Пример #1
        public void SetAxisProperties(int Spacing, wDomain Bounds, bool HasAxisLabel, double TextAngle)
            Enabled = Spacing > 0;
            HasGrid = Spacing > 1;
            if (Enabled)
                MajorSpacing = 1;
                MajorSpacing = 0;
            if (HasGrid)
                MinorSpacing = Spacing;
                MinorSpacing = 0;

            Domain = Bounds;

            HasLabel = HasAxisLabel;
            Angle    = TextAngle;
Пример #2
        public void SetGantSeries(DataPtSet PollenDataSet)
            DataList  = PollenDataSet;
            ChartType = SeriesChartType.Gantt;

            List <GanttPoint> DmList = new List <GanttPoint>();

            ChartSequence = new RowSeries();

            foreach (DataPt D in DataList.Points)
                wDomain SD = SortDomain(D.Domain.Item1, D.Domain.Item2);
                DmList.Add(new GanttPoint(SD.T0, SD.T1));
                RowSeries TempSeries = new RowSeries {
                    Values = new ChartValues <GanttPoint> {
                        new GanttPoint(SD.T0, SD.T1)
                TempSeries = SetProperties(TempSeries, D);


            ChartSequence.Values = new ChartValues <GanttPoint>(DmList.ToArray());
Пример #3
        public mAdjustLevels(wDomain grayIn, wDomain grayOut)
            GrayIn  = grayIn;
            GrayOut = grayOut;

Пример #4
        public mNoiseAdditive(wDomain GeneratorDomain)
            Domain = GeneratorDomain;

            BitmapType = mFilter.BitmapTypes.Rgb24bpp;

            filter = new AdditiveNoise();
Пример #5
        private wDomain SortDomain(double T0, double T1)
            wDomain OutputDomain = new wDomain(T0, T1);

            if (T0 > T1)
                OutputDomain = new wDomain(T1, T0);

Пример #6
        public mFigureFilter(wDomain WidthRange, wDomain HeightRange)
            Width  = WidthRange;
            Height = HeightRange;

            BitmapType = BitmapTypes.GrayscaleBT709;

            Effect = new BlobsFiltering((int)Width.T0, (int)Height.T0, (int)Width.T1, (int)Height.T1);

            filter = Effect;
Пример #7
        public mAdjustLevels(wDomain redIn, wDomain redOut, wDomain greenIn, wDomain greenOut, wDomain blueIn, wDomain blueOut)
            RedIn   = redIn;
            GreenIn = greenIn;
            BlueIn  = blueIn;

            RedOut   = redOut;
            GreenOut = greenOut;
            BlueOut  = blueOut;

Пример #8
        public mFilterYCbCrChannel(wDomain Luminance, wDomain Blue, wDomain Red)
            Y  = Luminance;
            Cb = Blue;
            Cr = Red;

            BitmapType = mFilter.BitmapTypes.None;

            Effect = new YCbCrExtractChannel();

            filter = Effect;
Пример #9
        public mFilterYCbCrColor(wDomain Luminance, wDomain Blue, wDomain Red, bool isOut, Color fillColor)
            Y         = Luminance;
            Cb        = Blue;
            Cr        = Red;
            IsOut     = isOut;
            FillColor = fillColor;

            BitmapType = mFilter.BitmapTypes.Rgb24bpp;

            Effect = new YCbCrFiltering(new Range((float)Y.T0, (float)Y.T1), new Range((float)Cb.T0, (float)Cb.T1), new Range((float)Cr.T0, (float)Cr.T1));

            Effect.FillOutsideRange = IsOut;
            Effect.FillColor        = YCbCr.FromRGB(new RGB(FillColor));
Пример #10
        public mFigureFilter(wDomain WidthRange, wDomain HeightRange, bool coupled)
            Width  = WidthRange;
            Height = HeightRange;

            Coupled = coupled;

            BitmapType = BitmapTypes.GrayscaleBT709;

            Effect = new BlobsFiltering((int)Width.T0, (int)Height.T0, (int)Width.T1, (int)Height.T1);

            Effect.CoupledSizeFiltering = Coupled;

            filter = Effect;
Пример #11
        public mFigureUnique(wDomain WidthRange, wDomain HeightRange)
            Width  = WidthRange;
            Height = HeightRange;

            BitmapType = BitmapTypes.Rgb24bpp;

            Effect           = new ConnectedComponentsLabeling();
            Effect.MinWidth  = (int)Width.T0;
            Effect.MaxWidth  = (int)Width.T1;
            Effect.MinHeight = (int)Height.T0;
            Effect.MaxHeight = (int)Height.T1;

            filter = Effect;
Пример #12
        private void CalculateDataExtents()
            double[] TempNumberSet = new double[Points.Count];
            NumericSum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)
                DataPt Pt = Points[i];

