Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// (перемещает этот объект в выбранном направлении)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="speed">(скорость перемещения)</param>
        /// <param name="typeX">(<see cref="SideX"/> направление по оси X)</param>
        /// <param name="typeY">(<see cref="SideY"/> направление по оси X)</param>
        public static void MoveAside(this ObjectSingle objectToMove, float speed, SideX typeX = SideX.middle, SideY typeY = SideY.middle)
            int kX = 0;
            int kY = 0;

            switch (typeX)
            case SideX.left:
                kX = -1; break;

            case SideX.middle:
                kX = 0; break;

            case SideX.right:
                kX = 1; break;
            switch (typeY)
            case SideY.up:
                kY = -1; break;

            case SideY.middle:
                kY = 0; break;

            case SideY.down:
                kY = 1; break;
            Move(objectToMove, speed, kX.GridToX(), kY.GridToY());
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// (перемещает этот объект в направлении целевой позиции)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="speed">(скорость перемещения)</param>
        /// <param name="targetObject">(целевая позиция)</param>
        public static void MoveTowards(this ObjectSingle objectToMove, float speed, Vector targetPosition)
            int kX = (int)targetPosition.X - (int)objectToMove.Position.X;
            int kY = (int)targetPosition.Y - (int)objectToMove.Position.Y;

