public void TestCreateSrcMLArchiveFtF() { using (Archive srcmlArchive = new Archive(), srcmlArchive2 = new Archive()) { using (Unit srcmlUnit = new Unit()) { srcmlUnit.SetUnitFilename(Path.Combine(TestInputPath, "input.cpp")); srcmlArchive.SetArchiveLanguage(LibSrcMLRunner.SrcMLLanguages.SRCML_LANGUAGE_CXX); srcmlArchive.AddUnit(srcmlUnit); srcmlArchive.SetOutputFile("output"); srcmlArchive.ArchivePack(); srcmlUnit.SetUnitFilename(Path.Combine(TestInputPath, "input2.cpp")); srcmlArchive2.SetArchiveLanguage(LibSrcMLRunner.SrcMLLanguages.SRCML_LANGUAGE_CXX); srcmlArchive2.AddUnit(srcmlUnit); srcmlArchive2.SetOutputFile("output"); srcmlArchive2.ArchivePack(); IntPtr structPtr = srcmlArchive.GetPtrToStruct(); IntPtr structPtr2 = srcmlArchive2.GetPtrToStruct(); List<IntPtr> structArrayPtr = new List<IntPtr>(); structArrayPtr.Add(structPtr); structArrayPtr.Add(structPtr2); try { Assert.True(LibSrcMLRunner.SrcmlCreateArchiveFtF(structArrayPtr.ToArray(), structArrayPtr.Count()) == IntPtr.Zero); } catch (SrcMLException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } { Assert.True(File.Exists("output0.cpp.xml")); SrcMLFile srcFile = new SrcMLFile("output0.cpp.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(srcFile); var files = srcFile.FileUnits.ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(1, files.Count()); string file = Path.Combine(TestInputPath, "input.cpp"); var f1 = (from ele in files where ele.Attribute("filename").Value == file select ele); Assert.AreEqual(file, f1.FirstOrDefault().Attribute("filename").Value); } { Assert.True(File.Exists("output1.cpp.xml")); SrcMLFile srcFile = new SrcMLFile("output1.cpp.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(srcFile); var files = srcFile.FileUnits.ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(1, files.Count()); string file1 = Path.Combine(TestInputPath, "input2.cpp"); var f2 = (from ele in files where ele.Attribute("filename").Value == file1 select ele); Assert.AreEqual(file1, f2.FirstOrDefault().Attribute("filename").Value); } } }
public SrcMLFile Merge(SrcMLFile other, string outputFileName) { //if (null == other) // throw new ArgumentNullException("other"); using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(outputFileName, new XmlWriterSettings() { Indent = false })) { xw.WriteStartElement(SRC.Unit.LocalName, SRC.Unit.NamespaceName); WriteXmlnsAttributes(xw); foreach (var unit in this.FileUnits) { unit.WriteTo(xw); } if (other != null) { foreach (var unit in other.FileUnits) { unit.WriteTo(xw); } } xw.WriteEndElement(); } return(new SrcMLFile(outputFileName)); }
public void BasicTest() { if(!File.Exists(Helper.NppXmlPath)) { Assert.Ignore(String.Format("SrcML for Notepad++ is not available at {0}", Helper.NppXmlPath)); } var document = new SrcMLFile(Helper.NppXmlPath); var newUses = from unit in document.FileUnits from use in QueryForNew(unit) select use; SyntaticCategoryDataModel model = new SyntaticCategoryDataModel(); foreach (var element in newUses) { var occurrence = new SyntaticOccurance(model, element); } //Console.WriteLine("{0} uses of the \"new\" operator in {1} categories", newUses.Count(), model.SyntaticCategories.Keys.Count); foreach (var category in model.SyntaticCategories.Keys) { var xpath = model.SyntaticCategories[category].First().CategoryAsXPath;//.Substring(1); var results = from use in newUses let occurrence = new SyntaticOccurance(model, use) where occurrence.CategoryAsXPath == xpath select use; //Console.WriteLine("{0,3} uses of the new operator in {1}", results.Count(), xpath); Assert.AreEqual(model.SyntaticCategories[category].Count, results.Count(), category); } }
/// <summary> /// Run the query against the given document. /// </summary> /// <param name="document">The document to query.</param> /// <param name="transform">The transform containing the Query.</param> /// <returns>The list of matching nodes.</returns> public static IEnumerable<XElement> RunQuery(SrcMLFile document, ITransform transform) { if (null == document) throw new ArgumentNullException("document"); return document.QueryEachUnit(transform); }
