private void toolStripMenuItem3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _str = "Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Entry"; if (!dbm.WarningMessage(_str, "Delete Entry Warning")) { return; } var m_partition = string.Format("{0}{1}", m_YEAR, m_MONTH).ToInt32(); var _obj = fGrid.SelectedRows[0].Tag as ic.bank_reconc_transC; if (_obj != null) { using (var xd = new xing()) { long _trans_id = xd.ExecuteScalarInt64(string.Format("select transaction_id from acc_foreign_exchange_tb where un_id={0} and status={1}", _obj.un_id, em.voucher_statusS.valid.ToByte())); if (_trans_id > 0) { accn.DeleteJournal(_trans_id, xd); // xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("acc_bank_reconc_trans_tb", new string[] { "status", "un_id", }, new object[] { em.voucher_statusS.cancelled.ToByte(), _obj.un_id }, 1); // //fnn.ExecuteDeleteBase(xd, new ic.deleteBaseC() //{ // del_fs_date = sdata.CURR_DATE, // del_fs_id = sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id, // del_fs_time = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(), // del_pc_us_id = sdata.PC_US_ID //}, "acc_foreign_exchange_tb", "un_id", _obj.un_id); // xd.CommitTransaction(); fGrid.Rows.RemoveAt(fGrid.Rows[_obj.un_id.ToString()].Index); } else { MessageBox.Show("This Record Has Already Been Cancelled", "Cancel Failure"); } } CheckForUpdates(); } }
private void toolStripMenuItem3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _str = "Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Voucher"; if (!dbm.WarningMessage(_str, "Delete Voucher Warning")) { return; } var _obj = fGrid.SelectedRows[0].Tag as ic.expense_transC; var m_partition = string.Format("{0}{1}", _obj.exp_date.Value.Year, _obj.exp_date.Value.Month).ToInt32(); datam.GetMonthExpenses(m_partition); var nlist = from k in datam.DATA_MONTH_EXPENSES[m_partition].Values where k.voucher_id == _obj.voucher_id & k.voucher_status == em.voucher_statusS.valid select k; if (_obj != null) { using (var xd = new xing()) { long _trans_id = xd.ExecuteScalarInt64(string.Format("select transaction_id from acc_expense_trans_tb where un_id={0} and voucher_status={1}", _obj.un_id, em.voucher_statusS.valid.ToByte())); if (_trans_id > 0) { _str = string.Format("update acc_expense_vouchers_tb set status={0},{1},fs_time_stamp={2} where voucher_id={3} and status={4}", em.voucher_statusS.cancelled.ToByte(), dbm.ETS, SQLH.UnixStamp, _obj.voucher_id, em.voucher_statusS.valid.ToByte()); xd.UpdateFsTimeStamp("acc_expense_vouchers_tb"); if (xd.SingleUpdateCommand(_str)) { _str = string.Format("select * from journal_tb where transaction_id in ({0})", string.Format("select transaction_id from acc_expense_trans_tb where un_id={0} and voucher_status={1}", _obj.un_id, em.voucher_statusS.valid.ToByte())); accn.DeleteJournal(_str, xd); // foreach (var _expense in nlist) { _expense.voucher_status = em.voucher_statusS.cancelled; xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("acc_expense_trans_tb", new string[] { "voucher_status", "un_id" }, new object[] { em.voucher_statusS.cancelled.ToByte(), _expense.un_id }, 1); // xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("acc_expense_trans_child_tb", new string[] { "voucher_status", "trans_id" }, new object[] { em.voucher_statusS.cancelled.ToByte(), _expense.un_id }, 1); if (datam.DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS[_expense.exp_acc_id].exp_acc_type == em.exp_acc_typeS.system_offertory_payment | datam.DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS[_expense.exp_acc_id].exp_acc_type == em.exp_acc_typeS.trust_fund) { accn.DeleteExpenseAccountsPayable(xd, _trans_id); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_expense.w_dr_data)) { var _cheques = _expense.w_dr_data.Split(new char[] { ',' }); xd.UpdateFsTimeStamp("acc_bank_withdraw_tb"); string _st = null; foreach (var t in _cheques) { var _val = t.Split(new char[] { ':' }); if (xd.ExecuteScalarInt(string.Format("select transfer_id from acc_bank_withdraw_tb where wdr_id={0}", _val[0].ToInt32())) > 0) { MessageBox.Show("You Have Already Closed This Cheque, This Operation Cannot Be Carried Out", "Closed Cheque Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); xd.RollBackTransaction(); return; } _st = string.Format("update acc_bank_withdraw_tb set cheque_balance=(cheque_balance+{0}),{1},fs_time_stamp={2} where wdr_id={3}", _val[1], dbm.ETS, SQLH.UnixStamp, _val[0]); xd.InsertUpdateDelete(_st); } } // fnn.ExecuteDeleteBase(xd, new ic.deleteBaseC() { del_fs_date = sdata.CURR_DATE, del_fs_id = sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id, del_fs_time = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(), del_pc_us_id = sdata.PC_US_ID }, "acc_expense_trans_tb", "un_id", _expense.un_id); // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_expense.cheque_no)) { ic.bankAccountC _bank = datam.DATA_BANK_ACCOUNTS.Values.Where(y => y.sys_account_id == _expense.source_account_id).FirstOrDefault(); xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("acc_usedbank_cheques_tb", new string[] { "status", "bank_account_id", "cheque_no" }, new object[] { 1, _bank.un_id, _expense.cheque_no }, 2); } fGrid.Rows.RemoveAt(fGrid.Rows[_expense.un_id.ToString()].Index); } xd.CommitTransaction(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("This Expense Record Has Already Been Deleted", "Delete Failure"); } } CheckForUpdates(); } }
private void toolStripMenuItem3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _str = "Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Transfer"; if (!dbm.WarningMessage(_str, "Delete Transfer Warning")) { return; } var m_partition = string.Format("{0}{1}", m_YEAR, m_MONTH).ToInt32(); var _obj = fGrid.SelectedRows[0].Tag as ic.cash_transferC; _obj.status = em.cashTransferStatus.deleted; if (_obj != null) { using (var xd = new xing()) { long _trans_id = xd.ExecuteScalarInt64(string.Format("select transaction_id from acc_cash_transfer_tb where un_id={0} and status={1}", _obj.un_id, em.cashTransferStatus.valid.ToByte())); if (_trans_id > 0) { _str = string.Format("update acc_cash_transfer_tb set status={0},{1},fs_time_stamp={2} where un_id={3} and status={4}", em.cashTransferStatus.deleted.ToByte(), dbm.ETS, SQLH.UnixStamp, _obj.un_id, em.cashTransferStatus.valid.ToByte()); xd.UpdateFsTimeStamp("acc_cash_transfer_tb"); if (xd.SingleUpdateCommand(_str)) { _str = string.Format("select source_id, destination_id, amount from acc_cash_transfer_tb where transaction_id={0}", _trans_id); int _source_id = 0; int _destination_id = 0; int _amount = 0; using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { while (_dr.Read()) { _source_id = _dr["source_id"].ToInt32(); _destination_id = _dr["destination_id"].ToInt32(); _amount = _dr["amount"].ToInt32(); } // } #region if (accn.GetAccountBaseParent(_source_id).search_alias == "WITHDRAWN_CHEQUES") { //cheque stuff; int wdr_id = xd.ExecuteScalarInt(string.Format("select wdr_id from acc_bank_withdraw_tb where sys_account_id={0}", _source_id)); if (wdr_id > 0) { xd.UpdateFsTimeStamp("acc_bank_withdraw_tb"); var _st = string.Format("update acc_bank_withdraw_tb set cheque_balance=(cheque_balance+{0}),{1},fs_time_stamp={2} where