            Move(objectToMove, speed, kX, kY);
Пример #3
 protected void Initialize(ObjectSingle parentObject)
     for (int i = 0; i < tempArray.Length; i++)
         tempArray[i] = new List <Object>();
     ParentObject = parentObject;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes this string to position inside object. For <see cref="ALBGame.Update"/> method only. (Вписывает эту строку на позиции внутри объекта. Только для <see cref="ALBGame.Update"/> метода.)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objectTarget">target object (целевой объект)</param>
 /// <param name="positionX">object-dependent X-axis position coordinate (координата позиции по оси X относительно центра объекта)</param>
 /// <param name="positionY">object-dependent Y-axis position coordinate (координата позиции по оси Y относительно центра объекта)</param>
 /// <param name="stringColor">string color (цвет строки)</param>
 public static void WriteTo(this string str, ObjectSingle objectTarget, int positionX = 0, int positionY = 0, ConsoleColor stringColor = ConsoleColor.Black)
     if (objectTarget.Position.PrevX == (int)objectTarget.Position.X && objectTarget.Position.PrevY == (int)objectTarget.Position.Y)
         str.WriteTo((int)(objectTarget.Position.X + positionX), (int)(objectTarget.Position.Y + positionY), objectTarget.Color, stringColor);
     if (!objectTarget.IsTextured)
         objectTarget.IsTextured = true;
Пример #5
 /// <summary> gets called on startup only (выполняется только при запуске) </summary>
 public override void Start()
     //==== instantiating ====
     Console.Title = "Straight Racing";
     plane      = new ObjectSingle(Preset.plane, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen);
     road       = new ObjectSingle(Preset.plane, ConsoleColor.DarkGray, null, 0.04f, null, null, (int)(plane.Size.X / 2));
     border     = new ObjectSingle(Preset.plane, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, null, 0.02f, null, null, road.Size.X + 4);
     linesSizeY = (int)(road.Size.Y / ZeroCheck(linesQuantY * 2));
     firstLine  = new ObjectGroup(null, ConsoleColor.Gray, null, 0.06f, road.Position.X, road.Position.Y - road.Size.Y, Math.Max((int)(linesSizeY / 5), 1), linesSizeY, (int)(road.Size.X / 3), linesSizeY, 2, linesQuantY);
     secondLine = new ObjectGroup(null, firstLine.Color, null, 0.06f, firstLine.Position.X, road.Position.Y, firstLine.Size.X, firstLine.Size.Y, firstLine.Gap.X, firstLine.Gap.Y, firstLine.Quant.X, firstLine.Quant.Y);
     secondLine.Position.MaxY = firstLine.Position.MaxY = road.Position.Y + road.Size.Y;
     textA = new ObjectSingle(Preset.boxXL, ConsoleColor.White, null, 10f, null, null, null, 7);
     textB = new ObjectSingle(Preset.boxXL, ConsoleColor.Black, null, textA.Layer - 0.01f, textA.Position.X + 1, textA.Position.Y + 1, null, textA.Size.Y);
     textPoint = new Vector(0, plane.Position.Y + (int)(textA.Size.Y / 1.5f) - (int)(plane.Size.Y / 2));
     carPosX = new Random().Next(0, 2) > 0 ? road.Position.X - (int)(road.Size.X / 3) : road.Position.X + (int)(road.Size.X / 3);
     car     = new ObjectSingle(Preset.boxL, ConsoleColor.Blue, null, 1f, carPosX, road.Position.Y - (int)(road.Size.Y * 0.75f), (int)(road.Size.X / 6), (int)(road.Size.Y / 4));
     windows = new ObjectGroup(null, ConsoleColor.Cyan, null, car.Layer + 0.5f, car.Position.X, car.Position.Y + 1, car.Size.X - 2, Math.Max((int)(car.Size.Y / 8), 1), null, (int)(car.Size.Y / 4) + 1, 1, 2);
     wheels  = new ObjectGroup(null, ConsoleColor.Black, null, car.Layer - 0.5f, car.Position.X, car.Position.Y, 1, (int)(car.Size.Y / 4), car.Size.X, (int)(car.Size.Y / 3), 2, 2);
     heroCar = car.CopyThis();
     heroCar.Position.MinX = road.Position.X + (int)(heroCar.Size.X / 2) - (int)(road.Size.X / 2);
     heroCar.Position.MinY = road.Position.Y + (int)(heroCar.Size.Y / 2) - (int)(road.Size.Y / 2);
     heroCar.Position.MaxX = road.Position.X - (int)(heroCar.Size.X / 2) + (int)(road.Size.X / 2);
     heroCar.Position.MaxY = road.Position.Y - (int)(heroCar.Size.Y / 2) + (int)(road.Size.Y / 2);
     heroCar.AlignWithSide(SideX.middle, SideY.down);
     heroCar.Color = ConsoleColor.Red;
     heroCar.Layer = car.Layer + 1;
     heroCar.ChildList[0].Layer = heroCar.Layer + 0.5f;
     heroStep = (heroCar.Size.X * 2.1f).XToGrid();
     house  = new ObjectSingle(Preset.boxL, ConsoleColor.Gray, "house", 3f, plane.Position.X - (int)(plane.Size.X / 2), plane.Position.Y, (int)(plane.Size.X / 3), (int)(plane.Size.Y / 2));
     houseB = new ObjectGroup(Preset.boxL, windows.Color, null, house.Layer + 0.5f, house.Position.X, house.Position.Y, (int)(house.Size.X / 1.2f), (int)(house.Size.Y / 4), null, (int)(house.Size.Y / 6), 1, 2);
     houseC = new ObjectSingle(Preset.boxL, ConsoleColor.Black, null, house.Layer + 1.0f, house.Position.X, house.Position.Y, (int)(house.Size.X / 2f), (int)(house.Size.Y * 1.2f));
     house.Position.MaxY = road.Position.Y + (int)(houseC.Size.Y / 2) + (int)(plane.Size.Y / 2);
     tree  = new ObjectSingle(Preset.boxL, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, "tree", 4f, house.Position.X, house.Position.Y, (int)(plane.Size.X / 2.5f), (int)(plane.Size.Y / 20));
     treeB = new ObjectGroup(Preset.boxL, ConsoleColor.Green, null, tree.Layer + 0.5f, tree.Position.X, tree.Position.Y, (int)(tree.Size.X / 4), tree.Size.Y * 5, (int)(tree.Size.X / 8), null, 2, 1);
     treeC = new ObjectSingle(Preset.boxL, treeB.Color, null, tree.Layer + 1.0f, tree.Position.X, tree.Position.Y, (int)(tree.Size.X / 1.3f), tree.Size.Y * 3);
     tree.Position.MaxY = road.Position.Y + (int)(treeB.Size.Y / 2) + (int)(plane.Size.Y / 2);
     tree.Position.X = plane.Position.X + plane.Size.X / 2;
     environsPosY = road.Position.Y - (int)(houseC.Size.Y / 2) - (int)(plane.Size.Y / 2);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// entry point of a application (точка входа приложения)
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()
            void MainMethod()
                int currentTime;