/// <summary> /// Instantiates a new SrcMLFile with the characteristics of another SrcMLFile. /// </summary> /// <param name="other">The SrcMLFile to copy.</param> public SrcMLFile(SrcMLFile other) : base(other) { if (null == other) throw new ArgumentNullException("other"); this._rootDirectory = other._rootDirectory; }
/// <summary> /// Run the query against the given document. /// </summary> /// <param name="document">The document to query.</param> /// <param name="transform">The transform containing the Query.</param> /// <returns>The list of matching nodes.</returns> public static IEnumerable <XElement> RunQuery(SrcMLFile document, ITransform transform) { if (null == document) { throw new ArgumentNullException("document"); } return(document.QueryEachUnit(transform)); }
/// <summary> /// Instantiates a new SrcMLFile with the characteristics of another SrcMLFile. /// </summary> /// <param name="other">The SrcMLFile to copy.</param> public SrcMLFile(SrcMLFile other) { if (null == other) { throw new ArgumentNullException("other"); } this._rootDirectory = other._rootDirectory; }
public void SingleFileTest() { File.WriteAllText("test.xml", String.Format(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?> <unit xmlns=""{0}"" xmlns:cpp=""{1}"" xmlns:op=""{2}"" xmlns:type=""{3}"" languageFilter=""C++"" dir="""" filename=""bar.c""> </unit>", SRC.NS, CPP.NS, SRC.NS, TYPE.NS)); var doc = new SrcMLFile("test.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.FileUnits.Count(), "A non-compound file should have only a single file unit"); }
public void SingleFileTest() { File.WriteAllText("test.xml", @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?> <unit xmlns="""" xmlns:cpp="""" xmlns:op="""" xmlns:type="""" languageFilter=""C++"" dir="""" filename=""bar.c""> </unit>"); var doc = new SrcMLFile("test.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.FileUnits.Count(), "A non-compound file should have only a single file unit"); }
/// <summary> /// Added by JZ on 12/4/2012 /// Generate both a SrcML XElement and document from a single source file. The language will be inferred from the extension. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceFileName">path to the source file to convert.</param> /// <param name="xmlFileName">The File name to write the resulting XML to.</param> /// <returns>An XElement representing the source.</returns> public XElement GenerateSrcMLAndXElementFromFile(string sourceFileName, string xmlFileName) { SrcMLFile srcMLFile = GenerateSrcMLFromFile(sourceFileName, xmlFileName); //string srcml = srcMLFile.GetXMLString(); return(srcMLFile.FileUnits.FirstOrDefault()); //if (srcml != String.Empty) //{ // return XElement.Parse(srcml, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace); //} //else //{ // return null; //} }
public SrcMLFile Merge(SrcMLFile other, string outputFileName) { //if (null == other) // throw new ArgumentNullException("other"); using(XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(outputFileName, new XmlWriterSettings() { Indent = false })) { xw.WriteStartElement(SRC.Unit.LocalName, SRC.Unit.NamespaceName); WriteXmlnsAttributes(xw); foreach(var unit in this.FileUnits) { unit.WriteTo(xw); } if(other != null) { foreach(var unit in other.FileUnits) { unit.WriteTo(xw); } } xw.WriteEndElement(); } return new SrcMLFile(outputFileName); }
public void CompoundFileTest() { File.WriteAllText("test.xml", @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?><unit xmlns=""""> <unit languageFilter=""C"" dir="""" filename=""foo.c""></unit> <unit languageFilter=""C"" dir="""" filename=""bar.c""></unit> </unit>"); var doc = new SrcMLFile("test.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); Assert.AreEqual(2, doc.FileUnits.Count(), "This compound file should have 2 units."); }
/// <summary> /// Generate both a SrcML string and document from the difference between <see cref="nameOfOriginalFile"/> and <see cref="modifiedFileName"/>. The language will be inferred from the extension. /// </summary> /// <param name="nameOfOriginalFile">path to the source file to convert.</param> /// <param name="nameOfModifiedFile">The File name to write the resulting XML to.</param> /// <param name="xmlFileName">The File name to write the resulting XML to.</param> /// <returns>An XML string representing the source.</returns> public string GenerateSrDiffAndStringFromFile(string nameOfOriginalFile, string nameOfModifiedFile, string outputXmlFileName) { SrcMLFile srcMLFile = GenerateSrcDiffFromFile(nameOfOriginalFile, nameOfModifiedFile, outputXmlFileName); return(srcMLFile.GetXMLString()); }
