Пример #1
 public table(string doc_key, string name, xml_node tbl, bool for_pg = false)
     : base(doc_key, for_pg)
     _name = name; _rows = new List <table_row>();
     _cols = tbl.get_attr("cols").Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
     foreach (xml_node row in tbl.nodes("rows/row"))
         _rows.Add(new table_row(this, _cols.Select(c => row.get_attr(c)).ToList()));
Пример #2
        Camera(pugi::xml_node &camera)
            cfa = newiPoint2D(0, 0);
            pugi::xml_attribute key = camera.attribute("make");
            if (!key)

                ThrowCME("Camera XML Parser: \"make\" attribute not found.");
            make = canonical_make = key.as_string();

            key = camera.attribute("model");
            if (!key)

                ThrowCME("Camera XML Parser: \"model\" attribute not found.");
            model = canonical_model = canonical_alias = key.as_string();

            canonical_id = make + " " + model;

            supported = true;
            key = camera.attribute("supported");
            if (key)
                string s = string(key.as_string());
                if (s.compare("no") == 0)
                    supported = false;

            key = camera.attribute("mode");
            if (key)
                mode = key.as_string();
                mode = string("");

            key = camera.attribute("decoder_version");
            if (key)
                decoderVersion = key.as_int(0);
                decoderVersion = 0;

            for (xml_node node = camera.first_child(); node; node = node.next_sibling())

Пример #3
 protected void upload_file(string path, int id_file, xml_node n)
     try {
         lbl_message(log.log_info($"upload file {n.get_attr("http_path")}"));
         System.Text.Encoding e = encoding_type.GetType(path);
         var file = new {
             action    = "save_file", id = id_file, bin_data = e.GetString(File.ReadAllBytes(path)), enc = e.HeaderName
             , user_id = n.get_int("user_id"), user_name = n.get_val("user_name")
         json_request.post(_c.base_url + _c.config.get_var("client.io-page").value, file);
         lbl_message(log.log_info($"uploaded file {n.get_attr("http_path")}!"), 2);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         lbl_message($"uploaded error {ex.Message}!", 5, true);
         n.set_attr("upload_err", $"error at {DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}: {ex.Message}"); throw ex;
Пример #4
        public xml_node parse_node(xml_node n, Dictionary <string, object> keys, DataRow dr = null)
            // text
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.text))
                n.text = parse(n.text, keys, dr);

            // attributes
            foreach (string a in n.get_attrs())
                n.set_attr(a, parse(n.get_attr(a), keys, dr));

            // childs
            foreach (xml_node nc in n.childs)
                parse_node(nc, keys, dr);

Пример #5
void parseBlackAreas(xml_node &cur)
    if (isTag(cur.name(), "Vertical"))

        int x = cur.attribute("x").as_int(-1);
        if (x < 0)
            ThrowCME("Invalid x coordinate in vertical BlackArea of in camera %s %s", make.c_str(), model.c_str());

        int w = cur.attribute("width").as_int(-1);
        if (w < 0)
            ThrowCME("Invalid width in vertical BlackArea of in camera %s %s", make.c_str(), model.c_str());

        blackAreas.push_back(BlackArea(x, w, true));

    else if (isTag(cur.name(), "Horizontal"))

        int y = cur.attribute("y").as_int(-1);
        if (y < 0)
            ThrowCME("Invalid y coordinate in horizontal BlackArea of in camera %s %s", make.c_str(), model.c_str());

        int h = cur.attribute("height").as_int(-1);
        if (h < 0)
            ThrowCME("Invalid width in horizontal BlackArea of in camera %s %s", make.c_str(), model.c_str());
        blackAreas.push_back(BlackArea(y, h, false));
Пример #6
 public bool exists_file(int id_file, out xml_node n)
     n = this.node($"/root/file[@id='{id_file}']"); return(n.node != null);
Пример #7
        public void load_doc(string doc_key, string vars_key, xml_doc doc, db_provider conn, Dictionary <string, object> keys = null, bool for_pg = false)
            string var_key = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vars_key) ? vars_key + "." : "";

            // sql-select
            if (doc.exists("//sql-select"))
                foreach (xml_node s in doc.nodes("//sql-select"))
                    xml_node ref_node = s;
                    foreach (DataRow r in conn.dt_table(_core.parse(s.get_attr("qry"), keys)).Rows)
                        foreach (xml_node n in _core.parse_nodes(s.clone_childs(s), keys, r))
                            ref_node = ref_node.add_after(n);
                while (true)
                    xml_node s = doc.node("//sql-select"); if (!s.remove())

            // aggiungo
            string nkey = "";

            try {
                foreach (xml_node var in doc.nodes("/config//folders/folder"))
                    nkey = var_key + var.get_attr("name");
                    _folders.Add(nkey, new folder(doc_key, nkey, _core.parse(var.get_val()), for_pg));
            } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("chiave folders.'" + nkey + "' - " + ex.Message); }

            nkey = "";
            try {
                foreach (xml_node tbl in doc.nodes("/config//tables/table"))
                    nkey = var_key + tbl.get_attr("name");
                    _tables.Add(nkey, new table(doc_key, nkey, tbl, for_pg));
            } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("chiave tables.'" + nkey + "' - " + ex.Message); }

            nkey = "";
            try {
                foreach (xml_node tbl in doc.nodes("/config/html-blocks/html-block"))
                    nkey = var_key + tbl.get_attr("name");
                    html_block b = new html_block(doc_key, nkey, tbl.text, for_pg);
                    foreach (xml_node f in tbl.nodes("cond"))
                        b.add_cond(f.get_attr("name"), f.text);
                    _html_blocks.Add(nkey, b);
            } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("chiave html-blocks.'" + nkey + "' - " + ex.Message); }