                while (true)
                    currentTime = (int)MainTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    SleepTime = (FixedTimeMs - ((int)MainTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds - currentTime)).Range(0, FixedTimeMs);
                    DeltaTime = (float)Math.Max(FixedTimeMs, (int)MainTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds - currentTime) / 1000;

            if (!DoExceptionView)
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    string message = Ex.Source + " error! " + Ex.Message;
                        ObjectSingle plane = new ObjectSingle(Preset.plane, ConsoleColor.White);
                        while (true)
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// (перемещает объект в направлении целевого вектора)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="speed">(скорость перемещения)</param>
        /// <param name="targetX">(целевой вектор X)</param>
        /// <param name="targetY">(целевой вектор Y)</param>
        static void Move(ObjectSingle objectToMove, float speed, int targetX, int targetY)
            objectToMove.Position.PrevX = (int)objectToMove.Position.X;
            objectToMove.Position.PrevY = (int)objectToMove.Position.Y;

            if (targetX != 0 || targetY != 0)
                float  gX        = targetX.XToGrid();
                float  gY        = targetY.YToGrid();
                double atang     = Math.Atan2(gY, gX);
                float  velocityX = (float)Math.Cos(atang) * speed * Model.DeltaTime;
                float  velocityY = (float)Math.Sin(atang) * speed * Model.DeltaTime;
                objectToMove.Position.X += Math.Sign(gX) * Math.Min(Math.Abs(targetX), Math.Abs(velocityX).GridToX());
                objectToMove.Position.Y += Math.Sign(gY) * Math.Min(Math.Abs(targetY), Math.Abs(velocityY).GridToY());
Пример #8

        /// <summary>
        /// (перемещает этот объект в направлении нажатой клавиши-стрелки или WASD)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="speed">(скорость перемещения)</param>
        /// <param name="stopDistance">(Дистанция до остановки. В случае null остановки нет.)</param>
        public static void MoveByWASD(this ObjectSingle objectToMove, float speed, float?stopDistance = null)
            if (!getKeyIsOn)
                getKeyIsOn = true;
            if (stopDistance != null)
                stopGap      = (float)stopDistance;
                ObjectToMove = objectToMove;
                if (LastKey != null && LastKey != ConsoleKey.Enter)
                    MoveTowards(objectToMove, speed, new Vector(posX, posY));
                Move(objectToMove, speed, keyX.GridToX(), keyY.GridToY());
Пример #9
 public Inspector(ObjectSingle parentObject)
Пример #10
        /// <summary> gets called every frame (выполняется для каждого кадра) </summary>
        public override void Update()
            //==== game loop ====
            if (!isEnd)
                currentSpeed = windowMult * (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(startSpeed, 2) + 0.02f * MainTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                firstLine.MoveAside(currentSpeed, SideX.middle, SideY.down);
                secondLine.MoveAside(currentSpeed, SideX.middle, SideY.down);
                if (firstLine.Position.Y >= firstLine.Position.MaxY)
                    firstLine.Position.Y = secondLine.Position.Y - road.Size.Y;
                if (secondLine.Position.Y >= secondLine.Position.MaxY)
                    secondLine.Position.Y = firstLine.Position.Y - road.Size.Y;
                if (messageOn)
                    messageA = "Press arrow keys or WASD to move.";
                    if (Controller.LastKey != null)
                        //textA.IsDrawn = false;
                        messageOn = false;
                    charCounter = (int)Math.Max(Math.Floor(currentSpeed * mphMult / 10) - 5, 0);
                    messageA    = String.Format("Current speed: {0} mph {1}", (int)(currentSpeed * mphMult), new string('!', charCounter));
                    textA.MoveTowards(textSpeed * 4, textPoint);
                for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Count; i++)
                    enemies[i].MoveAside(currentSpeed - startSpeed * 2, SideX.middle, SideY.down);
                    int prev = i - 1 < 0 ? enemies.Count - 1 : i - 1;
                    if (enemies[i].Position.Y >= enemies[i].Position.MaxY)
                        enemies[i].Position.X = new Random().Next((int)heroCar.Position.MinX, (int)heroCar.Position.MaxX);
                        enemies[i].Position.Y = Math.Min(car.Position.Y - new Random().Next(0, (int)currentSpeed.GridToY()), enemies[prev].Position.Y - road.Size.Y / ZeroCheck(enemies.Count));
                        enemies[i].Color      = RandomColor(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.DarkRed, windows.Color, heroCar.Color, road.Color, firstLine.Color);
                        if (!enemies[i].IsDrawn)
                            enemies[i].IsDrawn = true;