public override void Execute() { Console.WriteLine("Using srcML file {0}", this.File); UnigramSwumBuilder builder = new UnigramSwumBuilder(); if (CountFile != null) { Console.WriteLine("Initializing SamuraiIdSplitter using word count file {0}", this.CountFile); builder.Splitter = new SamuraiIdSplitter(CountFile); } Console.WriteLine("SwumBuilder initialized"); if (this.SamplePercent <= 0) { this.SamplePercent = 100; } Random rand = new Random(); SrcMLFile testFile = new SrcMLFile(this.File); int methodCount = 0; var functionTypes = new XName[] { SRC.Function, SRC.Constructor, SRC.Destructor }; foreach (XElement file in testFile.FileUnits) { Console.WriteLine("File {0}:", file.Attribute("filename").Value); //print all the function names foreach (var func in (from func in file.Descendants() where functionTypes.Any(c => c == func.Name) && !func.Ancestors(SRC.Declaration).Any() && (rand.Next(100) < this.SamplePercent) select func)) { string funcName = SrcMLElement.GetNameForMethod(func).Value; Console.WriteLine("<{0}> {1}", func.Name.LocalName, GetMethodSignature(func)); MethodDeclarationNode mdn = new MethodDeclarationNode(funcName, ContextBuilder.BuildMethodContext(func)); builder.ApplyRules(mdn); Console.WriteLine(mdn.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); methodCount++; } } Console.WriteLine("{0} functions analyzed", methodCount); }
public void TestStrangeEncodings([Values(@"badPathTest\BadPath™\badPathTest.c", @"srcmltest\fooBody.c")] string sourceFileName) { var xmlFileName = Path.Combine("srcml_xml", Path.GetFileName(Path.ChangeExtension(sourceFileName, ".xml"))); generator.GenerateSrcMLFromFile(sourceFileName, xmlFileName, Language.C); Console.WriteLine("FILE: {0}", sourceFileName); var doc = new SrcMLFile(xmlFileName); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); }
public void TestGenerateSrcMLFromFile_NonDefaultExtension() { generator.GenerateSrcMLFromFile(@"srcmltest\CSHARP.cs", @"srcml_xml\CSHARP.xml"); var doc = new SrcMLFile(@"srcml_xml\CSHARP.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.FileUnits.Count()); }
public void EmptyOutputFileTest() { File.WriteAllText("srcml_xml\\emptyFile.xml", ""); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists("srcml_xml\\emptyFile.xml")); generator.GenerateSrcMLFromFile("srcmltest\\foo.c", "srcml_xml\\emptyFile.xml"); var doc = new SrcMLFile("srcml_xml\\emptyFile.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.FileUnits.Count()); }
public void WhitespaceInCompoundDocumentTest() { File.WriteAllText("test.xml", String.Format(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?><unit xmlns=""{0}""> <unit languageFilter=""C"" filename=""c:\Test\foo.c""> <comment type=""line"">//line1</comment> <comment type=""line"">//line2</comment> </unit> <unit languageFilter=""C"" filename=""z:\Test\bar.c""></unit> </unit>", SRC.NS)); var doc = new SrcMLFile("test.xml"); var firstUnit = doc.FileUnits.First(); var firstComment = firstUnit.Elements(SRC.Comment).First(); var lastComment = firstUnit.Elements(SRC.Comment).Last(); var nextNode = firstComment.NextNode; Assert.AreNotEqual(lastComment, nextNode); }
public void TestGenerateSrcMLFromFiles() { LibSrcMLRunner run = new LibSrcMLRunner(); List<string> fileList = new List<string>() { Path.Combine(TestInputPath, "input.cpp"), Path.Combine(TestInputPath, "input2.cpp") }; try { run.GenerateSrcMLFromFiles(fileList, "output", Language.CPlusPlus, new List<UInt32>() { LibSrcMLRunner.SrcMLOptions.SRCML_OPTION_MODIFIER }, new Dictionary<string, Language>() { }); Assert.True(File.Exists("output0.cpp.xml")); SrcMLFile srcFile = new SrcMLFile("output0.cpp.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(srcFile); var files = srcFile.FileUnits.ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(2, files.Count()); string file = Path.Combine(TestInputPath, "input.cpp"); var f1 = (from ele in files where ele.Attribute("filename").Value == file select ele); Assert.AreEqual(file, f1.FirstOrDefault().Attribute("filename").Value); string file2 = Path.Combine(TestInputPath, "input2.cpp"); var f2 = (from ele in files where ele.Attribute("filename").Value == file2 select ele); Assert.AreEqual(file2, f2.FirstOrDefault().Attribute("filename").Value); } catch (SrcMLException e) { throw e; } }
