private string FancyEntryWithFileFlag(CatalogEntry entry) { bool isFile = IsFile(entry.codePrefix, out string path, out bool isImage); //Color bg = isFile ? (isImage ? Color.DodgerBlue : Color.OrangeRed) : Color.FromArgb(12, 12, 12); return(entry.FancifyEntry(isFile, -3) + (isFile ? PC.Format($"{{{(isImage ? 0 : -2)}}}", " <\u25A0>") : "")); }
private void PromptSearch() { PC.WriteLine("Insert the phrase to search:"); List <CatalogEntry> entries = catalog.Search(ReadAnswer()); for (int x = 0; x < entries.Count; x++) { PC.FormatWrite("{-2}) ", x); Console.WriteLine(FancyEntryWithFileFlag(entries[x])); } if (entries.Count != 0) { PC.FormatWriteLine("Would you like to {3} {-3} {3} {-3} one of the entries? ", "0) open", "1) edit ", "2) view catalog from ", "3) back "); int dec = int.Parse(ReadAnswer()); CatalogEntry e = null; if (dec <= 2 && dec >= 0) { PC.WriteLine("Insert the number to view"); int num = int.Parse(ReadAnswer()); if (num < 0 || num >= entries.Count) { throw new CatalogError($"Cannot aceess number {num}"); } e = entries[num]; } switch (dec) { case 0: if (IsFile(e.codePrefix, out string path)) { OpenFileProcess(path); } else { OpenFileProcess(folder + storage + FolderFor(e.codePrefix)); } break; case 1: PromptAddUpdateRecord(e.codePrefix); break; case 2: PC.WriteLine("And to what depth (-1 for all)?"); if (!int.TryParse(ReadAnswer(), out int depth)) { depth = -1; } Console.WriteLine(TreePrint(e, depth)); break; } } }
public CatalogCode NewChild(CatalogCode code) { CatalogEntry ce = Get(code); if (ce == null || ce.children.Count == 0) { return(new CatalogCode(code + (code.Equals(CatalogCode.current) ? "" : ".") + "0")); } int max = ce.children.Max(c => c.codePrefix.Youngest()); int addition = 0; if (max + 1 == ce.children.Count) { addition = max + 1; } else { List <CatalogEntry> children = ce.children; if (children[0].codePrefix.Youngest() != 0) { addition = 0; } else { CatalogCode prev = children[0].codePrefix; int pos = 1; while (pos < children.Count) { CatalogCode comp = children[pos].codePrefix; if (comp.Youngest() - prev.Youngest() != 1) { addition = prev.Youngest() + 1; break; } prev = comp; pos++; } } } if (code.Equals(CatalogCode.current)) { return(new CatalogCode(addition.ToString())); } return(new CatalogCode(code + $".{addition}")); }
private IEnumerable <CatalogCode> CardsOf(CatalogEntry temp) { List <CatalogCode> output = new List <CatalogCode>(); foreach (CatalogEntry child in temp.children) { IsFile(child.codePrefix, out string p, out bool isImage); if (isImage) { output.Add(child.codePrefix); } output.AddRange(CardsOf(child)); } return(output); }
private string NonTreePrint(CatalogEntry entry, int depth = -1) { if (depth == 0) { return(""); } bool isFile = IsFile(entry.codePrefix, out string path, out bool isImage); string thisString = new String('\t', entry.codePrefix.Depth) + entry.FileName + (isFile ? " <\u25A0>":"") + "\n"; if (depth > 1 || depth == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < entry.children.Count; i++) { CatalogEntry child = entry.children[i]; thisString += NonTreePrint(child, depth == -1 ? -1 : depth - 1); } } return(thisString); }
private string TreePrint(CatalogEntry entry, int depth = -1, int spacing = 3, string head = "", string body = "") //TODO LIKE CONSOLE TREE { if (depth == 0) { return(""); } string thisString = head + FancyEntryWithFileFlag(entry) + "\n"; if (depth > 1 || depth == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < entry.children.Count; i++) { CatalogEntry child = entry.children[i]; string childheader = (i == entry.children.Count - 1 ? "\u2514" : "\u251C") + new String('\u2500', spacing); string childbody = (i == entry.children.Count - 1? " " :"\u2502") + new String(' ', spacing); thisString += TreePrint(child, depth == -1 ? -1 : depth - 1, spacing, body + childheader, body + childbody); } } return(thisString); }
private void Move(CatalogCode a, CatalogCode b) { if (!catalog.Contains(a)) { return; } CatalogEntry entry = catalog.Get(a); string title =; foreach (CatalogEntry child in entry.children) { Move(child.codePrefix, b + CatalogCode.Relative(a, child.codePrefix)); } if (!Directory.Exists(folder + storage + FolderFor(b))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder + storage + FolderFor(b)); } if (IsFile(a, out string oldPath, out bool x)) { SetFileCode(oldPath, b, title); } catalog.Update(b, title); }
public Catalog(Dictionary <string, string> dict) { root = new CatalogEntry(); GenerateCatalog(dict); }
public Catalog() { root = new CatalogEntry(); }