                heroCar.MoveByWASD(currentSpeed, heroStep);
                if (heroCar.TriggerEnter(out other, enemyTag))
                    restartCar = other[0];
                    heroCar.ChildList[0].Color    = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;
                    restartCar.ChildList[0].Color = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;
                    isEnd = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < environs.Count; i++)
                    environs[i].MoveAside(currentSpeed, SideX.middle, SideY.down);
                    int prev = i - 1 < 0 ? environs.Count - 1 : i - 1;
                    if (environs[i].Position.Y >= environs[i].Position.MaxY)
                        environs[i].Position.X = new Random().Next(0, 2) > 0 ? plane.Position.X - plane.Size.X / 2 : plane.Position.X + plane.Size.X / 2;
                        environs[i].Position.Y = Math.Min(environsPosY - new Random().Next(0, (int)currentSpeed.GridToY()), environs[prev].Position.Y - houseC.Size.Y * 1.5f);
                        if (environs[i].Tag == house.Tag)
                            environs[i].Color = RandomColor(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.DarkRed, windows.Color, heroCar.Color, road.Color, plane.Color);
                messageA = currentSpeed > 30 ? String.Format(" You drove at a speed of {0} mph!", (int)(currentSpeed * mphMult)): "";
                messageB = String.Format("Game over!{0}", messageA);
                messageC = "Press Enter to restart.";
                messageB.WriteTo(textA, 0, -1);
                messageC.WriteTo(textA, 0, 1);
                textA.MoveTowards(textSpeed, heroCar);
                if (Controller.LastKey == ConsoleKey.Enter)
                    currentSpeed = startSpeed;
                    heroCar.AlignWithSide(SideX.middle, SideY.down);
                    heroCar.ChildList[0].Color    = windows.Color;
                    restartCar.ChildList[0].Color = windows.Color;
                    restartCar.Position.Y         = (int)restartCar.Position.MaxY;
                    //SleepTime = FixedTimeMs;
                    isEnd = false;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// provides game object rendering (Oбеспечивает рендеринг игрового объекта. Вызывается автоматически при изменении соответствующих параметров объекта.)
        /// </summary>
        public static void DrawObject(List <dynamic>[] tempArray, bool[] actionToggle, ObjectSingle parentObject, bool isParentGroup)
            BoxBuilder   builder = new BoxBuilder();
            List <int[]> boxes;
            bool         isLast;
            ConsoleColor locol;
            ConsoleColor col = (ConsoleColor)tempArray[(int)Param.color][tempArray[(int)Param.color].Count - 1];
            float        lay = (float)tempArray[(int)Param.layer][tempArray[(int)Param.layer].Count - 1];
            //current fixed values(текущие фиксированные значения)
            int sx = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.sizeX][tempArray[(int)Param.sizeX].Count - 1];
            int sy = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.sizeY][tempArray[(int)Param.sizeY].Count - 1];
            int px = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.positionX][tempArray[(int)Param.positionX].Count - 1] + (int)WindowSize.X / 2 - sx / 2;
            int py = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.positionY][tempArray[(int)Param.positionY].Count - 1] + (int)WindowSize.Y / 2 - sy / 2;
            int sumX;
            int sumY;
            //previous values(предыдущие значения)
            int _sx = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.sizeX][0];
            int _sy = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.sizeY][0];
            int _px = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.positionX][0] + (int)WindowSize.X / 2 - _sx / 2;
            int _py = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.positionY][0] + (int)WindowSize.Y / 2 - _sy / 2;
            int _sumX;
            int _sumY;

