Пример #1
 public void Damage(vp_DamageInfo damageInfo)
     if (reciever)
         damageInfo.Damage *= DamageMultiply;
     if (reciever2)
         damageInfo.Damage *= DamageMultiply;
Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    /// forwards damage in UFPS format to a damagehandler on the target object
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void Damage(vp_DamageInfo damageInfo)
        if (!enabled)

        if (m_TargetDamageHandler != null)
Пример #3
	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)

		// return if this is not a relevant object. TIP: this check can be expanded
		if (col.gameObject.layer == vp_Layer.Debris
			|| col.gameObject.layer == vp_Layer.Pickup)

		// try to find a damagehandler on the target and abort on fail
		m_TargetDamageHandler = vp_DamageHandler.GetDamageHandlerOfCollider(col);
		if (m_TargetDamageHandler == null)

		// abort if target is already dead
		// NOTE: this deals with cases of multiple 'OnTriggerEnter' calls on contact
		if (m_TargetDamageHandler.CurrentHealth <= 0)

		// try to find a respawner on the target to see if it's currently OK to kill it
		m_TargetRespawner = vp_Respawner.GetByCollider(col);
		if (m_TargetRespawner != null)
			// abort if target has respawned within one second before this call.
			// NOTE: this addresses a case where 'OnTriggerEnter' is called when
			// teleporting (respawning) away from the trigger, resulting in the
			// object getting insta-killed on respawn. it will only work if the
			// target gameobject has a vp_Respawner-derived component
			if (Time.time < m_TargetRespawner.LastRespawnTime + 1.0f)

		m_TargetDamageHandler.Damage(new vp_DamageInfo(m_TargetDamageHandler.CurrentHealth, m_TargetDamageHandler.Transform, vp_DamageInfo.DamageType.KillZone));

Пример #4
    /// <summary>
    /// attempts to do damage using a regular Unity-message, and / or more advanced
    /// UFPS format damage (whichever is supported by the bullet and target)
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void TryDamage()
        // send primitive damage as UnityMessage. this allows support for many third party
        // systems (simply use a 'void Damage(float)' method in target MonoBehaviours)
        if ((DamageMode == vp_DamageInfo.DamageMode.UnityMessage) ||
            (DamageMode == vp_DamageInfo.DamageMode.Both))
            m_TargetCollider.gameObject.BroadcastMessage(DamageMessageName, (DistanceModifier * Damage), SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
            if (!m_DidWarnAboutBothMethodName &&
                (DamageMessageName == "Damage") &&
                (vp_DamageHandler.GetDamageHandlerOfCollider(m_TargetCollider) != null))
                Debug.LogWarning("Warning (" + this + ") Target object has a vp_DamageHandler. When damaging it with DamageMode: 'UnityMessage' or 'Both', you probably want to change 'DamageMessageName' to something other than 'Damage', or too much damage might be applied.");
                m_DidWarnAboutBothMethodName = true;

        // send damage in UFPS format. this allows different damage types, and tracking damage source
        if ((DamageMode == vp_DamageInfo.DamageMode.DamageHandler) ||
            (DamageMode == vp_DamageInfo.DamageMode.Both))
            m_TargetDHandler = vp_DamageHandler.GetDamageHandlerOfCollider(m_TargetCollider);
            if (m_TargetDHandler != null)
                m_TargetDHandler.Damage(new vp_DamageInfo((DistanceModifier * Damage), Source, OriginalSource, vp_DamageInfo.DamageType.Explosion));
Пример #5
    public void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
        vp_DamageHandler handler = other.GetComponent <vp_DamageHandler>();

        if (handler)
            handler.Damage(new vp_DamageInfo(DamagePerSecond * Time.deltaTime, transform));
Пример #6
    /// <summary>
    /// sends damage to a target that has a vp_DamageHandler (or derived)
    /// component
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void DoUFPSDamage(float damage)
        // abort if this explosion has already hit this damagehandler
        if (m_DHandlersHitByThisExplosion.ContainsKey(m_TargetDHandler))

        // remember that we have processed this target
        m_DHandlersHitByThisExplosion.Add(m_TargetDHandler, null);