/// <summary> /// Added by JZ on 12/3/2012 /// Generate both a SrcML string and document from a single source file. The language will be inferred from the extension. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceFileName">path to the source file to convert.</param> /// <param name="xmlFileName">The File name to write the resulting XML to.</param> /// <returns>An XML string representing the source.</returns> public string GenerateSrcMLAndStringFromFile(string sourceFileName, string xmlFileName) { SrcMLFile srcMLFile = GenerateSrcMLFromFile(sourceFileName, xmlFileName); return(srcMLFile.GetXMLString()); }
public void MultipleFilesTest_Language() { generator.GenerateSrcMLFromFiles(new string[] { "srcmltest\\foo.c", "srcmltest\\bar.c" }, "srcml_xml\\multiplefile.xml", Language.CPlusPlus); var doc = new SrcMLFile("srcml_xml\\multiplefile.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); var files = doc.FileUnits.ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(2, files.Count()); Assert.AreEqual("srcmltest\\foo.c", files[0].Attribute("filename").Value); Assert.AreEqual("C++", files[0].Attribute("language").Value); Assert.AreEqual("srcmltest\\bar.c", files[1].Attribute("filename").Value); Assert.AreEqual("C++", files[1].Attribute("language").Value); }
public void TestApplyXsltToSrcMLFile() { LibSrcMLRunner run = new LibSrcMLRunner(); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists("function_def.xml")); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists("Test.xsl")); run.ApplyXsltToSrcMLFile("function_def.xml", "Test.xsl", "o.cpp.xml"); SrcMLFile srcFile = new SrcMLFile("o.cpp.xml.xslout"); Assert.IsNotNull(srcFile); var files = srcFile.FileUnits.ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(1, files.Count()); XmlReader read = srcFile.GetXDocument().CreateReader(); XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(read.NameTable); namespaceManager.AddNamespace("src", ""); var persist = srcFile.GetXDocument().XPathSelectElement("//src:test",namespaceManager); Assert.IsNotNull(persist); Assert.AreEqual(persist.Value, "TestPassed"); }
public void InvalidLanguageTest() { generator.GenerateSrcMLFromFile("srcmltest\\foo.c", "srcml_xml\\invalidlanguage_java.xml", Language.Java); var doc = new SrcMLFile("srcml_xml\\invalidlanguage_java.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); doc = null; generator.GenerateSrcMLFromFile("srcmltest\\foo.c", "srcml_xml\\invalidlanguage_cpp.xml", Language.CPlusPlus); doc = new SrcMLFile("srcml_xml\\invalidlanguage_cpp.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); doc = null; generator.GenerateSrcMLFromFile("srcmltest\\foo.c", "srcml_xml\\invalidlanguage_c.xml", Language.C); doc = new SrcMLFile("srcml_xml\\invalidlanguage_c.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); }
public void TestCreateSrcMLArchiveMtF() { using (Archive srcmlArchive = new Archive()) { List<String> bufferList = new List<String>(); List<String> fileList = new List<String>(); String str = "int main(){int c; c = 0; ++c;}"; String str2 = "int foo(){int c; c = 0; ++c;}"; fileList.Add("input.cpp"); fileList.Add("input2.cpp"); bufferList.Add(str); bufferList.Add(str2); var buffandfile = bufferList.Zip(fileList, (b, f) => new { buf = b, file = f }); foreach (var pair in buffandfile) { using (Unit srcmlUnit = new Unit()) { srcmlUnit.SetUnitBuffer(pair.buf); srcmlUnit.SetUnitFilename(pair.file); srcmlArchive.SetArchiveLanguage(LibSrcMLRunner.SrcMLLanguages.SRCML_LANGUAGE_CXX); srcmlArchive.AddUnit(srcmlUnit); } } srcmlArchive.SetOutputFile("output"); srcmlArchive.ArchivePack(); IntPtr structPtr = srcmlArchive.GetPtrToStruct(); List<IntPtr> structArrayPtr = new List<IntPtr>(); structArrayPtr.Add(structPtr); Assert.True(LibSrcMLRunner.SrcmlCreateArchiveMtF(structArrayPtr.ToArray(), structArrayPtr.Count()) == IntPtr.Zero); Assert.True(File.Exists("output0.cpp.xml")); SrcMLFile srcFile = new SrcMLFile("output0.cpp.