            if (isParentGroup)
                if (actionToggle[(int)Draw.destroy])
                    RedrawGroup(false, true);
                    if (actionToggle[(int)Draw.vector])
                        RedrawGroup(true, true);
                        if (!actionToggle[(int)Draw.color])
                            RedrawGroup(true, false);
                    if (actionToggle[(int)Draw.color])
                        RedrawGroup(false, false);
                for (int i = 0; i < actionToggle.Length; i++)
                    actionToggle[i] = false;
                if (actionToggle[(int)Draw.destroy])
                    RedrawSingle(false, true);
                    if (actionToggle[(int)Draw.vector])
                        RedrawSingle(true, true);
                        if (!actionToggle[(int)Draw.color])
                            RedrawSingle(true, false);
                    if (actionToggle[(int)Draw.color])
                        RedrawSingle(false, false);
                for (int i = 0; i < actionToggle.Length; i++)
                    actionToggle[i] = false;

            /// <summary>
            /// Создание (отрисовка) объекта либо его удаление.
            /// </summary>
            void RedrawSingle(bool isPartial, bool isRemove)
                if (isRemove)
                    for (int j = 0; j < _sy; j++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < _sx; i++)
                            isLast = (j + 1 == _sy && i + 1 == _sx) ? true : false;
                            _sumX  = _px + i;
                            _sumY  = _py + j;
                            sumX   = px;
                            sumY   = py;
                            Remove(_sumX, _sumY, sumX, sumY, isPartial, isLast);
                    for (int j = 0; j < sy; j++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < sx; i++)
                            isLast = (j + 1 == sy && i + 1 == sx) ? true : false;
                            sumX   = px + i;
                            sumY   = py + j;
                            _sumX  = _px;
                            _sumY  = _py;
                            Redraw(sumX, sumY, _sumX, _sumY, isPartial, isLast);

            /// <summary>
            /// Создание (отрисовка) группы объектов либо ее удаление.
            /// </summary>
            void RedrawGroup(bool isPartial, bool isRemove)
                //current fixed values(текущие фиксированные значения)
                int gx = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.gapX][tempArray[(int)Param.gapX].Count - 1] + sx;
                int gy = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.gapY][tempArray[(int)Param.gapY].Count - 1] + sy;
                int qx = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.quantX][tempArray[(int)Param.quantX].Count - 1];
                int qy = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.quantY][tempArray[(int)Param.quantY].Count - 1];
                int hx = (sx + gx * (qx - 1)) / 2;
                int hy = (sy + gy * (qy - 1)) / 2;

                px = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.positionX][tempArray[(int)Param.positionX].Count - 1] + (int)WindowSize.X / 2 - hx;
                py = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.positionY][tempArray[(int)Param.positionY].Count - 1] + (int)WindowSize.Y / 2 - hy;
                //previous values(предыдущие значения)
                int _gx = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.gapX][0] + _sx;
                int _gy = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.gapY][0] + _sy;
                int _qx = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.quantX][0];
                int _qy = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.quantY][0];
                int _hx = (_sx + _gx * (_qx - 1)) / 2;
                int _hy = (_sy + _gy * (_qy - 1)) / 2;

