private void OnLevelWasLoaded() { if (KickStarter.settingsManager.IsInLoadingScene ()) { return; } if (KickStarter.sceneSettings == null) { return; } ResetSceneObjects (); if (loadingGame == LoadingGame.InNewScene || loadingGame == LoadingGame.InSameScene) { if (KickStarter.dialog) { KickStarter.dialog.KillDialog (true, true); } if (KickStarter.playerInteraction) { KickStarter.playerInteraction.StopMovingToHotspot (); } ReturnMainData (); KickStarter.levelStorage.ReturnCurrentLevelData (true); CustomLoadHook (); /*if (loadingGame == LoadingGame.InSameScene) { loadingGame = LoadingGame.No; }*/ } if (KickStarter.runtimeInventory) { KickStarter.runtimeInventory.RemoveRecipes (); } if (loadingGame == LoadingGame.JustSwitchingPlayer) { foreach (PlayerData _data in saveData.playerData) { if (_data.playerID == KickStarter.player.ID) { ReturnCameraData (_data); break; } } KickStarter.sceneSettings.UnpauseGame (KickStarter.playerInput.timeScale);// KickStarter.stateHandler.gameState = GameState.Cutscene; KickStarter.mainCamera.FadeIn (0.5f); Invoke ("ReturnToGameplay", gameplayInvokeTime); } else { activeSelectiveLoad = new SelectiveLoad (); } AssetLoader.UnloadAssets (); }
/** * <summary>Sets the local instance of SelectiveLoad, which determines which save data is restored the next time (and only the next time) LoadGame is called.</summary> * <param name = "selectiveLoad">An instance of SelectiveLoad the defines what elements to load</param> */ public void SetSelectiveLoadOptions(SelectiveLoad selectiveLoad) { activeSelectiveLoad = selectiveLoad; }