Пример #1
        public static Int64 Create(wp_post item, string connectionString, IDbConnection connection, IDbTransaction transaction)
            var _connection = GetConnection(connection, connectionString);

            Int64 result = _connection.Insert <wp_post>(item, transaction: transaction).Value;

Пример #2
        public static wp_post GetPost(string id, string connectionString, IDbConnection connection, IDbTransaction transaction)
            wp_post result = null;

            var _connection = GetConnection(connection, connectionString);

            var sQuery = "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM wp_post WHERE (post_name = @post_name) ";

            result = _connection.Query <wp_post>(sQuery, new
                post_name = id
            }, transaction: transaction).FirstOrDefault();

Пример #3
        public static wp_post GetParentImage(string id, string connectionString, IDbConnection connection, IDbTransaction transaction)
            wp_post result = null;

            var _connection = GetConnection(connection, connectionString);

            var sQuery = "SELECT * FROM wp_post WHERE ( (post_type = @post_type) AND (post_name = @post_name) AND (post_parent = 0) ) ";

            result = _connection.Query <wp_post>(sQuery, new
                post_type = "image",
                post_name = id,
            }, transaction: transaction).FirstOrDefault();

Пример #4
        public IActionResult Slug(string id)
            @ViewData["Title"]  = id;
            @ViewData["Tenant"] = this._tenant;
            @ViewData["Layout"] = this._tenant.Template;

            wp_post data = null;

                data = Posts.GetPost(id, this._connectionString, null, null);
            catch (Exception) { }
            @ViewData["Title"] = string.Concat((((data != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.post_title))
                ? data.post_title : id),
                                               " - ", this._tenant.Name);
            return(View("Details", data));
Пример #5
        public static long CreatePost(wp_user user, string title, string dbid, string description, string type)
            using (var ctx = new DatabaseContext(Config.DB_CONNECTION_STRING))
                var post = new wp_post
                    post_title            = title,
                    post_type             = type,
                    post_name             = dbid,
                    post_status           = "publish",
                    post_content          = description,
                    post_excerpt          = String.Empty,
                    to_ping               = String.Empty,
                    pinged                = String.Empty,
                    post_content_filtered = String.Empty,
                    comment_status        = "open",
                    ping_status           = "open",
                    post_password         = String.Empty,
                    post_parent           = 0,
                    guid              = String.Empty,
                    menu_order        = 0,
                    post_mime_type    = String.Empty,
                    comment_count     = 0,
                    post_author       = user.ID,
                    post_date         = DateTime.Now,
                    post_date_gmt     = DateTime.Now,
                    post_modified     = DateTime.Now,
                    post_modified_gmt = DateTime.Now



Пример #6
        public static wp_image SaveImageFromStream(
            byte [] upload, Int64 id,
            string category, string url, string name,
            string connectionString)
            Int64?   parentPostId = null;
            wp_image image        = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                var post_parent = Posts.GetParentImage(category, connectionString, null, null);
                if (post_parent == null)
                    post_parent = new wp_post()
                        post_name             = category,
                        post_parent           = 0,
                        post_content          = category,
                        comment_count         = 0,
                        guid                  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        post_status           = "active",
                        post_type             = "image",
                        post_date             = DateTime.Now,
                        post_title            = category,
                        to_ping               = "",
                        post_date_gmt         = DateTime.Now,
                        post_modified         = DateTime.Now,
                        post_modified_gmt     = DateTime.Now,
                        site_id               = 1,
                        comment_status        = "",
                        post_mime_type        = "",
                        post_password         = "",
                        pinged                = "",
                        ping_status           = "",
                        post_author           = 0,
                        post_content_filtered = "",
                        post_excerpt          = "",

                    parentPostId = Posts.Create(post_parent, connectionString, null, null);
                    parentPostId = post_parent.ID;

                if (parentPostId.HasValue)
                    if (upload != null && upload.Length > 0)
                        image = new wp_image()
                            category = category, url = url, name = name, site_id = 1, content = upload
                        image = Images.GetImageBytes(url, new wp_image()
                            category = category, url = url, name = name, site_id = 1

                    using (var transaction = new System.Transactions.TransactionScope())
                        image.category = category;

                        // create a new image
                        if (id == 0)
                            var newImageId = Images.Create(image, connectionString, null, null);

                            var postChild = new wp_post()
                                post_parent   = parentPostId.Value,
                                post_name     = newImageId.ToString(),
                                post_content  = category,
                                post_category = category,
                                post_status   = "active",
                                post_type     = "image",
                                post_date     = DateTime.Now,
                                post_title    = category,

                                comment_status        = "",
                                post_mime_type        = "",
                                guid                  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                post_author           = 0,
                                post_content_filtered = "",
                                post_excerpt          = "",

                                to_ping           = "",
                                post_password     = "",
                                pinged            = "",
                                ping_status       = "",
                                post_date_gmt     = DateTime.Now,
                                post_modified     = DateTime.Now,
                                post_modified_gmt = DateTime.Now,
                                comment_count     = 0,
                                site_id           = 1,

                            var newChildPostId = Posts.Create(postChild, connectionString, null, null);

                            if (newImageId > 0 && newChildPostId > 0)
                            // update an existing image
                            var existing = Images.Get(id, connectionString, null, null);
                            existing.name     = name;
                            existing.category = category;
                            existing.url      = url;
                            existing.content  = upload;
                            Images.Update(id, existing, connectionString, null, null);

