Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert old libraries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ccOld">CreatureCollection to be converted</param>
        public static CreatureCollection ConvertXml2Asb(CreatureCollectionOld ccOld, string libraryFilePath)
            MessageBox.Show($"The library will be converted to the new format that supports all possible ARK-stats (e.g. the crafting speed for the Gacha).\n\nThe old library file is still available at \n{libraryFilePath}\nyou can keep it as a backup.",
                            "Library will be converted", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            CreatureCollection ccNew = new CreatureCollection();

            UpgradeFormatTo12Stats(ccOld, ccNew);
            TransferParameters(ccOld, ccNew);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to converts the library from the 8-stats format to the 12-stats format and the species identification by the blueprintpath.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpgradeFormatTo12Stats(CreatureCollectionOld ccOld, CreatureCollection ccNew)
            if (ccOld == null)

            // if library has the old statMultiplier-indices, fix the order
            var newToOldIndices = new int[] { 0, 1, 7, 2, 3, -1, -1, 4, 5, 6, -1, -1 };

            if (ccOld.multipliers != null && ccOld.multipliers.Length == 8)
                /// old order was
                /// HP, Stam, Ox, Fo, We, Dm, Sp, To
                /// new order is
                // 0: Health
                // 1: Stamina / Charge Capacity
                // 2: Torpidity
                // 3: Oxygen / Charge Regeneration
                // 4: Food
                // 5: Water
                // 6: Temperature
                // 7: Weight
                // 8: MeleeDamageMultiplier / Charge Emission Range
                // 9: SpeedMultiplier
                // 10: TemperatureFortitude
                // 11: CraftingSpeedMultiplier

                // imprinting bonus factor default 0.2, 0, 0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0, 0
                // i.e. stats without imprinting are by default: St, Ox, Te, TF, Cr

                // create new multiplierArray
                var newMultipliers = new double[Values.STATS_COUNT][];
                for (int s = 0; s < Values.STATS_COUNT; s++)
                    newMultipliers[s] = new double[4];
                    if (newToOldIndices[s] >= 0)
                        for (int si = 0; si < 4; si++)
                            newMultipliers[s][si] = ccOld.multipliers[newToOldIndices[s]][si];
                        for (int si = 0; si < 4; si++)
                            newMultipliers[s][si] = 1;
                ccOld.multipliers = newMultipliers;

            ccNew.creatures = new List <Creature>();

            foreach (CreatureOld c in ccOld.creatures)
                Creature newC = new Creature()
                    addedToLibrary    = c.addedToLibrary.Year < 2000 ? default(DateTime?) : c.addedToLibrary,
                    ArkId             = c.ArkId,
                    ArkIdImported     = c.ArkIdImported,
                    colors            = c.colors,
                    cooldownUntil     = c.cooldownUntil.Year < 2000 ? default(DateTime?) : c.cooldownUntil,
                    domesticatedAt    = c.domesticatedAt.Year < 2000 ? default(DateTime?) : c.domesticatedAt,
                    fatherGuid        = c.fatherGuid,
                    flags             = c.flags,
                    generation        = c.generation,
                    growingLeft       = c.growingLeft,
                    growingPaused     = c.growingPaused,
                    growingUntil      = c.growingUntil.Year < 2000 ? default(DateTime?) : c.growingUntil,
                    guid              = c.guid,
                    imprinterName     = c.imprinterName,
                    imprintingBonus   = c.imprintingBonus,
                    isBred            = c.isBred,
                    motherGuid        = c.motherGuid,
                    mutationsMaternal = c.mutationsMaternal,
                    mutationsPaternal = c.mutationsPaternal,
                    name              = c.name,
                    note              = c.note,
                    owner             = c.owner,
                    server            = c.server,
                    sex       = c.sex,
                    Status    = c.status,
                    tags      = c.tags,
                    tamingEff = c.tamingEff,
                    tribe     = c.tribe

                if (c.IsPlaceholder)
                    newC.flags |= CreatureFlags.Placeholder;
                if (c.neutered)
                    newC.flags |= CreatureFlags.Neutered;

                // set new species-id
                if (c.Species == null &&
                    c.Species = Values.V.SpeciesByBlueprint(c.speciesBlueprint);
                if (c.Species == null &&
                    Values.V.TryGetSpeciesByName(c.species, out Species speciesObject))
                    c.Species = speciesObject;

                newC.Species = c.Species;

