Пример #1
        public static void Update(uGUI_RadiationWarning __instance)
            if (Player.main == null)

            // Get the background gameObject for the radiation warning
            var background = GameObject.Find("RadiationWarning").FindChild("Background");

            // Get its animation component
            Animation a = background?.GetComponent <Animation>();

            // Check if we're currently immune to the radiation
            if (Player.main.radiationAmount <= 0)
                if (!immuneMessage.Equals(__instance.text.text))
                    __instance.text.text = immuneMessage;                             // Use alternate text
                    __instance.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(720f, 550f, 0f); // Put in upper right
                    if (a != null)
                        AnimationState s = a.GetState(0);
                        s.normalizedTime = 0.25f; // Pick out a not-too-bright, not-too-dull frame of the animation
                        a.Sample();               // Forces the pose to be calculated
                        a.Stop();                 // Actually commits the pose without waiting until end of frame

                        a.enabled = false;        // Now cease looping the animation
                if (immuneMessage.Equals(__instance.text.text))
                    __instance.OnLanguageChanged();                                 // Reset to regular all-caps message
                    __instance.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 420f, 0f); // Reset to its default position
                    if (a != null)
                        a.enabled = true;  // Resume looping the animation
        public static bool IsRadiated(uGUI_RadiationWarning __instance, ref bool __result)
            Player main = Player.main;

            if (main == null || !radiated)
                __result = false;
                PDA pda = main.GetPDA();

                // Display if pda is null or isn't in use

                __result = pda == null || !pda.isInUse;

            return(false); // We're doing the same thing as the base method, just more.