Пример #1
        public int FillBlock(DataTable table)
            int rowIndex = startRowIndex;

            for (int valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < table.Rows.Count; valueIndex++)
                // fill key for each line, and count Data.
                // Check is Need Row ;
                if (dColumn != null && !dCloumnsCreated)
                    dColumn.CheckColumn(this, holder, rowIndex,
                                        table, valueIndex);

                // fill key for each line, and count Data.
                for (int j = 0; j < gkeyList.Count; j++)
                    GroupValueSearchKey gkey = gkeyList [j];

                    if (gkey.rKey == null)
                        SearchKey key = new SearchKey();
                        key.colName = gkey.valueColName;
                        gkey.rKey   = ReusedKey.FindReusedKey(key);

                    gkey = gkey.Copy();
                    if (gkey.key != null)
                        gkey.key.FillKey(table, valueIndex);

                    holder.AddValue(countedMap, gkey, table, valueIndex);

                // fill Data
                for (int j = 0; j < lineList.Count; j++)
                    TplLine line = lineList[j];

                     * if (j == 4)
                     *      j = 4 ;
                    int nl = line.FillLine(holder, rowIndex, table, valueIndex);
                    if (nl > 0)
                        FillLastLine(j, lastUsedLine, rowIndex - 1, table, lastUsedLineValueIndex);

                        lastUsedLine           = line;
                        lastUsedLineValueIndex = valueIndex;

                        // is LastLine, update current line
                        if (valueIndex + 1 >= table.Rows.Count)
                            FillLastLine(j, line, rowIndex, table, lastUsedLineValueIndex);

                     * {
                     *      // Ensure Each Column is OK.
                     *      if (dColumn != null && lastUsedLine != null && lastUsedLine == line)
                     *      {
                     *              if (! lastUsedLine.containsHGroup)
                     *                      lastUsedLine.UpdateRowData (holder, rowIndex - 1, table, valueIndex);
                     *              if (updateAllRow)
                     *              {
                     *                      for (int k = 0 ; k <= j ; k ++)
                     *                      {
                     *                              TplLine hLine = lineList [k] ;
                     *                              if (hLine.containsHGroup && hLine.insertedRowList.Count > 0)
                     *                              {
                     *                                      hLine.UpdateRowData(holder,
                     *                                                          hLine.insertedRowList[hLine.insertedRowList.Count - 1],
                     *                                                          table, valueIndex);
                     *                              }
                     *                      }
                     *              }
                     *      }
                     * }*/
                    rowIndex += nl;
                    rowCount += nl;


            //if the table is custum empty ,ignor the  MergeVGroupCells
            if (table.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("TableType") &&
                table.ExtendedProperties["TableType"].ToString() == "CustumEmpty")

Пример #2
        public void AddValue(Dictionary <GroupValueSearchKey, bool> map, GroupValueSearchKey gkey,
                             System.Data.DataTable table, int valueIndex)
            if (map.ContainsKey(gkey))
                // ignored.

            // judge Data is Match
            if (gkey.key != null)
                SearchKey tmpKey = gkey.key;
                while (tmpKey != null)
                    if (tmpKey.rKey == null)
                        tmpKey.rKey = ReusedKey.FindReusedKey(tmpKey);

                    if (tmpKey.isFixedValue)
                        // Compare Fixed value Key only
                        object keyValue = null;

                        keyValue = tmpKey.rKey.GetReusedValue(table, valueIndex);
                        //  RangeHelper.GetColValue (table, valueIndex, tmpKey.colName) ;

                        // Not match, return .
                        if (!Equals(keyValue, tmpKey.keyValue))

                    tmpKey = tmpKey.nextKey;

                /*SearchKey copyKey = gkey.key.Copy0 (false) ;
                 * copyKey.FillKey (table, valueIndex);
                 * // not match.
                 * if (! copyKey.Equals (gkey.key))
                 *      return ;*/

            object lastValue;

            if (!valueList.TryGetValue(gkey, out lastValue))
                lastValue = 0;
                valueList.Add(gkey, lastValue);

            if (gkey.rKey == null)
                SearchKey key = new SearchKey();
                key.colName = gkey.valueColName;
                gkey.rKey   = ReusedKey.FindReusedKey(key);

            valueList [gkey] = CalculateForumla(gkey.formula, lastValue,
                                                gkey.rKey.GetReusedValue(table, valueIndex));

            map[gkey /*.Copy()*/] = true;