.mod.FileName }, true, true, out mods); break; } } if (!modFound && MessageBox.Show("The additional-values file in the library you're loading is unknown. You should first get a values-file in the new format for that mod.\n" + "If you're loading the library the conversion of some modded species to the new format may fail and the according creatures have to be imported again later.\n\n" + $"File:\n{filePath}\n" + $"unknown mod-file: {modTag}\n\n" + "Do you want to load the library and risk losing creatures?", $"Unknown mod-file - {Utils.ApplicationNameVersion}", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) != DialogResult.Yes) { return(false); } } _creatureCollection = oldLibraryFormat.FormatConverter.ConvertXml2Asb(creatureCollectionOld, filePath); _creatureCollection.ModList = mods; if (_creatureCollection == null) { throw new Exception("Conversion failed"); } string fileNameWOExt = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath)); // check if new fileName is not yet existing filePath = fileNameWOExt + CollectionFileExtension; if (File.Exists(filePath)) { int fi = 2; while (File.Exists(fileNameWOExt + "_" + fi + CollectionFileExtension)) { fi++; } filePath = fileNameWOExt + "_" + fi + CollectionFileExtension; } // save converted library SaveCollectionToFileName(filePath); } } else { // new json-format if (FileService.LoadJSONFile(filePath, out CreatureCollection readCollection, out string errorMessage)) { if (!Version.TryParse(readCollection.FormatVersion, out Version ccVersion) || !Version.TryParse(CreatureCollection.CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION, out Version currentVersion) || ccVersion > currentVersion) { throw new FormatException("Unhandled format version"); } _creatureCollection = readCollection; } else { MessageBox.Show($"Error while trying to read the library-file\n{filePath}\n\n{errorMessage}", $"{Loc.S("error")} - {Utils.ApplicationNameVersion}", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } } break; }
private void SetCreatureValuesToExtractor(Creature c, bool onlyWild = false) { if (c != null) { Species species = c.Species; if (species != null) { ClearAll(); // copy values over to extractor for (int s = 0; s < Values.STATS_COUNT; s++) { _statIOs[s].Input = onlyWild ? StatValueCalculation.CalculateValue(species, s, c.levelsWild[s], 0, true, c.tamingEff, c.imprintingBonus) : c.valuesDom[s]; } speciesSelector1.SetSpecies(species); if (c.isBred) { rbBredExtractor.Checked = true; } else if (c.tamingEff >= 0) { rbTamedExtractor.Checked = true; } else { rbWildExtractor.Checked = true; } numericUpDownImprintingBonusExtractor.ValueSave = (decimal)c.imprintingBonus * 100; // set total level int level = onlyWild ? c.levelsWild[(int)StatNames.Torpidity] : c.Level; numericUpDownLevel.ValueSave = level; tabControlMain.SelectedTab = tabPageExtractor; } else { MessageBox.Show("Unknown Species. Try to update the species-stats, or redownload the tool.", $"{Loc.S("error")} - {Utils.ApplicationNameVersion}", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
private void SaveCollectionToFileName(string filePath) { // remove expired timers if setting is set if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteExpiredTimersOnSaving) { timerList1.DeleteAllExpiredTimers(false, false); } // Wait until the file is writeable const int numberOfRetries = 5; const int delayOnRetry = 1000; bool fileSaved = false; FileStream fileStream = null; for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfRetries; ++i) { try { _fileSync.JustSaving(); using (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(filePath)) { JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer() { Formatting = Properties.Settings.Default.prettifyCollectionJson ? Formatting.Indented : Formatting.None, DateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc // save all date-times as UTC, so synced files don't change the timezones }; serializer.Serialize(file, _creatureCollection); } fileSaved = true; Properties.Settings.Default.LastSaveFile = filePath; break; // when file is saved, break } catch (IOException) { // if file is not saveable Thread.Sleep(delayOnRetry); } catch (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException e) { MessageBox.Show($"Error during serialization.