public static void ProcessUseSkill(this World world, ClientConnection client, UseSkill message)
            var source = client.Avatar as CombatantModel;
            if (source == null)
                client.LogMessage("Requested a skill without an avatar.");

            Schema.EnumSkillRow esr = Global.Schema.EnumSkill.FindByEnumSkillID((int)message.Skill);
            if (esr == null)
                client.LogMessage("Requested an invalid skill " + message.Skill);

            EntityModel target;
            switch ((EnumTargetType)esr.EnumTargetTypeID)
                case EnumTargetType.TargetSelf:
                    target = source;
                case EnumTargetType.TargetMobile:
                    if (message.TargetPhysicalObjectIDs.Length == 0)
                        world.LogMessage(source, "No target specified, this skill may only be used on Mobiles.");
                    target = world.History.Head.Entities.ValueOrDefault(message.TargetPhysicalObjectIDs[0]);
                    if (target == null)
                        world.LogMessage(source, "Target " + message.TargetPhysicalObjectIDs[0] + " not found.");
                    world.LogMessage(source, "That skill has an unsupported target type " + esr.EnumTargetTypeID);
                    Log.Error("Unhandled target type " + esr.EnumTargetTypeID + " for skill " + esr.EnumSkillID + " " + esr.EnumSkillName);

            if (source.ActivatingSkill != EnumSkill.None)         // queue the request for later.
                world.Apply(new EntityUpdateEvent(
                    source.EnqueueSkill(message.Skill, target),
                    "Enqueuing Skill " + message.Skill));
            else if (esr.LeadTime <= 0)                 // process it now
                world.UseSkillNow(source, esr, target);
            else                                        // process it later, after lead-time has elapsed
                world.Apply(new EntityUpdateEvent(
                    source.StartSkill(message.Skill, target, Global.Now, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(esr.LeadTime)),
                    "Activating Skill " + message.Skill));
Пример #2
 public static DateTime Equal(this IShould<DateTime> should, DateTime expected, TimeSpan tolerance)
     return should.Apply(
         (t, a) => a.AreEqual(expected, t, tolerance),
         (t, a) => a.AreNotEqual(expected, t, tolerance)
        // Methods created by petrucio ->
        // Copy the values of adjacent pixels to transparent pixels color info, to
        // remove the white border artifact when importing transparent .PNGs.
        public static void FixTransparency(this Texture2D texture)
            Color32[] pixels = texture.GetPixels32();
            int w = texture.width;
            int h = texture.height;

            for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
                    int idx = y * w + x;
                    Color32 pixel = pixels[idx];
                    if (pixel.a == 0)
                        bool done = false;
                        if (!done && x > 0) done = TryAdjacent(ref pixel, pixels[idx - 1]);        // Left   pixel
                        if (!done && x < w - 1) done = TryAdjacent(ref pixel, pixels[idx + 1]);        // Right  pixel
                        if (!done && y > 0) done = TryAdjacent(ref pixel, pixels[idx - w]);        // Top    pixel
                        if (!done && y < h - 1) done = TryAdjacent(ref pixel, pixels[idx + w]);        // Bottom pixel
                        pixels[idx] = pixel;

	public static Rect[] PackTextures(this Texture2D atlas,Texture2D[] textures,int padding, bool uniformDimension){
		List<Rect> rects = new List<Rect> ();
		if (uniformDimension) {
			Vector2 maxSize = GetMaxSize (textures);
			float max=maxSize.x>maxSize.y?maxSize.x:maxSize.y;

			int x = 0;
			int y = 0;
			int p = (int)Mathf.Ceil (Mathf.Log (textures.Length) / Mathf.Log (2));

			for (int t=0; t< textures.Length; t++) {
				Color[] pixels = textures [t].GetPixels ();
				if (x >= p) {
					x = 0;

				offset= new Vector2((max-textures[t].width)*0.5f,(max-textures[t].height)*0.5f);

