public MapScreen(GameState initial) { latestGameState = initial; for (int i = 0; i < board.Length; i++) { board[i] = new GUITile[Board.GetRowLength(i)]; for (int j = 0; j < board[i].Length; j++) { bool omit = OmittedTile(GetTerrainIndex(i, j)); GUITile tile = new GUITile(j, i, latestGameState.Board.GetTile(i, j), omit); AddDrawableComponent(tile); board[i][j] = tile; } } //Entire Screen size: GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode const int logWidth = 350; //int gameH = graphics.Viewport.Height; //int gameW = graphics.Viewport.Width; const int screenWidth = 1280; const int screenHeight = 720; //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("width {0}, height {1}", gameW, gameH)); gamelog = new GUILogList <GUIBufferTextBlock>(new Vector2((screenWidth - logWidth) / TXAGame.SCALE, 1 / TXAGame.SCALE), screenHeight - 2, logWidth - 1); //AddButton(new TXAButton(new Vector2(750 / TXAGame.SCALE, 50 / TXAGame.SCALE), "Debug Log"), InsertText); AddDrawableComponent(gamelog); robber = new GUIRobber(GetRobberPos()); AddDrawableComponent(robber); latestGameState.GetLatestEvents(int.MaxValue).Skip(gamelog.Count).ForEach(a => InsertLogEvent(a.ToString())); //lastLogPoll = DateTime.Now; //Test Roads and pieces UpdateGameState(initial); }
public MapScreen(GameState initial) { latestGameState = initial; for (int i = 0; i < board.Length; i++) { board[i] = new GUITile[Board.GetRowLength(i)]; for (int j = 0; j < board[i].Length; j++) { bool omit = OmittedTile(GetTerrainIndex(i, j)); GUITile tile = new GUITile(j, i, latestGameState.Board.GetTile(i, j), omit); AddDrawableComponent(tile); board[i][j] = tile; } } //Entire Screen size: GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode const int logWidth = 350; //int gameH = graphics.Viewport.Height; //int gameW = graphics.Viewport.Width; const int screenWidth = 1280; const int screenHeight = 720; //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("width {0}, height {1}", gameW, gameH)); gamelog = new GUILogList<GUIBufferTextBlock>(new Vector2((screenWidth-logWidth)/TXAGame.SCALE, 1/TXAGame.SCALE),screenHeight-2, logWidth-1); //AddButton(new TXAButton(new Vector2(750 / TXAGame.SCALE, 50 / TXAGame.SCALE), "Debug Log"), InsertText); AddDrawableComponent(gamelog); robber = new GUIRobber(GetRobberPos()); AddDrawableComponent(robber); latestGameState.GetLatestEvents(int.MaxValue).Skip(gamelog.Count).ForEach(a => InsertLogEvent(a.ToString())); //lastLogPoll = DateTime.Now; //Test Roads and pieces UpdateGameState(initial); }