public IActionResult UserDetailMaintenance(string Event) { var Event_ = Event == null ? "_partsUserInfo" : Event; var UserName = User.Identity.Name; vewOperatorAlls dataOperator = new vewOperatorAlls(); dataOperator = _sptoDbContext.vewOperatorAll.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OperatorID == UserName); ViewBag.NameEng = dataOperator.NameEng; ViewBag.JobTitle = dataOperator.JobTitle; ViewBag.NameEngUserDetail = dataOperator.NameEng; ViewBag.JobTitleUserDetail = dataOperator.JobTitle; var varsd = "" + UserName + ".jpg"; ViewBag.imgProfileUserDetail = varsd; ViewBag.imgProfile = varsd; ViewBag.Event = Event_; string IPAddress = ""; ViewBag.IPAddress = IPAddress; return(View()); }
public JsonResult GetUpdateUserdetail(vewOperatorAlls dataDetail, List <vewOperatorLicense> dataLicenses, string OpNo) { var _Result = "OK"; var _DataResult = ""; var _ResultLabel = true; try { var dataOperator = new vewOperatorAlls(); mgrSQLcommand ObjRun = new mgrSQLcommand(_configuration); string[] Result = ObjRun.GetUpdUserdetail(dataDetail, dataLicenses, OpNo, GetIp()); _ResultLabel = Convert.ToBoolean(Result[0]); _Result = Result[1]; _DataResult = _Result != "OK" ? _Result : ""; } catch (Exception e) { _ResultLabel = false; _Result = "Error"; _DataResult = e.Message; } var jsonResult = Json(new { strResult = _Result, dataLabel = _DataResult, strboolbel = _ResultLabel, data = "" }); return(jsonResult); }
public JsonResult GetDataUserdetail(string opno) { var _Result = "OK"; var _DataResult = ""; var _ResultLabel = true; vewOperatorAlls dataOperator = new vewOperatorAlls(); List <vewOperatorLicense> dataLicenses = new List <vewOperatorLicense>(); var data_ = _sptoDbContext.vewOperatorAll.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OperatorID == opno); dataOperator = data_; mgrSQLcommand ObjRun = new mgrSQLcommand(_configuration); dataLicenses = ObjRun.GetUserLicense(opno); _Result = dataOperator != null ? "OK" : "error"; _DataResult = _Result != "OK" ? "Data not found" : ""; ViewBag.NameEngUserDetail = dataOperator.NameEng; ViewBag.JobTitleUserDetail = dataOperator.JobTitle; var varsd = "" + opno + ".jpg"; ViewBag.imgProfileUserDetail = varsd; var jsonResult = Json(new { strResult = _Result, dataLabel = _DataResult, strboolbel = _ResultLabel, data = dataOperator, dataLicense = dataLicenses, DataProfile = varsd }); return(jsonResult); }
public IActionResult Index() { var UserName = User.Identity.Name; vewOperatorAlls dataOperator = new vewOperatorAlls(); dataOperator = _sptoDbContext.vewOperatorAll.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OperatorID == UserName); ViewBag.NameEng = dataOperator.NameEng; ViewBag.JobTitle = dataOperator.JobTitle; var varsd = "" + UserName + ".jpg"; ViewBag.imgProfile = varsd; return(View()); }
public JsonResult Profile(string OPID) { var UserName = OPID; vewOperatorAlls dataOperator = new vewOperatorAlls(); dataOperator = _sptoDbContext.vewOperatorAll.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OperatorID == UserName); var Name = dataOperator.NameEng; var JobTitle = dataOperator.JobTitle; var varsd = "" + UserName + ".jpg"; var jsonResult = Json(new{ data = varsd, strName = Name, strJobTitle = JobTitle }); return(jsonResult); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UserInCharge(int?page, string opno) { ViewBag.opno = opno; if (ViewBag.opno == null) { opno = TempData["opno"].ToString(); } const int padgeSize = 5; var queryuser = _sptoDbContext.sprOperatorShowListInChang.FromSql($"sprOperatorShowListInChang {opno}").ToList().ToPagedList(page ?? 1, padgeSize); //var tempval = TempData.Peek<TempReqChange>("datareqchange"); // Get data list user request var queryvalue = await _sptoDbContext.TempReqChange.Where(x => x.ReqOperatorID == opno& x.SendReqFlag == false).ToListAsync(); if (queryvalue.Count != 0) { ViewBag.Collection = queryvalue; } var UserName = User.Identity.Name; vewOperatorAlls dataOperator = new vewOperatorAlls(); dataOperator = _sptoDbContext.vewOperatorAll.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OperatorID == UserName); ViewBag.NameEng = dataOperator.NameEng; ViewBag.JobTitle = dataOperator.JobTitle; ViewBag.NameEngUserDetail = dataOperator.NameEng; ViewBag.JobTitleUserDetail = dataOperator.JobTitle; var varsd = "" + UserName + ".jpg"; ViewBag.imgProfileUserDetail = varsd; ViewBag.imgProfile = varsd; return(View(queryuser)); }