				rects.Add (new Rect (x * max + x * padding, y * max + y * padding, max, max));
				atlas.SetPixels ((int)(x * max + padding+offset.x), (int)(y * max + padding+offset.y), (int)textures [t].width, (int)textures [t].height, pixels);
			atlas.Apply ();
		} else {
			Rect[] r=atlas.PackTextures(textures,padding);
			for(int i=0;i<r.Length;i++){
				rects.Add(new Rect(r[i].x*atlas.width,r[i].y*atlas.height,textures[i].width,textures[i].height));
		return rects.ToArray ();
Пример #5
        public static Texture2D MakeOutline(this Texture2D texture, int width)
            Color[] c = texture.GetPixels();
            Color[] nc = new Color[c.Length];

            for (int y = 0; y < texture.height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < texture.width; x++) {
                    Color cc = c[x + y * texture.width];
                    if (cc.a < 0.1) {
                        float a = 0;
                        for (int cy = Mathf.Max(y - width, 0); cy <= Mathf.Min(y + width, texture.height - 1); cy++)
                            for (int cx = Mathf.Max(x - width, 0); cx <= Mathf.Min(x + width, texture.width - 1); cx++)
                                a = Mathf.Max(c[cx + cy * texture.width].a, a);

                        if (a > 0.1) {
                            nc[x + y * texture.width] =;
                            goto skip;
                    if (cc.a > 0) {
                        cc = cc.Alpha(1.0f);
                    nc[x + y * texture.width] = cc;

            texture.SetPixels(nc, 0);
            return texture;
Пример #6
 public static DateTime Equal(this IShould<DateTime> should, DateTime expected, DatePrecision precision)
     return should.Apply(
         (t, a) => a.AreEqual(expected, t, precision),
         (t, a) => a.AreNotEqual(expected, t, precision)
Пример #7
 public static void OwnershipToTable(this IDDLRunner runner, StoreOptions options, TableName table)
     if (options.OwnerName.IsNotEmpty())
         runner.Apply(table, $"ALTER TABLE {table.QualifiedName} OWNER TO {options.OwnerName};");
Пример #8
 public static double Equal(this IShould<double> should, double expected, double tolerance)
     return should.Apply(
         (t, a) => a.AreEqual(expected, t, tolerance),
         (t, a) => a.AreNotEqual(expected, t, tolerance)
 /// <summary>
 /// Floods this Texture2D with given color (EXPENSIVE OPERATION!)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="texture"></param>
 /// <param name="color"></param>
 public static void Fill(this Texture2D texture, Color color)
     int width = texture.width;
     int height = texture.height;
     Color[] colors = Enumerable.Repeat(color, width * height).ToArray();
     texture.SetPixels(0, 0, width, height, colors);
Пример #10
        public static IDictionary<string, string> Values(this IVaryBy varyBy)
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();


            return dictionary;
Пример #11
 public static void Fill(this Texture2D tex, Color aColor)
     Color[] pixels = tex.GetPixels(0);
     for (int i=0; i<pixels.Length; i++) {
         pixels[i] = aColor;
     tex.SetPixels(pixels, 0);
     tex.Apply(tex.mipmapCount > 1, false);
Пример #12
 public static void ConvertLightmapToMobile(this Texture2D lTexture)
     Color[] lColorData = lTexture.GetPixels();
     for (int lCount = 0; lCount < lColorData.Length; ++lCount)
         lColorData[lCount] = (lColorData[lCount] * (8f * lColorData[lCount].a)) * 0.5f;
     lColorData = null;
Пример #13
 public static string Contain(this IShould<string> should, string expectedSubstring)
     return should.Apply(
         (t, a) => a.IsSubstringOf(t, expectedSubstring),
         (t, a) =>
             if (t.Contains(expectedSubstring))
                 a.Fail("Expected string '{0}' to not contain '{1}', but it did.", t, expectedSubstring);
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Set to 0 all alpha values below a threshold.
        /// Warning: this operation applies the modifications directly to the texture/asset,
        /// so don't use it on your original art.
        /// If in doubt,
        /// use <see cref="Texture2DExtensions.ClearedAlpha"/> to create a new alpha cleared texture.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tex"></param>
        /// <param name="threshold">Alpha value below which alpha is set to 0.</param>
        public static void ClearAlpha(this Texture2D tex, float threshold = .05f)
            var pixels = tex.GetPixels();