                // fix statlevel-indices
                newC.levelsWild = Convert8To12(c.levelsWild);
                newC.levelsDom  = Convert8To12(c.levelsDom);

            ccNew.creaturesValues = new List <CreatureValues>();

            foreach (var cvOld in ccOld.creaturesValues)
                var cv = new CreatureValues()
                    ARKID                 = cvOld.ARKID,
                    colorIDs              = cvOld.colorIDs,
                    cooldownUntil         = cvOld.cooldownUntil.Year < 2000 ? default(DateTime?) : cvOld.cooldownUntil,
                    domesticatedAt        = cvOld.domesticatedAt.Year < 2000 ? default(DateTime?) : cvOld.domesticatedAt,
                    fatherArkId           = cvOld.fatherArkId,
                    fatherGuid            = cvOld.fatherGuid,
                    growingUntil          = cvOld.growingUntil.Year < 2000 ? default(DateTime?) : cvOld.growingUntil,
                    guid                  = cvOld.guid,
                    imprinterName         = cvOld.imprinterName,
                    imprintingBonus       = cvOld.imprintingBonus,
                    isBred                = cvOld.isBred,
                    isTamed               = cvOld.isTamed,
                    level                 = cvOld.level,
                    levelsDom             = cvOld.levelsDom,
                    levelsWild            = cvOld.levelsWild,
                    motherArkId           = cvOld.motherArkId,
                    motherGuid            = cvOld.motherGuid,
                    mutationCounterFather = cvOld.mutationCounterFather,
                    mutationCounterMother = cvOld.mutationCounterMother,
                    name                  = cvOld.name,
                    owner                 = cvOld.owner,
                    server                = cvOld.server,
                    sex          = cvOld.sex,
                    speciesName  = cvOld.species,
                    statValues   = cvOld.statValues,
                    tamingEffMax = cvOld.tamingEffMax,
                    tamingEffMin = cvOld.tamingEffMin,
                    tribe        = cvOld.tribe

                if (cvOld.neutered)
                    cv.flags |= CreatureFlags.Neutered;

                if (Values.V.TryGetSpeciesByName(cvOld.species, out Species species))
                    cv.Species = species;


                // fix statlevel-indices
                cv.levelsWild = Convert8To12(cvOld.levelsWild);
                cv.levelsDom  = Convert8To12(cvOld.levelsDom);
                cv.statValues = Convert8To12(cvOld.statValues);
Пример #3
        public static void TransferParameters(CreatureCollectionOld ccOld, CreatureCollection ccNew)
            ccNew.allowMoreThanHundredImprinting       = ccOld.allowMoreThanHundredImprinting;
            ccNew.changeCreatureStatusOnSavegameImport = ccOld.changeCreatureStatusOnSavegameImport;
            ccNew.considerWildLevelSteps = ccOld.considerWildLevelSteps;
            ccNew.incubationListEntries  = ccOld.incubationListEntries.Select(ile => new IncubationTimerEntry
                fatherGuid         = ile.fatherGuid,
                incubationDuration = ile.incubationDuration,
                incubationEnd      = ile.incubationEnd,
                motherGuid         = ile.motherGuid,
                timerIsRunning     = ile.timerIsRunning,
            ccNew.maxBreedingSuggestions = ccOld.maxBreedingSuggestions;
            ccNew.maxChartLevel          = ccOld.maxChartLevel;
            ccNew.maxDomLevel            = ccOld.maxDomLevel;
            ccNew.maxServerLevel         = ccOld.maxServerLevel;
            ccNew.noteList             = ccOld.noteList;
            ccNew.ownerList            = ccOld.ownerList;
            ccNew.players              = ccOld.players;
            ccNew.serverList           = ccOld.serverList;
            ccNew.singlePlayerSettings = ccOld.singlePlayerSettings;
            ccNew.tags             = ccOld.tags;
            ccNew.tagsExclude      = ccOld.tagsExclude;
            ccNew.tagsInclude      = ccOld.tagsInclude;
            ccNew.timerListEntries = ccOld.timerListEntries.Select(tle => new TimerListEntry
                creatureGuid = tle.creatureGuid,
                group        = tle.group,
                name         = tle.name,
                sound        = tle.sound,
                time         = tle.time
            ccNew.tribes        = ccOld.tribes;
            ccNew.wildLevelStep = ccOld.wildLevelStep;

            // check if multiplier-conversion is possible
            if (ccOld?.multipliers == null)

            ccNew.serverMultipliers = new ServerMultipliers
                BabyImprintingStatScaleMultiplier  = ccOld.imprintingMultiplier,
                BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier       = ccOld.babyCuddleIntervalMultiplier,
                TamingSpeedMultiplier              = ccOld.tamingSpeedMultiplier,
                DinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier   = ccOld.tamingFoodRateMultiplier,
                MatingIntervalMultiplier           = ccOld.MatingIntervalMultiplier,
                EggHatchSpeedMultiplier            = ccOld.EggHatchSpeedMultiplier,
                BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier          = ccOld.BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier,
                BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier = ccOld.BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier,
                statMultipliers = ccOld.multipliers // was converted to 12-stats before

            ccNew.serverMultipliersEvents = new ServerMultipliers
                BabyImprintingStatScaleMultiplier  = ccOld.imprintingMultiplier, // cannot be changed in events
                BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier       = ccOld.babyCuddleIntervalMultiplierEvent,
                TamingSpeedMultiplier              = ccOld.tamingSpeedMultiplierEvent,
                DinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier   = ccOld.tamingFoodRateMultiplierEvent,
                MatingIntervalMultiplier           = ccOld.MatingIntervalMultiplierEvent,
                EggHatchSpeedMultiplier            = ccOld.EggHatchSpeedMultiplierEvent,
                BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier          = ccOld.BabyMatureSpeedMultiplierEvent,
                BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier = ccOld.BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplierEvent