Пример #1
 public void Set(utlMatrix34 mtx)
     m_A = mtx.A;
     m_B = mtx.B;
     m_C = mtx.C;
     m_D = mtx.D;
Пример #2
        public static void DrawGridBackground(utlMatrix34 mtx, Vector2 gridStart, Vector2 gridEnd, Vector2 gridSize, int lineWidth, Color lineColor)
            Vector2 startPos  = new Vector2(gridStart.x, gridStart.y);
            Vector2 endPos    = new Vector2(gridEnd.x, gridStart.y);
            float   distance  = utlMath.FloatDistance(gridStart.x, gridEnd.x);
            float   gridCount = distance / gridSize.x;

            for (int indexX = 0; indexX < gridCount; indexX++)
                startPos.y += gridSize.y;
                endPos.y   += gridSize.y;
                endPos.x    = gridEnd.x;

                DrawLine(mtx.Transform(startPos), mtx.Transform(endPos), lineWidth, lineColor);

            startPos.Set(gridStart.x, gridStart.y);
            endPos.Set(gridStart.x, gridEnd.x);

            for (int indexY = 0; indexY < gridCount; indexY++)
                startPos.x += gridSize.x;
                endPos.x   += gridSize.x;
                endPos.y    = gridEnd.y;

                DrawLine(mtx.Transform(startPos), mtx.Transform(endPos), lineWidth, lineColor);
Пример #3
    public void RotateZ(float r)
        utlMatrix34 m = new utlMatrix34();

Пример #4
        public void Update(baseState state, utlMatrix34 mtx, artConfigurationData configData)
            m_State = state;

            MoveBool = false;

            // input
            Event ev = Event.current;

            //stateEditorUtils.MousePos = ev.mousePosition;

            //if the mouse button is down.
            if (ev.type == EventType.MouseDown && ev.button == 0)
                LeftMouseButton = true;
                if (m_MainBodyHover)
                    MoveBool = true;
                    Selected = true;

                if (m_ResizeBodyHover)
                    this.Resize = true;
                if (this.m_TitleHover)
                    RenameBool = true;

            if (ev.type == EventType.MouseUp)
                LeftMouseButton = false;
                Selected        = false;
                Resize          = false;
                //RenameBool = false;

            //GUI.Window(m_Id, mtx.Transform(WinRect), DrawNodeWindow, m_WindowStateAlias);

            Vector3 startPos = GetStartPosForConditional();

            for (int i = 0; i < this.ConditionLineList.Count; i++)
                Vector3 endPos = GetEndPosForConditional(ConditionLineList[i]);

                Color shadowCol = new Color(0, 0, 1, 0.06f);
                //artGUIUtils.DrawArrowTranformed(mtx, startPos, endPos, WinRect, ConditionLineList[i].WinRect, 1, Color.black, 1, shadowCol, Color.white);
                artGUIUtils.DrawArrowTranformed(mtx, startPos, endPos, WinRect, ConditionLineList[i].WinRect, configData.ArrowLineWidth, configData.ArrowLineColor, configData.ArrowFillColor);
            DrawNodeWindow(this.m_Id, configData);
Пример #5
        public static void DrawGridBackground(utlMatrix34 mtx)
            Color shadowCol = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.2f);

            artGUIUtils.DrawGridBackground(mtx, new Vector2(-5000, -5000), new Vector2(5000, 5000), new Vector2(25, 25), 1, shadowCol);
            Color blueCol = new Color(0, 0, 1, 0.4f);

            artGUIUtils.DrawGridBackground(mtx, new Vector2(-5000, -5000), new Vector2(5000, 5000), new Vector2(250, 250), 3, blueCol);
            //stateEditorDrawUtils.DrawGridBackground(new Vector2(-5000, -5000), new Vector2(5000, 5000), new Vector2(250, 250), 1, blueCol);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Is within the window using the scroll transform.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tranVect"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool IsWithinUsingPanZoomTransform(Vector2 vect, utlMatrix34 mtx)
            Vector3 transVect = new Vector3();

            transVect = mtx.UnTransform(vect);
            if (transVect.x >= m_WinRect.x && transVect.x < m_WinRect.x + m_WinRect.width)
                if (transVect.y >= m_WinRect.y && transVect.y < m_WinRect.y + m_WinRect.height)
Пример #7
        public static void DrawArrowTranformed(utlMatrix34 mtx, Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Rect winRectStart, Rect winRectEnd, float lineWidth, Color lineColor, Color bodyColor)
            Vector3 startPosTrans = new Vector3();

            startPosTrans = mtx.Transform(startPos);

            Vector3 endPosTrans = new Vector3();

            endPosTrans = mtx.Transform(endPos);

            Rect transStartRect = new Rect(winRectStart);
            Rect transEndRect   = new Rect(winRectEnd);

            transStartRect.position = mtx.Transform(transStartRect.position);
            transEndRect.position   = mtx.Transform(transEndRect.position);

            DrawArrow(startPosTrans, endPosTrans, transStartRect, transEndRect, lineWidth, lineColor, bodyColor);
Пример #8
    void Dot(utlMatrix34 m)
        float x, y, z;

        x = A.x * m.A.x + A.y * m.B.x + A.z * m.C.x;
        y = A.x * m.A.y + A.y * m.B.y + A.z * m.C.y;
        z = A.x * m.A.z + A.y * m.B.z + A.z * m.C.z;
        A.Set(x, y, z);

        x = B.x * m.A.x + B.y * m.B.x + B.z * m.C.x;
        y = B.x * m.A.y + B.y * m.B.y + B.z * m.C.y;
        z = B.x * m.A.z + B.y * m.B.z + B.z * m.C.z;
        B.Set(x, y, z);

        x = C.x * m.A.x + C.y * m.B.x + C.z * m.C.x;
        y = C.x * m.A.y + C.y * m.B.y + C.z * m.C.y;
        z = C.x * m.A.z + C.y * m.B.z + C.z * m.C.z;
        C.Set(x, y, z);

        x = D.x * m.A.x + D.y * m.B.x + D.z * m.C.x + m.D.x;
        y = D.x * m.A.y + D.y * m.B.y + D.z * m.C.y + m.D.y;
        z = D.x * m.A.z + D.y * m.B.z + D.z * m.C.z + m.D.z;
        D.Set(x, y, z);
Пример #9
        public static void DrawArrow(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, Rect winRectspawnPointStart, Rect winRectEnd, int lineWidth, Color lineColor, int shadowWidth, Color shadowColor, Color bodyColor)
            //clip the line through the window rects
            Vector2 colPos = new Vector2();

            if (LineRectIntersection(startPos, endPos, winRectspawnPointStart, ref colPos))
                startPos = colPos;

            if (LineRectIntersection(startPos, endPos, winRectEnd, ref colPos))
                endPos = colPos;

            Handles.color = shadowColor;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Handles.DrawBezier(startPos, endPos, endPos, startPos, shadowColor, null, (i + shadowWidth) * 4);
            //             Handles.DrawLine(startPos, endPos);

            //Handles.color = lineColor;
            //Handles.DrawLine(startPos, endPos);

            //Handles.DrawBezier(startPos, endPos, endPos, startPos, shadowColor, null, shadowWidth);
            Handles.DrawBezier(startPos, endPos, endPos, startPos, lineColor, null, lineWidth);

            Handles.color = bodyColor;
            for (float i = 0; i < 10; i += 0.5f)
                Handles.DrawWireCube(startPos, new Vector3(i, i, i));

            Handles.color = lineColor;
            Handles.DrawWireCube(startPos, new Vector3(10, 10, 10));

            const int arrowHeadSize = 3;

            Vector3[] arrowHead = new Vector3[arrowHeadSize];

            float arrowSize = 15;

            arrowHead[0] = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            arrowHead[1] = new Vector3(0, arrowSize * 0.5f, arrowSize);

            arrowHead[2] = new Vector3(0, -arrowSize * 0.5f, arrowSize);

            utlMatrix34 mtx       = new utlMatrix34(endPos);
            Vector3     lookAtPos = new Vector3(startPos.x, startPos.y, startPos.z); //new Vector3(winRectEnd.x + (winRectEnd.width * 0.5f), winRectEnd.y + (winRectEnd.height * 0.5f), 0);


            Vector3[] arrowHeadWorld = new Vector3[arrowHeadSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < arrowHeadWorld.Length; i++)
                arrowHeadWorld[i] = new Vector3();
                arrowHeadWorld[i] = mtx.Transform(arrowHead[i]);

            float slice = 0.05f;

            for (float i = slice; i < 1.0f - slice; i += slice)
                Vector3 lerpVect = Vector3.Lerp(arrowHeadWorld[1], arrowHeadWorld[2], i);
                Handles.DrawBezier(arrowHeadWorld[0], lerpVect, lerpVect, arrowHeadWorld[0], bodyColor, null, 3);