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(srcFile); var files = srcFile.FileUnits.ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(2, files.Count()); string file = "input.cpp"; var f1 = (from ele in files where ele.Attribute("filename").Value == file select ele); Assert.AreEqual("input.cpp", f1.FirstOrDefault().Attribute("filename").Value); string file2 = "input2.cpp"; var f2 = (from ele in files where ele.Attribute("filename").Value == file2 select ele); Assert.AreEqual(file2, f2.FirstOrDefault().Attribute("filename").Value); } }
public void MultipleFilesTest_Language() { generator.GenerateSrcMLFromFiles(new string[] { "srcmltest\\foo.c", "srcmltest\\bar.c" }, "srcml_xml\\multiplefile.xml", Language.CPlusPlus); var doc = new SrcMLFile("srcml_xml\\multiplefile.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); var files = doc.FileUnits.ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(2, files.Count()); string file = "srcmltest\\foo.c"; var f1 = (from ele in files where ele.Attribute("filename").Value == file select ele); Assert.AreEqual("srcmltest\\foo.c", f1.FirstOrDefault().Attribute("filename").Value); Assert.AreEqual("C++", f1.FirstOrDefault().Attribute("language").Value); string file2 = "srcmltest\\bar.c"; var f2 = (from ele in files where ele.Attribute("filename").Value == file2 select ele); Assert.AreEqual("srcmltest\\bar.c", f2.FirstOrDefault().Attribute("filename").Value); Assert.AreEqual("C++", f2.FirstOrDefault().Attribute("language").Value); }
/// <summary> /// Takes the given <paramref name="fileName"/> in <paramref name="doc"/> and returns the original source code. /// <para>Instead of this, use <see cref="Extensions.ToSource(XElement,int)"/>.</para> /// <seealso cref="ExtractSourceFile(SrcMLFile, int)"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="doc">The SrcML document to query.</param> /// <param name="fileName">The file name to search for.</param> /// <returns>A string with the original source code.</returns> public string ExtractSourceFile(SrcMLFile doc, string fileName) { if (null == doc) throw new ArgumentNullException("doc"); return this.ExtractSourceFile(doc, doc.IndexOfUnit(fileName)); }
public void InputWithSpacesTest() { generator.GenerateSrcMLFromFile("srcmltest\\File with spaces.cpp", "srcml_xml\\input_with_spaces.xml"); var doc = new SrcMLFile("srcml_xml\\input_with_spaces.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.FileUnits.Count()); }
public override void Execute() { Console.WriteLine("Using file {0}", this.File); SrcMLFile testFile = new SrcMLFile(this.File); HashSet<string> sameCaseWords = new HashSet<string>(); //ConservativeIdSplitter splitter = new ConservativeIdSplitter(); var functionTypes = new List<XName>() { SRC.Function, SRC.Constructor, SRC.Destructor }; foreach (XElement file in testFile.FileUnits) { Console.WriteLine("File {0}:", file.Attribute("filename").Value); //print all the function names //var funcs = from func in file.Descendants() // where functionTypes.Any(c => c == func.Name) // select func; foreach (var func in (from func in file.Descendants() where functionTypes.Any(c => c == func.Name) select func)) { string funcName = SrcMLElement.GetNameForMethod(func).Value; if (IsSameCase(funcName)) { sameCaseWords.Add(funcName); } if (PrintAll) { Console.WriteLine("<{0}> {1}", func.Name.LocalName, funcName); } } //print all the parameter names if (this.Parameters) { foreach (var param in file.Descendants(SRC.Parameter)) { if (param.Element(SRC.Declaration) != null) { var paramName = param.Element(SRC.Declaration).Element(SRC.Name); if (paramName != null) { if (IsSameCase(paramName.Value)) { sameCaseWords.Add(paramName.Value); } if (PrintAll) { Console.WriteLine("<{0}> {1}", param.Name.LocalName, paramName.Value); } } } } } //print all the variable names if (this.Variables) { foreach (var declStmt in file.Descendants(SRC.DeclarationStatement)) { foreach (var decl in declStmt.Elements(SRC.Declaration)) { var variableName = decl.Element(SRC.Name); if (variableName != null) { //if a qualified name, grab the last name var childNames = variableName.Elements(SRC.Name); if (childNames.Count() > 1) { variableName = childNames.Last(); } if (IsSameCase(variableName.Value)) { sameCaseWords.Add(variableName.Value); } if (PrintAll) { Console.WriteLine("<{0}> {1}", declStmt.Name.LocalName, variableName.Value); } } } } } } Console.WriteLine("=== sameCaseWords: ==="); foreach (string word in sameCaseWords) { Console.WriteLine(word); } }