                TempNumberSet[i] = Pt.Number;
                NumericSum      += Pt.Number;


            NumericBounds = new wDomain(TempNumberSet[0], TempNumberSet[TempNumberSet.Count() - 1]);
Пример #13
        public mFilterARGBColor(wDomain RedRange, wDomain GreenRange, wDomain BlueRange, bool isOut, Color fillColor)
            Red       = RedRange;
            Green     = GreenRange;
            Blue      = BlueRange;
            IsOut     = isOut;
            FillColor = fillColor;

            BitmapType = mFilter.BitmapTypes.None;

            Effect = new ColorFiltering(new IntRange((int)Red.T0, (int)Red.T1), new IntRange((int)Green.T0, (int)Green.T1), new IntRange((int)Blue.T0, (int)Blue.T1));

            Effect.FillOutsideRange = IsOut;
            Effect.FillColor        = new Accord.Imaging.RGB(FillColor);

            filter = Effect;
Пример #14
        public mFilterARGBChannel(wDomain RedRange, wDomain GreenRange, wDomain BlueRange, bool isOut)
            Red   = RedRange;
            Green = GreenRange;
            Blue  = BlueRange;
            IsOut = isOut;

            BitmapType = mFilter.BitmapTypes.None;

            Effect = new ChannelFiltering(new IntRange((int)Red.T0, (int)Red.T1), new IntRange((int)Green.T0, (int)Green.T1), new IntRange((int)Blue.T0, (int)Blue.T1));
            Effect.RedFillOutsideRange   = IsOut;
            Effect.GreenFillOutsideRange = IsOut;
            Effect.BlueFillOutsideRange  = IsOut;

            filter = Effect;
Пример #15
        public mFilterHSL(wDomain HueValue, wDomain SaturationValue, wDomain LuminanceValue, bool isOut, Color fillColor)
            Hue       = HueValue;
            Sat       = SaturationValue;
            Lum       = LuminanceValue;
            IsOut     = isOut;
            FillColor = fillColor;

            BitmapType = mFilter.BitmapTypes.None;

            Effect = new HSLFiltering(new Accord.IntRange((int)Hue.T0, (int)Hue.T1), new Accord.Range((float)Sat.T0, (float)Sat.T1), new Accord.Range((float)Lum.T0, (float)Lum.T1));

            Effect.FillOutsideRange = IsOut;
            Effect.FillColor        = HSL.FromRGB(new RGB(FillColor));

            filter = Effect;
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Declare variables
            IGH_Goo Z = null;
            int M = 0;
            Interval U = new Interval(50, 1000);
            Interval V = new Interval(50, 1000);

            // Access the input parameters 
            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref Z)) return;
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref M)) return;
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref U)) return;
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref V)) return;

            Bitmap A = null;
            if (Z != null) { Z.CastTo(out A); }
            Bitmap B = new Bitmap(A);

            mFilter Filter = new mFilter();

            wDomain X = new wDomain(U.T0,U.T1);
            wDomain Y = new wDomain(V.T0, V.T1);

            switch (M)
                case 0:
                    Filter = new mFigureUnique(X, Y);
                case 1:
                    Filter = new mFigureFilter(X, Y);
                case 2:
                   Filter = new mFigureCorners(Color.Red);

            B = new mApply(A, Filter).ModifiedBitmap;

            wObject W = new wObject(Filter, "Macaw", Filter.Type);

            DA.SetData(0, B);
            DA.SetData(1, W);
Пример #17
        public mFilterHSLLinear(wDomain SaturationIn, wDomain SaturationOut, wDomain LuminanceIn, wDomain LuminanceOut)
            SatIn  = SaturationIn;
            SatOut = SaturationOut;
            LumIn  = LuminanceIn;
            LumOut = LuminanceOut;

            BitmapType = mFilter.BitmapTypes.None;

            Effect = new HSLLinear();

            Effect.InSaturation  = new Accord.Range((float)SatIn.T0, (float)SatIn.T1);
            Effect.OutSaturation = new Accord.Range((float)SatOut.T0, (float)SatOut.T1);

            Effect.InLuminance  = new Accord.Range((float)LumIn.T0, (float)LumIn.T1);
            Effect.OutLuminance = new Accord.Range((float)LumOut.T0, (float)LumOut.T1);

            filter = Effect;
Пример #18
        public mAnalyzeBlobs(Bitmap BaseBitmap, wDomain WidthRange, wDomain HeightRange)
            Width  = WidthRange;
            Height = HeightRange;

            BitmapType = 0;

