private void addNavList(tud.mci.tangram.models.dialogs.ScrollableContainer sc)

            #region Einführung

            introduction = CreateFixedLabel("Einführung", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, this, "introduction_LABEL");
            SetProperty(introduction, "HelpURL", "7");
            SetProperty(introduction, "HelpText", "I");
            //SetProperty(introduction, "Tag", s.ToString()); //TODO: add the tag for the introduction
            SetProperty(introduction, "FontHeight", h1_fontHieght);
            SetProperty(introduction, "FontWeight", h1_fontWeight);
            sc.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(introduction as XControl, "introduction_LABEL", h1_leftMargin, 7);
            #region Einführung underline
            XControl line1 = CreateHorizontalFixedLine("", 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, "introduction_LABEL_line");
            //TODO: how to set the color
            line1 = sc.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(
                "introduction_LABEL_line", 5, 2, sc.Width-5, 2);


            var criterionLable = CreateFixedLabel("Kriterien", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, this, "criterion_LABEL");
            ////SetProperty(criterionLable, "Enable", false);
            ////SetProperty(introduction, "Tag", s.ToString()); //TODO: add the tag for the introduction
            SetProperty(criterionLable, "FontHeight", h1_fontHieght);
            SetProperty(criterionLable, "FontWeight", h1_fontWeight);
            sc.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(criterionLable as XControl, "criterion_LABEL", h1_leftMargin, 7);

            int c = 0;
            foreach (tud.mci.tangram.qsdialog.models.Category ca in categories)

                var catLable = CreateFixedLabel(++c + ". " + ca.Name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, this, ca.Id);
                //SetProperty(introduction, "Tag", s.ToString()); //TODO: add the tag for the introduction
                SetProperty(catLable, "FontHeight", h2_fontHieght);
                SetProperty(catLable, "FontWeight", h2_fontWeight);
                SetProperty(catLable, "HelpText", ca.Id);
                SetProperty(catLable, "MultiLine", true);
                //SetProperty(catLable, "HelpURL", 6);
                Object t = null;
                if (catLable is XControl) 
                t = sc.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(catLable as XControl, ca.Id, h2_leftMargin, 7);
                criteriaLabelMap.Add(ca.Id, t);

                //insertRoadmapItem(1, false, ca.Name, 1);
                //List<Criterion> criteria = ca.Criteria;
                //categorie adden
                criteriaMap.Add(ca.Id, ca);
                int i = 0;
                foreach (Criterion cr in ca.Criteria)
                    criteriaMap.Add(cr.Id, cr);

                    int s = 3;
                    switch (cr.Rec.Type)

                        case tud.mci.tangram.qsdialog.models.CriterionType.all:
                            s = 1;
                            s = 2;
                        case tud.mci.tangram.qsdialog.models.CriterionType.count:
                            s = 3;
                        case tud.mci.tangram.qsdialog.models.CriterionType.rating:
                            s = 3;
                            s = 0;

                    var tLabel = CreateFixedLabel(c+"."+ ++i + ". " + cr.Name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, this, cr.Id);
                    SetProperty(tLabel, "HelpURL", s.ToString());
                    SetProperty(tLabel, "HelpText", cr.Id);
                    SetProperty(tLabel, "MultiLine", true);
                    Object l = null;

                    if (tLabel is XControl)
                        //sc.addElementAndAdoptTheSize(tLabel as XControl, cr.Id, 5, 20 + (i++ * 20));
                        l = sc.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(tLabel as XControl, cr.Id, h3_leftMargin, 5);

                    criteriaLabelMap.Add(cr.Id, l);

                    //var t = InsertFixedLabel(cr.Name, 10, 20 + (i++ * 10), 100, 10, 0, this, cr.Id);
                    //SetProperty(t, "HelpURL", s.ToString());

                    //SetProperty(t, "HelpURL", Convert.ToString(index++));


            #region Auswertung

            #region Auswertung underline
            XControl line2 = CreateHorizontalFixedLine("", 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, "eval_LABEL_line");
            //TODO: how to set the color

            line2 = sc.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(
                "eval_LABEL_line", 5, 10, sc.Width - 5, 2);

            var eval = CreateFixedLabel("Auswertung", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, this, "eval_LABEL");
            //SetProperty(introduction, "Tag", s.ToString()); //TODO: add the tag for the introduction
            SetProperty(eval, "FontHeight", h1_fontHieght);
            SetProperty(eval, "FontWeight", h1_fontWeight);
            sc.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(eval as XControl, "eval_LABEL", h1_leftMargin, 7, sc.Width - h1_leftMargin, 40);


