Пример #1
        public override void Update()
            if (GetKeyPressed(Keys.Tab))

            if (AStarGrid != null)
                if (Mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && Keyboard.IsKeyUp(Keys.LeftShift) && Keyboard.IsKeyUp(Keys.Space))
                    if (GridSnapMouse.X < 960 && GridSnapMouse.Y < 540 && GridSnapMouse.X > 0 && GridSnapMouse.Y > 0)
                        List <CollideObject> solids = CollideObject.GetList(typeof(Solid));
                        if (solids != null)
                            bool canCreate = true;
                            foreach (Solid obj in solids)
                                if (obj.X == GridSnapMouse.X && obj.Y == GridSnapMouse.Y)
                                    canCreate = false;
                            if (canCreate)
                                new Brick(GridSnapMouse.X, GridSnapMouse.Y);
                            new Brick(GridSnapMouse.X, GridSnapMouse.Y);

                if (Mouse.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    List <CollideObject> solids = CollideObject.GetList(typeof(Solid));
                    foreach (Solid obj in solids.ToList())
                        if (obj.X == GridSnapMouse.X && obj.Y == GridSnapMouse.Y)

            if (GetKeyPressed(Keys.R))

Пример #2
 public CollideObject BoxCollision(float ExtraX, float ExtraY, CollideObject obj)
     if (BoundingBox.X + ExtraX + BoundingBox.Width > obj.BoundingBox.X && BoundingBox.X + ExtraX < obj.BoundingBox.X + obj.BoundingBox.Width &&
         BoundingBox.Y + ExtraY + BoundingBox.Height > obj.BoundingBox.Y && BoundingBox.Y + ExtraY < obj.BoundingBox.Y + obj.BoundingBox.Height)
Пример #3
        public override void DrawGUI()
            List <CollideObject> tempList = CollideObject.GetList(typeof(Solid));

            if (tempList != null)
                SpriteBatch.DrawString(Font, tempList.Count.ToString(), new Vector2(20, 80), Color.Black);
Пример #4
 public void AddInstance(CollideObject gameObject, Type type)
     if (!CollisionList.ContainsKey(type))
         CollisionList.Add(type, new List <CollideObject>());
     CollisionList.TryGetValue(type, out list);
Пример #5
        public bool LineToEdgeIntersection(Vector2 lineStart, Vector2 lineEnd, CollideObject obj)
            //BoundingPoints Object
            Vector2 OBottomRight = obj.BoxPosition + new Vector2(obj.BoxWidth, obj.BoxHeight);
            Vector2 OBottomLeft  = obj.BoxPosition + new Vector2(0, obj.BoxHeight);
            Vector2 OTopLeft     = obj.BoxPosition + new Vector2(0, 0);
            Vector2 OTopRight    = obj.BoxPosition + new Vector2(obj.BoxWidth, 0);

            OBottomRight = Rotate(obj.BoxX + obj.BoxWidth, obj.BoxY + obj.BoxHeight, obj.Angle, OBottomRight + new Vector2(0, 0));
            OBottomLeft  = Rotate(obj.BoxX + obj.BoxWidth, obj.BoxY + obj.BoxHeight, obj.Angle, OBottomLeft + new Vector2(0, 0));
            OTopLeft     = Rotate(obj.BoxX + obj.BoxWidth, obj.BoxY + obj.BoxHeight, obj.Angle, OTopLeft + new Vector2(0, 0));
            OTopRight    = Rotate(obj.BoxX + obj.BoxWidth, obj.BoxY + obj.BoxHeight, obj.Angle, OTopRight + new Vector2(0, 0));

            Vector2[] ORectangleEdges = new Vector2[4];
            Vector2[] LineEdges       = new Vector2[2];

            ORectangleEdges[0] = OBottomRight;
            ORectangleEdges[1] = OBottomLeft;
            ORectangleEdges[2] = OTopLeft;
            ORectangleEdges[3] = OTopRight;

            LineEdges[0] = lineStart;
            LineEdges[1] = lineEnd;

            for (int i = 0; i < LineEdges.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ORectangleEdges.Length; j++)
                    if (LineIntersection(LineEdges[i], LineEdges[(i + 1) % LineEdges.Length], ORectangleEdges[j], ORectangleEdges[(j + 1) % ORectangleEdges.Length]))