            Effect           = new ConnectedComponentsLabeling();
            Effect.MinWidth  = (int)Width.T0;
            Effect.MaxWidth  = (int)Width.T1;
            Effect.MinHeight = (int)Height.T0;
            Effect.MaxHeight = (int)Height.T1;


Пример #19
        public mFigureUnique(wDomain WidthRange, wDomain HeightRange, bool coupled, bool blob)
            Width   = WidthRange;
            Height  = HeightRange;
            Coupled = coupled;
            Blob    = blob;

            BitmapType = BitmapTypes.Rgb24bpp;

            Effect           = new ConnectedComponentsLabeling();
            Effect.MinWidth  = (int)Width.T0;
            Effect.MaxWidth  = (int)Width.T1;
            Effect.MinHeight = (int)Height.T0;
            Effect.MaxHeight = (int)Height.T1;

            Effect.CoupledSizeFiltering = Coupled;
            Effect.FilterBlobs          = Blob;

            filter = Effect;
Пример #20
        private List <DataPt> ObjectListToDataPointList(List <object> objects)
            List <DataPt> DataPoints = new List <DataPt>();

            double[] TempNumberSet = new double[objects.Count];
            NumericSum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
                wObject W  = (wObject)objects[i];
                DataPt  Pt = (DataPt)W.Element;

                TempNumberSet[i] = Pt.Number;
                NumericSum      += Pt.Number;

            NumericBounds = new wDomain(TempNumberSet[0], TempNumberSet[TempNumberSet.Count() - 1]);

Пример #21
        public mFilterYCbCrLinear(wDomain YinRange, wDomain CBinRange, wDomain CRinRange, wDomain YoutRange, wDomain CBoutRange, wDomain CRoutRange)
            Yin   = YinRange;
            Yout  = YoutRange;
            Cbin  = CBinRange;
            Cbout = CBoutRange;
            Crin  = CRinRange;
            Crout = CRoutRange;

            BitmapType = mFilter.BitmapTypes.None;

            Effect = new YCbCrLinear();

            Effect.InY  = new Range((float)Yin.T0, (float)Yin.T1);
            Effect.InCb = new Range((float)Cbin.T0, (float)Cbin.T1);
            Effect.InCr = new Range((float)Crin.T0, (float)Crin.T1);

            Effect.OutY  = new Range((float)Yout.T0, (float)Yout.T1);
            Effect.OutCb = new Range((float)Cbout.T0, (float)Cbout.T1);
            Effect.OutCr = new Range((float)Crout.T0, (float)Crout.T1);

            filter = Effect;
Пример #22
 public void SetXaxis(wDomain Bounds)
     ChartsArea.AxisX.Minimum = Bounds.T0;
     ChartsArea.AxisX.Maximum = Bounds.T1;
Пример #23
        //GANTT CHART #########################################################################################################################
        public void SetGanttChart()
            if (ChartType != SeriesChartType.Gantt)
            ChartType = SeriesChartType.Gantt;

            List <List <GanttPoint> > GP = new List <List <GanttPoint> >();

            //Populate Data Set
            for (int i = 0; i < DataGrid.Sets.Count; i++)
                List <GanttPoint> tGP = new List <GanttPoint>();

                for (int j = 0; j < DataGrid.Sets[i].Points.Count; j++)
                    wDomain TD = SortDomain(DataGrid.Sets[i].Points[j].Domain.Item1, DataGrid.Sets[i].Points[j].Domain.Item2);
                    tGP.Add(new GanttPoint(TD.T0, TD.T1));

            int C = Element.Series.Count;
            int S = GP.Count;

            for (int i = C; i < S; i++)
                Element.Series.Add(new RowSeries());
                Element.Series[i].Values = new ChartValues <GanttPoint>(GP[i].ToArray());

            C = Element.Series.Count;

            if (C > S)
                for (int i = S; i < C; i++)
                    Element.Series.RemoveAt(Element.Series.Count - 1);

            C = Element.Series.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < S; i++)
                int T = Element.Series[i].Values.Count;
                int V = GP[i].Count;

                for (int j = T; j < V; j++)
                    Element.Series[i].Values.Add(new GanttPoint());

            for (int i = 0; i < S; i++)
                int T = Element.Series[i].Values.Count;
                int V = GP[i].Count;

                if (T > V)
                    for (int j = V; j < T; j++)
                        Element.Series[i].Values.RemoveAt(Element.Series[i].Values.Count - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < S; i++)
                int V = GP[i].Count;

                for (int j = 0; j < V; j++)
                    Element.Series[i].Values[j] = GP[i][j];
                    SetSequenceProperties(i, j, (RowSeries)Element.Series[i]);