public void DifferentLanguageTest() { generator.GenerateSrcMLFromFile("srcmltest\\CSHARP.cs", "srcml_xml\\differentlanguage_java.xml", Language.Java); var doc = new SrcMLFile("srcml_xml\\differentlanguage_java.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); }
public void WhitespaceInSingleDocumentTest() { File.WriteAllText("test.xml", @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> <unit xmlns="""" languageFilter=""C"" dir=""c:\Test"" filename=""foo.c""><comment type=""line"">//line1</comment> <comment type=""line"">//line2</comment> </unit>"); var doc = new SrcMLFile("test.xml"); var firstUnit = doc.FileUnits.First(); var firstComment = firstUnit.Elements(SRC.Comment).First(); var lastComment = firstUnit.Elements(SRC.Comment).Last(); var nextNode = firstComment.NextNode; Assert.AreNotEqual(lastComment, nextNode); }
public override void Execute() { if(Pause) { Console.WriteLine("Ready to begin (press Enter)"); Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Using srcML file {0}", this.File); var builder = new UnigramSwumBuilder(); if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CountFile)) { Console.WriteLine("Initializing SamuraiIdSplitter using word count file {0}", this.CountFile); builder.Splitter = new SamuraiIdSplitter(CountFile); } Console.WriteLine("SwumBuilder initialized"); int methodCount = 0, fieldCount = 0; { SrcMLFile testFile = new SrcMLFile(this.File); var functionTypes = new XName[] {SRC.Function, SRC.Constructor, SRC.Destructor}; foreach(XElement file in testFile.FileUnits) { string fileName = file.Attribute("filename").Value; Console.WriteLine("File {0}:", fileName); //compute SWUM on each function foreach(var func in (from func in file.Descendants() where functionTypes.Contains(func.Name) && !func.Ancestors(SRC.Declaration).Any() select func)) { var nameElement = SrcMLElement.GetNameForMethod(func); if(nameElement != null) { string funcName = nameElement.Value; string funcSignature = SrcMLElement.GetMethodSignature(func); if(PrintSwum) { Console.WriteLine("<{0}> {1}", func.Name.LocalName, funcSignature); } MethodDeclarationNode mdn = new MethodDeclarationNode(funcName, ContextBuilder.BuildMethodContext(func)); builder.ApplyRules(mdn); methodSwum[string.Format("{0}:{1}", fileName, funcSignature)] = mdn; if(PrintSwum) { Console.WriteLine(mdn.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } methodCount++; } } //compute SWUM on each field foreach(var fieldDecl in (from declStmt in file.Descendants(SRC.DeclarationStatement) where !declStmt.Ancestors().Any(n => functionTypes.Contains(n.Name)) select declStmt.Element(SRC.Declaration))) { int declPos = 1; foreach(var nameElement in fieldDecl.Elements(SRC.Name)) { string fieldName = nameElement.Elements(SRC.Name).Any() ? nameElement.Elements(SRC.Name).Last().Value : nameElement.Value; if(PrintSwum) { Console.WriteLine("Field: {0}, Name: {1}", fieldDecl.Value, fieldName); } FieldDeclarationNode fdn = new FieldDeclarationNode(fieldName, ContextBuilder.BuildFieldContext(fieldDecl)); builder.ApplyRules(fdn); fieldSwum[string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", fileName, fieldDecl.Value, declPos)] = fdn; if(PrintSwum) { Console.WriteLine(fdn.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } fieldCount++; declPos++; } } } } GC.Collect(); Console.WriteLine("{0} functions analyzed", methodCount); Console.WriteLine("{0} functions in dictionary", methodSwum.Count); Console.WriteLine("{0} fields analyzed", fieldCount); Console.WriteLine("{0} fields in dictionary", fieldSwum.Count); if(Pause) { Console.WriteLine("Finished building SWUM (press Enter)"); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public void EmptyElementTest() { File.WriteAllText("test.xml", @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> <unit xmlns=""""> <unit languageFilter=""C"" dir=""c:\Test"" filename=""beforeBlank.c""><expr_stmt /></unit> <unit languageFilter=""C"" dir=""c:\Test"" filename=""foo.c"" /> <unit languageFilter=""C"" dir=""c:\Test"" filename=""bar.c""><comment type=""line"">//line1</comment> <comment type=""line"">//line2</comment> </unit> </unit>"); var doc = new SrcMLFile("test.xml"); Assert.AreEqual(3, doc.FileUnits.Count()); }