Пример #6
 public void DestroyInstance(CollideObject gameObject, Type type)
     CollisionList.TryGetValue(type, out list);
Пример #7
        public bool CheckEdges(CollideObject t, CollideObject o)
            //This whole operation of checking edges is expensive and therefore we make sure
            //that the box is actually within the possible viscinity of collision
            //Which I actually don't do right now XDDDDDDXDXDXDXDXDDXXDXDDDD

            //BoundingPoints This
            Vector2 TBottomRight = t.BoxPosition + new Vector2(t.BoxWidth, t.BoxHeight);
            Vector2 TBottomLeft  = t.BoxPosition + new Vector2(0, t.BoxHeight);
            Vector2 TTopLeft     = t.BoxPosition + new Vector2(0, 0);
            Vector2 TTopRight    = t.BoxPosition + new Vector2(t.BoxWidth, 0);

            //BoundingPoints Other
            Vector2 OBottomRight = o.BoxPosition + new Vector2(o.BoxWidth, o.BoxHeight);
            Vector2 OBottomLeft  = o.BoxPosition + new Vector2(0, o.BoxHeight);
            Vector2 OTopLeft     = o.BoxPosition + new Vector2(0, 0);
            Vector2 OTopRight    = o.BoxPosition + new Vector2(o.BoxWidth, 0);

            //RotatePoints This
            TBottomRight = Rotate(t.BoxX + t.BoxWidth / 2, t.BoxY + t.BoxHeight / 2, t.Angle, TBottomRight + new Vector2(-0.5f, -0.5f));
            TBottomLeft  = Rotate(t.BoxX + t.BoxWidth / 2, t.BoxY + t.BoxHeight / 2, t.Angle, TBottomLeft + new Vector2(0.5f, -0.5f));
            TTopLeft     = Rotate(t.BoxX + t.BoxWidth / 2, t.BoxY + t.BoxHeight / 2, t.Angle, TTopLeft + new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
            TTopRight    = Rotate(t.BoxX + t.BoxWidth / 2, t.BoxY + t.BoxHeight / 2, t.Angle, TTopRight + new Vector2(-0.5f, 0.5f));

            //RotatePoints Other
            OBottomRight = Rotate(o.BoxX + o.BoxWidth / 2, o.BoxY + o.BoxHeight / 2, o.Angle, OBottomRight + new Vector2(-0.5f, -0.5f));
            OBottomLeft  = Rotate(o.BoxX + o.BoxWidth / 2, o.BoxY + o.BoxHeight / 2, o.Angle, OBottomLeft + new Vector2(0.5f, -0.5f));
            OTopLeft     = Rotate(o.BoxX + o.BoxWidth / 2, o.BoxY + o.BoxHeight / 2, o.Angle, OTopLeft + new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
            OTopRight    = Rotate(o.BoxX + o.BoxWidth / 2, o.BoxY + o.BoxHeight / 2, o.Angle, OTopRight + new Vector2(-0.5f, 0.5f));

            //Define all Edges from RotatePoints
            Vector2[] TRectangleEdges = new Vector2[4];
            Vector2[] ORectangleEdges = new Vector2[4];

            Vector2[] TRectangleDiagonals = new Vector2[4];
            Vector2[] ORectangleDiagonals = new Vector2[4];

            TRectangleEdges[0] = TBottomRight;
            TRectangleEdges[1] = TBottomLeft;
            TRectangleEdges[2] = TTopLeft;
            TRectangleEdges[3] = TTopRight;

            ORectangleEdges[0] = OBottomRight;
            ORectangleEdges[1] = OBottomLeft;
            ORectangleEdges[2] = OTopLeft;
            ORectangleEdges[3] = OTopRight;

            TRectangleDiagonals[0] = TTopLeft;
            TRectangleDiagonals[1] = TBottomRight;
            TRectangleDiagonals[2] = TBottomLeft;
            TRectangleDiagonals[3] = TTopRight;

            ORectangleDiagonals[0] = OTopLeft;
            ORectangleDiagonals[1] = OBottomRight;
            ORectangleDiagonals[2] = OBottomLeft;
            ORectangleDiagonals[3] = OTopRight;

