Пример #1
        public override void ThreadMethod(object poThreadParameter)
            // This is the code that is going to be run by the thread
            // It has access to all the instance variable of this class
            // It receives the instance as a parameter
            // We must typecast poThreadParameter to BrightnessAdjustmentPiece (inherited from ParallelAlgorithmPiece)
            // to gain access to its members
            BrightnessAdjustmentPiece loPiece;

            loPiece = (BrightnessAdjustmentPiece)poThreadParameter;

            // Retrieve the thread number received in object poThreadParameter, in piThreadNumber property
            long liPieceNumber = loPiece.piThreadNumber;

            //Format the image according to AForge.NET needs to apply the filter
            AForge.Imaging.Image.FormatImage(ref proBitmap);
            // Create an instance of the brightness correction filter
            AForge.Imaging.Filters.BrightnessCorrection loBrightnessCorrection = new AForge.Imaging.Filters.BrightnessCorrection(priBrightnessDelta);
            // Process the image (correct the brightness)

            // Code added in the WaitHandle.WaitAll version
            // The thread finished its work. Signal that the work item has finished.
Пример #2
        // 밝게
        public static Bitmap bright(Bitmap source)
            ///////////// ini 객체 생성 시작 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            //현재 프로그램이 실행되고 있는정보 가져오기: 디버깅 모드라면 bin/debug/프로그램명.exe
            FileInfo exefileinfo = new FileInfo(@"C:\Program Files\PLOCR\PLOCR.exe");
            string pathini = exefileinfo.Directory.FullName.ToString();  //프로그램 실행되고 있는데 path 가져오기
            string fileName = @"\PLOCRconfig.ini";  // 환경설정 파일명
            string filePath = pathini + fileName;   //ini 파일 경로
            PLOCR.IniUtil ini = new PLOCR.IniUtil(filePath);   // 만들어 놓았던 iniUtil 객체 생성(생성자 인자로 파일경로 정보 넘겨줌)
            //////////// ini 객체 생성 끝 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            int order = int.Parse(ini.GetIniValue("밝기값", "밝게횟수"));

            for (int i = 0; i < order; i++)
                // create filter
                BrightnessCorrection filter = new BrightnessCorrection(+10);
                // apply the filter

            return source;
Пример #3
 private static Bitmap changeHSL(Bitmap bmp, int h, double s, double l, bool keepBW, bool keepGray, int grayTolerance)
     s = Math.Round(s / 100, 2);
     l = Math.Round(l / 100, 2);
     HueModifierRelative hue = new HueModifierRelative(h, keepBW);
     SaturationCorrection saturation = new SaturationCorrection(s, keepBW, keepGray, grayTolerance);
     BrightnessCorrection bright = new BrightnessCorrection(l, keepBW, keepGray, grayTolerance);
     return bmp;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GameLogic ScrapeBoardFromImage(Bitmap img)
            // filter board's color to better identify tiles
            Blur blur = new Blur();
            blur.Threshold = 1;
            BrightnessCorrection brightness_filter = new BrightnessCorrection(-30);
            HSLFiltering luminance_filter = new HSLFiltering();
            luminance_filter.Luminance = new Range(0.50f, 1);
            img.Save("c:\\users\\breiche\\pictures\\filtered.bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp);

            img.Save("c:\\users\\breiche\\pictures\\blobs.bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp);

            return new GameLogic(0, 0);
Пример #5
        // 밝기값 밝게 하기, 횟수 기록
        private void button32_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ///////////// ini 객체 생성 시작 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            //현재 프로그램이 실행되고 있는정보 가져오기: 디버깅 모드라면 bin/debug/프로그램명.exe
            FileInfo exefileinfo = new FileInfo(@"C:\Program Files\PLOCR\PLOCR.exe");
            string pathini = exefileinfo.Directory.FullName.ToString();  //프로그램 실행되고 있는데 path 가져오기
            string fileName = @"\PLOCRconfig.ini";  // 환경설정 파일명
            string filePath = pathini + fileName;   //ini 파일 경로
            DocumentAnalysis.IniUtil ini = new DocumentAnalysis.IniUtil(filePath);   // 만들어 놓았던 iniUtil 객체 생성(생성자 인자로 파일경로 정보 넘겨줌)
            //////////// ini 객체 생성 끝 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            //Bitmap source = (Bitmap)pictureBox1.Image;

            Bitmap source = Global.source;

            // create filter
            BrightnessCorrection filter = new BrightnessCorrection(+10);
            // apply the filter

            Global.source = source;

            pictureBox1.Image = Global.source;

            textBox22.Text = (int.Parse(textBox22.Text) + 1).ToString();
            ini.SetIniValue("밝기값", "밝게횟수", textBox22.Text.ToString());

