IndexOf() публичный Метод

public IndexOf ( char text ) : int
text char
Результат int
Пример #1
 private static bool IncrementIndexToSkipAnyComments(FastString script, ref int index)
     if (index < script.Length - 1)
         if ((script[index] == '/') && (script[index + 1] == '/'))
             while ((script[index] != '\r') && (index < script.Length - 1))
         if ((script[index] == '/') && (script[index + 1] == '*'))
             index = script.IndexOf("*/", index + 2);
             if (index < 0)
                 index = script.Length - 1;
                 return true;
     return false;
Пример #2
 private static void GoToNextLine(ref FastString script)
     int indexOfNextLine = script.IndexOf("\r\n");
     if (indexOfNextLine < 0)
         script = string.Empty;
         script = script.Substring(indexOfNextLine + 2);
Пример #3
        private static bool AddFunctionDeclaration(List<ScriptFunction> functions, ref FastString script, string thisWord, AutoCompleteParserState state, bool isExtenderMethod)
            bool succeeded = false;

            if ((state.LastWord.Length > 0) && (state.WordBeforeLast.Length > 0))
                if (!DoesCurrentLineHaveToken(script, AUTO_COMPLETE_IGNORE))
                    string functionName = state.LastWord;
                    string type = state.WordBeforeLast;
                    bool isPointer = false, isNoInherit = false;
                    bool isStatic = false, isStaticOnly = false;
                    bool isProtected = false;
                    if (type == "::")
                        functionName = state.WordBeforeWordBeforeLast + "::" + functionName;
                        type = (state.PreviousWords.Length > 3) ? state.PreviousWords[3] : "unknown";
                    if (type == "*")
                        isPointer = true;
                        type = state.WordBeforeWordBeforeLast;
                    if (state.DynamicArrayDefinition)
                        // get the type name and the []
                        type = state.WordBeforeWordBeforeLast + state.WordBeforeLast;
                    if (state.IsWordInPreviousList("static"))
                        isStatic = true;
                    if (state.IsWordInPreviousList("protected"))
                        isProtected = true;
                    if (DoesCurrentLineHaveToken(script, AUTO_COMPLETE_STATIC_ONLY))
                        isStaticOnly = true;
                    if (DoesCurrentLineHaveToken(script, AUTO_COMPLETE_NO_INHERIT))
                        isNoInherit = true;

                    int parameterListEndIndex = script.IndexOf(')');
                    if (parameterListEndIndex >= 0)
                        string parameterList = script.Substring(0, parameterListEndIndex);
                        script = script.Substring(parameterListEndIndex + 1);
                        ScriptFunction newFunc = new ScriptFunction(functionName, type, parameterList, state.InsideIfDefBlock, state.InsideIfNDefBlock, isPointer, isStatic, isStaticOnly, isNoInherit, isProtected, isExtenderMethod, state.CurrentScriptCharacterIndex - 1);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.PreviousComment))
                            newFunc.Description = state.PreviousComment;
                            state.PreviousComment = null;
                        succeeded = true;
                    state.DynamicArrayDefinition = false;

            return succeeded;
Пример #4
 private static bool DoesCurrentLineHaveToken(FastString script, string tokenToCheckFor)
     int indexOfNextLine = script.IndexOf("\r\n");
     if (indexOfNextLine > 0)
         if (script.Substring(0, indexOfNextLine).IndexOf(tokenToCheckFor) > 0)
             return true;
     return false;
Пример #5
 private static bool IncrementIndexToSkipAnyComments(FastString script, ref int index)
     while (index < script.Length - 1 && (script[index] == '/'))
         if ((script[index + 1] == '/'))
             index = script.IndexOf('\r', index + 2);
             if (index < 0)
                 index = script.Length;
             if ((script[index + 1] == '*'))
                 index = script.IndexOf("*/", index + 2);
                 if (index < 0)
                     index = script.Length;
     return index == script.Length;