            for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; ++i) {
                if (pixels[i].a < threshold) {
                    pixels[i].a = 0;

            tex.SetPixels( pixels );
Пример #15
 public static void CopyFrom(this Texture2D tex, Texture2D fromTex, int toX, int toY, int fromX, int fromY, int width, int height)
     int fullWidth = tex.width;
     Color[] pixels = tex.GetPixels(0);
     Color[] fromPixels = fromTex.GetPixels(fromX, fromY, width, height, 0);
     for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
         for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
             pixels[((y + toY) * fullWidth) + x + toX] = fromPixels[(y * width) + x];
     tex.Apply((tex.mipmapCount > 1), false);
 public static IReadOnlyResult ApplySql(this IConnection conn, Command sql, params object[] parameters)
   if (parameters != null)
     for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
       sql.WithParam(i.ToString(), parameters[i]);
   if (!sql.Aml.TrimStart().StartsWith("<"))
     sql.Aml = "<sql>" + sql.Aml + "</sql>";
   return conn.Apply(sql.WithAction(CommandAction.ApplySQL));
Пример #17
 public static string EndWith(this IShould<string> should, string expectedSubstring)
     return should.Apply(
         (t, a) =>
             if (!t.EndsWith(expectedSubstring))
                 a.Fail("Expected string '{0}' to end with '{1}', but it did not.", t, expectedSubstring);
         (t, a) =>
             if (t.EndsWith(expectedSubstring))
                 a.Fail("Expected string '{0}' to not end with '{1}', but it did.", t, expectedSubstring);
Пример #18
 internal static BitMatrix GetLowestPenaltyMatrix(this TriStateMatrix matrix, ErrorCorrectionLevel errorlevel)
     PatternFactory patternFactory = new PatternFactory();
     int score = int.MaxValue;
     int tempScore;
     TriStateMatrix result = new TriStateMatrix(matrix.Width);
     TriStateMatrix triMatrix;
     foreach(Pattern pattern in patternFactory.AllPatterns())
     	triMatrix = matrix.Apply(pattern, errorlevel);
     	tempScore = triMatrix.PenaltyScore();
     	if(tempScore < score)
     		score = tempScore;
     		result = triMatrix;
     return result;
 public static void perlinNoise( this Texture2D texture,int seed)
     Color [] pix=new Color[texture.width*texture.height];
     int y = 0;
     int xOrg=0;
     int yOrg=0;
     int scale=1;
     while (y < texture.height) {
         int x = 0;
         while (x < texture.width) {
             float xCoord = seed + (float)x / texture.width * scale;
             float yCoord = seed + (float)y / texture.height * scale;
             float sample =Mathf.Lerp( 0.46f,0.54f, Mathf.PerlinNoise(xCoord, yCoord));
             pix[y * texture.width + x] = new Color(sample, sample, sample);
Пример #20
    public static void UpdateWithMat(this Texture2D texture, Mat image)
        int channels = image.NumberOfChannels;
        byte[] pixels = image.GetData(new int[]{});
        int pixelCount = pixels.Length / channels;

        Color[] textureColors = new Color[pixelCount];