\nErrormessage:\n\n{e.Message}" + (e.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : $"\n\nInnerException:{e.InnerException.Message}"), $"{Loc.S("error")} - {Utils.ApplicationNameVersion}", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); break; } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { MessageBox.Show($"Error during serialization.\nErrormessage:\n\n{e.Message}" + (e.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : $"\n\nInnerException:{e.InnerException.Message}"), $"{Loc.S("error")} - {Utils.ApplicationNameVersion}", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); break; } finally { fileStream?.Close(); } } if (fileSaved) { SetCollectionChanged(false); } else { MessageBox.Show($"This file couldn\'t be saved:\n{filePath}\nMaybe the file is used by another application.", $"{Loc.S("error")} - {Utils.ApplicationNameVersion}", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void NewCollection() { if (_collectionDirty && MessageBox.Show("Your Creature Collection has been modified since it was last saved, " + "are you sure you want to discard your changes and create a new Library without saving?", "Discard Changes?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } if (_creatureCollection.modIDs?.Any() ?? false) { // if old collection had additionalValues, load the original ones to reset all modded values var(statValuesLoaded, _) = LoadStatAndKibbleValues(applySettings: false); if (!statValuesLoaded) { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't load stat values. Please redownload the application.", $"{Loc.S("error")} while loading the stat-values - {Utils.ApplicationNameVersion}", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } if (_creatureCollection.serverMultipliers == null) { _creatureCollection.serverMultipliers = Values.V.serverMultipliersPresets.GetPreset(ServerMultipliersPresets.OFFICIAL); } // use previously used multipliers again in the new file ServerMultipliers oldMultipliers = _creatureCollection.serverMultipliers; _creatureCollection = new CreatureCollection { serverMultipliers = oldMultipliers, ModList = new List <Mod>() }; _creatureCollection.FormatVersion = CreatureCollection.CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION; pedigree1.Clear(); breedingPlan1.Clear(); ApplySettingsToValues(); InitializeCollection(); UpdateCreatureListings(); creatureBoxListView.Clear(); Properties.Settings.Default.LastSaveFile = null; _currentFileName = null; _fileSync.ChangeFile(_currentFileName); SetCollectionChanged(false); }
public void SetSpecies(Species species, bool forceRefresh = false) { if (species == null || (selectedSpecies == species && !forceRefresh)) { return; } selectedSpecies = species; if (species.taming == null) { NoTamingData(); return; } SuspendLayout(); string speciesName =; linkLabelWikiPage.Text = "Wiki: " + speciesName; linkLabelWikiPage.Tag = speciesName; // bone damage adjusters boneDamageAdjustersImmobilization = Taming.BoneDamageAdjustersImmobilization(selectedSpecies, out Dictionary <string, double> boneDamageAdjusters); int ib = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> bd in boneDamageAdjusters) { ib++; if (ib >= rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count) { RadioButton rbBD = new RadioButton(); flcBodyDamageMultipliers.Controls.Add(rbBD); flcBodyDamageMultipliers.SetFlowBreak(rbBD, true); rbBD.AutoSize = true; rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Add(rbBD); rbBoneDamageAdjusterValues.Add(1); rbBD.CheckedChanged += rbBoneDamage_CheckedChanged; } rbBoneDamageAdjusterValues[ib] = bd.Value; rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Text = $"{Loc.s(bd.Key)} (× {bd.Value})"; rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Visible = true; } for (int j = ib + 1; j < rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count; j++) { rbBoneDamageAdjusters[j].Visible = false; } rbBoneDamageAdjusters[0].Checked = true; // bone damage adjusters adjusted updateCalculation = false; TamingData td = species.taming; kibbleRecipe = ""; // TODO replace with new kibble recipes //if (td.favoriteKibble != null && Kibbles.K.kibble.ContainsKey(td.favoriteKibble)) //{ // kibbleRecipe = "\n\nKibble:" + Kibbles.K.kibble[td.favoriteKibble].RecipeAsText(); //} foodDepletion = td.foodConsumptionBase * td.foodConsumptionMult * tamingFoodRateMultiplier; int i = 0; if (td.eats != null) { for (i = 0; i < td.eats.Count; i++) { string f = td.eats[i]; TamingFoodControl tf; // if Augmented are not wanted, and food control already exist, update it and hide it. if (!checkBoxAugmented.Checked && f.Contains("Augmented")) { if (i < foodControls.Count) { tf = foodControls[i]; tf.FoodName = f; tf.Hide(); } continue; } if (i >= foodControls.Count) { tf = new TamingFoodControl(f); tf.valueChanged += UpdateTamingData; tf.Clicked += OnlyOneFood; foodControls.Add(tf); flpTamingFood.Controls.Add(tf); } else { tf = foodControls[i]; tf.FoodName = f; tf.Show(); } if (f == "Kibble") { tf.foodNameDisplay = $"Kibble ({td.favoriteKibble} {Loc.s("Egg")})"; } if (td.specialFoodValues != null && td.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(f) && td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity > 1) { tf.foodNameDisplay = td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity + "× " + tf.foodNameDisplay; } } } for (int fci = foodControls.Count - 1; fci >= i; fci--) { foodControls[fci].Hide(); } if (i > 0) { foodControls[0].amount = Taming.FoodAmountNeeded(species, (int)nudLevel.Value, tamingSpeedMultiplier, foodControls[0].FoodName, td.nonViolent); } updateCalculation = true; UpdateFirstFeedingWaiting(); UpdateTamingData(); ResumeLayout(); }
/// <summary> /// Import exported file. Used by a fileWatcher. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"></param> private void ImportExportedAddIfPossible(string filePath) { var loadResult = ExtractExportedFileInExtractor(filePath); if (!loadResult.HasValue) { return; } bool alreadyExists = loadResult.Value; bool added = false; bool copyNameToClipboard = Properties.Settings.Default.copyNameToClipboardOnImportWhenAutoNameApplied && (Properties.Settings.Default.applyNamePatternOnAutoImportAlways || Properties.Settings.Default.applyNamePatternOnImportIfEmptyName || (!alreadyExists && Properties.Settings.Default.applyNamePatternOnAutoImportForNewCreatures) ); Species species = speciesSelector1.SelectedSpecies; Creature creature = null; if (_extractor.UniqueResults || (alreadyExists && _extractor.ValidResults)) { creature = AddCreatureToCollection(true, goToLibraryTab: Properties.Settings.Default.AutoImportGotoLibraryAfterSuccess); SetMessageLabelText($"Successful {(alreadyExists ? "updated" : "added")} {} ({}) of the exported file\n" + filePath, MessageBoxIcon.Information, filePath); added = true; } bool topLevels = false; bool newTopLevels = false; // give feedback in overlay string infoText; Color textColor; const int colorSaturation = 200; if (added) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"{} \"{}\" {(alreadyExists ? "updated in " : "added to")} the library."); if (copyNameToClipboard) { sb.AppendLine("Name copied to clipboard."); } for (int s = 0; s < values.Values.STATS_COUNT; s++) { int statIndex = values.Values.statsDisplayOrder[s]; if (!species.UsesStat(statIndex)) { continue; } sb.Append($"{Utils.StatName(statIndex, true, species.statNames)}: { _statIOs[statIndex].LevelWild} ({_statIOs[statIndex].BreedingValue})"); if (_statIOs[statIndex].TopLevel == StatIOStatus.NewTopLevel) { sb.Append($" {Loc.S("newTopLevel")}"); newTopLevels = true; } else if (_statIOs[statIndex].TopLevel == StatIOStatus.TopLevel) { sb.Append($" {Loc.S("topLevel")}"); topLevels = true; } sb.AppendLine(); } infoText = sb.ToString(); textColor = Color.FromArgb(colorSaturation, 255, colorSaturation); } else { infoText = $"Creature \"{creatureInfoInputExtractor.CreatureName}\" couldn't be extracted uniquely, manual level selection is necessary."; textColor = Color.FromArgb(255, colorSaturation, colorSaturation); } if (_overlay != null) { _overlay.SetInfoText(infoText, textColor); if (Properties.Settings.Default.DisplayInheritanceInOverlay && creature != null) { _overlay.SetInheritanceCreatures(creature, creature.Mother, creature.Father); } } if (added) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteAutoImportedFile) { FileService.TryDeleteFile(filePath); } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.MoveAutoImportedFileToSubFolder || Properties.Settings.Default.AutoImportedExportFileRename) { string newPath = Properties.Settings.Default.MoveAutoImportedFileToSubFolder ? (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.Settings.Default.ImportExportedArchiveFolder) ? Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), "imported") : Properties.Settings.Default.ImportExportedArchiveFolder) : Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); if (Properties.Settings.Default.MoveAutoImportedFileToSubFolder && !FileService.TryCreateDirectory(newPath, out string errorMessage)) { MessageBoxes.ShowMessageBox($"Subfolder\n{newPath}\ncould not be created.\n{errorMessage}"); return; } string namePattern = Properties.Settings.Default.AutoImportedExportFileRenamePattern; string newFileName = Properties.Settings.Default.AutoImportedExportFileRename && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(namePattern) ? NamePatterns.GenerateCreatureName(creature, _creatureCollection.creatures.Where(c => c.Species == speciesSelector1.SelectedSpecies).ToArray(), null, null, _customReplacingNamingPattern, false, -1, false, namePattern) : Path.GetFileName(filePath); string newFileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(newFileName); string newFileNameExtension = Path.GetExtension(newFileName); string newFilePath = Path.Combine(newPath, newFileName); int fileSuffix = 1; while (File.Exists(newFilePath)) { newFilePath = Path.Combine(newPath, $"{newFileNameWithoutExtension}_{++fileSuffix}{newFileNameExtension}"); } if (FileService.TryMoveFile(filePath, newFilePath)) { _librarySelectionInfoClickPath = newFilePath; } } } else if (copyNameToClipboard) { // extraction failed, user might expect the name of the new creature in the clipboard Clipboard.SetText("Automatic extraction was not possible"); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.PlaySoundOnAutoImport) { if (added) { if (alreadyExists) { SoundFeedback.BeepSignal(SoundFeedback.FeedbackSounds.Indifferent); } if (newTopLevels) { SoundFeedback.BeepSignal(SoundFeedback.FeedbackSounds.Great); } else if (topLevels) { SoundFeedback.BeepSignal(SoundFeedback.FeedbackSounds.Good); } else { SoundFeedback.BeepSignal(SoundFeedback.FeedbackSounds.Success); } } else { SoundFeedback.BeepSignal(SoundFeedback.FeedbackSounds.Failure); } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the formated timespan and also the DateTime when the timespan is over /// </summary> /// <param name="ts">timespan of countdown</param> /// <returns>Returns the timespan and the DateTime when the timespan is over</returns> public static string DurationUntil(TimeSpan ts) { return(ts.ToString("d':'hh':'mm':'ss") + " (" + Loc.S("until") + ": " + ShortTimeDate(DateTime.Now.Add(ts)) + ")"); }