        // this was a known target and we have a damagehandler for it
        m_TargetDHandler.Damage(new vp_DamageInfo(damage, Source, OriginalSource, vp_DamageInfo.DamageType.Explosion));         // send the damage!
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 void DoDamage()
     m_TargetDHandler = vp_DamageHandler.GetDamageHandlerOfCollider(m_TargetCollider);
     if (m_TargetDHandler != null)
         // target has a known damagehandler -> send damage in UFPS format.
         // this works with targets that have a vp_DamageHandler (or derived) component
         m_TargetDHandler.Damage(new vp_DamageInfo((DistanceModifier * Damage), Source, OriginalSource, vp_DamageInfo.DamageType.Explosion));
     else if (!RequireDamageHandler)
         // target is known to have no damagehandler -> send damage the 'Unity way'.
         // this works with targets that have a custom script with the standard
         // method: "Damage(float damage)"
         m_TargetCollider.gameObject.BroadcastMessage(DamageMessageName, (DistanceModifier * Damage), SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
Пример #8
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
        // return if this is not a relevant object. TIP: this check can be expanded
        if (col.gameObject.layer == vp_Layer.Debris ||
            col.gameObject.layer == vp_Layer.Pickup)

        // try to find a damagehandler on the target and abort on fail
        m_TargetDamageHandler = vp_DamageHandler.GetDamageHandlerOfCollider(col);
        if (m_TargetDamageHandler == null)

        // abort if target is already dead
        // NOTE: this deals with cases of multiple 'OnTriggerEnter' calls on contact
        if (m_TargetDamageHandler.CurrentHealth <= 0)

        // try to find a respawner on the target to see if it's currently OK to kill it
        m_TargetRespawner = vp_Respawner.GetByCollider(col);
        if (m_TargetRespawner != null)
            // abort if target has respawned within one second before this call.
            // NOTE: this addresses a case where 'OnTriggerEnter' is called when
            // teleporting (respawning) away from the trigger, resulting in the
            // object getting insta-killed on respawn. it will only work if the
            // target gameobject has a vp_Respawner-derived component
            if (Time.time < m_TargetRespawner.LastRespawnTime + 1.0f)

        m_TargetDamageHandler.Damage(new vp_DamageInfo(m_TargetDamageHandler.CurrentHealth, m_TargetDamageHandler.Transform, vp_DamageInfo.DamageType.KillZone));
 /// <summary>
 /// applies damage in the UFPS format, with the amount of damage and its
 /// source. NOTE: this method is overridden by 'vp_FXBullet'
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void DoUFPSDamage()
     m_TargetDHandler.Damage(new vp_DamageInfo(Damage, m_Source));
Пример #10
	/// <summary>
	/// everything happens in the DoHit method. the script that
	/// spawns the bullet is responsible for setting its position 
	/// and angle. after being instantiated, the bullet immediately
	/// raycasts ahead for its full range, then snaps itself to
	/// the surface of the first object hit. it then spawns a
	/// number of particle effects and plays a random impact sound.
	/// </summary>
	void DoHit()

		Ray ray = new Ray(m_Transform.position, m_Transform.forward);

		// if this bullet was fired by the local player, don't allow it to hit the local player
		if ((m_Source != null) && (m_Source.gameObject.layer == vp_Layer.LocalPlayer))
			LayerMask = vp_Layer.Mask.BulletBlockers;

		// raycast against all big, solid objects except the player itself
		// SNIPPET: using this instead may be useful in cases where bullets
		// fail to hit colliders (however likely at a performance cost)
		//if (Physics.Linecast(m_Transform.position, m_Transform.position + (m_Transform.forward * Range), out hit, LayerMask))
		if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out m_Hit, Range, LayerMask))

			// NOTE: we can't bail out of this if-statement based on !collider.isTrigger,
			// because that would make bullets _disappear_ if they hit a trigger. to make a
			// trigger not interfere with bullets, put it in the layer: 'vp_Layer.Trigger'
			// (default: 27)

			// move this gameobject instance to the hit object
			Vector3 scale = m_Transform.localScale;	// save scale to handle scaled parent objects
			m_Transform.parent = m_Hit.transform;
			m_Transform.localPosition = m_Hit.transform.InverseTransformPoint(m_Hit.point);
			m_Transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(m_Hit.normal);					// face away from hit surface
			if (m_Hit.transform.lossyScale == Vector3.one)								// if hit object has normal scale
				m_Transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, Random.Range(0, 360), Space.Self);	// spin randomly
				// rotated child objects will get skewed if the parent object has been
				// unevenly scaled in the editor, so on scaled objects we don't support
				// spin, and we need to unparent, rescale and reparent the decal.
				m_Transform.parent = null;
				m_Transform.localScale = scale;
				m_Transform.parent = m_Hit.transform;
			// if hit object has physics, add the bullet force to it
			Rigidbody body = m_Hit.collider.attachedRigidbody;
			if (body != null && !body.isKinematic)
				body.AddForceAtPosition(((ray.direction * Force) / Time.timeScale) / vp_TimeUtility.AdjustedTimeScale, m_Hit.point);