                _px = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.positionX][0] + (int)WindowSize.X / 2 - _hx;
                _py = (int)tempArray[(int)Param.positionY][0] + (int)WindowSize.Y / 2 - _hy;

                if (isRemove)
                    for (int l = 0; l < _qy; l++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < _qx; k++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < _sy; j++)
                                for (int i = 0; i < _sx; i++)
                                    isLast = (l + 1 == _qy && k + 1 == _qx && j + 1 == _sy && i + 1 == _sx) ? true : false;
                                    _sumX  = _px + i + _gx * k;
                                    _sumY  = _py + j + _gy * l;
                                    sumX   = px + gx * k;
                                    sumY   = py + gy * l;
                                    Remove(_sumX, _sumY, sumX, sumY, isPartial, isLast);
                    for (int l = 0; l < qy; l++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < qx; k++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < sy; j++)
                                for (int i = 0; i < sx; i++)
                                    isLast = (l + 1 == qy && k + 1 == qx && j + 1 == sy && i + 1 == sx) ? true : false;
                                    sumX   = px + i + gx * k;
                                    sumY   = py + j + gy * l;
                                    _sumX  = _px + _gx * k;
                                    _sumY  = _py + _gy * l;
                                    Redraw(sumX, sumY, _sumX, _sumY, isPartial, isLast);

            void Redraw(int x, int y, int _x, int _y, bool isPartial, bool isItLast)
                if (CheckPrint(x, y))
                    if (!isPartial || !((x >= _x && x < _x + _sx) && (y >= _y && y < _y + _sy)))
                        if (WindowArray[x, y].Count == 0 || lay >= WindowArray[x, y][0][1])
                            DrawBox(col, x, y);
                        if (actionToggle[(int)Draw.color])
                            WindowArray[x, y].RemoveAll(obj => obj[2].Equals(parentObject.GetHashCode()));
                        if (!WindowArray[x, y].Exists(obj => obj[2].Equals(parentObject.GetHashCode())))
                            if (WindowArray[x, y].Count == 0)
                                WindowArray[x, y].Add(new float[] { (int)col, lay, parentObject.GetHashCode() });
                                for (int n = 0; n < WindowArray[x, y].Count; n++)
                                    if (lay >= WindowArray[x, y][n][1])
                                        WindowArray[x, y].Insert(n, new float[] { (int)col, lay, parentObject.GetHashCode() });
                                    else if (n == WindowArray[x, y].Count - 1)
                                        WindowArray[x, y].Add(new float[] { (int)col, lay, parentObject.GetHashCode() });
                if (isItLast)

            void Remove(int _x, int _y, int x, int y, bool isPartial, bool isItLast)
                if (CheckPrint(_x, _y))
                    if (!isPartial || !((_x >= x && _x < x + sx) && (_y >= y && _y < y + sy)))
                        WindowArray[_x, _y].RemoveAll(obj => obj[2].Equals(parentObject.GetHashCode()));
                        locol = WindowArray[_x, _y].Count == 0 ? DefaultColor : (ConsoleColor)(int)WindowArray[_x, _y][0][0];
                        DrawBox(locol, _x, _y);
                if (isItLast)

            /// <summary>
            /// draws box at last point (отрисовывает квадратный элемент в последней точке)
            /// </summary>
            void DrawBoxLast()
                boxes = builder.LastPixel();
                if (boxes != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Count; i++)
                        DrawPixel((ConsoleColor)boxes[i][0], boxes[i][1], boxes[i][2], boxes[i][3], boxes[i][4]);

            /// <summary>
            /// draws box at point (отрисовывает квадратный элемент в точке)
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="color">color to draw (цвет для отрисовки)</param>
            /// <param name="x">point X coordinate (координата точки по оси X)</param>
            /// <param name="y">point Y coordinate (координата точки по оси Y)</param>
            void DrawBox(ConsoleColor color, int x, int y)
                boxes = builder.AddPixel(color, x, y);
                if (boxes != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Count; i++)
                        DrawPixel((ConsoleColor)boxes[i][0], boxes[i][1], boxes[i][2], boxes[i][3], boxes[i][4]);