public static void InitializeLocalizations() { _statNames = new[] { Loc.S("Health"), Loc.S("Stamina"), Loc.S("Torpidity"), Loc.S("Oxygen"), Loc.S("Food"), Loc.S("Water"), Loc.S("Temperature"), Loc.S("Weight"), Loc.S("Damage"), Loc.S("Speed"), Loc.S("Fortitude"), Loc.S("Crafting Speed") }; _statNamesAbb = new[] { Loc.S("Health_Abb"), Loc.S("Stamina_Abb"), Loc.S("Torpidity_Abb"), Loc.S("Oxygen_Abb"), Loc.S("Food_Abb"), Loc.S("Water_Abb"), Loc.S("Temperature_Abb"), Loc.S("Weight_Abb"), Loc.S("Damage_Abb"), Loc.S("Speed_Abb"), Loc.S("Fortitude_Abb"), Loc.S("Crafting Speed_Abb") }; }
public static string KnockoutInfo(Species species, int level, double longneck, double crossbow, double bow, double slingshot, double club, double prod, double harpoon, double boneDamageAdjuster, out bool knockoutNeeded, out string koNumbers) { koNumbers = string.Empty; knockoutNeeded = false; if (species?.taming != null) { //total torpor for level double totalTorpor = species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].BaseValue * (1 + species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].IncPerWildLevel * (level - 1)); // torpor depletion per second for level double torporDeplPS = TorporDepletionPS(species.taming.torporDepletionPS0, level); knockoutNeeded = species.taming.violent; string warning = string.Empty; if (!knockoutNeeded) { warning = "+++ Creature must not be knocked out for taming! +++\n\n"; } // print needed tranq arrows needed to ko creature. // wooden club: 10 torpor // slingshot: 14 dmg, stone - tranq - mult: 1.75 ==> 24.5 torpor // Bow - arrow causes 20 dmg, tranqMultiplier are 2 + 2.5 = 4.5 ==> 90 Torpor / arrow. // crossbow 35 dmg * 4.5 ==> 157.5 torpor // longneck dart: 26 * 8.5 = 221 // shocking tranq dart: 26*17 = 442 // electric prod: 226 koNumbers = (harpoon > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / (306 * boneDamageAdjuster * harpoon)) + " × " + Loc.s("TranqSpearBolts") + "\n" : string.Empty) + (longneck > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / (442 * boneDamageAdjuster * longneck)) + " × " + Loc.s("ShockingTranqDarts") + "\n" : string.Empty) + (longneck > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / (221 * boneDamageAdjuster * longneck)) + " × " + Loc.s("TranqDarts") + "\n" : string.Empty) + (prod > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / (226 * boneDamageAdjuster * prod)) + " × " + Loc.s("ElectricProdHits") + "\n" : string.Empty) + (crossbow > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / (157.5 * boneDamageAdjuster * crossbow)) + " × " + Loc.s("TranqArrowsCrossBow") + "\n" : string.Empty) + (bow > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / (90 * boneDamageAdjuster * bow)) + " × " + Loc.s("TranqArrowsBow") + "\n" : string.Empty) + (slingshot > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / (24.5 * boneDamageAdjuster * slingshot)) + " × " + Loc.s("SlingshotHits") + "\n" : string.Empty) + (club > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / (10 * boneDamageAdjuster * club)) + " × " + Loc.s("WoodenClubHits") + "\n" : string.Empty); // torpor depletion per s string torporDepletion = string.Empty; if (torporDeplPS > 0) { torporDepletion = "\n" + Loc.s("TimeUntilTorporDepleted") + ": " + Utils.DurationUntil(new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)Math.Round(totalTorpor / torporDeplPS))) + "\n" + Loc.s("TorporDepletion") + ": " + Math.Round(torporDeplPS, 2) + " / s;\n" + Loc.s("ApproxOneNarcoberryEvery") + " " + Math.Round(7.5 / torporDeplPS + 3, 1) + " s " + Loc.s("OrOneAscerbicMushroom") + " " + Math.Round(25 / torporDeplPS + 3, 1) + " s " + Loc.s("OrOneNarcoticEvery") + " " + Math.Round(40 / torporDeplPS + 8, 1) + " s " + Loc.s("OrOneBioToxinEvery") + " " + Math.Round(80 / torporDeplPS + 16, 1) + " s"; } return(warning + koNumbers + torporDepletion); } return(string.Empty); }