			// spawn impact effect
			if (m_ImpactPrefab != null)
				vp_Utility.Instantiate(m_ImpactPrefab, m_Transform.position, m_Transform.rotation);

			// spawn dust effect
			if (m_DustPrefab != null)
				vp_Utility.Instantiate(m_DustPrefab, m_Transform.position, m_Transform.rotation);

			// spawn spark effect
			if (m_SparkPrefab != null)
				if (Random.value < m_SparkFactor)
					vp_Utility.Instantiate(m_SparkPrefab, m_Transform.position, m_Transform.rotation);

			// spawn debris particle fx
			if (m_DebrisPrefab != null)
				vp_Utility.Instantiate(m_DebrisPrefab, m_Transform.position, m_Transform.rotation);

			// play impact sound
			if (m_ImpactSounds.Count > 0)
				m_Audio.pitch = Random.Range(SoundImpactPitch.x, SoundImpactPitch.y) * Time.timeScale;
				m_Audio.clip = m_ImpactSounds[(int)Random.Range(0, (m_ImpactSounds.Count))];

			// do damage if possible
			m_TargetDHandler = vp_DamageHandler.GetDamageHandlerOfCollider(m_Hit.collider);	// try to find a damage handler on the target
			if ((m_TargetDHandler != null) && (m_Source != null))
				// this was a known damagehandler target and we know the source: send UFPS damage!
				m_TargetDHandler.Damage(new vp_DamageInfo(Damage, m_Source, vp_DamageInfo.DamageType.Bullet));
			else if (!RequireDamageHandler)
				// this target was known to have no damagehandler: send damage using unitymessage (if allowed)
				m_Hit.collider.SendMessage(DamageMethodName, Damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

			// prevent adding decals to objects based on layer
			if ((m_Renderer != null) && NoDecalOnTheseLayers.Length > 0)
				foreach (int layer in NoDecalOnTheseLayers)

					if (m_Hit.transform.gameObject.layer != layer)
					m_Renderer.enabled = false;


			// if bullet is visible (i.e. has a decal), queue it for deletion later
			if(m_Renderer != null)
				vp_Timer.In(1, TryDestroy);		// we have no renderer, so destroy object in 1 sec

			vp_Utility.Destroy(gameObject);	// hit nothing, so self destruct immediately

Пример #11
	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	void DoDamage()

		m_TargetDHandler = vp_DamageHandler.GetDamageHandlerOfCollider(m_TargetCollider);
		if (m_TargetDHandler != null)
			// target has a known damagehandler -> send damage in UFPS format.
			// this works with targets that have a vp_DamageHandler (or derived) component
			m_TargetDHandler.Damage(new vp_DamageInfo((DistanceModifier * Damage), Source, OriginalSource, vp_DamageInfo.DamageType.Explosion));
		else if (!RequireDamageHandler)
			// target is known to have no damagehandler -> send damage the 'Unity way'.
			// this works with targets that have a custom script with the standard
			// method: "Damage(float damage)"
			m_TargetCollider.gameObject.BroadcastMessage(DamageMessageName, (DistanceModifier * Damage), SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

Пример #12
    /// <summary>
    /// everything happens in the DoHit method. the script that
    /// spawns the bullet is responsible for setting its position
    /// and angle. after being instantiated, the bullet immediately
    /// raycasts ahead for its full range, then snaps itself to
    /// the surface of the first object hit. it then spawns a
    /// number of particle effects and plays a random impact sound.
    /// </summary>
    void DoHit()
        Ray ray = new Ray(m_Transform.position, m_Transform.forward);

        // if this bullet was fired by the local player, don't allow it to hit the local player
        if ((m_Source != null) && (m_Source.gameObject.layer == vp_Layer.LocalPlayer))
            LayerMask = vp_Layer.Mask.BulletBlockers;

