Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The location is first saved and the model is translated
        /// to the origin before any rotations are applied.  Objects rotate about their
        /// center.  After rotations, the location is reset and updated iff it is not
        /// outside the range of the stage (stage.withinRange(String name, Vector3 location)).
        /// When movement would exceed the stage's boundaries the model is not moved
        /// and a message is displayed.
        /// AGMGSK is a terrain based 3D environment, so rotations are on Y.
        /// Therefore an Euler rotation method is adopted below.  MonoGames supports both
        /// Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(...) and CreateFromQuaternion(...) rotations
        /// for more complex 3D environments.
        /// </summary>
        public void updateMovableObject()
            Vector3 startLocation, stopLocation;

            startLocation = stopLocation = Translation;                 // set for current location
            Orientation  *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(-1 * Translation); // move to origin
                                                                        // Euler rotations
            Orientation *= Matrix.CreateRotationY(yaw);                 // rotate
            Orientation *= Matrix.CreateRotationX(pitch);
            Orientation *= Matrix.CreateRotationZ(roll);

            stopLocation += ((step * stepSize) * Forward);              // move forward

            // assume no collision possible if moving off terrain
            if (stage.withinRange(this.Name, stopLocation))                 // on terrain, check collision
                if (model.IsCollidable && collision(stopLocation))          // collision
                    Orientation *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(startLocation); // restore position
                else // no collision and on suface move
                    Orientation *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(stopLocation);  // move forward
            else // off terrain, don't move
                Orientation *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(startLocation);  // restore position
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// The location is first saved and the model is translated
        /// to the origin before any rotations are applied.  Objects rotate about their
        /// center.  After rotations, the location is reset and updated iff it is not
        /// outside the range of the stage (stage.withinRange(String name, Vector3 location)).
        /// When movement would exceed the stage's boundaries the model is not moved
        /// and a message is displayed.
        /// AGMGSK is a terrain based 3D environment, so rotations are on Y.
        /// Therefore an Euler rotation method is adopted below.  MonoGames supports both
        /// Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(...) and CreateFromQuaternion(...) rotations
        /// for more complex 3D environments.
        /// </summary>

        // Modded to return the object it is colliding with, if no collision return null
        public Object3D updateMovableObject()
            Object3D obj3d = null;
            Vector3  startLocation, stopLocation;

            startLocation = stopLocation = Translation;                 // set for current location
            Orientation  *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(-1 * Translation); // move to origin
            // Euler rotations
            Orientation  *= Matrix.CreateRotationY(yaw);                // rotate
            Orientation  *= Matrix.CreateRotationX(pitch);
            Orientation  *= Matrix.CreateRotationZ(roll);
            stopLocation += ((step * stepSize) * Forward);    // move forward
                                                              // assume no collision possible if moving off terrain
            if (stage.withinRange(this.Name, stopLocation))   // on terrain, check collision
                obj3d = CollidedWith(stopLocation);
                if (model.IsCollidable && Collision(obj3d))   // collision ==> code left similar for clarity
                    Orientation *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(startLocation);
                }    // restore position
                else // no collision and on suface move
                    Orientation *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(stopLocation);  // move forward
            else // off terrain, don't move
                Orientation *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(startLocation);  // restore position