public void GenerateSrcMLFromFiles(IEnumerable<string> sourceFileNames, string xmlFileName) { var filesByLanguage = new Dictionary<Language, List<string>>(); //determine which runner should process each source file foreach(var sourceFile in sourceFileNames) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(sourceFile); if(ext != null && extensionMapping.ContainsKey(ext)) { Language lang = extensionMapping[ext]; if(nonDefaultExecutables.ContainsKey(lang)) { //this file should be parsed by a non-default runner if(!filesByLanguage.ContainsKey(lang)) { filesByLanguage[lang] = new List<string>() { sourceFile }; } else { filesByLanguage[lang].Add(sourceFile); } } else { //should be parsed by the default runner if(!filesByLanguage.ContainsKey(Language.Any)) { filesByLanguage[Language.Any] = new List<string>() { sourceFile }; } else { filesByLanguage[Language.Any].Add(sourceFile); } } } } //convert files to srcml SrcMLFile tempArchive = null; foreach(var kvp in filesByLanguage) { var tempOutputFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); SrcMLFile tempResult; if(kvp.Key == Language.Any) { var mapForRunner = CreateExtensionMappingForRunner(defaultExecutable); defaultExecutable.GenerateSrcMLFromFiles(kvp.Value, tempOutputFile, Language.Any, new Collection<string>(defaultArguments.ToList()), mapForRunner); } else { var runner = nonDefaultExecutables[kvp.Key]; var mapForRunner = CreateExtensionMappingForRunner(runner); runner.GenerateSrcMLFromFiles(kvp.Value, tempOutputFile, kvp.Key, new Collection<string>(nonDefaultArguments[kvp.Key].ToList()), mapForRunner); } tempResult = new SrcMLFile(tempOutputFile); var oldArchiveFile = tempArchive != null ? tempArchive.FileName : null; tempArchive = tempResult.Merge(tempArchive, Path.GetTempFileName()); File.Delete(tempOutputFile); if(oldArchiveFile != null) { File.Delete(oldArchiveFile); } } if(tempArchive != null) { if(File.Exists(xmlFileName)) { File.Delete(xmlFileName); } File.Move(tempArchive.FileName, xmlFileName); } }
/// <summary> /// Generate both a SrcML XElement and document from the difference between <see cref="nameOfOriginalFile"/> and <see cref="modifiedFileName"/>. The language will be inferred from the extension. /// </summary> /// <param name="nameOfOriginalFile">path to the source file to convert.</param> /// <param name="modifiedFileName">The File name to write the resulting XML to.</param> /// <param name="outputXmlFileName">The File name to write the resulting XML to.</param> /// <returns>An XElement representing the source.</returns> public XElement GenerateSrcDiffAndXElementFromFile(string nameOfOriginalFile, string modifiedFileName, string outputXmlFileName) { SrcMLFile srcMLFile = GenerateSrcDiffFromFile(nameOfOriginalFile, modifiedFileName, outputXmlFileName); return(srcMLFile.FileUnits.FirstOrDefault()); }
public string ExtractSourceFile(SrcMLFile doc, int unitIndex) { if (null == doc) throw new ArgumentNullException("doc"); if (unitIndex == int.MaxValue) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("unitIndex", "Unit index must be less than Int32.MaxValue"); string output, outfile = Path.GetTempFileName(); string arguments = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "-U {0} \"{1}\" \"{2}\"", unitIndex + 1, doc.FileName, outfile); try { KsuAdapter.RunExecutable(this.srcml2src_exe, arguments); } catch (SrcMLRuntimeException e) { throw new SrcMLException("srcml2src encountered an error", e); } using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(outfile)) { output = reader.ReadToEnd(); } File.Delete(outfile); return output; }