public string[] GetUpdUserdetail(vewOperatorAlls _Data, List <vewOperatorLicense> _DataLicense, string OpNo, string strIpAddress) { mgrSQLConnect ObjRun = new mgrSQLConnect(_configuration); dt = new DataTable(); string DataMgs, strFlag; var results = true; strSQL = ""; string[] Result; strFlag = "UPD"; try { string DataLicense = ""; foreach (vewOperatorLicense i in _DataLicense) { DataLicense += ";" + i.License; } strSQL += "Exec [sprOperator]"; strSQL += "'" + strFlag + "',"; //flag strSQL += "'" + _Data.OperatorID + "',"; strSQL += "'" + _Data.Password + "',"; strSQL += "'" + _Data.NameEng + "',"; strSQL += "N'" + _Data.NameThai + "',"; strSQL += "'" + _Data.SectionCode + "',"; strSQL += "'" + _Data.OperatorGroup + "',"; strSQL += "'" + _Data.Position + "',"; strSQL += "'" + _Data.JobTitle + "',"; strSQL += "'" + _Data.Email1 + "',"; strSQL += "'" + _Data.Email2 + "',"; strSQL += "'" + _Data.RFID + "',"; strSQL += "'" + _Data.Authority + "',"; strSQL += "'" + _Data.Active + "',"; strSQL += "'" + OpNo + "',"; strSQL += "'" + strIpAddress + "';"; strSQL += " Exec [sprOperatorLicense]"; strSQL += "'" + _Data.OperatorID + "'"; strSQL += ",'" + DataLicense.Substring(1) + "'"; strSQL += ",'" + OpNo + "'"; strSQL += ",'" + strIpAddress + "';"; dt = ObjRun.GetDatatables(strSQL); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Result = new[] { dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(), dt.Rows[0][1].ToString() }; } else { results = false; Result = new[] { results.ToString(), "Error " }; } } catch (Exception e) { DataMgs = e.Message + ":" + strSQL; results = false; Result = new[] { results.ToString(), DataMgs }; } return(Result); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Login(string OperatorID, string Password, vewOperatorAlls model, string returnUrl = null) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OperatorID) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password)) { return(RedirectToAction("Login")); } //Check the user name and password //Here can be implemented checking logic from the database ClaimsIdentity identity = null; var isAuthenticated = false; string authority = null; var active = false; var querylogin = await _sptoDbContext.vewOperatorAll .Where(x => x.OperatorID == OperatorID && x.Password == Password) .Select(c => new { c.OperatorID, c.Active, c.Authority }).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (querylogin != null) { //foreach (var item in querylogin) //{ // authority = item.Authority; // active = item.Active; //} authority = querylogin.Authority; active = querylogin.Active; if (active == false) { return(RedirectToAction("Login")); } switch (authority) { case "9": //Create the identity for the Admin identity = new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, model.OperatorID), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Admin"), }, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme); isAuthenticated = true; break; case "7": //Create the identity for the Training identity = new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, model.OperatorID), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Training") }, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme); isAuthenticated = true; break; case "0": //Create the identity for the user identity = new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, model.OperatorID), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "User") }, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme); isAuthenticated = true; break; } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid Operator No. or Password"); return(View()); } if (!isAuthenticated) { return(View()); } var principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity); var login = HttpContext.SignInAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, principal); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> EditUserInCharge(int?pageaddition, string opnoedit) { //if (opnoedit == null) //{ // return NotFound(); //} //var sectadditionid = HttpContext.Request.Form["sectListAdditional"].ToString(); var Getuser = await _sptoDbContext.vewOperatorAll.