        Parallel.For(0, pixelCount,  i =>
            int pixelIndex = i * channels;
            Color col;

            byte bb = pixels[pixelIndex];
            float b = (float)bb / 255.0f;

            if(channels == 1)
                col = new Color(b,b,b);
            else if(channels == 3)
                byte gb = pixels[pixelIndex+1];
                float g = (float)gb / 255.0f;

                byte rb = pixels[pixelIndex+2];
                float r = (float)rb / 255.0f;

                col = new Color(r,g,b);
            else col = Color.magenta;

            textureColors[i] = col;

        public static void UseSkillNow(this World world, CombatantModel source, Schema.EnumSkillRow skill, EntityModel target)
            if (source.MobileState == EnumMobileState.Dead || source.MobileState == EnumMobileState.Incapacitated)
                world.LogMessage(source, "Unable to use " + skill.EnumSkillName + " while " + source.MobileState);

            /* TODO: skill specific states
            if ( skill.EnumMobileState > caster.MobileState ) {
                caster.SendLog( "Not while " + caster.MobileState.Name );

            if ((source.Position - target.Position).Length > skill.Range)
                world.LogMessage(source, target.Name + " is out of range");

            if (skill.EnergyCost > source.Energy)
                world.LogMessage(source, "Not enough energy to use " + skill.EnumSkillName + ", requires " + skill.EnergyCost);
            // deduct energy regardless
            // TODO: can remove the explicit cast here by using generics
            source = (CombatantModel)source.WithEnergyChange(-skill.EnergyCost);

            bool succeeds = source.Succeeds(skill);

            bool hits = source.Hits(target, skill);

            bool avoids = target.Avoids(source, skill);

            // successful casting affects affinity with the elements
            if (succeeds && hits && !avoids)
                // TODO: can remove the explicit cast here by using generics
                source = (CombatantModel)source.WithAffinityChange(
                    skill.AirAffinity / 1000f,
                    skill.EarthAffinity / 1000f,
                    skill.FireAffinity / 1000f,
                    skill.LifeAffinity / 1000f,
                    skill.WaterAffinity / 1000f);

                // TODO: just get the damage number instead??

                switch ((EnumActivationType)skill.EnumActivationTypeID)
                    case EnumActivationType.AttackSpell:
                        target = target.MagicallyDamagedBy(source, skill);
                    case EnumActivationType.Enchantment:
                        target = target.EnchantedBy(source, skill);
                    case EnumActivationType.Glamour:
                        source.Activates(skill, target);
                    case EnumActivationType.HealingSpell:
                        target = target.HealedBy(source, skill);
                    case EnumActivationType.Skill:
                        target = target.DamagedBy(source, skill);
                        target = target.AffectedBy(source, skill);
                        source.Activates(skill, target);
                    case EnumActivationType.Sorcery:
                        world.LogMessage(source, "That skill does not work yet, contact admin.");
                        Log.Error("Unhandled activation type " + (EnumActivationType)skill.EnumActivationTypeID + " for skill " + skill.EnumSkillName);

            source = source.FinishSkill();
            string description = avoids ? "Avoided" : !hits ? "Missed" : !succeeds ? "Failed" : "Success";
            world.Apply(new SkillEvent(source, (EnumSkill)skill.EnumSkillID, target, succeeds, hits, avoids, description));
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a <see cref="GenericImage{T}"/> on to a <see cref="Texture2D"/> texture.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="texture">A reference to a <see cref="Texture2D"/> type.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceImage">A reference to the <see cref="GenericImage{T}"/> that will be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="x">The x position where the <see cref="sourceImage"/> will be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The y position where the <see cref="sourceImage"/> will be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceX">The source x position within <see cref="sourceImage"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceY">The source y position within <see cref="sourceImage"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceWidth">The source width within the <see cref="sourceImage"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceHeight">The source height within the <see cref="sourceImage"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="flipHorizontally">If true will flip the <see cref="sourceImage"/> horizontally before drawing.</param>
        /// <param name="flipVertically">If true will flip the <see cref="sourceImage"/> vertically before drawing.</param>
        public static void Draw(this Texture2D texture, GenericImage<Color> sourceImage, int x, int y, int sourceX, int sourceY, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, bool flipHorizontally, bool flipVertically)
            var textureRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height);
            var sourceRectangle = new Rect(x, y, sourceWidth, sourceHeight);
            var intersect = textureRectangle.Intersect(sourceRectangle);

