public static ThisEntity Get(int id, bool includingComponents = true)
            ThisEntity entity = new ThisEntity();

            using (var context = new EntityContext())
                DBEntity item = context.Pathway_ComponentCondition
                                .SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == id);

                if (item != null && item.Id > 0)
                    MapFromDB(item, entity, includingComponents);

 public static void MapToDB(ThisEntity from, DBEntity to)
     to.Id = from.Id;
     if (to.Id < 1)
         //will need to be carefull here, will this exist in the input??
         //there could be a case where an external Id was added to bulk upload for an existing record
         to.PathwayCTID = from.PathwayCTID;
     //don't map rowId, ctid, or dates as not on form
     //to.RowId = from.RowId;
     to.ParentComponentId = from.ParentComponentId;
     to.Name           = from.Name;
     to.Description    = from.Description;
     to.RequiredNumber = from.RequiredNumber;
        public static void MapFromDB(DBEntity from, ThisEntity to, bool includingComponents = false)
            to.Id                = from.Id;
            to.RowId             = from.RowId;
            to.ParentComponentId = from.ParentComponentId;
            to.Name              = from.Name;
            to.Description       = from.Description;
            to.PathwayCTID       = from.PathwayCTID;

            to.RelatedEntity = EntityManager.GetEntity(to.RowId, false);
            if (to.RelatedEntity != null && to.RelatedEntity.Id > 0)
                to.EntityLastUpdated = to.RelatedEntity.LastUpdated;

            if (from.PathwayComponent != null && from.PathwayComponent.Id > 0)
                //assign parent pathway component
            to.RequiredNumber = from.RequiredNumber != null ? ( int )from.RequiredNumber : 0;
            if (IsValidDate(from.Created))
                to.Created = ( DateTime )from.Created;
            if (IsValidDate(from.LastUpdated))
                to.LastUpdated = ( DateTime )from.LastUpdated;

            //actually may always want these, but a list (shallow get) of components
            if (includingComponents)
                //get all target components
                //do we want a deep get or summary? Likely summary here
                to.TargetComponent = Entity_PathwayComponentManager.GetAll(to.RowId, PathwayComponent.PathwayComponentRelationship_TargetComponent, PathwayComponentManager.componentActionOfSummary);
        /// <summary>
        /// add a Pathway_ComponentCondition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="statusMessage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Save(ThisEntity entity, ref List <String> messages)
            bool isValid  = true;
            var  efEntity = new DBEntity();

            using (var context = new EntityContext())
                    if (ValidateProfile(entity, ref messages) == false)

                    if (entity.Id == 0)
                        MapToDB(entity, efEntity);

                        if (entity.RowId == null || entity.RowId == Guid.Empty)
                            efEntity.RowId = entity.RowId = Guid.NewGuid();
                            efEntity.RowId = entity.RowId;

                        efEntity.Created = efEntity.LastUpdated = System.DateTime.Now;


                        // submit the change to database
                        int count = context.SaveChanges();
                        if (count > 0)
                            entity.Id = efEntity.Id;
                            //add target components
                            UpdateParts(entity, ref messages);

                            //?no info on error
                            messages.Add("Error - the profile was not saved. ");
                            string message = string.Format("Pathway_ComponentConditionManager.Add Failed", "Attempted to add a Pathway_ComponentCondition. The process appeared to not work, but was not an exception, so we have no message, or no clue.Pathway_ComponentCondition. Pathway_ComponentCondition: {0}, createdById: {1}", entity.Name, entity.CreatedById);
                            EmailManager.NotifyAdmin(thisClassName + ".Add Failed", message);
                        efEntity = context.Pathway_ComponentCondition
                                   .SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == entity.Id);

                        if (efEntity != null && efEntity.Id > 0)
                            //for updates, chances are some fields will not be in interface, don't map these (ie created stuff)
                            MapToDB(entity, efEntity);
                            if (HasStateChanged(context))
                                efEntity.LastUpdated = System.DateTime.Now;
                                int count = context.SaveChanges();
                                //can be zero if no data changed
                                if (count >= 0)
                                    isValid = true;
                                    //?no info on error
                                    messages.Add("Error - the update was not successful. ");
                                    string message = string.Format(thisClassName + ".Save Failed", "Attempted to update a Pathway_ComponentCondition. The process appeared to not work, but was not an exception, so we have no message, or no clue. Pathway_ComponentConditionId: {0}, Id: {1}, updatedById: {2}", entity.Id, entity.Id, entity.LastUpdatedById);
                                    EmailManager.NotifyAdmin(thisClassName + ". Pathway_ComponentCondition_Update Failed", message);
                            //continue with parts regardless
                            UpdateParts(entity, ref messages);
                            messages.Add("Error - update failed, as record was not found.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var message = FormatExceptions(ex);
                    LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, thisClassName + string.Format(".Pathway_ComponentCondition_Add(), Pathway_ComponentConditionId: {0}", entity.ParentComponentId));
                    messages.Add(string.Format("Error encountered saving component condition. Name: {0}, Error: {1}. ", entity.Name, message));
                    isValid = false;