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.OperatorID == opnoedit); if (Getuser != null) { ViewBag.opnoreq = Getuser.OperatorID; ViewBag.namereq = Getuser.NameEng; } //Get Current Organize var queryOrganize = await _sptoDbContext.vewOperatorAll.Where(x => x.OperatorID == opnoedit) .Select(c => new { division = c.Division, department = c.Department, section = c.Section, shift = c.GroupName, statusresign = (c.Active ? "Active" : "Not Active") }) .ToListAsync(); foreach (var item in queryOrganize) { ViewBag.CategoryDivision = item.division; ViewBag.CategoryDepartment = item.department; ViewBag.CategorySection = item.section; ViewBag.CategoryShift = item.shift; ViewBag.CategoryResign = item.statusresign; } //Get Current License to Dropdown var queryLicense = await _sptoDbContext.vewOperatorLicense.Where(x => x.OperatorID == opnoedit) .Select(c => new { c.OperatorID, c.License }).ToListAsync(); ViewBag.CategoryLicense = new MultiSelectList(queryLicense.AsEnumerable(), "OperatorID", "License"); List <SelectListItem> categoryResign = new List <SelectListItem>() { new SelectListItem { Text = "Active", Value = "True" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "Not Active", Value = "False" } }; ViewBag.ResignMaster = categoryResign; //Binding for select dropdownlist shift var shiftmaster = await _sptoDbContext.vewOperatorGroupMaster .Select(c => new { c.OperatorGroup, c.GroupName }).ToListAsync(); ViewBag.CategoryShiftmaster = new SelectList(shiftmaster.AsEnumerable(), "OperatorGroup", "GroupName"); //Binding for select dropdownlist Division var catagoryDivlist = await _sptoDbContext.vewDivisionMaster .Select(v => new { DivisionID = v.row_num, Divisionname = v.DivisionName }).ToListAsync(); // ------- Inserting Select Item in Division List ------- ViewBag.listofCatagoryDiv = new SelectList(catagoryDivlist, "DivisionID", "Divisionname"); //Binding for select dropdownlist License var licensecatagory = await _sptoDbContext.vewLicenseMaster .Select(v => new { License = v.License.ToString().Trim(), v.LicenseID }).ToListAsync(); ViewBag.licensecatagory = new MultiSelectList(licensecatagory.AsEnumerable(), "License", "License"); const int padgeSizeAddition = 5; var listadditional = await _sptoDbContext.vewOperatorAdditionalDep .Where(x => x.OperatorID == opnoedit) .Select(s => new additionalist() { Division = s.Division, Department = s.Department, Section = s.Section, SectionCode = s.SectionCode }).ToPagedListAsync(pageaddition ?? 1, padgeSizeAddition); ViewBag.opnoedit = opnoedit; ViewBag.AdditionalCurrent = listadditional; // Div. Additional var divlistAdditional = await _sptoDbContext.vewDivisionMaster .Select(v => new { DivisionID = v.row_num, Divisionname = v.DivisionName }).ToListAsync(); // ------- Inserting Select Item in Division List ------- ViewBag.listofDivAdditional = new SelectList(divlistAdditional, "DivisionID", "Divisionname"); var userName = User.Identity.Name; vewOperatorAlls dataOperator = new vewOperatorAlls(); dataOperator = _sptoDbContext.vewOperatorAll.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OperatorID == userName); ViewBag.NameEng = dataOperator.NameEng; ViewBag.JobTitle = dataOperator.JobTitle; ViewBag.NameEngUserDetail = dataOperator.NameEng; ViewBag.JobTitleUserDetail = dataOperator.JobTitle; var varsd = "" + userName + ".jpg"; ViewBag.imgProfileUserDetail = varsd; ViewBag.imgProfile = varsd; return(View()); }