wdr_id={3}", _amount, dbm.ETS, SQLH.UnixStamp, wdr_id); xd.SingleUpdateCommand(_st); } if (accn.GetAccountBaseParent(_destination_id).search_alias == "WITHDRAWN_CHEQUES") { xd.UpdateFsTimeStamp("acc_bank_withdraw_tb"); wdr_id = xd.ExecuteScalarInt(string.Format("select wdr_id from acc_bank_withdraw_tb where sys_account_id={0}", _destination_id)); if (wdr_id > 0) { xd.UpdateFsTimeStamp("acc_bank_withdraw_tb"); var _st = string.Format("update acc_bank_withdraw_tb set cheque_balance=(cheque_balance-{0}),{1},fs_time_stamp={2} where wdr_id={3}", _amount, dbm.ETS, SQLH.UnixStamp, wdr_id); xd.SingleUpdateCommand(_st); } } } #endregion accn.DeleteJournal(_trans_id, xd); fGrid.Rows.RemoveAt(fGrid.Rows[_obj.un_id.ToString()].Index); var _delete_id = xd.IDCtrlGet("CASH_TRANSFER_DELETE_ID"); xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("acc_cash_transfer_tb", new string[] { "delete_id", "delete_fs_date", "delete_pc_us_id", "un_id" }, new object[] { _delete_id, sdata.CURR_DATE, sdata.PC_US_ID, _obj.un_id }, 1); xd.CommitTransaction(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("This Transfer Has Already Been Deleted", "Delete Failure"); } } CheckForUpdates(); } }
private void toolStripMenuItem3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _str = "Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Entry"; if (!dbm.WarningMessage(_str, "Delete Entry Warning")) { return; } var m_partition = string.Format("{0}{1}", m_YEAR, m_MONTH).ToInt32(); var _obj = fGrid.SelectedRows[0].Tag as ic.foreign_exchange_convC; if (dbm.ExecuteScalarInt(string.Format("select last_exchange_id from acc_foreign_currency_tb where fr_currency_id={0}", _obj.currency_id)) != _obj.un_id) { MessageBox.Show("You Cannot Delete This Entry As It Is Not The Last Record", "Delete Failure", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (_obj != null) { using (var xd = new xing()) { long _trans_id = xd.ExecuteScalarInt64(string.Format("select transaction_id from acc_foreign_exchange_tb where un_id={0} and status={1}", _obj.un_id, em.foreign_exch_statusS.valid.ToByte())); if (_trans_id > 0) { accn.DeleteJournal(_trans_id, xd); // xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("acc_foreign_exchange_tb", new string[] { "status", "un_id", }, new object[] { em.foreign_exch_statusS.invalid.ToByte(), _obj.un_id }, 1); // fnn.ExecuteDeleteBase(xd, new ic.deleteBaseC() { del_fs_date = sdata.CURR_DATE, del_fs_id = sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id, del_fs_time = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(), del_pc_us_id = sdata.PC_US_ID }, "acc_foreign_exchange_tb", "un_id", _obj.un_id); // var _last_id = dbm.ExecuteScalarInt(string.Format("select TOP 1 un_id from acc_foreign_exchange_tb where currency_id={0} and un_id<>{1} and status=0 order by un_id desc", _obj.currency_id, _obj.un_id)); if (_last_id > 0) { xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("acc_foreign_currency_tb", new string[] { "last_exchange_id", "fr_currency_id", "lch_id" }, new object[] { _last_id, _obj.currency_id, datam.LCH_ID }, 2); } else { xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("acc_foreign_currency_tb", new string[] { "last_exchange_date", "last_exchange_id", "fr_currency_id", "lch_id" }, new object[] { null, _last_id, _obj.currency_id, datam.LCH_ID }, 2); } // accn.ForeignCurrencyMVT(xd, datam.DATA_FOREIGN_CURRENCY[_obj.currency_id], 0, (_obj.exchanged_amount * -1), _obj.fs_date); // xd.CommitTransaction(); fGrid.Rows.RemoveAt(fGrid.Rows[_obj.un_id.ToString()].Index); } else { MessageBox.Show("This Record Has Already Been Deleted", "Delete Failure"); } } CheckForUpdates(); } }