            Handles.DrawBezier(arrowHeadWorld[0], arrowHeadWorld[1], arrowHeadWorld[1], arrowHeadWorld[0], shadowColor, null, 3);
            Handles.DrawBezier(arrowHeadWorld[0], arrowHeadWorld[2], arrowHeadWorld[2], arrowHeadWorld[0], shadowColor, null, 3);
            Handles.DrawBezier(arrowHeadWorld[1], arrowHeadWorld[2], arrowHeadWorld[2], arrowHeadWorld[1], shadowColor, null, 3);

            Handles.color = lineColor;

            Handles.DrawLine(arrowHeadWorld[0], arrowHeadWorld[1]);
            Handles.DrawLine(arrowHeadWorld[0], arrowHeadWorld[2]);
            Handles.DrawLine(arrowHeadWorld[1], arrowHeadWorld[2]);
Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// returns the position of the window with the scroll/pan mtx transform.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Vector3 GetTransformedPos(utlMatrix34 mtx)
Пример #11
         * public static void DrawArrowTranformed(utlMatrix34 mtx, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, Rect winRectStart, Rect winRectEnd, int lineWidth, Color lineColor, int shadowWidth, Color shadowColor, Color bodyColor)
         * {
         *  Vector3 startPosTrans = new Vector3();
         *  startPosTrans = mtx.Transform(startPos);
         *  Vector3 endPosTrans = new Vector3();
         *  endPosTrans = mtx.Transform(endPos);
         *  Rect transStartRect = new Rect(winRectStart);
         *  Rect transEndRect = new Rect(winRectEnd);
         *  transStartRect.position = mtx.Transform(transStartRect.position);
         *  transEndRect.position = mtx.Transform(transEndRect.position);
         *  DrawArrow(startPosTrans,
         *      endPosTrans,
         *      transStartRect,
         *      transEndRect,
         *      lineWidth,
         *      lineColor, shadowWidth, shadowColor, bodyColor);
         * }*/

        public static void DrawArrow(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Rect winRectStart, Rect winRectEnd, float lineWidth, Color lineColor, Color bodyColor)
            Vector2 colPos = new Vector2();

            if (LineRectIntersection(startPos, endPos, winRectStart, ref colPos))
                startPos = colPos;

            if (LineRectIntersection(startPos, endPos, winRectEnd, ref colPos))
                endPos = colPos;

            //Handles.DrawBezier(startPos, endPos, endPos, startPos, lineColor, null, lineWidth);
            DrawLine(startPos, endPos, lineWidth, lineColor);

            artGUIUtils.DrawRect(new Rect(startPos.x - 5, startPos.y - 5, 10, 10), lineWidth, lineColor, bodyColor);

            //arrow head draw
            const int arrowHeadSize = 3;

            Vector3[] arrowHead = new Vector3[arrowHeadSize];

            float arrowSize = 15;

            arrowHead[0] = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            arrowHead[1] = new Vector3(0, arrowSize * 0.5f, arrowSize);

            arrowHead[2] = new Vector3(0, -arrowSize * 0.5f, arrowSize);

            utlMatrix34 mtx       = new utlMatrix34(endPos);
            Vector3     lookAtPos = new Vector3(startPos.x, startPos.y, 0); //new Vector3(winRectEnd.x + (winRectEnd.width * 0.5f), winRectEnd.y + (winRectEnd.height * 0.5f), 0);


            Vector3[] arrowHeadWorld = new Vector3[arrowHeadSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < arrowHeadWorld.Length; i++)
                arrowHeadWorld[i] = new Vector3();
                arrowHeadWorld[i] = mtx.Transform(arrowHead[i]);

            float slice = 0.05f;

            for (float i = slice; i < 1.0f - slice; i += slice)
                Vector3 lerpVect = Vector3.Lerp(arrowHeadWorld[1], arrowHeadWorld[2], i);
                //Handles.DrawBezier(arrowHeadWorld[0], lerpVect, lerpVect, arrowHeadWorld[0], bodyColor, null, 3);
                DrawLine(arrowHeadWorld[0], lerpVect, 3, bodyColor);

            Handles.color = lineColor;

            artGUIUtils.DrawLine(arrowHeadWorld[0], arrowHeadWorld[1], lineWidth, lineColor);
            artGUIUtils.DrawLine(arrowHeadWorld[0], arrowHeadWorld[2], lineWidth, lineColor);
            artGUIUtils.DrawLine(arrowHeadWorld[1], arrowHeadWorld[2], lineWidth, lineColor);