            if (!intersect.Intersects(new Rect(0, 0, sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height)))

            var tempImage = new GenericImage<Color>((int)intersect.width, (int)intersect.height);
            tempImage.Draw(sourceImage, 0, 0, sourceX, sourceY, tempImage.Width, tempImage.Height, (source, blendWith) => blendWith);

            if (flipHorizontally)

            if (flipVertically)

            var colors = tempImage.ToUnityColorArray();
            texture.SetPixels(x, y, (int)intersect.width, (int)intersect.height, colors);
Пример #23
 public static IJsValue Apply(this IJsFunction function, IJsValue @this, params IJsValue[] arguments)
     return function.Apply(@this, (IList<IJsValue>)arguments);
Пример #24
 public static IJsValue Apply(this IJsFunction function, IJsValue @this, IEnumerable<IJsValue> arguments)
     return function.Apply(@this, arguments.ToList());
        public static void ProcessCancelSkill(this World world, ClientConnection client, CancelSkill message)
            var avatar = client.Avatar as CombatantModel;
            if (avatar == null)
                client.LogMessage("Canceled a skill invocation, but don't have an avatar.");

            // If already performing invocation, just cancel it
            bool found = false;
            if (avatar.ActivatingSkill != EnumSkill.None)
            // TODO:
            //&& avatar.ActivatingSkill.InvokationId == message.InvokationId)
                world.Apply(new EntityUpdateEvent(avatar.StartSkill(EnumSkill.None, null, Global.Now, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0)),
                    "Started using skill"));
                found = true;
                // TODO: search for it in queued skill invocations
                // just generate a new queue with the invocation missing
                var newQueue = new Queue<UseSkill>();
                foreach (UseSkill m in avatar.SkillQueue)
                    if (m.InvokationId == message.InvokationId)
                        // don't add it
                        found = true;
                avatar.SkillQueue = newQueue;
            if (found)
                client.LogMessage("Successfully canceled invocation " + message.InvokationId);
                client.LogMessage("Failed to cancel invocation " + message.InvokationId);
		static void ApplyPMA (this Texture2D texture, bool applyImmediately = true) {
			var pixels = texture.GetPixels();
			for (int i = 0, n = pixels.Length; i < n; i++) {
				Color p = pixels[i];
				float a = p.a;
				p.r = p.r * a;
				p.g = p.g * a;
				p.b = p.b * a;
				pixels[i] = p;
			if (applyImmediately)
Пример #27
        public static void RemoveColumn(this IDDLRunner runner, object subject, TableName table, string columnName)
            var sql = $"alter table if exists {table.QualifiedName} drop column if exists {columnName};";

            runner.Apply(subject, sql);
Пример #28
 public static RawExpression Apply(this RawExpression e, string name, double value)
     return e.Apply(new Dictionary<string, double> { { name, value } });
Пример #29
 public static void Drop(this IDDLRunner runner, object subject, TableName table)
     var sql = $"drop table if exists {table.QualifiedName} cascade;";
     runner.Apply(subject, sql);
Пример #30
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lTexture2D"></param>
        /// <param name="lData"></param>
        /// <param name="lError"></param>
        public static unsafe void LoadWebP(this Texture2D lTexture2D, byte[] lData, out Error lError, ScalingFunction scalingFunction = null)
            lError = 0;
            bool lMipmaps = lTexture2D.mipmapCount != 1;

            int lWidth = 0, lHeight = 0;

            GetWebPDimensions(lData, out lWidth, out lHeight);

            byte[] lRawData = LoadRGBAFromWebP(lData, ref lWidth, ref lHeight, lMipmaps, out lError, scalingFunction);

            if (lError == Error.Success)
                lTexture2D.Apply(lMipmaps, true);