This structure contains SQL connection settings, used for the establishment of auxiliary MySQL connections to the central database server (e.g. for true asynchronous queries on a different thread).
        /// <summary>
        /// This method sets up the database connection string based on the
        /// default connection information set for the MySQL plugin.
        /// The pool size of 3 is based on :
        /// - One connection for polling for input by the GameWorldManager
        ///   synchronization thread.
        /// - One connection for background ad-hoc queries kicked off by the
        ///   server communicator on work items (account record lookup, etc.).
        /// - One connection for miscellaneous use.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupConnectionString()
            SystemInfo.SQLConnectionSettings ConnectionSettings = SystemInfo.GetSQLConnectionSettings();

            ConnectionString = String.Format("Server={0};Uid={1};Password={2};Allow Batch=true;Treat Tiny As Boolean=false",

            // If a dedicated connection is not in use, prepend the database
            // with a USE statement to slightly increase performance.

            if (Dedicated == false)
                ConnectionString += ";Max Pool Size=3;Pooling=true";

                this.DatabaseName = ConnectionSettings.Schema;
                this.QueryPrepend = String.Format("USE {0}; ", DatabaseName);
                // Explicitly set the database for a dedicated connection.

                ConnectionString += String.Format(";Database={0}", ConnectionSettings.Schema);