        // raycast against all big, solid objects except the player itself
        // SNIPPET: using this instead may be useful in cases where bullets
        // fail to hit colliders (however likely at a performance cost)
        //if (Physics.Linecast(m_Transform.position, m_Transform.position + (m_Transform.forward * Range), out hit, LayerMask))
        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out m_Hit, Range, LayerMask))
            // NOTE: we can't bail out of this if-statement based on !collider.isTrigger,
            // because that would make bullets _disappear_ if they hit a trigger. to make a
            // trigger not interfere with bullets, put it in the layer: 'vp_Layer.Trigger'
            // (default: 27)

            // move this gameobject instance to the hit object
            Vector3 scale = m_Transform.localScale;             // save scale to handle scaled parent objects
            m_Transform.parent        = m_Hit.transform;
            m_Transform.localPosition = m_Hit.transform.InverseTransformPoint(m_Hit.point);
            m_Transform.rotation      = Quaternion.LookRotation(m_Hit.normal);                          // face away from hit surface
            if (m_Hit.transform.lossyScale == Vector3.one)                                              // if hit object has normal scale
                m_Transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, Random.Range(0, 360), Space.Self);                  // spin randomly
                // rotated child objects will get skewed if the parent object has been
                // unevenly scaled in the editor, so on scaled objects we don't support
                // spin, and we need to unparent, rescale and reparent the decal.
                m_Transform.parent     = null;
                m_Transform.localScale = scale;
                m_Transform.parent     = m_Hit.transform;

            // if hit object has physics, add the bullet force to it
            Rigidbody body = m_Hit.collider.attachedRigidbody;
            if (body != null && !body.isKinematic)
                body.AddForceAtPosition(((ray.direction * Force) / Time.timeScale) / vp_TimeUtility.AdjustedTimeScale, m_Hit.point);

            // spawn impact effect
            if (m_ImpactPrefab != null)
                vp_Utility.Instantiate(m_ImpactPrefab, m_Transform.position, m_Transform.rotation);

            // spawn dust effect
            if (m_DustPrefab != null)
                vp_Utility.Instantiate(m_DustPrefab, m_Transform.position, m_Transform.rotation);

            // spawn spark effect
            if (m_SparkPrefab != null)
                if (Random.value < m_SparkFactor)
                    vp_Utility.Instantiate(m_SparkPrefab, m_Transform.position, m_Transform.rotation);

            // spawn debris particle fx
            if (m_DebrisPrefab != null)
                vp_Utility.Instantiate(m_DebrisPrefab, m_Transform.position, m_Transform.rotation);

            // play impact sound
            if (m_ImpactSounds.Count > 0)
                m_Audio.pitch = Random.Range(SoundImpactPitch.x, SoundImpactPitch.y) * Time.timeScale;
                m_Audio.clip  = m_ImpactSounds[(int)Random.Range(0, (m_ImpactSounds.Count))];

            // do damage if possible
            m_TargetDHandler = vp_DamageHandler.GetDamageHandlerOfCollider(m_Hit.collider);             // try to find a damage handler on the target
            if ((m_TargetDHandler != null) && (m_Source != null))
                // this was a known damagehandler target and we know the source: send UFPS damage!
                m_TargetDHandler.Damage(new vp_DamageInfo(Damage, m_Source, vp_DamageInfo.DamageType.Bullet));
            else if (!RequireDamageHandler)
                // this target was known to have no damagehandler: send damage using unitymessage (if allowed)
                m_Hit.collider.SendMessage(DamageMethodName, Damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

            // prevent adding decals to objects based on layer
            if ((m_Renderer != null) && NoDecalOnTheseLayers.Length > 0)
                foreach (int layer in NoDecalOnTheseLayers)
                    if (m_Hit.transform.gameObject.layer != layer)
                    m_Renderer.enabled = false;

            // if bullet is visible (i.e. has a decal), queue it for deletion later
            if (m_Renderer != null)
                vp_Timer.In(1, TryDestroy);                             // we have no renderer, so destroy object in 1 sec
            vp_Utility.Destroy(gameObject);             // hit nothing, so self destruct immediately
Пример #13
    void Update()
        // spawn fire when near to fireplace
        // only one boolean variable is required - assumption - player will be near either one or a group of fireplace at the moment
        if (isNearToFirePlace && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
            isConsumingHeat = true;

        //fade in/out frost/heat icon
        if (isFadingInFrostIcon)
            fadeInImage(ref tempFrostColor, ref frostIcon, ref isFadingInFrostIcon);

        if (isFadingInHeatIcon)
            fadeInImage(ref tempHeatColor, ref heatIcon, ref isFadingInHeatIcon);

        if (isFadingOutFrostIcon)
            fadeOutImage(ref tempFrostColor, ref frostIcon, ref isFadingOutFrostIcon);

        if (isFadingOutHeatIcon)
            fadeOutImage(ref tempHeatColor, ref heatIcon, ref isFadingOutHeatIcon);

        fwd = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);

        //check for raycast hit with fireplace every second
        if (Time.time >= nextTime)
            nextTime += (int)THERMAL_LIMITS.NEXT_UPDATE_INTERVAL;

            //When near heat source "frost" goes up by FROST_INCREASE_RATE units per second to max THERMAL_LIMITS.MAX_TEMP
            if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, fwd, out hit, rayLength) && hit.collider.gameObject.CompareTag(Tags.FIREBOX_TAG))
                //increase frost temp if near fireplace every second

                Debug.Log("raycast hit ");
                isNearToFirePlace = true;

                if (isConsumingHeat)
                    Debug.Log("consuimg heat");
                    //span fire
                    GameObject firePlace = hit.collider.gameObject;
                    if (firePlace2FireFlameMap.Contains(firePlace))
                        Debug.Log("  already spawing fire for this fireplace ");
                        Debug.Log("spawning fire ");
                        float      firePlacePlatformSize = firePlace.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y;
                        float      fireFlameBlockSize    = fireFlame.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y;
                        GameObject spawnedFlames         = (GameObject)Instantiate(fireFlame,
                                                                                   new Vector3(firePlace.transform.position.x, firePlace.transform.position.y + fireFlameBlockSize, firePlace.transform.position.z),
                        firePlace2FireFlameMap.Add(firePlace, spawnedFlames);

                    // consume heat
                    if (currentFrostTemp < (int)THERMAL_LIMITS.MAX_TEMP)
                        // i crease frost temp
                        currentFrostTemp += FROST_INCREASE_RATE;
                        // fade out frost icon when temperature goes above FROST_TEMP
                        if (currentFrostTemp > ((int)THERMAL_LIMITS.FROST_TEMP) && isFrostIconVisible)
                            isFadingOutFrostIcon = true;                             // fade out frost icon in Update()
                            isFrostIconVisible   = false;

                    // reset frost temp if greater then THERMAL_LIMITS.MAX_TEMP
                    if (currentFrostTemp > (int)THERMAL_LIMITS.MAX_TEMP)
                        currentFrostTemp = (int)THERMAL_LIMITS.MAX_TEMP;                 // set currentFrostTemp to max temperature

                        Debug.Log("heat icon gone");

                        // heat icon visibility logic
                        //When "frost" increases THERMAL_LIMITS.MAX_TEMP "heat icon" disappears.
                        if (isHeatIconVisible)
                            isFadingOutHeatIcon = true;
                            isHeatIconVisible   = false;

            // decrease frost value every second when not near aheat source
            else if (currentFrostTemp >= (int)THERMAL_LIMITS.TEMP_ZERO)
                isNearToFirePlace = false;
                isConsumingHeat   = false;

                //Frost goes down by FROST_DECREASE_RATE per second when not near heat source
                currentFrostTemp -= FROST_DECREASE_RATE;
                // show frost icon when temp is less then FROST_TEMP
                if (currentFrostTemp == (int)THERMAL_LIMITS.FROST_TEMP)
                    isFadingInFrostIcon = true;
                    isFrostIconVisible  = true;
                else if (currentFrostTemp < (int)THERMAL_LIMITS.TEMP_ZERO)
                    currentFrostTemp = (int)THERMAL_LIMITS.TEMP_ZERO;                       // reset frost temp to zero
                    //lower health  by HEALTH_LOW_HP
                    Debug.Log("damage occurs");
                    damg.Damage(HEALTH_LOW_HP);                     // add damage to player

                // show heat icon when frost temp is below THERMAL_LIMITS.MAX_TEMP
                if (!isHeatIconVisible)
                    isFadingInHeatIcon = true;
                    isHeatIconVisible  = true;