            nkey = "";
            try {
                foreach (xml_node qry in doc.nodes("/config//queries/*"))
                    if (qry.name == "query")
                        nkey = var_key + qry.get_attr("name");
                        query q = new query(doc_key, nkey, qry.text, qry.get_attr("des"), for_pg);
                        foreach (xml_node f in qry.nodes("cond"))
                            q.add_cond(f.get_attr("name"), f.text);
                        _queries.Add(nkey, q);
                    else if (qry.name == "query_do")
                        nkey = var_key + qry.get_attr("name");
                        _queries.Add(nkey, new query(doc_key, nkey, qry.get_attr("des"), for_pg)
                            tp      = query.tp_query.do_while,
                            text_do = qry.sub_node("do").text, text_while = qry.sub_node("while").text
                    else if (qry.name == "queries")
                        nkey = var_key + qry.get_attr("name");
                        query q = new query(doc_key, nkey, qry.get_attr("des"), for_pg);
                        _queries.Add(nkey, q);
                        foreach (xml_node q2 in qry.nodes("*"))
                            if (q2.name == "query")
                            else if (q2.name == "exec_query")
                                foreach (string q3 in _queries[q2.get_attr("name")].queries)
            } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("chiave queries.'" + nkey + "' - " + ex.Message); }
Пример #8
void parseCFA(xml_node &cur)
    if (isTag(cur.name(), "ColorRow"))
        int y = cur.attribute("y").as_int(-1);
        if (y < 0 || y >= cfa.size.y)
            ThrowCME("Invalid y coordinate in CFA array of in camera %s %s", make.c_str(), model.c_str());
        stringkey = cur.first_child().value();
        if ((int)strlen(key) != cfa.size.x)
            ThrowCME("Invalid number of colors in definition for row %d in camera %s %s. Expected %d, found %zu.", y, make.c_str(), model.c_str(), cfa.size.x, strlen(key));
        for (int x = 0; x < cfa.size.x; x++)
            char v = (char)tolower((int)key[x]);
            if (v == 'g')
                cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_GREEN);
            else if (v == 'r')
                cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_RED);
            else if (v == 'b')
                cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_BLUE);
            else if (v == 'f')
                cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_FUJI_GREEN);
            else if (v == 'c')
                cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_CYAN);
            else if (v == 'm')
                cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_MAGENTA);
            else if (v == 'y')
                cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_YELLOW);
                supported = false;
    if (isTag(cur.name(), "Color"))
        int x = cur.attribute("x").as_int(-1);
        if (x < 0 || x >= cfa.size.x)
            ThrowCME("Invalid x coordinate in CFA array of in camera %s %s", make.c_str(), model.c_str());

        int y = cur.attribute("y").as_int(-1);
        if (y < 0 || y >= cfa.size.y)
            ThrowCME("Invalid y coordinate in CFA array of in camera %s %s", make.c_str(), model.c_str());

        stringkey = cur.first_child().value();
        if (isTag(key, "GREEN"))
            cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_GREEN);
        else if (isTag(key, "RED"))
            cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_RED);
        else if (isTag(key, "BLUE"))
            cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_BLUE);
        else if (isTag(key, "FUJIGREEN"))
            cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_FUJI_GREEN);
        else if (isTag(key, "CYAN"))
            cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_CYAN);
        else if (isTag(key, "MAGENTA"))
            cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_MAGENTA);
        else if (isTag(key, "YELLOW"))
            cfa.setColorAt(iPoint2D(x, y), CFA_YELLOW);
Пример #9
void parseCameraChild(xml_node &cur)
    if (isTag(cur.name(), "CFA"))
        if (2 != cur.attribute("width").as_int(0) || 2 != cur.attribute("height").as_int(0))
            supported = false;
            cfa.setSize(iPoint2D(2, 2));
            xml_node c = cur.child("Color");
            while (c != null)
                c = c.next_sibling("Color");

    if (isTag(cur.name(), "CFA2"))
        cfa.setSize(iPoint2D(cur.attribute("width").as_int(0), cur.attribute("height").as_int(0)));
        xml_node c = cur.child("Color");
        while (c != null)
            c = c.next_sibling("Color");
        c = cur.child("ColorRow");
        while (c != null)
            c = c.next_sibling("ColorRow");

    if (isTag(cur.name(), "Crop"))
        cropPos.x = cur.attribute("x").as_int(0);
        cropPos.y = cur.attribute("y").as_int(0);

        if (cropPos.x < 0)
            ThrowCME("Negative X axis crop specified in camera %s %s", make.c_str(), model.c_str());
        if (cropPos.y < 0)
            ThrowCME("Negative Y axis crop specified in camera %s %s", make.c_str(), model.c_str());

        cropSize.x = cur.attribute("width").as_int(0);
        cropSize.y = cur.attribute("height").as_int(0);

    if (isTag(cur.name(), "Sensor"))

    if (isTag(cur.name(), "BlackAreas"))
        xml_node c = cur.first_child();
        while (c != null)
            c = c.next_sibling();

    if (isTag(cur.name(), "Aliases"))
        xml_node c = cur.child("Alias");
        while (c != null)
            c = c.next_sibling();

    if (isTag(cur.name(), "Hints"))
        xml_node c = cur.child("Hint");
        while (c != null)
            c = c.next_sibling();

    if (isTag(cur.name(), "ID"))