            //string path = calculator.CreateFileCheck("C:\\Program Files\\PLOCR\\prescription.png");
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Modifica el brillo y contraste de la imagen que aparece en pantalla
        /// </summary>
        private void Filtrar()
            Bitmap temp = new Bitmap(padre.actual.datacuboHigh.dataCube[trackElementos.Value - 1].bmp);

            AForge.Imaging.Filters.BrightnessCorrection brillo = new AForge.Imaging.Filters.BrightnessCorrection(Convert.ToInt32(trackBrillo.Value));
            AForge.Imaging.Filters.ContrastCorrection contraste = new AForge.Imaging.Filters.ContrastCorrection(Convert.ToInt32(trackContraste.Value));


            pictElemento.Image = temp;

Пример #7
        public static bool ColorCorrections(string fileName, int brightness, int contrast, double gamma, int hue, float saturation)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName");

            bool result = false;

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(fileName)))
                using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(ms))
                    //The filter accepts 8 bpp grayscale and 24/32 bpp color images for processing, value [-255, +255] default 10
                    if (brightness >= -255 && brightness != 0 && brightness <= 255)
                        BrightnessCorrection filter = new BrightnessCorrection(brightness);
                        result = true;

                    //The filter accepts 8 bpp grayscale and 24/32 bpp color images for processing, value [-127, +127] default 10
                    if (contrast >= -127 && contrast != 0 && contrast <= 127)
                        ContrastCorrection filter = new ContrastCorrection(contrast);
                        result = true;

                    //The filter accepts 8 bpp grayscale and 24 bpp color images for processing, value [0.1, 5.0] default 1.0
                    if (gamma >= 0.1D && gamma != 1D && gamma <= 5D)
                        GammaCorrection filter = new GammaCorrection(gamma);
                        result = true;

                    //The filter accepts 8 bpp grayscale and 24/32 bpp color images for processing, value [-180, +180] default 0
                    if (hue >= -180 && hue != 0 && hue <= 180)
                        HueModifier filter = new HueModifier(hue);
                        result = true;

                    //The filter accepts 24 and 32 bpp color images for processing, value specified percentage [-1, +1] default 0.1
                    if (saturation >= -100f && saturation != 0f && saturation <= 100f)
                        SaturationCorrection filter = new SaturationCorrection(saturation / 100);
                        result = true;


            return result;
Пример #8
        public static BitmapSource ColorCorrections(BitmapSource source, int brightness, int contrast, double gamma, int hue, float saturation)
            if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

            BitmapSource output = null;

            if (source.Format == PixelFormats.Bgr32 && gamma != 1D)
                source = new FormatConvertedBitmap(source, PixelFormats.Bgr24, null, 0);

            using (Bitmap bmp = Convert(source))
                int bpp = source.Format.BitsPerPixel;

                if (bpp == 8 || bpp == 24 || bpp == 32)
                    //The filter accepts 8 bpp grayscale and 24/32 bpp color images for processing, value [-255, +255] default 10
                    if (brightness >= -255 && brightness != 0 && brightness <= 255)
                        BrightnessCorrection filter = new BrightnessCorrection(brightness);

                    //The filter accepts 8 bpp grayscale and 24/32 bpp color images for processing, value [-127, +127] default 10
                    if (contrast >= -127 && contrast != 0 && contrast <= 127)
                        ContrastCorrection filter = new ContrastCorrection(contrast);

                if (bpp == 8 || bpp == 24)
                    //The filter accepts 8 bpp grayscale and 24 bpp color images for processing, value [0.1, 5.0] default 1.0
                    if (gamma >= 0.1D && gamma != 1D && gamma <= 5D)
                        GammaCorrection filter = new GammaCorrection(gamma);

                if (bpp == 8 || bpp == 24 || bpp == 32)
                    //The filter accepts 8 bpp grayscale and 24/32 bpp color images for processing, value [-180, +180] default 0
                    if (hue >= -180 && hue != 0 && hue <= 180)
                        HueModifier filter = new HueModifier(hue);

                if (bpp == 24 || bpp == 32)
                    //The filter accepts 24 and 32 bpp color images for processing, value specified percentage [-1, +1] default 0.1
                    if (saturation >= -100f && saturation != 0f && saturation <= 100f)
                        SaturationCorrection filter = new SaturationCorrection(saturation / 100);

                output = Convert(bmp);

            return CloneImage(output);
Пример #9
        private void ReadAndDisplayDicomFile(string fileName, string fileNameOnly)
            dd.DicomFileName = fileName;
            bool result = dd.dicomFileReadSuccess;

            if (result == true)
                imageWidth  = dd.width;
                imageHeight = dd.height;
                bitDepth    = dd.bitsAllocated;
                winCentre   = dd.windowCentre;
                winWidth    = dd.windowWidth;