public void GenerateSrcMLFromFiles(IEnumerable <string> sourceFileNames, string xmlFileName) { var filesByLanguage = new Dictionary <Language, List <string> >(); //determine which runner should process each source file foreach (var sourceFile in sourceFileNames) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(sourceFile); if (ext != null && extensionMapping.ContainsKey(ext)) { Language lang = extensionMapping[ext]; if (nonDefaultExecutables.ContainsKey(lang)) { //this file should be parsed by a non-default runner if (!filesByLanguage.ContainsKey(lang)) { filesByLanguage[lang] = new List <string>() { sourceFile }; } else { filesByLanguage[lang].Add(sourceFile); } } else { //should be parsed by the default runner if (!filesByLanguage.ContainsKey(Language.Any)) { filesByLanguage[Language.Any] = new List <string>() { sourceFile }; } else { filesByLanguage[Language.Any].Add(sourceFile); } } } } //convert files to srcml SrcMLFile tempArchive = null; foreach (var kvp in filesByLanguage) { var tempOutputFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); SrcMLFile tempResult; if (kvp.Key == Language.Any) { var mapForRunner = CreateExtensionMappingForRunner(defaultExecutable); defaultExecutable.GenerateSrcMLFromFiles(kvp.Value, tempOutputFile, Language.Any, new Collection <string>(defaultArguments.ToList()), mapForRunner); } else { var runner = nonDefaultExecutables[kvp.Key]; var mapForRunner = CreateExtensionMappingForRunner(runner); runner.GenerateSrcMLFromFiles(kvp.Value, tempOutputFile, kvp.Key, new Collection <string>(nonDefaultArguments[kvp.Key].ToList()), mapForRunner); } tempResult = new SrcMLFile(tempOutputFile); var oldArchiveFile = tempArchive != null ? tempArchive.FileName : null; tempArchive = tempResult.Merge(tempArchive, Path.GetTempFileName()); File.Delete(tempOutputFile); if (oldArchiveFile != null) { File.Delete(oldArchiveFile); } } if (tempArchive != null) { if (File.Exists(xmlFileName)) { File.Delete(xmlFileName); } File.Move(tempArchive.FileName, xmlFileName); } }
public void DisjunctMergedFileTest() { File.WriteAllText("test.xml", @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?><unit xmlns=""""> <unit languageFilter=""C"" filename=""c:\Test\foo.c""></unit> <unit languageFilter=""C"" filename=""z:\Release\bar.c""></unit> </unit>"); var doc = new SrcMLFile("test.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(doc); Assert.IsNull(doc.ProjectDirectory, String.Format("The ProjectDirectory property should be null when there is no common path. ({0})", doc.ProjectDirectory)); }
public override void Execute() { SrcMLFile testFile = new SrcMLFile(this.File); XElement firstFile = testFile.FileUnits.First(); //get all the functions var containers = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<XName>() { SRC.Function, SRC.Constructor, SRC.Destructor }; var funcs = from func in firstFile.Descendants() where containers.Any(c => c == func.Name) select func; Dictionary<XElement, string> functionComments = new Dictionary<XElement, string>(); //grab the comment block for each function foreach (var func in funcs) { StringBuilder functionComment = new StringBuilder(); var prevElements = func.ElementsBeforeSelf().Reverse(); foreach (var element in prevElements) { if (element.Name == SRC.Comment) { //add comment to beginning of comment block functionComment.Insert(0, element.Value + System.Environment.NewLine); } else { //found something besides a comment break; } } functionComments[func] = functionComment.ToString(); } AbbreviationExpander ae = new AbbreviationExpander(); ae.Expand(Word, functionComments.First().Key, functionComments.First().Value, ""); //string patternRegex; //string shortForm = Word; //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(@"\b"); //for (int i = 0; i < shortForm.Length - 1; i++) //{ // sb.AppendFormat(@"{0}\w+\s+", shortForm[i]); //} //sb.AppendFormat(@"{0}\w+\b", shortForm[shortForm.Length - 1]); //patternRegex = sb.ToString(); //Console.WriteLine("Acronym regex: {0}", patternRegex); //string methodComment = functionComments.First().Value; //Match m = Regex.Match(methodComment, string.Format("({0})", patternRegex), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //if (m.Success) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Found match: {0}", m.Groups[1].Value); //} }