/// <summary>
 /// Switch the npAgent's navigation back to path finding
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void switchModeToPathFinding()
     mode = 0;
     path = terrian_path;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a NPC. 
        /// AGXNASK distribution has npAgent move following a Path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theStage"> the world</param>
        /// <param name="label"> name of </param>
        /// <param name="pos"> initial position </param>
        /// <param name="orientAxis"> initial rotation axis</param>
        /// <param name="radians"> initial rotation</param>
        /// <param name="meshFile"> Direct X *.x Model in Contents directory </param>
        public NPAgent(Stage theStage, string label, Vector3 pos, Vector3 orientAxis,
           float radians, string meshFile)
            : base(theStage, label, pos, orientAxis, radians, meshFile)
            // change names for on-screen display of current camera
            first.Name = "npFirst";
            follow.Name = "npFollow";
            above.Name = "npAbove";
            // path is built to work on specific terrain
            terrian_path = new Path(stage, makePath(), Path.PathType.REVERSE); // continuous search path
            Random rnd = new Random();
            if (rnd.Next() % 2 == 0)
                // Reverse the path

            path = terrian_path; // start off in path finding mode
            nextGoal = path.NextNode;  // get first path goal
            agentObject.turnToFace(nextGoal.Translation);  // orient towards the first path goal
            Debug.WriteLine("Wake Up Agent");
        /// <summary>
        /// Switch the npAgent's navigation mode to either treasure or path finding
        /// 0: Path Finding Mode
        /// 1: Treasure Finding Mode
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void switchMode()
            switch (mode)
                case 0: // Switch to Mode: EM --> TM
                    Debug.WriteLine("Switching Mode: Explore Mode --> Treasure Mode (" + mode + " --> "+ (mode+1) % 3 +" )");
                    mode = 1;

                    // Save EM goal
                    savedGoal = nextGoal;

                    // Set current treasure finding path to closest treasure
                    Treasure treasure = chooseClosestTreasure(stage.Treasures);

                    // if treasure found find it by setting path nextGoal
                    if (treasure != null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Treasure Path Generated");
                        // Generate Path from treasure position to agent
                        treasure_path = stage.graph.GetAStarPath(treasure.position, new Vector3(agentObject.Translation.X, 0, agentObject.Translation.Z));

                        path = treasure_path;
                        nextGoal = path.NextNode;

                        restart(); // Start moving again incase we are stopped
                    } else {
                        Debug.WriteLine("No treasures found, stop");

                case 1: // Switch to Mode: TM --> RM
                    Debug.WriteLine("Switching Mode: Treasure Mode --> Return Mode (" + mode + " --> " + (mode + 1) % 3 + " )");
                    mode = 2;

                    nextGoal = path.NextNode;

                case 2: // Switch to Mode: RM --> EM
                    Debug.WriteLine("Switching Mode: Return Mode --> Explore Mode (" + mode + " --> " + (mode + 1) % 3 + " )");
                    mode = 0;
                    stage.Components.Remove(treasure_path); // Remove waypoints from ASTAR
                    path = terrian_path; // Set path back to Explore Mode Path

                    nextGoal = savedGoal;

                    Debug.WriteLine("Bad Toggle Mode");