                StatusLabel1.Text  = fileName + ": " + imageWidth.ToString() + " X " + imageHeight.ToString();
                StatusLabel1.Text += "  " + bitDepth.ToString() + " bits per pixel";

                userControl11.NewImage = true;
                Text = "DICOM Image Viewer: " + fileNameOnly;

                if (bitDepth == 16)
                    dd.GetPixels16(ref pixels16);
                    byte[]        buffer = new byte[pixels16.Count * 2];
                    byte[]        temp;
                    ByteConverter d = new ByteConverter();
                    int           j = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pixels16.Count; i++)
                        temp        = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(pixels16[i]);
                        buffer[j++] = temp[0];
                        buffer[j++] = temp[1];

                    if (winCentre == 0 && winWidth == 0)
                        winWidth  = 4095;
                        winCentre = 4095 / 2;
                    string index = "";
                    foreach (string s in dd.dicomInfo)
                        if (s.Contains("Image Number"))
                            index = s;

                    userControl11.SetParameters(ref pixels16, imageWidth, imageHeight, winWidth, winCentre, true, this);

                    if (processI && int.Parse(index.Split(':')[1]) > 9)
                        AForge.Imaging.Filters.Grayscale            g1 = new Grayscale(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
                        AForge.Imaging.Filters.BrightnessCorrection bC = new AForge.Imaging.Filters.BrightnessCorrection(brightness);
                        Bitmap image = g1.Apply(userControl11.bmp);
                        thresholding = (int)((dd.windowWidth - dd.windowCentre) * 255 / dd.windowWidth) - trackBar2.Value;
                        label1.Text  = thresholding.ToString();
                        AForge.Imaging.Filters.Threshold thf = new AForge.Imaging.Filters.Threshold(thresholding);
                        Bitmap          ther        = thf.Apply(image);
                        BlobCounter     blobCounter = new BlobCounter(ther);
                        Blob[]          blobs       = blobCounter.GetObjects(ther, false);
                        ImageStatistics img;
                        AForge.Imaging.Filters.GrayscaleToRGB d1 = new GrayscaleToRGB();
                        Bitmap   bm      = d1.Apply(image);
                        Edges    s       = new Edges();
                        Graphics gg      = Graphics.FromImage(bm);
                        string   ss      = null;
                        Bitmap   myImage = null;
                        Blob     b;
                        int      count = 0;
                        Crop   cut;
                        Bitmap Ilesion = null;

                        //System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(blobs, blob =>
                        foreach (Blob blob in blobs)
                            img = new ImageStatistics(blob.Image);
                            double perc = ((double)img.PixelsCountWithoutBlack / (double)img.PixelsCount) * 100;
                            textBox2.Text = perc.ToString();
                            if (blob.Image.Size.Height > 20 && blob.Image.Size.Width > 20 && perc > 35)
                                b       = blob;
                                cut     = new Crop(b.Rectangle);
                                Ilesion = g1.Apply(cut.Apply(userControl11.bmp));

                                ImageStatistics st = new ImageStatistics(b.Image);

                                Bitmap           pp = s.Apply(b.Image);
                                ChannelFiltering c  = new ChannelFiltering(new IntRange(0, 255), new IntRange(0, 0), new IntRange(0, 0));

                                Bitmap pp2 = d1.Apply(pp);


                                gg.DrawImage(pp2, b.Rectangle);

                                myImage = userControl11.bmp.Clone(b.Rectangle, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

                                ss = ((double)(st.PixelsCountWithoutBlack) * (double)dd.pixelHeight * dd.pixelWidth).ToString();
                                ListViewItem lv = new ListViewItem(count.ToString());
                                lv.SubItems.Add(b.Rectangle.Location.X.ToString() + "," + b.Rectangle.Location.Y.ToString());

                                Add    adder    = new Add(pp);
                                Bitmap undashes = (Bitmap)Ilesion.Clone();
                                string locc = (b.Rectangle.Location.X * dd.pixelWidth).ToString() + "mm," + (b.Rectangle.Location.Y * dd.pixelHeight).ToString() + "mm";
                                mylesions.Add(new lesion((Bitmap)Ilesion.Clone(), ss, b.Rectangle.Location, locc, undashes));

                        textBox1.Text = "tumor size= " + ss + " mm² *" + dd.pixelDepth.ToString() + "mm";

                        // host.NewDocument(bmp);

                        // pictureBox2.Image = myImage;
                        pictureBox1.Image = bm;
                        pictureBox2.Image = Ilesion;
                        pictureBox1.Image = userControl11.bmp;

                if (dd.dicmFound == false)
                    MessageBox.Show("This does not seem to be a DICOM 3.0 file. Sorry, I can't open this.");
                else if (dd.dicomDir == true)
                    MessageBox.Show("This seems to be a DICOMDIR file, and does not contain an image.");
                    MessageBox.Show("Sorry, I can't read a DICOM file with this Transfer Syntax\n" +
                                    "You may view the initial tags instead.");

                //userControl11.SetParameters(ref pixels8, imageWidth, imageHeight,
                //    winWidth, winCentre, true, this);