            //Check Intersection for rectangle edges
            for (int i = 0; i < TRectangleEdges.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ORectangleEdges.Length; j++)
                    if (LineIntersection(TRectangleEdges[i], TRectangleEdges[(i + 1) % TRectangleEdges.Length], ORectangleEdges[j], ORectangleEdges[(j + 1) % ORectangleEdges.Length]))

            //Check Intersection for internal diagonal lines
            for (int i = 0; i < TRectangleDiagonals.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ORectangleDiagonals.Length; j++)
                    if (LineIntersection(TRectangleDiagonals[i], TRectangleDiagonals[(i + 1) % TRectangleDiagonals.Length], ORectangleDiagonals[j], ORectangleDiagonals[(j + 1) % ORectangleDiagonals.Length]))

Пример #8
        public override void Update()
            //check keys
            W = Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.W);
            A = Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.A);
            S = Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.S);
            D = Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.D);

            axisXDir = Convert.ToInt32(D) - Convert.ToInt32(A);
            axisYDir = Convert.ToInt32(S) - Convert.ToInt32(W);

            axisXAdd = axisXDir * axisXAcceleration;
            axisYAdd = axisYDir * axisYAcceleration;

            axisXSub = MathHelper.Min(axisXRestitution, Math.Abs(xSpeed)) * Math.Sign(xSpeed) * Convert.ToInt32(axisXDir == 0);
            axisYSub = MathHelper.Min(axisYRestitution, Math.Abs(ySpeed)) * Math.Sign(ySpeed) * Convert.ToInt32(axisYDir == 0);

            xSpeed = MathHelper.Clamp(xSpeed + axisXAdd - axisXSub, -axisXMax, axisXMax);
            ySpeed = MathHelper.Clamp(ySpeed + axisYAdd - axisYSub, -axisYMax, axisYMax);

            //adjust axes
            if (xSpeed != 0 && ySpeed != 0)
                var dist  = Math.Sqrt((xSpeed * xSpeed) + (ySpeed * ySpeed));
                var mdist = MathHelper.Min(movementSpeed + 1, (float)dist);
                xSpeed = (xSpeed / (float)dist) * (mdist);
                ySpeed = (ySpeed / (float)dist) * (mdist);

            CollideBlock = BoxCollisionList(xSpeed, 0, typeof(Solid));
            if (CollideBlock != null)
                //stop moving and get as close as possible
                xSpeed = 0;
                X      = (float)Math.Round(X);
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Abs(xSpeed); i++)
                    if (BoxCollision(Math.Sign(xSpeed), 0, CollideBlock) != null)
                    X += Math.Sign(xSpeed);

                //prevents getting stuck when moving diagonally
                if (X > CollideBlock.X && BoxCollision(0, 0, CollideBlock) != null)
                    float p_difference = Math.Abs((X - Sprite.Texture.Width / 2) - (CollideBlock.X + CollideBlock.Sprite.Texture.Width / 2));
                    if (p_difference > 0)
                        X += Math.Sign(p_difference);
                else if (X <= CollideBlock.X && BoxCollision(0, 0, CollideBlock) != null)
                    float p_difference = Math.Abs((X + Sprite.Texture.Width / 2) - (CollideBlock.X - CollideBlock.Sprite.Texture.Width / 2));
                    if (p_difference > 0)
                        X -= Math.Sign(p_difference);

            CollideBlock = BoxCollisionList(0, ySpeed, typeof(Solid));
            if (CollideBlock != null)
                //stop moving and get as close as possible
                ySpeed = 0;
                Y      = (float)Math.Round(Y);
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Abs(ySpeed); i++)
                    if (BoxCollision(0, Math.Sign(ySpeed), CollideBlock) != null)
                    Y += Math.Sign(ySpeed);

            X += xSpeed;
            Y += ySpeed;

            X = MathHelper.Clamp(X, 0 + Sprite.Bounds.X / 2, Camera.Width - Sprite.Bounds.X / 2);
            Y = MathHelper.Clamp(Y, 0 + Sprite.Bounds.Y / 2, Camera.Height - Sprite.Bounds.Y / 2);
